View Full Version : Sam I Am

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-05-2004, 01:07 AM
What a punk ass little b!tch.


11-05-2004, 01:15 AM
Kmart is a bitch too. Dude is stupid.

11-05-2004, 01:38 AM
I am not a big sota fan at all, but the refs are jobbing these mofos left and right.

T Park
11-05-2004, 01:52 AM
Garnett, Sprewell, and Cassell make for the three biggest punks Ive ever seen.


Hudson and Sprewell, loose the goddamn handlebars for christ sakes.

Rick Von Braun
11-05-2004, 05:50 AM
What an ugly game... aghh...

Cassell didn't deserve the first technical. KMart tried to give the teammates some sense of unity and toughness that the Nuggets deperately need it when he pushed Cassell. Not the best thing to do to tell you the truth, but KMart was useless out there, so at least he backed up a teammate.

KG is a great player, but he is a classless biotch! I really don't stand the guy. I don't deny his basketball prowess (his 2 blocks against Melo and Miller were sick), but thanks God we have Duncan in our team.

After watching 2 entire games, I have to say that Denver is a tad overrated. I know it is just 2 games, and they have several guys with injury, but the pieces don't seem to fall together correctly. Carmelo is ready to become the next Iverson. Damn, if your shot is not falling, please stop shooting. Stop the clanking jumpers and try to be more aggresive and drive to the hop. At least he was aggresive with the boards.

KMart is overrated. Other than dunking the ball, he can't do anything else. This guy will miss Jason Kidd a lot. What else is news?!

I'll reserve judgement but I think Minnesota is not clicking as a team yet. They lost a game that should have won, Denver shot like 0.0005% FG, but got 348,987 rebounds. KG and Wally were the only ones playing well out there, and Wally took very few shots, and played limited minutes. May be it was the thin air in Denver, but Minnesota frontcourt players don't box out.

11-05-2004, 05:53 AM
KG got smacked in the face hard by Camby I think, was something I was having a laugh on.

Kori Ellis
11-05-2004, 05:59 AM
It wasn't Camby, it was Elson -- who called him gay last season.

Before the game, Garnett downplayed facing Elson, even though Elson questioned Garnett's sexuality last season. In the third quarter, Garnett went to the basket strong, and Elson blocked his shot, but his follow through hit Garnett in the face, knocking him to the ground. Garnett hopped up and took a couple of steps toward Elson before teammates intervened.

Elson was assessed a technical on the play. Garnett made only one of three free throws and the Nuggets used that play to motivate them as they scored the last five points of the quarter to take a 67-66 lead heading into the fourth quarter.

Garnett's and Elson's battle carried over to the fourth quarter when Elson was called for goaltending on a shot by Hassell. After the play, Garnett walked over to Elson and started trash talking. Elson used his head to push Garnett away. The two were given technicals. Elson was automatically ejected because it was his second of the game.

11-05-2004, 07:09 AM
I have to say that I like Elson after hearing he ran homosmack at KG. I don't really care if KG is gay or not, but homosmack is the purest form of smack and I gain a tremendous amount of respect for anyone that runs it at a deserving individual like KG.

11-05-2004, 08:42 AM
I have to say that I like Elson after hearing he ran homosmack at KG. I don't really care if KG is gay or not, but homosmack is the purest form of smack and I gain a tremendous amount of respect for anyone that runs it at a deserving individual like KG.
homosmack :lol

11-05-2004, 09:43 AM

"not that theres anything wrong with that" :lol

11-05-2004, 09:57 AM
I wish I could claim credit for inventing that word but some guys at the old Jim Rome boards invented it. Anyway, questioning another man's manhood is an essential part of mature sports competition and I hope it is gaining popularity in the NBA. KG is a jerk and needs to get smacked like that.

11-05-2004, 10:00 AM
denver is going to take time to gel
also no teams will overlook denver this year

beating the wolves was impressive though

11-05-2004, 10:05 AM

:lmao :lmao

11-05-2004, 10:06 AM
That's the missing smack link.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-05-2004, 01:23 PM
Homosmack, LOL!

I'm not the biggest Martin fan, but it was cool he stuck up for his teammate. Hell it got Cassell tossed, so I'd say he did a lot for his team on that one.

