View Full Version : What, has happened to us?

T Park
12-23-2006, 05:19 PM
Now, first off, I understand, this is a forum.

We are here to discuss basketball.

I don't discount that, and, I applaud it.

Heres my point.

When did the game, get so serious, that we take it as such?

When did the game, become something that bothered us, that kept us up till 3 am when they lose, yelling about the coaching moves, the players play, the GM's offseason decisions.

When, exactly, did sports become more, than sports?

I promised, after 2005, not to let basketball affect me, to the point where it BOTHERED me.

I let it last night. Its middle december, its a game against Houston. In my mind going in i said, what the hell, they lose, no big deal, they do it every day.

Well going home, I felt disgusted, and empty. It felt like the Spurs had just lost a game in may and had fallen behind 3-1.

The reaction following the game was nothing short of the same.

So as I sat here today, watching season 2 of Boston Legal, friends and family over, laughing at it, it was then that I realized,

its the holiday season. Were humans, We have a war going on that more than likely will last longer than all of us will be alive. Me thinking of the ramifications of the world going on frightens me. I will not hide my head, but, isn,t that what Sports was supposed to do? Help not just me, but you and others, stop thinking, about possible suicide bombers, nuculear warfair.

So it once again gets me to the question, when did we fans, let the game bother us, where we let it get to a point where we get "frusterated" "angry" "fed up"....

Not preaching, I know im not well liked here, its of my doing, I accept and know that, I won't ever be one of the "respected" ones.

It bothers me though, to see some of the respected members here, let it bother them so.

Just an observation.

Merry Christmas, and, go spurs.

12-23-2006, 05:21 PM
why do you guys cry everytime you lose one game. thats what i wanna know.

12-23-2006, 05:24 PM
I, wish, we, wouldn't have, lost that, game.

I hope we, win, the, next one.

12-23-2006, 05:26 PM
I can relate a bit, last year I watched every single game that was broadcast on tv, and I have TNT/ESPN/FSN/ etc... I was really dissapointed when they lost last year, it's almost like all of those games I watched were a waste of time, they really exited far too soon, of course part of that was because of bracketing but nevertheless...

This year I haven't watched as many games, but I am still dissapointed to see San Antonio loose to the better teams...

EDIT: Having said that some people just act retarded on purpose I think, not because they are really upset..

12-23-2006, 05:27 PM
Because we want the Spurs to win. That's it. We will, we want, we expect, we require, we love...... the Spurs to win.

All games matter. Whether it's now or later. They all mean the same....

Xmas will come and go, but the Spurs will play again and again and again. They will lose again and again and again. We will bitch over and over and over again.

After 3 championships, it's only going to get worse. The expectations are so high, this team can't even get the crowd into a game. Sad but true.

The only thing that can cure Spurs Fever is to drink. So drink up, Mr. Spurs Fan. This buds for you.

12-23-2006, 05:29 PM
Very good post. Sports are just entertainment. The players are just humans doing it as a living, they'll make mistakes and not win all the time. They probably want to just spend time with family and relax much like every one of us here.

Sports are sports, life is another story. In shorter terms.

People give you a lot of shit T Park but with posts like these and ones I've read before I don't see how.

12-23-2006, 05:30 PM
I think much of this is just for fun. I mean, trollers on here may just actually be ok people, and are just pulling stuff up here for fun. But this is the internet. We don't really know for sure hpw much of it is legit.

But in the long scheme of things, this is really insignificant. There are much more important things going on the world than the NBA, and I personally am thankful that my biggest worry in my entire life IS the San Antonio Spurs. That said, I personally think that we should be more moderate here, but that's just me.

12-23-2006, 05:32 PM
Thank You Tpark!!!! God Bless The Spurs!! Go Spurs Go!!!

12-23-2006, 05:32 PM
I agree, I'm better at it than last year but I still have my moments where I let it affect me too much. Good post.

12-23-2006, 05:35 PM
I, wish, we, wouldn't have, lost that, game.

I hope we, win, the, next one.

rofl... comma comma!

12-23-2006, 05:35 PM
"dissapointed to see San Antonio loose to the better teams."

That doesn't bother me at all.
I'm disapointed when they lose to inferior teams,
and when the Spurs beat themselves by not caring or hustling or competing.

12-23-2006, 05:36 PM
Look at it this way, I'd rather them have beaten the Hornets today then beaten the Rockets yesterday. Since tonight's a back to back and on the road.

This team is great on the road.

T Park
12-23-2006, 05:39 PM
I'll remember that when I try to go after Biff's grandson in the future.

Walton Buys Off Me
12-23-2006, 05:41 PM
Nicely said T Park

Richard Cranium
12-23-2006, 05:42 PM
I love this game!!

