View Full Version : What's up with Duncan?

01-02-2007, 09:54 PM
Duncan should play aggressive all the time, not just in the first Q. Or like today, he was quiet in the 2nd and 3rd Q, and then in the 4th when we were losing, he decided to play again. But it didn't work, it was too late. The same thing is with is defense. Where are the blocked shots?

Is this part of Pop's plan or what?

Also, he is the main force on this team. He must be 1st option in offense, not Tony or Manu. I would play him more. He's not that old and he's healthy. He also had a summer off, Pop was telling that he's in the great shape. It is a shame when you have MVP type of player and you're not allowing him to play on the MVP level. Or it's him him who hasn't got enough motivation?

And then when we're trailing in the 4th quarter somehow he decises to show up. But it's just forcing, too late.

I know the passion he's been playing in the playoffs (last season vs. Mavs), but he must play like that right now.

Kori Ellis
01-02-2007, 09:56 PM
He wastes too much energy whining and looking for fouls that aren't there to be energetic all game.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-02-2007, 09:57 PM
He didn't show up in the fourth. He cried like some weird rasta version of Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry all rolled up into one.

01-02-2007, 09:57 PM
I believe the correct adjective is Croatian.

01-02-2007, 10:01 PM
He didn't show up in the fourth. He cried like some weird rasta version of Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry all rolled up into one.

Well, why isn't he crying then all the time? But only in the 4th quarter.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-02-2007, 10:07 PM
The first quarter he played tough. The fourth he was just looking for the refs to bail him out.

01-02-2007, 10:09 PM
Don't forget Timmy caught that awful stomach virus- that could account for some of his lack of intensity tonight.

01-02-2007, 10:10 PM
Don't forget Timmy caught that awful stomach virus- that could account for some of his lack of intensity tonight.

Okay, what about the other games?

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-02-2007, 10:11 PM
What about the rest of the year Angel?

I remember when he first came in the league, if someone pissed him off/hacked him and it was a no call/whatever, he got pissed and went off on them.

Now he just hangs his head and cries to the officials. Fucking lame.

01-02-2007, 10:11 PM
That play where Duncan drew the triple technical on the coaching staff, all that happened is he went up without jumping and got blocked out of bounds. I watched the replay like five times and there was nothing there.

He's a great, great player but this cry baby whining he does recently makes him hard to root for.

01-02-2007, 10:13 PM
I can't account for the rest of the games. And apparently I can't call out Timmy either. :lol

01-02-2007, 10:13 PM
That play where Duncan drew the triple technical on the coaching staff, all that happened is he went up without jumping and got blocked out of bounds. I watched the replay like five times and there was nothing there.

He's a great, great player but this cry baby whining he does recently makes him hard to root for.

agreed. you can't expect the refs to bail you out when you go up weak. secondly, you gotta read the refs, they were letting them play physical and tim just pussed out

01-02-2007, 10:13 PM
That play where Duncan drew the triple technical on the coaching staff, all that happened is he went up without jumping and got blocked out of bounds. I watched the replay like five times and there was nothing there.
The Cleveland announcers correctly pointed out that he could in fact have been called for an offensive foul for clearing out with his left arm (they almost never call that, but it's true).

Das Texan
01-02-2007, 10:14 PM
Duncan needs to find his fucking nutsack and fast.

This shit is pathetic.

01-02-2007, 10:17 PM
That play where Duncan drew the triple technical on the coaching staff, all that happened is he went up without jumping and got blocked out of bounds. I watched the replay like five times and there was nothing there.

He's a great, great player but this cry baby whining he does recently makes him hard to root for.

Thank God someone opened this thread as I was about to start one on the same subject. Duncan is pissing me off too.

Tim is playing like a soft-ass girl. Tim is allowing opponents and officials alike to take him out of his game. I hate when he hangs his head or starts bitching at the officials and doesn't get back on defense.

Memo to Timmy: SHUT UP and FIGHT THROUGH IT. You're a freaking MVP-type player and one of the leagues best. As the team leader, how you play sets the tone for everyone else. I hate Tim's behavior right now and he needs to GROW UP!

Billy Cobham
01-02-2007, 10:20 PM
It's the ball.

01-02-2007, 10:21 PM
It's that time of month. PMS'ing I think they call it.

01-02-2007, 10:26 PM
It's kind of embarrassing that everyone who watches a sports highlight show tonight is going to see Duncan, Pop and PJ arguing about a play that should have been called an offensive foul on Duncan.

Duncan's done this for a few seasons now. It's always baffled me that someone who is such a horrible FT shooter would play with such a "draw the foul" mentality. Go hard, get the basket, make the contact count.

01-02-2007, 10:29 PM
I haven't been listening to post-game on the radio, but I'm wondering if there are a lot of people calling Timmy out. Or how many are e-mailing the local sportscasters.

01-02-2007, 10:35 PM
Don't the Spurs usually slow down this time of year..............?

01-02-2007, 10:44 PM
It's kind of embarrassing that everyone who watches a sports highlight show tonight is going to see Duncan, Pop and PJ arguing about a play that should have been called an offensive foul on Duncan.

Duncan's done this for a few seasons now. It's always baffled me that someone who is such a horrible FT shooter would play with such a "draw the foul" mentality. Go hard, get the basket, make the contact count.
....and stop looking around for a foul. Try and score. Be relentless. Quit being so "freaking" lazy. I can't believe I'm even criticizing our best player - yet he deserves it.

01-02-2007, 10:48 PM
....and stop looking around for a foul. Try and score. Be relentless. Quit being so "freaking" lazy. I can't believe I'm even criticizing our best player - yet he deserves it.

