View Full Version : Insurgency Rages In Iraq

11-07-2004, 04:40 PM
This is all a right-wingers wet dream....as long as it's not their asses on the line that is...

Iraq Claims Emergency As Insurgency Flares

By TINI TRAN, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The government declared a 60-day state of emergency throughout most of the country Sunday, as U.S. and Iraqi forces prepared for an expected all-out assault on rebels in Fallujah. Insurgents escalated a wave of violence that has killed more than 50 people the past two days.

Heavy explosions were heard in Baghdad as government spokesman Thair Hassan al-Naqeeb announced the state of emergency over the entire country except Kurdish areas in the north.

"It is going to be a curfew. It is going to be so many things, but tomorrow the prime minister will mention it," he said. Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi will give more details Monday, he said.

Al-Naqeeb declined to say whether the announcement signaled an imminent attack on the insurgent stronghold Fallujah, saying, "We have seen the situation is worsening in this area. Any obstacle will be removed."

Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&e=1&u=/ap/20041107/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq)


Two blasts heard in central Baghdad

BAGHDAD, Nov 7 (Reuters) - A powerful explosion rang out in central Baghdad on Sunday, witnesses said, but there was no immediate word on what had caused it.

The blast at midday (0900 GMT) shook windows in a central area. There was no immediate word on casualties or damage.

A smaller explosion echoed across the Iraqi capital nearly an hour later, witnesses said.

A U.S. military spokeswoman said she had no information on either of the blasts.

AlertNet (http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L07695016.htm)


RAMADI, Iraq (AFP) - Gunmen shot dead 21 policemen, execution style, in Iraq (news - web sites), one day after a scourge of car bombs and clashes against police and local government targets killed 36 people.

The renewed violence against symbols of Iraq's US-backed government came as Prime Minister Iyad Allawi looked set to mount an offensive on rebel-held Fallujah, in the heart of Al-Anbar province, where the police massacre occured.

About 200 gunmen ambushed the main police station in Haditha, a town 200 kilometres, (120 miles) west of Baghdad, and another smaller station in the nearby village of Haqlaniya, said a local police officer.

"The attackers disarmed the police, gathered them together and then shot them dead," he said of the Haditha raid.

Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1511&ncid=1511&e=4&u=/afp/20041107/wl_afp/iraq_unrest_041107113701)


NAJAF, Iraq - Militants dressed as police abducted and executed 12 Iraqi National Guards who were traveling home to Najaf, an official with a leading Shiite party said Sunday.

The 12 men were kidnapped near Latifiyah, an area of frequent violence bout 20 miles south of Baghdad, said Abu Ali al-Najafi from the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (news - web sites), known by its acronym SCIRI.

They were heading home to Najaf on Thursday after a visit to Baghdad when the kidnappers, disguised as policemen, stopped their convoy, said al-Najaf, speaking from SCIRI offices in Najaf. The 12 were seized along with the convoy's driver, though a 13th guardsman escaped.

The assailants, who later identified themselves as members of a group calling itself the al-Furqan Brigade, tortured the driver, breaking his arm and sending him off with a ransom demand to their relatives, for payment of $1,000 for each "headless body of their dear one," Al-Najafi said.


Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=540&ncid=736&e=4&u=/ap/20041107/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_guardsmen_executed)


LONDON (AFP) - Two British soldiers were injured in a suicide bomb attack near their base southwest of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, the Ministry of Defence in London said.

"We are aware of an incident that happened at 9:22 am local time near Camp Dogwood," a ministry spokeswoman said. "There are two casualties. They are with the US medical chain. They have been airlifted out by the Americans."

She confirmed to AFP that the soldiers had been targets of a suicide bomber, and that both had been seriously hurt.

The two soldiers were thought to be part of the Black Watch regiment, although they have not been named and their next of kin have yet to be informed.

Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1515&ncid=1515&e=8&u=/afp/20041107/wl_mideast_afp/iraq_britain_attack_041107152039)


BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An Islamic group threatened to behead three Jordanian drivers on Sunday unless Jordan bans local firms from transporting goods to U.S. forces in Iraq (news - web sites).