12-23-2006, 05:42 PM
:lmao @ T Park complaining about people going overboard after a loss.

T Park
12-23-2006, 05:46 PM
Nicely said T Park

Thank you Walton.

I in part reference you, and I know you love this team to death and say things you don't mean, as have I.

The point of the post was wondering when people like you and me let it get us.

I apreciate your civility.

T Park
12-23-2006, 05:50 PM
T Park complaining about people going overboard after a loss.

Im glad you found it funny.

Im not complaining, to the contrary. It puzzles me, to as how we, as fans, have gotten this way.

Me included.

No ill will in this post at all.

Merry Christmas and have a great one :)

12-23-2006, 06:30 PM
I personally think that the people who get really, genuinely PO'd when the spurs lose are just real fans. When you're a real fan its just natural that you get really emotional about the games and you take losses hard. However, it really doesn't matter anyway because the people who take the losses hard are generally fine after the next win. I'm a perfect example of this.

12-23-2006, 06:36 PM
All I know is the Spurs better win tonight or they aren't winning a championship ever again.

12-23-2006, 06:39 PM
I know what you mean Tpark. You guys should be thankful you support a team that is a top team and has already won championships :lol

I get so annoyed after losses and try and analysis were it went wrong etc. I also told myself i wouldnt let it get to me but it still does.

In the end its just a game, but boy it is a game that i love :smokin

12-23-2006, 06:39 PM
All I know is the Spurs better win tonight or they aren't winning a championship ever again.

Yeah. If they dont win tonight they probably wont win another game this season.

12-23-2006, 06:43 PM
I wish I knew, my life would be a lot easier and I would have a lot more free time. :lol I think mostly, it's because we're spoiled. We are the most successful franchise in all of pro sports in terms of regular season winning percentage. We expect the Spurs to win each and every game, if even subconsciously. Even when I was a kid, I expected the Iceman to drop 50 on some poor team, and the Spurs would win. The years between Gervin and Robinson were some of the worst of my life, and not just because I had to move to Utah as a kid. :) I don't get this way with any other of my "favorite" teams. I only bleed silver and black, regardless of what teams I root for in any other sport.

T Park
12-23-2006, 06:48 PM
Not even being a case of being spoiled.

As a cardinal fan, Ive seen people let a 10 inning 3-2 loss to the Pirates bother people to the point of starting arguements.

Me and my father had a huge fight to the point where I quit the family business and worked for a friend's business for 2 weeks, after the Spurs big loss to the Pistons, and the arguement started over Michael Finley's bad game.

After that game, thats when I really really pondered this...

12-23-2006, 06:56 PM
For those of us who were here when the Chapparals first entered the Arena, having to look around the poorly placed stantions, the limited seating, and having to stumble to the Lone Star Pavillion after each game...... having gone through the Gervins, The Doug Moe era, Tarkainen and his towel biting, Johnny Moore, Dennis Rodman.
The NO LOOK Strickland pass, Larry Brown, Brick..and so on.
Those of us who survived the first 25 years of ho-hum play and never being able to win the BIG ONE..... To those I salute, for you are the true fans........

Walton Buys Off Me
12-23-2006, 06:59 PM
T Park- I know I rag on you a lot in here- as you do me but I think we are more similar than you think. Don't let the Walton character fool you.

Have a good Christmas, all the best in 2007.

Solid D
12-23-2006, 07:02 PM
Nice thoughts, T Park. I respect you.

I think I speak for everyone here that we weren't angry with the Spurs, but upset with Sequ for jinxing them.


12-23-2006, 07:06 PM

12-23-2006, 07:28 PM
I haven't felt like that in non-playoff, non-seed deciding games in awhile (except when the kings lose to the lakers:smokin ).....right now I actually want the kings to get a good draft pick and look towards the future, so missing the playoffs wouldn't really bug me too much.

12-23-2006, 07:45 PM
Some fans live and die by every game. That's how it is, and that's how they're made.
I'm one of them. I'm over it by the next day usually. I don't see a problem with people being passionate in the moment, or venting. When you let it carry over is when problems start. If we didn't have an emotional reaction of some kind then what's the point of watching? It is entertainment, but it can't be compared to a TV show, or movie.

12-23-2006, 10:17 PM
Good post, a lot of truth in that. Good job, T Park.

12-23-2006, 10:27 PM
Damn T Park, you love commas

12-23-2006, 10:36 PM
I realized this last year when the Spurs didn't repeat. I used to be a crazy ass die hard Spurs fan, well I still am, but I would bitch and bitch and bitch for hours after a loss in various threads in this forum. I remember getting so pissed off about games last year's playoffs, and in some 05's playoffs games. I still feel I had an excuse after that bullshit Mavs series, but it really wasn't worth it. I remember bitching a lot after the .4 Fisher shot in 2004 in the Lakers series.