Indeed. Our best player is our leader, and as he leads, the rest will follow. He's leading the team in whining and Tony, Manu and Bruce are following behind him.

01-02-2007, 10:50 PM
He didn't show up in the fourth. He cried like some weird rasta version of Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry all rolled up into one.

I don't care what team you're a fan of, you have to be on crack if you think either of the players you mentioned, especially Terry, bitch about not getting calls even 1/2th as much as Tim.

01-02-2007, 10:53 PM
I don't care what team you're a fan of, you have to be on crack if you think either of the players you mentioned, especially Terry, bitch about not getting calls even 1/2th as much as Tim.

Yeah your right your boy Dirk just shows up teamates late in games by screaming at them when they screw up.

01-02-2007, 10:53 PM
I think TD was still pissed he was called for the foul on Varejao on the defensive end. His body language gave me the impression he felt Varejao was getting more respect or something.

It looked liked Manu was affected the most from the ball change. He was drilling threes lately with the composite ball.

01-02-2007, 11:01 PM
Yeah your right your boy Dirk just shows up teamates late in games by screaming at them when they screw up.

Number one, that's completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Nice diversion.

Number two, you cite instances that occurred a long time ago now. Dirk didn't yell at anyone during any playoff losses last year, even the tough finals loss.

But number two isn't even really necessary to say. We were talking about bitching to the refs, not calling out your teammates for playing weak D.

01-02-2007, 11:05 PM
Number one, that's completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Nice diversion.

Number two, you cite instances that occurred a long time ago now. Dirk didn't yell at anyone during any playoff losses last year, even the tough finals loss.

But number two isn't even really necessary to say. We were talking about bitching to the refs, not calling out your teammates for playing weak D.

Yeah he couldn't yell at anyone over the finals unless he wanted to grab a mirror and scream at himself. Dirk calling out teamates for playing weak D, not that is some funny shit since he is a terrible defender. All i am saying is if you wanna go after Tim for yelling at the refs, i will go after Dirk for crap he has pulled.

01-02-2007, 11:11 PM
Yeah he couldn't yell at anyone over the finals unless he wanted to grab a mirror and scream at himself. Dirk calling out teamates for playing weak D, not that is some funny shit since he is a terrible defender. All i am saying is if you wanna go after Tim for yelling at the refs, i will go after Dirk for crap he has pulled.

You're right. He couldn't yell at Terry for his 28% shooting performance in Game 6. He couldn't yell at Harris for blowing about 500 easy layups throughout the series. Did you even watch the Finals?

And again, you're equating two things that are not even remotely similar. Tim is bitching at the refs NOW. Nonstop. Every game. Dirk's last instance of yelling at his teammates was 2 seasons ago. One of the two has obviously matured in some ways. The other one has regressed to the point that he's a whiney little bitch when things don't go his way.

I'll go after Tim all I want. Fans of every team around the NBA are tired of his bullshit--even a good portion of people on this very board. It's not some bias I have as a Mavs fan.

01-02-2007, 11:17 PM
:lmao @ a Mav Fan tired of Tim whining.

The Mavs invented whining. Their owner made his name off of being a whiney biotch.

T Park
01-02-2007, 11:19 PM
Dirk Nowtizki is known for being a whining bitch, WTF.

01-02-2007, 11:23 PM
Dirk Nowtizki is known for being a whining bitch, WTF.

Only among Spurs fans who get sick and tired of watching him dominate them every game.

Why don't you browse some other NBA team boards and see who some 3rd parties think is the bigger whiner. Of course that would require you to take off the black and silver goggles which are so firmly attached to your skull, so I won't really expect you to do that.

01-02-2007, 11:29 PM
Only among Spurs fans who get sick and tired of watching him dominate them every game.

Why don't you browse some other NBA team boards and see who some 3rd parties think is the bigger whiner. Of course that would require you to take off the black and silver goggles which are so firmly attached to your skull, so I won't really expect you to do that.

So i can easily say this is from a Mavs fan that is tired of watching Tim kick your ass every fucking game. I got news for ya Jordan used to bitch about every call as well for most of his career. I think Tim goes too far at times like tonight he should have let it go, but Dirk has black spots on his record and your fucking owner is a complete waste of life.

01-02-2007, 11:33 PM
....and stop looking around for a foul. Try and score. Be relentless. Quit being so "freaking" lazy. I can't believe I'm even criticizing our best player - yet he deserves it.

Timmy and the whole team need to play inspired ball instead of just waiting for the refs to save them. We had Lebron locked down and should have won the game today. Careless mistakes and lack of hustle on everyone's part except for Tony. I love Timmy and all, but he does need some cheese with that whine.

T Park
01-02-2007, 11:34 PM
Only among Spurs fans who get sick and tired of watching him dominate them every game


Go back in your hole jackass.

01-02-2007, 11:35 PM
i give up on duncan. change my name to spurs_fan.

01-02-2007, 11:36 PM
Only among Spurs fans who get sick and tired of watching him dominate them every game.

Why don't you browse some other NBA team boards and see who some 3rd parties think is the bigger whiner. Of course that would require you to take off the black and silver goggles which are so firmly attached to your skull, so I won't really expect you to do that.

We in Suns land think Dirk is a bigger whiner.

Kori Ellis
01-02-2007, 11:36 PM
Only among Spurs fans who get sick and tired of watching him dominate them every game.

Why don't you browse some other NBA team boards and see who some 3rd parties think is the bigger whiner. Of course that would require you to take off the black and silver goggles which are so firmly attached to your skull, so I won't really expect you to do that.

