View Full Version : Searchbots?

12-13-2006, 03:44 PM
Need some help here. It is getting extremely busy with work and MBA studies, and I simply don't have the time to hit all the net sources for the news. Considering the plethora of articles posted here, do you guys run some sort of search/troll programs or go to specific dump sites that cater to your personal slant... er, viewpoint?

12-13-2006, 03:47 PM
Need some help here. It is getting extremely busy with work and MBA studies, and I simply don't have the time to hit all the net sources for the news. Considering the plethora of articles posted here, do you guys run some sort of search/troll programs or go to specific dump sites that cater to your personal slant... er, viewpoint?
The Drudgereport is a good jumping off point for finding topical and current debate material.

You'd have to ask Nbadan, Chumpy, and the others where they find their left-wing nuttery but, as for me, I read approximately 5 blogs on a consistent basis; many of which are discussing the most current topics.

12-13-2006, 03:49 PM
I don't read blogs as a matter of course. I don't need to be told what to think like Yoni.

12-13-2006, 03:51 PM
I didn't know Rush Limbaugh wrote 5 separate blogs?

12-13-2006, 03:55 PM
The Drudgereport is a good jumping off point for finding topical and current debate material.

You'd have to ask Nbadan, Chumpy, and the others where they find their left-wing nuttery but, as for me, I read approximately 5 blogs on a consistent basis; many of which are discussing the most current topics.

I hit drudge and peruse the subject matter of the day, and I read coulter's articles. While I have no desire to subject myself to some of the extreme left material that gets posted here, I would like to find some centrist sites that actually report the news and are not op-ed pieces with a few facts thrown in for the sake of validity.

And yes, I know that drudge is not centrist, but I am not either. That does not mean that I am not wanting a viewpoint on a situation that does not readily agree with my own. Iron sharpens iron. I just don't think I need to go to the opposite end of the spectrum, because I know that it will be as agenda based as the extreme end of my own side of the spectrum.

12-13-2006, 03:56 PM
I don't read blogs as a matter of course. I don't need to be told what to think like Yoni.

Any particular sources that you would recommend?

I just KNOW that you are a foxnews.com kind of guy! :drunk

12-13-2006, 03:59 PM
Maybe you should just stick to coulters articles. She's gives the straight dope!!!!!!!

12-13-2006, 04:00 PM
Google has a really neat little program called email alert. It will send you all articles
that contain the phrase/word you want to be notified of. Well actually not the
article, but the link to the article.

I also get a newsmax email daily on all the conservative columns.

And like yoni, I check the drudge report on a regular basis. I read no blogs.
Believe it or not, Rush Limbaugh on his website sometimes has some good

There is one other place you can go to, not normally know, www.ecola.com which
list most newspapers in most of the world. So if you want a specific paper and
don't know there website, you can go there. It is also a good source for some
of the smaller papers or names of papers in a specific location.

Drudge also has a reference page, look at his site and it has a great deal of
useful information. It also has links to many of the UK newspapers. And many
other papers.

12-13-2006, 04:04 PM
Maybe you should just stick to coulters articles. She's gives the straight dope!!!!!!!

Vastly entertaining. Read one of her books that is a compilation of her articles on my last flight to Columbus.

But the purpose of my request is to broaden the scope. I consider myself educated and fairly well versed on the issues at hand. I find myself needing to challenge myself to find the best stance on issues, not the easiest one or one based strictly on party politics. I am not afraid to challenge my own beliefs or opinions, but I refuse to do it with anything less than credible documentation.

Oh, Gee!!
12-13-2006, 04:05 PM
Did you create this thread just to let us know that you're working on a Master's? lamez.

12-13-2006, 04:08 PM
I don't read blogs as a matter of course. I don't need to be told what to think like Yoni.
So, just how do you inform yourself on matters Chumpy?

12-13-2006, 04:09 PM
Did you create this thread just to let us know that you're working on a Master's? lamez.

No. I did it because you needed something trivial to bitch about. Feel better now?

Drive Like Jehu
12-13-2006, 04:18 PM

Oh, Gee!!
12-13-2006, 04:23 PM
No. I did it because you needed something trivial to bitch about. Feel better now?

Sorry, no time to reply. I'm too busy studying to be a brain doctor.

12-13-2006, 04:29 PM
HuffingtonPost.com, while decidedly left, is a good jumping-off point, with news and a nice linklist of blogs and columnists from both left and right. DailyKos is pure Democrat politics, Redstate.com is pure Republican politics, and Instapundit is right/libertarian (very minimalist link descriptions though - mostly consist of "HEH"...whatever that means).

12-13-2006, 04:33 PM
Sorry, no time to reply. I'm too busy studying to be a brain doctor.

Do you honestly think that I give a rodere's mulus about your opinion over my quest for higher education?

12-13-2006, 04:34 PM
HuffingtonPost.com, while decidedly left, is a good jumping-off point, with news and a nice linklist of blogs and columnists from both left and right. DailyKos is pure Democrat politics, Redstate.com is pure Republican politics, and Instapundit is right/libertarian (very minimalist link descriptions though - mostly consist of "HEH"...whatever that means).

Thanks for the suggestions.

12-13-2006, 04:40 PM
Sorry, no time to reply. I'm too busy studying to be a brain doctor.
God, I hope you flunk out.

12-14-2006, 01:21 AM
Need some help here. It is getting extremely busy with work and MBA studies, and I simply don't have the time to hit all the net sources for the news. Considering the plethora of articles posted here, do you guys run some sort of search/troll programs or go to specific dump sites that cater to your personal slant... er, viewpoint?

Make it easier on yourself, since you are so busy.

Just post your opinion and than run all over the net searching for articles
that back you up., works for others; :rolleyes :lol