"The Jordanian government has responded with indifference and failed to issue a statement banning dealings with the infidel American forces," said a member of the Army of Islam-Counter Attack Brigades on a video released to Reuters.

"We will subject them to the knife and kill them viciously unless the Jordanian government responds to this order in 48 hours," the masked man said.

The three men were among four Jordanian drivers kidnapped in western Iraq last week. The fate of the fourth is unknown.

Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=586&ncid=586&e=5&u=/nm/20041107/wl_nm/iraq_jordan_dc)


Marine readies 'angels' for journey home


Scattered amid the bodies was a letter from one soldier's parents pleading with him to be careful. From another, a photo of a girlfriend; from a third, a sonogram of an unborn child; and from a fourth, a carefully folded letter meant for the soldier's family that began "If you're reading this something really bad has happened to me."

By the time Cotnoir, a 32-year-old sergeant from Lawrence, came across these possessions, the soldiers that owned them were dead: burnt to death inside their trucks, shot in the chest, or ripped apart by shrapnel.

"What you see out there, it's a real smash to reality," Cotnoir says, reflecting on his seven-month tour in Iraq. "You can't really prepare for it."

Cotnoir's job as part of the mortuary affairs unit was to recover dead soldiers and Marines from the battlefield, clean them up the best he could, inventory their belongings, and send them home.


Boston.com (http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2004/11/07/marine_readies_angels_for_journey_home/?rss_id=Boston%20Globe%20--%20City%20/%20Region%20News)

Hope your having a peaceful Sunday. :depressed

Hook Dem
11-07-2004, 05:01 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

11-07-2004, 05:20 PM
Yeah Hookdem, I can't stop laughing myself, you sadistic fuck...

NEAR FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - An attack on a convoy of the U.S. 1st Marine Expeditionary Force wounded 14 people in western Iraq (news - web sites) on Saturday, a Marine spokesman said.

He gave no details and it was not clear if the casualties were all Marines. Other units are attached to the 1st MEF.

The spokesman could not confirm media reports that a suicide car bomber had attacked a Marine convoy in the Sunni Muslim city of Ramadi, 110 km (68 miles) west of Baghdad.


Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20041106/ts_nm/iraq_marines_dc&cid=564&ncid=1480)

Hook Dem
11-07-2004, 05:21 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :flipoff

11-07-2004, 05:21 PM
Maybe we should send our troops some Republican purple band-aids?


Hook Dem
11-07-2004, 05:24 PM
Poor Baby!!!!!!!! :lol

11-07-2004, 05:36 PM



The number of dead and wounded from the expected battle
to retake insurgent-controlled Fallujah probably will reach levels not seen since Vietnam, a senior surgeon at the Marine camp outside Fallujah said

Military.com (http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,FL_marines_110604,00.html)


Welcome to Hell

There are no checks and balances left. The US Senate now has 55 of these Republicans. When they hit 60, which is what will happen in 2006 mid-term elections—trust me— that means that no matter what Bush and the crime family want to do, they can do it. The House (of Representatives)
is gone for the next two to five generations. It’s gone.

global research (http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI411B.html)

Hook Dem
11-07-2004, 06:08 PM
NBADan used to be political pundit...now trying to overtake Michael Moore's role as political idiot! :lol

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-07-2004, 09:53 PM
Maybe if dickheads like you weren't so concerned about all the atrocities, you wouldn't have scared our politicians to the point that we can't take off the gloves vs. these assholes.

You want to fight to win this war, instead of running it by politics and politically correctness?

Drop a note, tell all the civilians who want to live to get the hell out, give them 72 hours, then raze the place. If it's mass carpet bombing, or a tactical nuke, whatever it takes.

I can't help but think Dan posts all this shit with a smile on his face, which pisses me off.

11-07-2004, 10:13 PM
Drop a note, tell all the civilians who want to live to get the hell out, give them 72 hours, then raze the place.Wouldn't that give terrorists who could easily disguise themselves as civilians the opportunity to escape as well?

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-07-2004, 11:57 PM
Well, for one I wouldn't tell them we're going to raze it, just come in guns blazing, which is what most of the insurgency wants.

As for people leaving, you can check their identification, as well as search them for weapons. Anyone else left in the city is considered a combatant.