This year, by far, Duncan is the biggest whiner. But Dirk, Cuban and the Mavs organization have created a long-standing legacy of whining like bitches. It will take a long time before that changes. In fact, if Dirk and Cuban went mute right now, they'd probably still be known as whiners in 20 years.

01-02-2007, 11:37 PM
Dirk definitely whines a lot

not as bad as Terry or Cuban, but he, like Duncan, is a whiner

01-02-2007, 11:40 PM
Mavs > Spurs

01-02-2007, 11:40 PM
So i can easily say this is from a Mavs fan that is tired of watching Tim kick your ass every fucking game.

Doesn't matter if he kicks our ass if you always lose. We've got no reason to be overly sensitive about Duncan's whining when he's failing to lead his team past a supposedly inferior Mavs team in the playoffs.

01-02-2007, 11:41 PM
Ah yes, the lead up to Friday. The whiner smackdown. Tim vs. Dirk.

01-03-2007, 12:00 AM
Duncan had 18 and 15 tonight with double teams. The Spurs are 23-9. You can't win every game. You don't win championships in January.

Kori Ellis
01-03-2007, 12:01 AM
Duncan had 18 and 15 tonight with double teams. The Spurs are 23-9. You can't win every game. You don't win championships in January.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

01-03-2007, 12:03 AM
Duncan had 18 and 15 tonight with double teams. The Spurs are 23-9. You can't win every game. You don't win championships in January.

23-9 is pretty bad for a team tryin to win a championship

we went 63-19 last year

and this year, at the 23-9 rate, we'll be 46-18

not too pretty

but there's a lot of time left in the season

I'll be much more concerned after the trade deadline after this team makes the changes that they need to

01-03-2007, 12:04 AM
23-9 is pretty bad for a team tryin to win a championship

we went 63-19 last year

and this year, at the 23-9 rate, we'll be 46-18

not too pretty

but there's a lot of time left in the season

I'll be much more concerned after the trade deadline after this team makes the changes that they need to

That's if the Spurs make any trades.

Kori Ellis
01-03-2007, 12:05 AM
23-9 is pretty bad for a team tryin to win a championship

we went 63-19 last year

and this year, at the 23-9 rate, we'll be 46-18

not too pretty

but there's a lot of time left in the season

I'll be much more concerned after the trade deadline after this team makes the changes that they need to

kris was being sarcastic. He's been criticizing Duncan and this team for weeks here.

01-03-2007, 12:05 AM
That's if the Spurs make any trades.

that's what I mean

if they don't and we're still playing lacksadasical

we'll be really screwed

01-03-2007, 12:05 AM
it's hard to play aggressive when you have probably the most selfish point guard in the league on your team not getting you the ball

01-03-2007, 12:05 AM
kris was being sarcastic. He's been criticizing Duncan and this team for weeks here.



01-03-2007, 12:07 AM
kris was being sarcastic. He's been criticizing Duncan and this team for weeks here.

Weeks? I think I've hated Duncan ever since he was playing weak in the '05 championship run.

Kori Ellis
01-03-2007, 12:07 AM
it's hard to play aggressive when you have probably the most selfish point guard in the league on your team not getting you the ball

:lol Yeah, let's blame this on Tony. :lol

01-03-2007, 12:07 AM
23-9 is pretty bad for a team tryin to win a championship

we went 63-19 last year

and this year, at the 23-9 rate, we'll be 46-18

not too pretty

but there's a lot of time left in the season

I'll be much more concerned after the trade deadline after this team makes the changes that they need to
We'd go around 58-24. I'm down with that. :smokin

Kori Ellis
01-03-2007, 12:07 AM
Weeks? I think I've hated Duncan ever since he was playing weak in the '05 championship run.

Okay dozens of weeks. :)

01-03-2007, 12:09 AM
We'd go around 58-24. I'm down with that. :smokin

58-24 isn't too bad come to think off it

sucks that Dallas and Phoenix won

oh well, I'm over it

it's just 2 games behind

01-03-2007, 04:42 AM
I wanna see him dunking with authority. When was the last time he had a monster dunk? I miss those times.

01-03-2007, 05:02 AM
Doesn't matter if he kicks our ass if you always lose. We've got no reason to be overly sensitive about Duncan's whining when he's failing to lead his team past a supposedly inferior Mavs team in the playoffs.

i would just like to point out...

tim = http://ct.pbase.com/u36/trrsranch/small/23547370.Spurs2003ChampionshipRing.jpghttp://ct.pbase.com/u36/trrsranch/small/23547370.Spurs2003ChampionshipRing.jpghttp://ct.pbase.com/u36/trrsranch/small/23547370.Spurs2003ChampionshipRing.jpg

dirk = http://www.leadernotes.com/uploads/Heat%20Championship-thumb.jpg

i mean, i'm just sayin....

01-03-2007, 05:56 AM
After 10 years and 800 games in the league, Duncan is fully motivated for a meaningless regular season game. I can understand that and I just ask him to be fully motivated for the playoffs. I don't care that Spurs win 60 games in the regular season. I'm fine with 50-55 wins and if everybody is at 100% in his head and in his body for the playoffs, Spurs will be fine (HCA is overrated).

01-03-2007, 06:32 AM
After 10 years and 800 games in the league, Duncan is fully motivated for a meaningless regular season game. I can understand that and I just ask him to be fully motivated for the playoffs. I don't care that Spurs win 60 games in the regular season. I'm fine with 50-55 wins and if everybody is at 100% in his head and in his body for the playoffs, Spurs will be fine (HCA is overrated).

