View Full Version : Manu!!!!!!!

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-04-2004, 12:51 AM
He will be an all-star THIS YEAR.

I'm calling my shot (err, his shot).

11-04-2004, 01:09 AM
Not sure about him being an all-star due to popular vote going for Kobe & Tmac, but he's my first (totally biased) choice, nevertheless:)

Manu's stats are amazing tonight! I was doing some comparison yesterday on the (number of points scored)/(number of shots attempted) and found out it's around 1.3 for Kobe, 1.25 for Manu & Ray Allen last year. Manu was also 1.3 in his rookie year,

But tonight Manu was 7-12 from the floor. That is pretty good by itself, already, but amazingly, he scored 24 points, which gives you a ratio of 2.0!! What is even more surprising is that he did it in only 28 mins!

If he brings that every night, this year will be a memorable one... and we won't even need parker to improve by that much...

Nikos: Heheh... what you saying about Manu deferring too much in the other thread? :smokin


11-04-2004, 01:09 AM

11-04-2004, 01:10 AM
Yeah, it will be tough for him to get in, but I agree, dude should be in the mix for a bid.

11-04-2004, 01:11 AM
Nikos: Heheh... what you saying about Manu deferring too much in the other thread?

Those were HIS WORDS. I read an interview saying he accepted being the third option and would keep doing the things he has been doing for SA.

As long as he scores a bit more consistently this season, and cuts down his turnovers that would be great. It's up to him to improve.

BTW, hello Quasar :)

T Park
11-04-2004, 01:12 AM
coach's bid should be attainable.

Kobe and T Mac will with the popular vote, but Ginobili should come off the bench in Denver!! :cool

11-04-2004, 01:16 AM
Legit chance to be our 2nd highest scorer this season. All-star? Perhaps - a lot depends on injuries and such.

11-04-2004, 01:17 AM
Gino was crazy tonight! He did his little "I'm gonna juke everyone and go to the basket in some crazy style and put it in for 2" thing all night long! He was just simply Manu...you can't say it any better lol.

Question...maybe Kori knows or someone else...but at the end of the first quarter the last play...I noticed when the Spurs were taking it downcourt that the shotclock had more time on it than the game clock did...I thought it odd that they would have it on in that situation. Then Manu makes the buzzer shot and it LOOKED good to me but I was in the 200 section so maybe they replayed it more on TV...but anyway...WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT? Was it supposed to be counted?

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-04-2004, 01:19 AM
As more and more people see him play this year, he will get more votes from the fans.

I don't know if he can get enough from the fans, but he will be a selection by the coaches this year.

I know I'm going out on a limb, but it's silver and black, and grown in Argentina :)

11-04-2004, 01:36 AM
HOLY SMOKES. Ginobili is averaging 24 points a game.

11-04-2004, 01:51 AM
BTW, hello Quasar :)

Hey Nikos :) Actually I read the forums all day long (work days, that is :rolleyes ) but I don't post very often. Manu is my hero :D

Back to the topic... I'm sure that if more marketing were done, a player like manu would attract loads and loads of bandwagoners to the spurs... Not that we want them, but I'm pretty sure that the spurs want their money :)

These guys could make all the difference in popular voting, along with the backing of the Argentinians (*hint hint*)...

Manu is a much more exciting player compared to TMac... TMac just scores, shoots, and whines a lot, whereas Manu has balls, makes amazing plays, and is clutch!

11-04-2004, 02:03 AM
I must agree with adidas, WORD!

11-04-2004, 02:05 AM
Word X 1 Billion!!!!!!!!!!

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-04-2004, 02:15 AM

There was 24.4 on the game clock, 24 second shot clock. Shot shouldn't have counted.

11-04-2004, 06:37 AM
This was on TV AHF? Because at the game I could've sworn there was more time on the SC than there was on the GC...or maybe it was just the excitement playing tricks on my eyes...lol.

Notorious H.O.P.
11-04-2004, 10:20 AM
The shot looked good on the replay. It cleared manu's hand in the gap between 0.1-0.2 secs. To Manu's credit, he was upset but let it go quickly and went to work in the second quarter. Maybe he used it as motivation to put more points on the board. But Manu was looking great all game, making the types of hustle plays that his is famous for and definitely driving the lane with reckless abandon. If Pop can keep his minutes in the 28-30 range, I can see Manu playing with this type of energy throughout the season. Any more and Manu might begin to wear down late in games and in the season.