Yeah Elson clocked KG, I loved it.

11-05-2004, 02:00 PM
Definitely a ho0t to watch. Cassell may be a great player, but he is still just a little bitch. He looked like such a punk, the way he chased down the ball and threw it at KMart. Talk about elementary. If you're going to get booted for throwing something, at least make it a fist, man. :lmao

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-05-2004, 02:49 PM
Sam strikes me as a Gary Payton clone. As his skills/speed deteriorate and more of the quick young guards start punking him, he's gonna start taking cheap shots because that's all he's got.

infinite styles
11-05-2004, 03:20 PM
I was crackin up when I saw Cassell get the boot. Its funny cause you never saw him do that shit with andre miller but he sure di have the guts to pick on lil Earl. And I'm sorry but I'm getting tired of hearing how Garnett is such a leader to that team. he is a great talent, i won't knock him for that, but damn just play ball and stop tryin to turn to WWE. I don't know if anyone else caught this but in the 4th qtr he made a good play and Denver called a time out. On the way back to the bench Garnett started starring down some fans and said "Fuck You!!, Fuckin Faggots!!' Now what kinda shit is that?!!!! I don't know if I've just been spoiled by the character of my beloved Spurs, but thats some ol BS right there. But then again according to everyone Garnett is more mature these days and such a "leader." If thats the case than I'm afraid to really find out what he was like before.

Oh yeah Flip almost got bumrushed by a Denver fan when he was walking off the court at the end of the game. :drunk Wild times at Mile High!

11-06-2004, 11:06 PM
Boykins would probably destroy Sam or most pgs in a fight, dude benches like 350. He's fiesteir than Andre so don't bring that weak take. Wally was odd one out that game, it seemed obvious to me. theres a reason they had all those rebounds and penetration. When it was getting close i kept hoping Carmelo would be the goto guy, its laughable watching Hassell guard him, shooting fadeway bricks everytime. He NEVER tries to drive. Remember, Spre still says he's about 80%, Troy is still recovering and Griffen comes back tues.

The still can't rebound worth shit, that's why they lost that game.

infinite styles
11-06-2004, 11:34 PM
Boykins would probably destroy Sam or most pgs in a fight, dude benches like 350. He's fiesteir than Andre so don't bring that weak take.

First of all you didn't know that fact until the commentator mentioned it. Second I'm pretty sure Sam the Alien ain't know that either. He just saw a 5'5" dude just blow past him and he ain't like it. Either way you slice he was tryin to be a punk and he wouldn't do it against a bigger player unless the team goon (Garnett) was right next to him. You probably right that boykins would have destroyed Cassell but Cassell ain't lookin at what he benches all he see's is the shortest player in the league with a timid voice. Thats the point I was gettin across so don't bring that weak reply you just posted.

Thanks for comin out, God Bless You, good night!

11-07-2004, 07:57 AM
They were talking all about it last year so lick my ass. You think the commentators know more than the players know about each other? Please. Anyone that's played streetball knows ALOT about each other, why would you think its different with NBA players? Its laughable for you to act like Sam's clueless about Earl, they DID play a heated playoff series last year.

Watch some basketball and learn before you tell ME what i know or don't know.

11-07-2004, 08:04 AM
What the heck happened exactly? Sounds like Sat night at the fights. :smokin

Both teams have lots of thugs glad to see the Wolves lose anytime.

infinite styles
11-07-2004, 05:13 PM
Listen hear Sick D.ick S.uckin M.idget no I don't think that the commentators know more about the players than the actual players do and how the fuck did this become a streetball topic. If you was really bout streetball than you would know that a bench press don't mean shit when it come to a dudes boxin game. Looks to me if you do play streetball when fights break out you do more runnin then boxin. Anyways back to the real topic, as I stated in my first post Cassell a bitch cause he gone pick on a 5'5" pg nothing more to it. So stop tellin people to lick your ass cause if your boyfriend found out he would get upset, and go watch the Minnesota Thugs find a way to break up a good thing with petty contract disputes and trade demands. And another thing maybe instead of just watchin basketball you should probably learn a little bit while you at it.

Thanks for comin out, God Bless you, Good night!!! :fro