View Full Version : Bench Oberto And Play Butler!!!

01-03-2007, 12:49 PM
I'm tired of backing this bitch up. He needs to fuckin grow a pair and dunk that shit. He's like Rasho except Rasho rebounded and he actually made his shots. He's missing shots that are right in his face. He missed at least 3 shots were he was right in front of the basket, threw it off the backboard and bricked it. FUCKIN DUNK IT! I know Butler can do that. This is UNACCEPTABLE. I bet Scola can do a better job than him. Duncan's doing his thing, Bonner's playing well, Horry is playing like his usual self although we are gonna need him, and Oberto sucks. We have it going on at the 4, but our 5 sucks balls. Elson is hurt, and Oberto isn't doing anything, so why not play Butler? Butler has potential. At least give him a shot. No one can be worse than how Oberto is playing right now.

01-03-2007, 03:57 PM

Uh, you posted in a thread with the exact same take already.