HCA is overated just because spurs lost last year in game seven vs mavs?
Or you have got other theories?

No effort and whining - that is important!

01-03-2007, 06:38 AM
We in Suns land think Dirk is a bigger whiner.

This coming from a Suns fan who had to make officiating excuses about a probable Suns loss BEFORE the Suns/Mavs game. Hilarious.

As for a general comment, Dirk whines, all good ballers whine but for the moron comparing Duncan's whining to Jordan's, here's the difference. Jordan went for the shot which he often made and then complained about a call or no call. Duncan is too damn concerned with getting the call rather than focusing on the shot first and I don't why the hell he would give a shit about that, his free throw shooting sucks balls. I actually like it when Duncan has a shitfit on the floor these days, it means he's getting discouraged and it shows in his game. Dirk never whined much when he entered the league, I guess he learned that this is what good ballers do so he stepped it up and why not, he's great at the line? Kind of the same way Manu realized that flopping can be rewarded with a trip to the line.

01-03-2007, 06:52 AM
This year, by far, Duncan is the biggest whiner. But Dirk, Cuban and the Mavs organization have created a long-standing legacy of whining like bitches. It will take a long time before that changes. In fact, if Dirk and Cuban went mute right now, they'd probably still be known as whiners in 20 years.

Nah, too many people obsess about Cuban (himself included) but he's not a player so why include him with players who bitch and moan about calls? Cuban's bitching comes from the fan in him, not as a business owner, so if we compared him to fans of other teams who whine, well, I don't think the Mavs *org* would win...just look at all the cliffjumpers from last season who went apeshit about the officiating in the playoffs.

Dirk is quite an obsession of Spurs fans, he's not typically thought of as much of a whiner (or anything else for that matter!) outside of Dallas and Germany. We should get nba.com to do a *biggest NBA whiner* poll or one of those espn nation polls.

01-03-2007, 07:01 AM
HCA is overated just because spurs lost last year in game seven vs mavs?
Or you have got other theories?

HCA is only usefull in game 7 and most of the serie doesn't go to game 7.
Even in the case of a game 7, winning on the road isn't impossible. nba arenas aren't really hostile.

01-03-2007, 07:03 AM
HCA is only usefull in game 7 and most of the serie doesn't go to game 7.
Even in the case of a game 7, winning on the road isn't impossible. nba arenas aren't really hostile.

Same reasons for the HCA not being overated

It helps in game seven but it is not imposibble to win earlier :shootme

01-03-2007, 07:06 AM
Btw - give detroit 2005 home games number 6 and 7 who would be victorious?

01-03-2007, 07:28 AM
I rather have HCA than no HCA but I just say that by saying that HCA is overrated :

- Phoenix and Dallas will be around 20 losses this year. If Spurs wants HCA on them, it will likely be decided in the last games of the regular season. I rather have rested players than HCA and players tired by the fight for the first place.

- I rather have a player like Duncan who plays at 80% in the regular and who is able to raise his level of play in playoffs than a player like KG who will be better in the regular season but won't raise his level in playoffs and even if it costs HCA to Spurs.

01-03-2007, 07:34 AM
thempvp you are the best. I AGREE WITH YOU. TD plays like a chicken.


01-03-2007, 08:41 AM
I rather have HCA than no HCA but I just say that by saying that HCA is overrated :

- Phoenix and Dallas will be around 20 losses this year. If Spurs wants HCA on them, it will likely be decided in the last games of the regular season. I rather have rested players than HCA and players tired by the fight for the first place.

- I rather have a player like Duncan who plays at 80% in the regular and who is able to raise his level of play in playoffs than a player like KG who will be better in the regular season but won't raise his level in playoffs and even if it costs HCA to Spurs.

I understand but, you are as calm as Bobcats fans. Like you would knew that Spurs won't win a championship.
Or you know that the spurs are already a 2007 nba champions :dizzy

Let's see:
Rebounding problem which killes us last year is still here
lack effort problem is here but was not last year
Tim is whining as never, but at the begining of a season he was pleased with this new "ref' rule
The spurs are old - yes I know this is cliche but true in todays NBA standard, NBA is faster more athleic and the experience is overrated! (spurs 2006)

Now tell me. maybe it will be better foir spurs to lay down and wait for the playoffs so we could see some determination and effort, well they will switch it on right? (sarcasm)
As I said before how you contribute in the regular season reflexes in the playoffs :ihit
When playoffs time will come Tim Duncan will stop whining? Spurs will start to rebound more?

btw - we are talking (wanting) the same thing - a 100% spurs in the playoffs but we are looking diferently on them now.
I see a biger picture, not sleepwalking through regular season like spurs are doing at the momement!

01-03-2007, 08:48 AM
When playoffs time will come Tim Duncan will stop whining? Spurs will start to rebound more?

If we continue to play like this, the playoffs will just look like the 4th quarter. Too late to turn it around.

Start playing now, for 48 minutes, every game, with passion.

01-03-2007, 08:55 AM
If we continue to play like this, the playoffs will just look like the 4th quarter. Too late to turn it around.

Start playing now, for 48 minutes, every game, with passion.


01-03-2007, 09:38 AM
Duncan is too damn concerned with getting the call rather than focusing on the shot first and I don't why the hell he would give a shit about that, his free throw shooting sucks balls. I actually like it when Duncan has a shitfit on the floor these days, it means he's getting discouraged and it shows in his game.

this is sooooo true. he whines, starts playing passively since he's thinking he won't get any calls, goes up weak, gets back slow on d...did i mention he whines.

at some point he should be like fuck it, i'm not getting any calls so i'm just going to go strong on every play and FORCE the refs to make a call. and i agree, for a guy that has such a mental block at the line, why is he always so eager to go. make the shot and then got to the line, dammit!!!

