View Full Version : Dimm-o-craps and their partners

12-22-2006, 06:02 PM
Can I just say I told you so. The dimm-o-craps and their new political

Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats

December 22, 2006 2:28 PM

Brian Ross and Hoda Osman Report:

New_tape_nr_1Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.

In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

"The first is that you aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost," Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

Zawahri calls on the Democrats to negotiate with him and Osama bin Laden, not others in the Islamic world who Zawahri says cannot help.

"And if you don't refrain from the foolish American policy of backing Israel, occupying the lands of Islam and stealing the treasures of the Muslims, then await the same fate," he said.

Now this guy talks the dimm-o-crap language. You do as we say or
you suffer the consequences. They really do make good dimm-o-craps.

12-22-2006, 06:06 PM
The Mujahideen sure got strong after Reagan stuffed their stockings with weapons.

12-22-2006, 06:39 PM
Can I just say I told you so. The dimm-o-craps and their new political

Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats

December 22, 2006 2:28 PM

Brian Ross and Hoda Osman Report:

New_tape_nr_1Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.

In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

"The first is that you aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost," Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

Zawahri calls on the Democrats to negotiate with him and Osama bin Laden, not others in the Islamic world who Zawahri says cannot help.

"And if you don't refrain from the foolish American policy of backing Israel, occupying the lands of Islam and stealing the treasures of the Muslims, then await the same fate," he said.

Now this guy talks the dimm-o-crap language. You do as we say or
you suffer the consequences. They really do make good dimm-o-craps.

Ok, I have tried to sit by and listen to all of this "party of the terrorists" nonsense, but enough is enough.

Do you seriously believe that the leaders of al-queda, despite the fact that they are intelligent people who have helped orchestrate terrorist attacks and political maneuverings, are ignorant enough to sincerely like the democrats and tell everybody.

If they truly liked the democrats, they would never, ever say this were the case, because to do so would weaken their party.

No, the republicans, particularly the president, had lousy support, and a democratic sweep was likely. Hegonomy is a good thing for policy, bad for opponents during war-time. If they can somehow thwart the democrats rise to the top, then they can create more chaos in our system, and keep us mired in a dog-eat-dog battle for the top. Not to mention that it is helping divide and tear the country even more by making one party war-mongerers, and one party terrorists lovers.

Have some common sense. Even the average high-schooler knows that in foreign policy, you would never come out and say what you want if what you want is bad for the people you are saying it to, and it might have happened had you kept your mouth shut.

Think without the use of your penis or heart for a second and look the issue through. For them to truly like the democrats, but cost them support by allying themselves with them, is catastrophically ignorant, and so is falling for their ploy.

12-22-2006, 07:51 PM
Dumbass thread.

Guru of Nothing
12-22-2006, 08:41 PM
Can I just say I told you so. The dimm-o-craps and their new political

Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats

December 22, 2006 2:28 PM

Brian Ross and Hoda Osman Report:

New_tape_nr_1Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.

In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

"The first is that you aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost," Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

Zawahri calls on the Democrats to negotiate with him and Osama bin Laden, not others in the Islamic world who Zawahri says cannot help.

"And if you don't refrain from the foolish American policy of backing Israel, occupying the lands of Islam and stealing the treasures of the Muslims, then await the same fate," he said.

Now this guy talks the dimm-o-crap language. You do as we say or
you suffer the consequences. They really do make good dimm-o-craps.

Hey xray, one-party goverments are a failure (remember Communism?)

Quit hating Americans.

You are a traitor and don't know it.


12-23-2006, 01:31 AM
...Wrote Al-Queda in their cozy safe-haven in the Wahabi Tribal Area of Western Pakistan...

12-23-2006, 10:49 AM
Ok, I have tried to sit by and listen to all of this "party of the terrorists" nonsense, but enough is enough.

Do you seriously believe that the leaders of al-queda, despite the fact that they are intelligent people who have helped orchestrate terrorist attacks and political maneuverings, are ignorant enough to sincerely like the democrats and tell everybody.

If they truly liked the democrats, they would never, ever say this were the case, because to do so would weaken their party.

No, the republicans, particularly the president, had lousy support, and a democratic sweep was likely. Hegonomy is a good thing for policy, bad for opponents during war-time. If they can somehow thwart the democrats rise to the top, then they can create more chaos in our system, and keep us mired in a dog-eat-dog battle for the top. Not to mention that it is helping divide and tear the country even more by making one party war-mongerers, and one party terrorists lovers.

Have some common sense. Even the average high-schooler knows that in foreign policy, you would never come out and say what you want if what you want is bad for the people you are saying it to, and it might have happened had you kept your mouth shut.

Think without the use of your penis or heart for a second and look the issue through. For them to truly like the democrats, but cost them support by allying themselves with them, is catastrophically ignorant, and so is falling for their ploy.

And so, you premise is: they really didn't write this. It's all a trick.
Well, funny you say all that, when JFK is over there now trying to shore
up his reputation and the dimm-0-craps are all over the ME TALKING to
everyone and telling everyone that they are really nice people and
want to help us.

Maybe you should think with something else.

I might add, no war has ever been won with diplomacy or peace secured.
That is a fact.

12-23-2006, 10:51 AM
...Wrote Al-Queda in their cozy safe-haven in the Wahabi Tribal Area of Western Pakistan...

It doesn't really matter where they are, they are there and saying what
most people know. The dimm-o-craps were their guys and have been
fronting for them, knowingly or not.

12-23-2006, 02:09 PM
It doesn't really matter where they areActually, their continued existence is what matters. AQ was allowed to escape into a lawless area of Pakistan and we used up all our military potential and international goodwill on the cluster fuck in Iraq.

You should be ashamed of yourself X. With your continued red-herring ignorance, you deserve dimm-o-crap government for the rest of your life.

12-23-2006, 03:02 PM
They write the article and I am the one that is ignorant. Now that really makes
sense. You don't want us to win the war in Iraq. Is that correct? We deserve
to lose because you and others say it was an unjust war. No one else opinion
counts, is that correct? Because I support the war and us winning I am wrong.
And you call me ignorant.

12-23-2006, 04:29 PM
They write the article and I am the one that is ignorant.AQ is disingenuous and you bought their line.
You don't want us to win the war in Iraq. Is that correct?That is incorrect. I didn't want to go in the first place, and if we had to go, we should have sent more troops in the first place, not three years later after we gave the insurgents/terrorist/militias time to establish themselves.
We deserve to lose because you and others say it was an unjust war.The neocons' strategy was doomed to failure from the very beginning. They didn't and still don't know what the hell they are doing -- yet Bushie is about to sign of on their latest flight of fancy.
No one else opinion counts, is that correct?Mine doesn't count either, because Bush is the CINC. That doesn't mean he has done or is doing the right thing.

I suppose it may be wrong to call you ignorant; you are willfuly stupid to believe these talking points that mean absolutely nothing.

Oh, Gee!!
12-27-2006, 01:59 PM
It doesn't really matter where they are, they are there and saying what
most people know. The dimm-o-craps were their guys and have been
fronting for them, knowingly or not.

actually, the letter didn't say that at all, X.

12-27-2006, 02:38 PM
The dimm-o-craps and their new political partners.

This is one of the biggest reaches I've ever seen.