View Full Version : Okay, Let's Get a "Consensus" of Opinion

12-07-2006, 04:03 PM
Okay we have all the dimm-0-craps and the Iraqi Surrender Group, ooops,
Iraqi Study Group claiming a consensus of opinion on Iraq.

Now most of us have been on this forum for some time and we have
exchanged "ideas" time after time on many issues dealing with Iraq.

Now most in opposition to me have agreed that it would be a good idea
to talk to Iran, Syria and sundry other folks over there to elicit their
support in solving the Iraq war problem.

I now propose that we hold our own summit and come to a consensus
opinion on how to solve the problem. It shouldn't be problem since some
of you agree that it is possible for all involved in the ME can do the same.

All in favor say "aye".

12-07-2006, 04:06 PM
Good idea, but first, take out your dentures and blow me!

12-07-2006, 04:06 PM
"Consensus Opinion on Iraq on this board" = oxymoron

12-07-2006, 04:06 PM
Good idea, but first, take out your dentures and blow me!

Now THAT'S a good start to this discussion.

12-07-2006, 04:26 PM
I think we all easily agree not to shoot each other while we disagree with each other.

There you go, summit's done.

12-07-2006, 04:30 PM
Good idea, but first, take out your dentures and blow me!

Son, if I blew on you, not in the manner you refer to, but just plain
blew, you would be gone with the wind. You are definitely a light
weight as proven by the above quoted post.

12-07-2006, 04:34 PM
There is a hornets' nest here.

Half the board wants to stay far away from it.

Half the board wants to go right up to it and incinerate it.

We get together and reach a compromise and decide to sit close to the hornets' nest and poke it with a small stick.

Consensus, baby.

George Gervin's Afro
12-07-2006, 04:47 PM
My point on talking to Iran is simple. Sit down with the Iranian guy and look him in the eye. Tell him that is in his country's best interest to stabilize Iraq. A leader-less state on his border could be very bad for him and his country. Tell him that he does not want war with the USA because if that is what he wants he will get it. He will forever regret wanting to pick a fight with the USA. Tell Syria the same thing. Tell all parties that the rules have changed since 9/11 and that we will defend ourselves and the Iraqi people. Further more we explain bluntly to the people of these countries what could happen if their leaders continue to cause trouble. We make it very clear we don't want war..but if they want war they will get it. Tell them they will not survive a war with the United States because once we have garnered undeniable support from our people we will finish you off. Make no mistake that you are willing to work with them but on a very short leash. Tell the you respect them but you won't hesitate to eliminate them.You shake their hands and leave the room.

You see Ray when the people of the United States see that we have given all parties the opportunity to work things out without rushing to war they will back whomever is in the White House. I know you and your ilk like to say people have forgotten 9/11 and that is why they don't support the Iraq experiment. What you fail to understand is that people have not forgotten they just don't connect Iraq with anything related to the 9/11 attack. I want to try and work this out without war but war must remain an option. The problem with the neocons is that they don't want to bother with talking to the regional parties because of their rhetoric. I say grow up and set the table. I bet we could even find a few more allies if we don't seem like a bunch of wild cowboys looking for a fight..

12-07-2006, 05:00 PM
Right, I have no idea why we can even give the pretense of wanting to negotiate even if we think it will be fruitless. We got all kinds of work done with the Soviets while they had thousands of nukes aimed at our cities. We talked to the North Vietnamese for four years while bombing them back to the stone age. Probably the best thing Bushie can do to salvage his presidency would be to take a page out of Nixon's book and try to open a dialogue with Iran. At worst, nothing comes of it and we're back to where we are now.

12-07-2006, 05:13 PM
I was just kidding Ray. You couldn't tell that?

So we won't talk to Iran because of the nuke thing. Nothing has happened regarding that, so they hold all the cards. Why would they want to alter their already successful endeavors? All we're doing now is pouting on the nuke front. Pakistan has nukes, so does India. Why draw the line on nukes? What's the big deal? We've lost that argument already. Iran already has proxy powers in Iraq. Why not come to some agreement that is beneficial to both. Stopping the violence should be the target. They hold all the cards. Maliki is nothing to Iraqi citizens. The people will decide, but our presence won't let them.

12-07-2006, 08:02 PM
There is a hornets' nest here.

Half the board wants to stay far away from it.

Half the board wants to go right up to it and incinerate it.

We get together and reach a compromise and decide to sit close to the hornets' nest and poke it with a small stick.

Consensus, baby.
So you listen to NPR too...

12-07-2006, 09:58 PM
It doesn't matter what "concensus" we do or don't reach on this board as long as Bush's idea of diplomacy remains as depicted below:


12-07-2006, 10:15 PM
So you listen to NPR too...Yeah, I love quoting neocons.

Guru of Nothing
12-07-2006, 11:34 PM
I now propose that we hold our own summit and come to a consensus opinion on how to solve the problem.

I think free viagra would solve the problem.