01-03-2007, 09:46 AM
you know that the spurs are already a 2007 nba champions :dizzy

Yes, but it's a secret.

When playoffs time will come Tim Duncan will stop whining? Spurs will start to rebound more?

Duncan will play at another level during the playoffs. He will whine less too because he will be more focused.
You can't expect that Spurs dominate each statiscal category. Rebounding isn't one of Spurs' strength but it's not a weakness too. Spurs are far form being the worst rebounding team in the league.

You act like it's the end of the world in Spursland. Stop overreacting and leave the suicide mode : Spurs start of the season is good but not great. Spurs have still all their chances to win the championship this year.

FYI, today's Vegas odds for the 07 title :
Suns : 10/3
Spurs : 15/4
Mavs : 15/4

01-03-2007, 09:51 AM
the whining just seems counter productive to me... i would imagine if he kept his head down and played the calls would come more readily.

01-03-2007, 10:57 AM
He needs to be T'ed up every single time he whines. Maybe that would shut him up. It's getting way out of hand now.

01-03-2007, 01:54 PM
Yes, but it's a secret.

Duncan will play at another level during the playoffs. He will whine less too because he will be more focused.
You can't expect that Spurs dominate each statiscal category. Rebounding isn't one of Spurs' strength but it's not a weakness too. Spurs are far form being the worst rebounding team in the league.

You act like it's the end of the world in Spursland. Stop overreacting and leave the suicide mode : Spurs start of the season is good but not great. Spurs have still all their chances to win the championship this year.

FYI, today's Vegas odds for the 07 title :
Suns : 10/3
Spurs : 15/4
Mavs : 15/4

Jeez, fuck the odds!

Yup Tim will whine less cause you saying so :rolleyes
Like vs Dallas last year, great observation Bruno.

The season is good :blah :blah :blah

Yeah - maybe we should just close every internet spurs site and open it when playoffs will come hm?

01-03-2007, 01:59 PM
Yes, but it's a secret.

Duncan will play at another level during the playoffs. He will whine less too because he will be more focused.
You can't expect that Spurs dominate each statiscal category. Rebounding isn't one of Spurs' strength but it's not a weakness too. Spurs are far form being the worst rebounding team in the league.

You act like it's the end of the world in Spursland. Stop overreacting and leave the suicide mode : Spurs start of the season is good but not great. Spurs have still all their chances to win the championship this year.

FYI, today's Vegas odds for the 07 title :
Suns : 10/3
Spurs : 15/4
Mavs : 15/4

Duncan shouldn't wait until the playoffs, that's the entire point. He has the talent and apparently the energy and health to perform 110% every night, so why isn't he doing it? It's unacceptable. If he just tanks until the playoffs, that's laziness on his part.

And why do you even throw in Vegas odds?? Vegas odds don't actually translate into a championship. Those odds mean shit.

01-03-2007, 03:45 PM
Tim is actually past pissing me off. I remember watching him in 03 and 04 and hell even 05 and he was on an entirely different level then than he is now. Now he's just a pretty good player who barely averages 20 and 10. He is very easy to stop because all he ever does is turn and face his defender, then proceed to backing him down and then he throws up a shot. Gone is the bank shot, gone is the aggressiveness. And forget shot blocking and rebounding because he's apparently forgotten how to do both.

I guess my point is that I'm sick and tired of watching someone who gets payed over 13 million dollars a year to play basketball play with such a lack of effort at times. I just feel bad for the fans who pay to see the Spurs play and have to watch their "superstar" put up lackluster performances almost every game.

01-03-2007, 03:52 PM
You guys talking about how Duncan's just "resting" for the playoffs need to get real. Unless he has some chronic injury like last regular season (maybe he still does?), that's incredibly bogus. Him putting in 110% effort right now as opposed to 50% will have absolutely 0 effect on how much energy he has in April.

He's not a 70 year old, he's what, 29? 30? His body is young and after 2 hours of expending his energy it doesnt take him more than 1 or 2 days max to rest up and be at 100% again.

If I were a Spurs fan I'd be pissed at the fact that he may not be pushing himself all the time. He may well kick it into high gear for the playoffs, but he could do that regardless of what he's doing now. He doesn't have to "save it".

01-03-2007, 03:57 PM
The season is good :blah :blah :blah

Yeah - maybe we should just close every internet spurs site and open it when playoffs will come hm?

Maybe we should stop overreacting after each regular season loss ? After each loss , people find something/somebody to blame (defense, rebounding, Pop, a player..) and say that Spurs won't win the championship.

01-03-2007, 04:01 PM
Maybe we should stop overreacting after each regular season loss ? After each loss , people find something/somebody to blame (defense, rebounding, Pop, a player..) and say that Spurs won't win the championship.

Again. NO FRICKIN' EFFORT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And take a look how many pathetic losses the spurs had recently, and I'm not talking just about this one loss and after this one loss. The mental problem occured something like last month.

01-03-2007, 04:03 PM
Duncan shouldn't wait until the playoffs, that's the entire point. He has the talent and apparently the energy and health to perform 110% every night, so why isn't he doing it? It's unacceptable. If he just tanks until the playoffs, that's laziness on his part.

I agree that he shouldn't wait.
I just say that I understand him.

And why do you even throw in Vegas odds?? Vegas odds don't actually translate into a championship. Those odds mean shit.

I put vegas odds to put things in perspective : Spurs are still one of the favourite to win the championship.