Another thing I noticed about Manu is that he didn't try to force too many passes today. Although he looked like his usual out-of-control self, he seemed be making better decisions on the court and this will go a long way towards keeping him out of Pop's doghouse and increasing his chances for an All-Star bid. Great game Manu, keep it up.

11-04-2004, 10:27 AM

There was 24.4 on the game clock, 24 second shot clock. Shot shouldn't have counted.

Correct on the time, incorrect on the shot. TV replays showed conclusively the shot was out of his hand in time.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-04-2004, 02:41 PM
See the thing on the shot is that the shot clock was at zero already before Manu got it off, but he did get it off before the red light in the square on the basket went off.

I thought that meant the shot should count, apparently the ref disagreed.

11-04-2004, 02:47 PM
the red lights are for the end of the quarter, not the shot clock. The clock was at zero judging solely on jumbo tron replays

11-04-2004, 03:38 PM
On another note did anybody see the new commercial that he did for Time Warner? :lol

11-04-2004, 04:24 PM
the red lights are for the end of the quarter, not the shot clock. The clock was at zero judging solely on jumbo tron replays

This is absolutely what happened there. The red light on the backboard only comes on for the end of quarter when the big buzzer goes off. The shot clock has a smaller buzzer that goes off when the shot clock hits 0 (no tenths on the shot clock).

So when people are looking at the replay and comparing the shot to the tenths left on the clock... that's the wrong clock. The shot clock was already at 0 before the ball left Manu's hand.

11-04-2004, 04:27 PM
"I am a Time Warner customer, Are YOU!?"

Manubili is the man, and every Spurs fan worth their weight knows this already. In my mind, he is the best 2 in the League that isn't named Kobe Bryant. He's tenacious on both ends of the floor, has great range and a hell of a stroke, and has the heart of a champion (with an olympic gold to back it up.) I believe that, given the confidence he gained in Athens and his desire to succeed as a starter, 04-05 will be his breakout season. He will be the second scorer behind Timmy D, and he will get his first considerations for All-Star Honors this year.

And if he doesn't make it, I will personally go and slap the voting committee myself. :angel

As far as the shot last night was concerned, it shouldn't have counted. Saw the replay many times on TV last night, and AHF has the facts straight. Although Manu DID get the shot away with about .2 seconds left, he also did so a fraction of a second after the shot clock buzzer has sounded. Thus, the shot was immaterial, .4 seconds was put back on the clock, and possession returned to the Kings. (By the way, why did they have to put POINT-FOUR back on the clock? That number should be banned from the SBC)

Not that the two points mattered much anyways. Gotta love watching a romping on our first night of action. Can't wait for Friday night.

PS...no0bie here. Just stumbled upon the board and am thrilled to actually have some other Spurs hardcore fans to converse with finally.

11-04-2004, 04:44 PM
Manu is going to do some great things this year. He is coming off of an incredible summer both on and off the court. His confidence was high as it is....right now it is at some astronomical heights.

Welcome to the boards DEX....BTW, how did you come across these boards?

11-04-2004, 05:25 PM
I was directed to the boards after reading that article written by AHF about TP's contract extension on WOAIs SpursZone. Great read btw, Aggie! Really got me fired up when I read it.

After hovering around for a few days and reading about all of Tony's hype, I figured you all seemed nice enough (much more so than most of the other forums I've frequented, now that I think about it). So I decided I would hop on the wagon and join the foray, considering I usually have plenty to say when it comes to the Boys in Silver and Black.

Thanks for the welcome. Hope you all don't get sick of me too fast :angel

11-04-2004, 05:28 PM
It's awesome to see Manu get off to such a hot start. His shooting was off in the preseason and last year, he struggled early in the year with his shot. If he can continue to knock down the jumpers and attack the basket, it's going to be a great year.


Welcome, Dex. See you at the party:smokin

11-04-2004, 05:31 PM
And if he doesn't make it, I will personally go and slap the voting committee myself.

Well, I know I like you already. :lol