View Full Version : Scarborough blast o'reilly for being gop Suckup

01-05-2007, 08:16 PM
On the January 4 edition of MSNBC's Scarborough Country, host Joe Scarborough responded to Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's attacks on NBC and MSNBC by asserting that O'Reilly was "way off base on MSNBC, on NBC, and certainly on me. And I challenge you to debate me anytime, anyplace, anywhere." Scarborough further challenged O'Reilly to "find one thing I have said on this program over the past year that is not consistent with the conservative congressman who was against military adventurism when I was in Congress, that was against exploding deficits, that was against reckless spending, and was against turning Congress into the type of swamp that we Republicans have turned it into over the past six years." Concluding, Scarborough stated, "That doesn't make me liberal, that makes me conservative. That may make you, though, a suck-up, if you defend the Republicans that have done that to this country and to our party over the past six years."


01-05-2007, 08:24 PM
On the January 4 edition of MSNBC's Scarborough Country, host Joe Scarborough responded to Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's attacks on NBC and MSNBC by asserting that O'Reilly was "way off base on MSNBC, on NBC, and certainly on me. And I challenge you to debate me anytime, anyplace, anywhere." Scarborough further challenged O'Reilly to "find one thing I have said on this program over the past year that is not consistent with the conservative congressman who was against military adventurism when I was in Congress, that was against exploding deficits, that was against reckless spending, and was against turning Congress into the type of swamp that we Republicans have turned it into over the past six years." Concluding, Scarborough stated, "That doesn't make me liberal, that makes me conservative. That may make you, though, a suck-up, if you defend the Republicans that have done that to this country and to our party over the past six years."

Pass the pop corn!

LaMarcus Bryant
01-05-2007, 08:58 PM
I wonder what Hannity's position is in this.

01-05-2007, 09:12 PM
I wonder what Hannity's position is in this.
Bent over, pants down, ass facing Dubyah if things hold true to form.

01-06-2007, 01:59 AM
The FoxNews/MSNBC rivalry is pretty entertaining. They take potshots at each other all the time.

01-07-2007, 03:18 AM
Man, just think if we only had a 24-hour news network that actually reported the news.

01-09-2007, 12:07 AM
during the day especially..basic highschool math, how to prepare a tax return, etc...
For those of us who's means of income dictate that we can't simply attach a W-2 to 1040EZ, that tv show would be greatly appreciated.

01-09-2007, 12:20 AM
I hope one day BILL O REILLY gets shot walking out of his office

01-09-2007, 10:34 AM
it'd be nice if there was more educational programming

You wouldn't understand all the big words......

01-09-2007, 10:41 AM
I hope one day BILL O REILLY gets shot walking out of his office

Uh, oh.

01-09-2007, 12:27 PM
I wonder what Hannity's position is in this.

Bent over, pants down, ass facing Dubyah if things hold true to form.
You're quite wrong about Sean - he's blasted this administration plenty on their handling of the illegal immigration problem and on their run-away spending. He's also been very critical of those congressmen caught in scandals.

The difference is he doesn't think the democrats are any better!

George Gervin's Afro
01-09-2007, 12:42 PM
You're quite wrong about Sean - he's blasted this administration plenty on their handling of the illegal immigration problem and on their run-away spending. He's also been very critical of those congressmen caught in scandals.

The difference is he doesn't think the democrats are any better!

No whannity is a GOP apologist. It makes we want to puke when he goes to Iraq and tries to make the war a political issue with the troops. The comment that makes me shudder with anger is when he would approached the troops with "Murtha said the militarily we could not win in Iraq".. implying that Murtha said our troops could not win the war..when his point was the Iraq situation needs to be won politically and and not militarily.. this is just one example.. another when Whannity says " John Kerry said that our troops our terrorists..".. when Kerry stated than our troops should not be put in the position of the busting into houses in the middle of the night giving the residents the impression that they are terrorizing them when the Iraqi troops should be the one's doing the raids"... yet there goes whannity trying to convince these guys that democrats hate the military..truly disgusting..The main reason why I have zero respect for the guy is the way he takes quotes out of context and then purposely misconstrues what people say to make a political point.. I see it 2 ways..either he is stupid and doesn't realize that he is taking things out of context ...or he is dishonest..WHannity is not a stupid man.

01-09-2007, 03:06 PM
January 9, 2007

They Will Meet: O'Reilly and Colbert


Filed at 2:31 p.m. ET

NEW YORK (AP) -- It may feel like looking into the mirror for Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert next week.

The Fox News Channel host and Colbert, who has essentially based his comic character every evening on Comedy Central on him, will trade appearances on each other's programs Jan. 18.

''I'm really looking forward to speaking to a man who owes his entire career to me,'' O'Reilly said.

On ''The Colbert Report,'' Colbert portrays a self-involved talk-show host who has tried to bring ''truthiness'' to the world. His character owes an obvious debt to O'Reilly, who holds court in the ''no-spin zone'' each evening.

On ''The O'Reilly Factor,'' O'Reilly portrays a ... um, he hosts the top-rated program in cable news.