I really don't care at all if the Spurs lose regular season games. To tell you the truth, I'd rather have them NOT be the #1 seed in the west. I just want them to win when it counts. I don't even think watching all the games is important until the playoffs start. Life is way too short to waste away valuable time. There are way more things in life that are more important than Spurs basketball. Well, at least regular season basketball. After a while I also realized that there are so many things in my life right now that mean way more to me than basketball.

12-23-2006, 10:39 PM
this comes from a guy that has 10,300 post^^^ here :downspin: :spin :lol

12-23-2006, 10:43 PM
this comes from a guy that has 10,300 post^^^ here :downspin: :spin :lol
and you have 24,000 +

What's your point?

I actually made my point there smart ass, I said how much I used to spend bitching about sports.

12-23-2006, 10:47 PM
I was messing with you
geez I was not even bashing you or our country basketball players

12-23-2006, 10:47 PM
and you have 24,000 +

What's your point?

I actually made my point there smart ass, I said how much I used to spend bitching about sports.

90% of my post are from work
not when I am at the house

12-23-2006, 10:48 PM
It bothered me when Tim Duncan played like he didn't care and was Yao's doormat and personal beech.

It also bothered me when Pop decided to give up on a possilbe comeback.

12-23-2006, 10:50 PM
i definitely didnt lose any sleep over this L or the one last year for Dallas. If you lose sleep over entertainment sports, I think you need help. That being said, its fun to watch and talk about.

12-23-2006, 10:50 PM
I was messing with you
geez I was not even bashing you or our country basketball players
lol that has nothing to do with it, from your response I doubted you even read my post.

12-23-2006, 11:14 PM
Now, first off, I understand, this is a forum.

We are here to discuss basketball.

I don't discount that, and, I applaud it.

Heres my point.

When did the game, get so serious, that we take it as such?

When did the game, become something that bothered us, that kept us up till 3 am when they lose, yelling about the coaching moves, the players play, the GM's offseason decisions.

When, exactly, did sports become more, than sports?

I promised, after 2005, not to let basketball affect me, to the point where it BOTHERED me.

I let it last night. Its middle december, its a game against Houston. In my mind going in i said, what the hell, they lose, no big deal, they do it every day.

Well going home, I felt disgusted, and empty. It felt like the Spurs had just lost a game in may and had fallen behind 3-1.

The reaction following the game was nothing short of the same.

So as I sat here today, watching season 2 of Boston Legal, friends and family over, laughing at it, it was then that I realized,

its the holiday season. Were humans, We have a war going on that more than likely will last longer than all of us will be alive. Me thinking of the ramifications of the world going on frightens me. I will not hide my head, but, isn,t that what Sports was supposed to do? Help not just me, but you and others, stop thinking, about possible suicide bombers, nuculear warfair.

So it once again gets me to the question, when did we fans, let the game bother us, where we let it get to a point where we get "frusterated" "angry" "fed up"....

Not preaching, I know im not well liked here, its of my doing, I accept and know that, I won't ever be one of the "respected" ones.

It bothers me though, to see some of the respected members here, let it bother them so.

Just an observation.

Merry Christmas, and, go spurs.

Pretty darn good post there.

Good job, Tpark.

You nailed it.

Happy Holidays.

12-23-2006, 11:16 PM
why did u use a comma between what and has?

12-23-2006, 11:23 PM
why are you a asshole?

12-23-2006, 11:36 PM
why did u use a comma between what and has?

Why is this even relevant?

Solid D
12-23-2006, 11:51 PM
As long as we are asking what has happened...

What has happened to the Rockets? They lost to the Clippers tonight.

It's a new day....It's the NBA.

12-24-2006, 12:10 AM
Awesome post TPark! :clap

I know that I have a bad habit of letting Spurs losses eat at me. I couldn't even enjoy much of the 2005 run because I was so freaking nervous that they would lose, and I felt so shitty after a loss. This past year has been a shitty one for me personally, so it's been easier to put the Spurs losses in perspective, especially since I've had a real loss, my father back in April. That sucked bad, but I wasn't as broken up about the Game 7 Mavs loss as I would have been normally because of it. The one thing that used to drive me crazy about when the Spurs played so bad is that I couldn't do a damn thing about it, but now I use that to make it less of a personal thing. There is nothing I can do, so just sit back and let whatever happens happen. And this year I just have this feeling that something great is going to happen, I don't know why.:spin

Happy Holidays everyone and Go Spurs Go in 2007!

