View Full Version : Bloodless Coup?

12-12-2006, 04:21 PM
First you take the money, then you take the power...

Have Americans just witnessed the first bloodless coup in our history? Has The Establishment and those aging human remnants of The Trilateral Commision simply taken the keys away from Bush 43?

--- snip of details ---

If Bush and Cheney don't have the authority to manage Foreign Policy and to direct the Defense Department, they no longer control the government they were elected to serve.

Now, with a Democratic majority in Congress, control of domestic policy is not in the White House. It has moved to Capitol Hill, where funding will be decided for priorities in the Bush will have little or no control over domestic spending for the next two years. So now, Bush 43 has no control over the domestic budget and little or no control over State and Defense. Sure looks like a bloodless coup to us.

What's next? Just a little advice to Dick Cheney: Watch your back because we keep hearing that Senator McCain could be convinced to step in ... as Vice President.

Hinessight (http://www.hinessight.com/bloodlesscoup.html)

McCain stepping in to complete Cheney's term is not beyond reason, and it would make the war hawks salivate at the thought that McCain would have a huge leg up over other GOP candidates.

A nuclear Iran poses an “unacceptable risk” and may have to be confronted militarily, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said.

Guru of Nothing
12-12-2006, 08:26 PM
nevermind .... I thought this had something to do with extra-marital sex.