01-03-2007, 04:06 PM
Again. NO FRICKIN' EFFORT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And take a look how many pathetic losses the spurs had recently, and I'm not talking just about this one loss and after this one loss. The mental problem occured something like last month.

Spurs are done, they should tank for Oden.

01-03-2007, 04:07 PM
Spurs are done, they should tank for Oden.

Looks like they doing that

01-03-2007, 04:08 PM
You guys talking about how Duncan's just "resting" for the playoffs need to get real. Unless he has some chronic injury like last regular season (maybe he still does?), that's incredibly bogus. Him putting in 110% effort right now as opposed to 50% will have absolutely 0 effect on how much energy he has in April.

He's not a 70 year old, he's what, 29? 30? His body is young and after 2 hours of expending his energy it doesnt take him more than 1 or 2 days max to rest up and be at 100% again.

If I were a Spurs fan I'd be pissed at the fact that he may not be pushing himself all the time. He may well kick it into high gear for the playoffs, but he could do that regardless of what he's doing now. He doesn't have to "save it".

The majority of us are pissed off for that very reason. He apparently doesn't have a chronic injury, because he's said he's healthy and he's played (when he actually tries) like he's healthy. He just puts forth minimal effort, bitches about the calls, and then lets the calls frazzle him and then he gives up and/or misses easy shots. That's not the kind of stuff we should see out of someone like him.

01-03-2007, 05:30 PM
The majority of us are pissed off for that very reason. He apparently doesn't have a chronic injury, because he's said he's healthy and he's played (when he actually tries) like he's healthy. He just puts forth minimal effort, bitches about the calls, and then lets the calls frazzle him and then he gives up and/or misses easy shots. That's not the kind of stuff we should see out of someone like him.

I agree. And Duncan for a long time was probably my favorite non-Maverick. Beautiful fundamentals, extremely intelligent/articulate, and just a pretty pleasant guy to listen to and watch play.

These days, though, I don't know. He's just as intelligent, just as respectful at the podium...but I get really tired of watching someone of his caliber be more talk than walk on the court, at least in the regular season.

01-03-2007, 05:35 PM
The majority of us are pissed off for that very reason. He apparently doesn't have a chronic injury, because he's said he's healthy and he's played (when he actually tries) like he's healthy. He just puts forth minimal effort, bitches about the calls, and then lets the calls frazzle him and then he gives up and/or misses easy shots. That's not the kind of stuff we should see out of someone like him.

bingo!!!! and i'm a huge TD homer but he's playing like a puss lately and it's just unacceptable. if you give me maximum effort every game i'm happy. if you continue to take up weak shots and get them shoved down your throat and want the refs to bail you out, i'm gonna call you out and Pop needs to do the same ASAP.

01-03-2007, 05:46 PM
Ever since championship #1 the same midseason slump happens, you can go back into archives, copy everyone's complaints, paste them here, change the dates and they'll fit right in this forum with the rest of the dissatisfaction and restlessness and lethargicness and adnauseamness and all the other nesses.:dramaquee

01-04-2007, 01:59 AM
there you go Bruno

01-04-2007, 03:04 AM
55 points
21 rebs
9 assists

The Wolves frontcourt

Great inerior defense :tu

01-04-2007, 03:35 AM
Tim is just going through the motions right now. It's a long season. We're not even at the 1/2 way point and the playoffs start in April/May. It's a lot of basketball left to be played friends. You rather him tired himself out now so the Spurs can beat teams like Minnesota or would you have him ready and focused when the playoffs hit? It's like Shaq...the gift and the curse. Let Tony and Manu lead the team for now.

Cry Havoc
01-04-2007, 04:23 AM
bingo!!!! and i'm a huge TD homer but he's playing like a puss lately and it's just unacceptable. if you give me maximum effort every game i'm happy. if you continue to take up weak shots and get them shoved down your throat and want the refs to bail you out, i'm gonna call you out and Pop needs to do the same ASAP.

Weak shots? He's currently averaging a CAREER HIGH in FG%. If you think that's weak, perhaps we should hope for him to take more "weak" shots in the future. Personally I prefer him making almost 56% of his shots. I guess that's me. Hey, I hear Iverson is mobile these days. Maybe we should pick him up. He shoots a low percentage, but at least he's forceful with it!

Sarcasm aside, Duncan is averaging 20-10 and 2. The 20 PPG are understandable, considering Parker's evolution at the point. Duncan is getting 33.7 MPG this year, second lowest mark of his career. Another 3-4 minutes would likely see him averaging around 12 RPG, since he's actually over 10 (10.2). And the blocks? Well, guess what, guys, he's not so young anymore. He probably can't play 100% all the time, because he's thrown his body around winning... oh.... THREE CHAMPIONSHIPS for us.

Spurs fans are accusing him of only talk. Wow. He must be the greatest player in NBA history to be averaging 20-10 and 2 (not to mention 3.1 assists) just by talking. Perhaps Oscar Robertson would have slightly better numbers using only his mouth, but I'm not sure who else.

If the Spurs go on a 15 game winning streak, I bet all this talk ceases, even if Duncan's numbers decline. My guess is the fans on this board are unhappy about "losing" despite having one of the top records in the league (again) and it's not even being the all-star break yet. Might I remind you all that we're perinnially a slow-starting team? So we had our rough patch a little later than usual. Blame the TEAM, not Duncan. He's the best player on the Spurs, and without him we'd probably be a 9 seed, i.e. NOT IN THE PLAYOFFS.

01-04-2007, 06:31 AM
Hakeem Olajuwon that's how old Tim Duncan is!

