View Full Version : Finley for Kapono?

12-29-2006, 12:23 PM
I like Kapono from his past 4 games. 11 points @ Milwaukee 27 points vs. Golden State 11 points vs. LA Lakers and 18 @ Chicago. People are thinking all around Finely trade and I think this is a decent deal. :greedy

12-29-2006, 12:59 PM
Would Finley use some of his 19 million salary to take along the Findawg Laundry Crue?

12-29-2006, 01:15 PM
I like Kapono from his past 4 games. 11 points @ Milwaukee 27 points vs. Golden State 11 points vs. LA Lakers and 18 @ Chicago. People are thinking all around Finely trade and I think this is a decent deal. :greedy
So given that, why on Earth would they want to trade a young ascending player for a washed-up zero like Finley?

BTW, lets trade Robert Horry for Chris Bosh while we're at it. I think that would be a "decent deal," too. :rolleyes

Big P
12-29-2006, 01:42 PM
When are people going to understand that the Spurs are not going to trade Finley. He took less money to play for us & try & win a championship. It would be a complete slap in the face, to turn around & trade him, not to mention that other players would take notice & be less inclined to join our team.

If your looking at players to trade on the Spurs, I would say that EWill, Beno & maybe Barry are all possibilities to be traded. Although, Barry has been playing very well & is leading the league in 3 pointers & I'm not so sure the Spurs would even trade him at this point.

We have the second best record in the league & people want to make trades, for the sake of making a trade. It's just stupid.

12-29-2006, 01:46 PM
For me, it's about trading for youth. I realize that Barry is playing well, yada, yada, but there's that dark cloud of age hanging over us and, with no high first round picks in sight, trades seem to be the only way we'll get that turnstile going.

Big P
12-29-2006, 01:58 PM
I hear you Spurschick...but at this point for me, its about winning championships. Trading Barry or another signifigant role player, just to get younger doesn't really help us with our ultimate goal...another championship. Teams are not going to give us young players with potential for our older role players. I understand that this is a business & if we can upgrade our talent level, anyone outside of the big 3 is probably available, but that is a tough combination to find (young, potential & a difference maker), especially if all you have to trade is someone like EWill or Barry. I say milk this team for all its worth, if we were in the bottom half of the league right now, OK I can see making a trade, but we are only playing somewhat decent & still in the top 3 of the league. IMO this team needs some more time to "gel". The rodeo road trip will be a major test on this team, if we need to make a change, we will know closer to Febuary, not now.

12-29-2006, 02:04 PM
When are people going to understand that the Spurs are not going to trade Finley. He took less money to play for us & try & win a championship. It would be a complete slap in the face, to turn around & trade him, not to mention that other players would take notice & be less inclined to join our team.

If your looking at players to trade on the Spurs, I would say that EWill, Beno & maybe Barry are all possibilities to be traded. Although, Barry has been playing very well & is leading the league in 3 pointers & I'm not so sure the Spurs would even trade him at this point.

We have the second best record in the league & people want to make trades, for the sake of making a trade. It's just stupid.
:elephant He took less money? :drunk He gets 17 million a year from Cuban. Stop with the less money nonsense. Besides Kori ran the difference between the Heats offer and the Spurs. Ours was better.

Slap in the face to precious Fin-dawgie? Oh okay, so Barry gets an ultimatum. Actually he was traded without being told until after the fact. So he goes on a 55% floor and 50% trey rampage. Lets reward that effort by trading him. Slap in the face to his Royal Highness 33% Findawg but .724% adjusted Barry has to just roll with the trade reality.

Selling you Findawgers land if Florida is just too easy.

12-29-2006, 02:47 PM
Kapono sucks ass. He's Danny Ferry, minus ten years and any attitude. Pop has already learned that standstill jump shooters are NOT what you surround Tim with if you want to win the O'Brien in June. See: Laker series, 2001.

12-29-2006, 03:13 PM
Why do we need Kopono when we got Bonner? Really Kopono for Finely? I proven All-Star, for someone who will occasionally score 20, if that, on a sub-par team. Let's trade leadership for youth. When did 33 become old. We, as fans need to stop this. It's putting out negitive energy. Anyways, I thought 40 was over the hill and that was 10 years ago. With new advances in the medical field, specifically anatomy, nutrition, ect. I would not be surprised to see a regularity of 15 seasons + from your proven player. This is granted that players are taking care of themselves, which I believe we can assume the Spurs are doing. Honestly, I think our team will fit nicely. Patience will go a long way. There's no need to stress out, no need to pull the trigger on a trade. Pop has a good head on his shoulders, I don't believe there will be any significant player movements. I think Pop likes Beans. He pushes Beans because he is aware of his potential. The fact that Popavich has not given up on Beno should indicate his desire for Beno to find his role within the Spurs system.

12-29-2006, 03:16 PM
Is there really anyone the Spurs would not trade out of loyalty- I.E. the whole " he took less money to play here" thing?

I haven't thought so. Am I wrong?

12-29-2006, 03:19 PM

You can't judge a player on his last 4 games performance.

Bob Lanier
12-29-2006, 03:19 PM
Both Finley and Barry are much, much better than Jason Kapono will ever be.

12-29-2006, 03:21 PM
Well, Well, Well people in Spurland want to get rid of Finley & Horry. Shocking! LOL!!

12-29-2006, 03:30 PM
Kapono sucks. If Spurs want a shooter younger than Barry/Finley, they can sign Casey Jacobsen : I'm not sure that Kapono is better than him.

12-29-2006, 05:20 PM
The only thing I think Jason Kapono has going for him is his looks. Aside from that everything you all have said is tue.

12-29-2006, 05:48 PM
dumb. do you people even remember the mavs series last year? finley and duncan were the only reasons the spurs even made it to a game 7.

yeah, he's sucking right now, but the spurs don't need him to play great right now. blame popovich for playing finley while the best three point shooter in the league is sitting on the bench.

as far as i'm concerned, finley and horry can sit it out until the playoffs.

12-29-2006, 05:50 PM
fin for kapono...no. at least fin has some athleticism, kapono has nothing beyond being a spot up shooter.

12-29-2006, 05:59 PM
BTW, Finley in December (14 games) : 9 ppg (.42 FG%, .41 3P%, .83 FT%) in 23 min.

Even if he has been horible on some games, his stats are quite good.

The Truth #6
12-29-2006, 06:00 PM
As to why Finley can't be traded because he took less money to come here, didn't Barry take less money to come here also?

I don't see why people have kid gloves for Finley, yet Barry is always the one guy about to be traded, even though he's playing better than Finley.

There's no guarantee Finley will step it up again in the playoffs this year, yet people assume that he will. Horry didn't play great in the playoffs last year, even though he played great the year before. No guarantees on anything. I'm not holding my breath on Finley, though I'll be happily surprised if he does show up.

12-29-2006, 08:39 PM

12-29-2006, 09:09 PM
What is this, Propose-a-Trade-for-a-UCLA-Washout Day? Why do we want anyone from that chump school?

12-29-2006, 09:17 PM
Given our rebounding issues, is someone actually suggesting we trade Finley for a 6'8" guy who boards at the same rate as Tony Parker?

RC's Boss
12-30-2006, 06:50 PM
Kapono??? Call your shrink

T Park
12-30-2006, 06:56 PM

12-30-2006, 06:59 PM
this is like trading beno for speedy claxton
except atleast speedy can drible the ball