View Full Version : My grandmother...

01-03-2007, 06:03 PM
...was diagnosed with class three uterine cancer this morning. Luckily it had not spread to any other organs, but it has been left uncheck, raging through her uterus, for 4-5 years now, as she has refused to go to the doctor until a few days before Christmas when she started bleeding so badly that she passed out.

They have put the treatment as chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and the prognosis is a 50/50 shot at survival.

She is, to me, not just a grandmother, but much more like a second version of my mom. I spent the first week of my life living with her because my mom was too poor. I spent the night at her house at least 1 day a week until my 17th birthday. I went to visit her at her beauty shop (which she owns and runs) on an almost daily basis for a long time, and spent most of my childhood there.

The worst part of the situation is not just the cancer and what it means to her physically, but what it means to her emotionally. She has always been the source of inspiration, courage, and love amongst our family, as she lives with her husband, and 32 year old crippled daughter. Three days a week now, as she is semi-retired, she dresses, changes, and carried my aunt to her wheelchair, rolled her out to the car, carried her out of the car into her wheelchair, and kept her with her at her beauty shop. The other days of the week she still changed, dressed, bathed, and carried my aunt and took her on dates, to the mall, etc. She made this her life.

Her husband has been slowly deteriorating, despite being in his early 60's. He is on multiple daily medications, including prozac and nerve pills. He goes to sleep, and demands silence, at 8:00 every night, and wakes up at 5:30. He says that he does not want family visiting the house often because of his nerves, and when we are able to go, we have to limit conversation to topics that he is comfortable with.

My grandmother is a different person away from her job. It gave her a sense of independence and livelihood. A place where she was able to be herself, say what she wanted, and visit with her family. Every penny that she made went to groceries for her family, and money to help out my mother and I. She would give me money to help get through college, sometimes over $100 a week, and she would help my mom by buying a large portion of her groceries as well. She worked to help others, and to escape, and it was her greatest source of joy.

I am not sad because I lose my support, damnit I couldn't care less. But I mentioned that to show the way that she has lived, and what a source of hope her job provided her with. And now, even if she survives, she will be forced into retirement, which her husband feels is long overdue, and stuck in a home, sick from chemotherapy, where she does not feel comfortable, and can not truly enjoy the company of her loved ones.

If any of you pray, please do because there is nobody more undeserving of what she is experiencing, and very few people who would be more destroyed by prolonged treatment.

Thank you for your thoughts.

01-03-2007, 06:09 PM
She sounds like an amazing person. I'm sorry and I hope she pulls through. I'll be pulling for her!

Thank you,

01-03-2007, 06:10 PM
She sounds like an amazing person. I'm sorry and I hope she pulls through. I'll be pulling for her!

I couldn't have said it better...

01-03-2007, 06:10 PM
Sorry to hear the news, she'll fight through this one.

01-03-2007, 06:17 PM
Sorry to hear the news, she'll fight through this one.

Yeah, I really hope so, and have to believe so, but that is the bittersweet nature of what has happened to her...even if she makes it through the cancer, losing her job, and thus her ability to have quality time with her family, has been robbed of her. It is, no matter what happens, for her a death sentence.

01-03-2007, 06:18 PM
If any of you pray, please do

I do and I will.

Sounds like she is a strong woman with a lot of detemination....she'll fight this and come out the victor.

01-03-2007, 11:26 PM
I hope everything works out. Best wishes to you and your family...

01-03-2007, 11:26 PM
I am so sorry to hear that. My prayers go up for her, you, and your family. Please keep us posted.

Billy Cobham
01-04-2007, 12:04 AM
Sounds like a great lady. I hope she pulls through! She can always get a job somewhere, the important thing is that she gets healthy.

Pistons < Spurs
01-04-2007, 12:07 AM
Sounds like she's a truly wonderful person. As do you, as your more concerned for her than you are for yourself in this situation.

I typically do not pray as I'm not very religious. But my thoughts and prayers will most definitely be with her and with your family.

Keep your head up. Try to be as supportive for her as she has been for you. Hopefully treatment will be effective, and not keep her away from the family for a prolonged period of time.

Mr Dio
01-04-2007, 12:49 AM
I felt my eyes get a little misty seeing how this happened to such a caring, devoted & strong person. I do hope the best comes of this.

I pray that HE keeps her, you, and all that care for others as she does, in his hands and cares for them as they do others.
I pray that HE comforts them as they do others.

01-04-2007, 01:02 AM
That sucks dude.

01-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Best wishes to her and your family. I'll keep her in my thoughts.