01-04-2007, 07:57 AM
"one of the top records in the league"

Always Fool's Gold when talking about the level the Spurs play at (at least in previous seasons). Have you looked lately? Spurs are 4th in the WC, 2Ws and 3Ls behind the Mavs. 3Ls is lot to make up on the Mavs.

The Spurs only hope is the Mavs, esp Dirk, get injuries, like their only hope last night was that the Wolves would cool off. Spurs don't take wins, they need the other team to lose.

(don't even mention the EC. 7 WC teams have won 20 games, not even one EC team has).

"Blame the TEAM"

Only Enron was at fault, not Ken Lay.

Whose TEAM is it? Tim is a non-leader vocally, and now is not leading by example. Leaders are meant to lead the group out of the woods, through adversity, to know where to go when his group is lost. Tim is as lost and unmotivated as anybody.

Shitty losses to lottery teams,
weak-assed wins over shitty teams,
big leads blown,
big leads allowed,

01-04-2007, 08:53 AM
Hakeem Olajuwon that's how old Tim Duncan is!

To some of you who needs and explanation

Check out what was hakeem doing at the age of Tim Duncan.

Cry Havoc
01-04-2007, 11:33 AM
"one of the top records in the league"

Always Fool's Gold when talking about the level the Spurs play at (at least in previous seasons). Have you looked lately? Spurs are 4th in the WC, 2Ws and 3Ls behind the Mavs. 3Ls is lot to make up on the Mavs.

The Spurs only hope is the Mavs, esp Dirk, get injuries, like their only hope last night was that the Wolves would cool off. Spurs don't take wins, they need the other team to lose.

(don't even mention the EC. 7 WC teams have won 20 games, not even one EC team has).

"Blame the TEAM"

Only Enron was at fault, not Ken Lay.

Whose TEAM is it? Tim is a non-leader vocally, and now is not leading by example. Leaders are meant to lead the group out of the woods, through adversity, to know where to go when his group is lost. Tim is as lost and unmotivated as anybody.

Shitty losses to lottery teams,
weak-assed wins over shitty teams,
big leads blown,
big leads allowed,

And that's obviously because we have Tim Duncan at PF, NOT because we have Elson at the 5. Duncan's numbers are EXACTLY where they should be for his minutes, irregardless of age.

3Ls is lot to make up on the Mavs.

In the playoffs? Sure. You're talking about a team that's 23-10 like it's the Titanic going down. Were you guys such bandwagon fans in previous years when we started just above .500? Or was it okay to lose back then but not now?

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-04-2007, 12:56 PM
What's up with Duncan?
Sore tummy...maybe the flu?
Have mom make you soup.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-04-2007, 12:56 PM
oops, wrong thread.

01-04-2007, 01:03 PM
his getting ready for tps bachelor party instead of worryin on a few reg season games....

01-04-2007, 01:23 PM
"Duncan's numbers are EXACTLY"

Like Bruce's contribution is measured by his numbers, right?

"23-10 like it's the Titanic going down."

Spurs have one mortal enemy, and it's the same one that killed the Spurs last May.

Guess which team is playing consistently on a mission to be champions
and which is playing like chumps.

Guess which team and fans are having more fun and entertainment and satisfaction?

Cry Havoc
01-04-2007, 02:06 PM
I'm having a blast, personally. I love basketball and sports, and I love watching them, not only when my team is winning.

It's a game. It's meant to be a diversion from life. It is NOT (and I know this upsets many of you) a life and death matter if the Spurs don't win. We have 3 titles in the past 7 years. That's incredible. You want more? Fine. So do I. But if winning is the only way you have fun with sports... you're completely missing the point.

Like Bruce's contribution is measured by his numbers, right?

That's a completely different set of statements. People are spouting off on the boards that Duncan is doing nothing but talk these days. I merely pointed out that he's averaging 20-10-3 and 2 in limited minutes, which is a hell of a lot more than anyone else could give this franchise right now.

I asked a friend last night (Bulls fan) what he would give for Tim Duncan right now giving his team 20-10-3 and 2 every night, and showed him this thread. He looked at me completely honestly, and said, "100 million." Yet we demand more of him instead of asking the other teammates to step up and play better.

01-04-2007, 02:15 PM
If you are capable of playing better you do so.

01-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Some of you crack me up.

It's like you think if Duncan quits complaining to the officials, he'll somehow become less of a player.

It's not a lot to ask. We all love what Duncan does on the court but we think he's capable of more, ESPECIALLY when it comes to his on-court attitude.

Cry Havoc
01-04-2007, 02:41 PM
If you are capable of playing better you do so.

And what if you're struggling? What if you're just out of rhythm? What if you're (I know, God forbid Duncan is human) seeking out your motivation for giving 100% every night?

He's not a freaking robot. He goes through slumps like every other player in sports. This couldn't even really be called a slump, as actually he's scoring MORE efficiently and putting up very close to his career numbers in points despite reduced playing time to save him for the postseason. You know. The games that really matter.

Cry Havoc
01-04-2007, 02:45 PM
Some of you crack me up.

It's like you think if Duncan quits complaining to the officials, he'll somehow become less of a player.

It's not a lot to ask. We all love what Duncan does on the court but we think he's capable of more, ESPECIALLY when it comes to his on-court attitude.

So we should trade him if he doesn't? That's another thread that seems to have some support. I have no problem of people being critical of Duncan. Calling him washed up and abandoning all title hopes unless a trade or a coaching change is made is what I take umbrage to.

01-04-2007, 02:51 PM
So we should trade him if he doesn't? That's another thread that seems to have some support.