Das Texan
12-24-2006, 12:11 AM
The bigger question is when did Tim Duncan turn into a mediocore player who doesnt give a damn about the important things on the court?

It cant all be about the ball can it?

12-24-2006, 12:19 AM
The bigger question is when did Tim Duncan turn into a mediocore player who doesnt give a damn about the important things on the court?

It cant all be about the ball can it?

I'll second that... watch some Tim highlights from about 5 years ago and it will depress the crap outta you. The explosiveness, the energy, the one handed hammer dunks and rebounds galore. Come on Timmy you're only 30 and you're healthy! :pctoss

12-24-2006, 12:26 AM
one of the few good posts ive seen from tpark

Thumbs up

12-24-2006, 10:54 AM
I LOVE it when we LOSE--as long as it isn't too often and we do well in the Championship run.

THink how boring it would be if we won 82 games a year every year. Would your adrenalin rush get going when the game started? It's the picquency of an occasional loss that makes all the victories so sweet.

Nah, it's the defeats that keep up our interest and the defeats by highly rated teams are the best--because you can work up a rivalry for our hated oartners in the Texas Triangle, the Mavericks and Rockets--but who gives a shit about the Atlanta Hawks.

Whenever we lose to another good/great team, it makes me want the Spurs to rebound on the next game.

Crush them and give them no mercy in the last two minutes, drive their front office staff into the desert of fre agency and hear the lamentations of their women and children.

Now THAT is the real spirit of giving that we should all remember is this wondrous Holiday Season. GIVE IT TO 'EM, SPURS!

12-24-2006, 11:11 AM
I quit letting it get to me so much when I quit dropping a few G's on season tickets. :spin

...because we just bought a new house, not because we're bandwagon. :lol

12-24-2006, 11:26 AM
Sometimes I can see a human being in TPark
Sometimes I can see myself in him

I was worrying about the world, war diseases etc. few years ago. But well _ i can't controll that as I can't control spurs.

If not the spurs my life would not be the same. It would have been worse.

I hate loses my personal ones and the spurs ones.

and :blah :blah :blah

Merry very happy great X Masssss

12-24-2006, 08:25 PM
Guilty as charged.

Sorry folks. I'm just not there yet. I am one the gets PO'ed when the Spurs fail to play up to their capabilities and give games away. Hell, I'm still pissed about the Spurs losing to Dallas in last seasons playoffs. Nothing will make that hurt go away until the Spurs "oust" them in the playoffs this spring.

"Anything less would be uncivilized"

12-25-2006, 05:18 AM
The Spurs are the ONLY team that I cannot stand to see lose. I don't know why. I've been a Spurs fan since the days of Silas, Kenon, and Gervin and there is just something that gets in your blood. I can watch other sports and enjoy it without getting too involved. When the Spurs play, it is completely different.

12-26-2006, 03:30 AM
Because modern developed societies have totally lost their way and use opiates like sports, the cult of celebrity and overconsumption to divert their populaces from the REAL issues that we should be addressing...

We, that is humans, seem to need something to believe in, and since most of us have lost our faith in gods and heroes we turn to sports teams and celebrities.

Sad world, and we will pay for our stupidity when the real problems we aren't addressing bite us in the arse.

And in other news, I'll be travelling 15,000miles to see a bunch of guys play ball, but at least my eyes are open to just how absurd that is. It's a ridiculous world we have created, so what are we going to do about it?

T Park
12-26-2006, 03:33 AM
It's a ridiculous world we have created, so what are we going to do about it?

live in it my man

12-26-2006, 03:35 AM
Because modern developed societies have totally lost their way and use opiates like sports, the cult of celebrity and overconsumption to divert their populaces from the REAL issues that we should be addressing...

We, that is humans, seem to need something to believe in, and since most of us have lost our faith in gods and heroes we turn to sports teams and celebrities.

Sad world, and we will pay for our stupidity when the real problems we aren't addressing bite us in the arse.

And in other news, I'll be travelling 15,000miles to see a bunch of guys play ball, but at least my eyes are open to just how absurd that is. It's a ridiculous world we have created, so what are we going to do about it?



If I had powers to create a new world ...

Tpark would be nicer
timvp would have more bball knowledge
tllong would hit it at last
sequ would be higher
mause would be a spurs fan, etc.

12-26-2006, 12:36 PM
The topic should be What has happened to me?


Ed Helicopter Jones
12-26-2006, 12:56 PM
Sometimes I can see a human being in TPark
Sometimes I can see myself in him

This is not the place for any of your gay fantasies. Let's keep it kid-friendly around here if you don't mind.

12-26-2006, 01:49 PM
This is not the place for any of your gay fantasies. Let's keep it kid-friendly around here if you don't mind.


:drunk :drunk :drunk :drunk :drunk