View Full Version : Reason #13231464 To Be Glad DEMOs Won in 06

12-08-2006, 01:46 AM
Man, speaking of denial...

Senator gives global warming alarm a final cold shoulder GOP's Inhofe, chairing his last committee hearing, says media has been alarmist
zachary Coile, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Thursday, December 7, 2006

12-07) 04:00 PST Washington -- Sen. James Inhofe, in his last hearing as chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, blamed Hollywood and the news media Wednesday for "hyping" the view that humans are causing global warming.

"It's unfortunate that so many are focused on alarmism rather than a responsible path forward on this issue," the Oklahoma Republican said.

:sleep (what? like denial?)

California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who will take the committee gavel from Inhofe in January, shook her head and said it was sad that one of the last days of the 109th Congress was spent criticizing media coverage of climate change instead of working on legislation to curb greenhouse gases.

"In a free society in what is the greatest democracy in the world, I don't believe it's proper to put pressure on the media to please a particular Senate committee's view," Boxer said.

SF GATE (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/12/07/MNGG2MR35T1.DTL&type=politics)

. Inhofe gave the names of reporters he objected to.

Afterwards, on NPR's "Morning Edition," Inhofe rattled off a list of names of reporters who had reported on him. Talk about sour grapes.

12-08-2006, 01:55 AM
Inhofe shouldn't stop with global warming, the Flat Earth Society (http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm) (no it's not a joke) has been fighting the media's refusal to include their "scientific views" in a "balanced debate" regarding the shape of planet Earth; they could use his advocacy in their intellectual battle against the evil media, with their cabal of so called "mainstream scientists" with their fancy-shmancy diplomas and accreditation.

12-08-2006, 03:27 AM
Shouldn't you guys be out picking up fellow lib RuffandReadyOzz, after his 3,400,000 consumed gallons of earth waming petrol trip, from the airport?

Be sure to take separate cars...that way you can spread the message to more people.