Not this thread.

Solid D
01-04-2007, 03:04 PM
What's up with Duncan?
Sore tummy...maybe the flu?
Have mom make you soup.

Who's mom? Timmy's mom passed away (cancer).

01-04-2007, 03:06 PM
And what if you're struggling? What if you're just out of rhythm? What if you're (I know, God forbid Duncan is human) seeking out your motivation for giving 100% every night?

He's not a freaking robot. He goes through slumps like every other player in sports. This couldn't even really be called a slump, as actually he's scoring MORE efficiently and putting up very close to his career numbers in points despite reduced playing time to save him for the postseason. You know. The games that really matter.

I was talking more about a whole team not just Tim.

From what I can see now, it's not a slump. This are the problems which were in AlamoCity before and caused unability to knock off :ihit the competition espcialy from a mental point of view

Solid D
01-04-2007, 03:15 PM
Timmy may be a year older and may be whining a bit much but let's not forget that some of the things listed below are fairly current occurances:

2-time NBA Most Valuable Player: 2002, 2003
2-time TSN NBA Most Valuable Player: 2002, 2003
3-time NBA Champion: 1999, 2003, 2005
3-time NBA Finals MVP: 1999, 2003, 2005
8-time NBA All-Star: 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
7-time starter (2000–2006)
NBA All-Star Game MVP: 2000
9-time All-NBA:
First Team: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Second Team: 2006
9-time All-Defensive:
First Team: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005
Second Team: 1998, 2004, 2006
NBA All-Rookie First Team: 1998
NBA Rookie of the Year: 1998
TSN NBA Rookie of the Year: 1998
NBA regular-season leader, field goals made: 2002 (764)
NBA regular-season leader, total rebounds: 2002 (1,042)
One of only four players to receive All-NBA First Team honors in each of his first 8 seasons (1998-2005), along with Hall of Famers Bob Pettit (10 seasons), Larry Bird (9 seasons), and Oscar Robertson (9 seasons).
Only player in NBA history to receive All-NBA and All-Defensive honors in his first 9 seasons (1998-2006).
NBA playoff records:
Most consecutive field goals made, none missed: 12 (May 17, 2006 vs. the Dallas Mavericks; tied with Larry McNeill)
NBA Finals records:
Most blocks averaged per game, series: 5.3 (2003 NBA Finals)
Most blocks, one game: 8 (decisive Game 6 of the 2003 NBA Finals; also had 21 points, 20 rebounds, and 10 assists in the same game)
ACC Male Athlete of the Year: 1997
John R. Wooden Award: 1997
Naismith College Player of the Year: 1997
On February 18 2006, Named one of the Next 10 Greatest Players on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the release of the NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team by the TNT broadcasting crew.

Bob Lanier
01-04-2007, 03:21 PM
"Whining" about questionable calls has nothing to do with how he's playing. Technical fouls are not taking him out of his game. Rasheed Wallace, for instance, whines a ton (and rightfully so) about how the referees victimise him and can get Td up for literally anything. But, unlike Timmy, he doesn't allow that to take him out of his game; indeed, he plays much, much better and more aggressively after he gets a technical.

Timmy just needs to grow a pair of balls and some mental toughness - like Sheed.

01-04-2007, 03:28 PM
Timmy may be a year older and may be whining a bit much but let's not forget that some of the things listed below are fairly current occurances:

2-time NBA Most Valuable Player: 2002, 2003
2-time TSN NBA Most Valuable Player: 2002, 2003
3-time NBA Champion: 1999, 2003, 2005
3-time NBA Finals MVP: 1999, 2003, 2005
8-time NBA All-Star: 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
7-time starter (2000–2006)
NBA All-Star Game MVP: 2000
9-time All-NBA:
First Team: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Second Team: 2006
9-time All-Defensive:
First Team: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005
Second Team: 1998, 2004, 2006
NBA All-Rookie First Team: 1998
NBA Rookie of the Year: 1998
TSN NBA Rookie of the Year: 1998
NBA regular-season leader, field goals made: 2002 (764)
NBA regular-season leader, total rebounds: 2002 (1,042)
One of only four players to receive All-NBA First Team honors in each of his first 8 seasons (1998-2005), along with Hall of Famers Bob Pettit (10 seasons), Larry Bird (9 seasons), and Oscar Robertson (9 seasons).
Only player in NBA history to receive All-NBA and All-Defensive honors in his first 9 seasons (1998-2006).
NBA playoff records:
Most consecutive field goals made, none missed: 12 (May 17, 2006 vs. the Dallas Mavericks; tied with Larry McNeill)
NBA Finals records:
Most blocks averaged per game, series: 5.3 (2003 NBA Finals)
Most blocks, one game: 8 (decisive Game 6 of the 2003 NBA Finals; also had 21 points, 20 rebounds, and 10 assists in the same game)
ACC Male Athlete of the Year: 1997
John R. Wooden Award: 1997
Naismith College Player of the Year: 1997
On February 18 2006, Named one of the Next 10 Greatest Players on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the release of the NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team by the TNT broadcasting crew.

Yup , that was a good career.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-04-2007, 04:02 PM
Who's mom? Timmy's mom passed away (cancer).

They're never really gone you know.

I believe it's possible for her to get some soup to him.

Solid D
01-04-2007, 04:10 PM
Yes, okay. But if Timmy whines too much...no soup for him!

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-04-2007, 04:19 PM
Yes, okay. But if Timmy whines too much...no soup for him!

Tim whines and Pop wines
The Spurs keep slumping along
Forum suicides