''I look forward to the evening,'' Colbert said. ''It is an honor to speak face-to-face with a broadcasting legend, and I feel the same way about Mr. O'Reilly.''


Mark your calendars.
But I figure they won't take the gloves off.
Only the advertizing revenue will be be "up" for it.

01-09-2007, 03:27 PM
....makes me shudder with anger is when he would approached the troops with "Murtha said the militarily we could not win in Iraq".. implying that Murtha said our troops could not win the war..when his point was the Iraq situation needs to be won politically and and not militarily.. " John Kerry said that our troops our terrorists..".. when Kerry stated than our troops should not be put in the position of the busting into houses in the middle of the night giving the residents the impression that they are terrorizing them when the Iraqi troops should be the one's doing the raids"...

Can you point me to one war that has been won politically and not militarily?


Since when is Kerry any expert on anything. Well of course getting wounded
and throwing other peoples medals over the WH fence.

George Gervin's Afro
01-09-2007, 04:06 PM
Can you point me to one war that has been won politically and not militarily?


Since when is Kerry any expert on anything. Well of course getting wounded
and throwing other peoples medals over the WH fence.

The Iraq War. We won the 'war' militarily a long time ago..the post war plan was f*cked and this is what we are left with. An unwinnable situation.. we can either sacrifice another couple of thousand US lives and cross our fingers it works..or we can gradually pull out and cross our fingers it works.. either way ray it's out of our hands and we as a nation need to decide how many more US lives this is worth..

As far as kerry goes he's an idiot but that does not take away the fact that Whannity is dishonest or stupid for purposely misusing quotes out of context. Sort of like wehn Bush said he wasn't really concerned about Osama Bin Laden... of course if Kerry would have used those words in an ad without the proper context Ray and his ilk would be selectively outraged..

01-09-2007, 04:55 PM
The Iraq War. We won the 'war' militarily a long time ago..the post war plan was f*cked and this is what we are left with. An unwinnable situation.. we can either sacrifice another couple of thousand US lives and cross our fingers it works..or we can gradually pull out and cross our fingers it works.. either way ray it's out of our hands and we as a nation need to decide how many more US lives this is worth..

As far as kerry goes he's an idiot but that does not take away the fact that Whannity is dishonest or stupid for purposely misusing quotes out of context. Sort of like wehn Bush said he wasn't really concerned about Osama Bin Laden... of course if Kerry would have used those words in an ad without the proper context Ray and his ilk would be selectively outraged..

You said politically. Do you remember we tried and failed to win Iraq
politically. We along with other countries tried to get Saddam to get
out of Iraq, even found a country that would accept him, and take his
millions along with his family. But nope, he wasn't have any part of it.
Well see what it got him.

The war is far from over in Iraq. What is happening there is what happened
in Viet Nam. The politicians are getting involved and trying to run the
war along with every damn pacifist in the world. At first they kept their
mouth shut because someone would have shut it for them, but slowly
they started to speak and now they are in full voice.

I love the NYT, get out of Iraq, but don't let happen there that happen
in Viet Nam. How do you do that with no troops in Iraq?

01-09-2007, 05:01 PM
The politicians are getting involved and trying to run the
war along with every damn pacifist in the world.:lol The politicians were running the war all along. It's not like we followed Shinseki's idea for occupation in the first place. Politicians Bush and Rummy tried to pull of this war on the cheap. It bit him in the ass and now he's just stalling so he can hand the war off to the next president so maybe they can take some of the blame for losing.

01-09-2007, 06:06 PM
Can you point me to one war that has been won politically and not militarily?

Red Herring. A political (diplomatic) solution prevents war from occuring in the first place.

01-10-2007, 11:59 AM
Red Herring. A political (diplomatic) solution prevents war from occuring in the first place.

Name one war that has been prevented by the diplomats. I ask this before
and got nothing but BS.

01-10-2007, 12:03 PM
Cuban missle crisis. No shots fired.

01-10-2007, 12:09 PM
^^Blockade by naval war ships and threat to use force to enforce blockade. Not
much diplomacy there. Florida was a war zone. Russia backed down in the face
of force, of course our most wonderful JFK traded our missile base in Izmir, Turkey
for the missiles in Cuba. Which was not widely publicized and still isn't. But I
was present when it occurred.

George Gervin's Afro
01-10-2007, 12:09 PM
Name one war that has been prevented by the diplomats. I ask this before
and got nothing but BS.

So by your logic no war was ever stopped by diplomacy because the war actually took place. What about all of times war never took place because of diplomacy (see Cold war).

war with china
war with USSR
Korean war was ended using diplomacy..

what I think your trying to say is that what war that has actually started has been won by diplomacy..

01-10-2007, 12:11 PM
So by your logic no war was ever stopped by diplomacy because the war actually took place. What about all of times war never took place because of diplomacy (see Cold war).

Believe me when I tell you there were many military casualties during the
cold war. We lost many troops to the Russians.

01-10-2007, 12:18 PM
Your heads on a swivel, Ray. You come from a time when parents urged their children to conform to authority. Dr. Phil would say " It's time to rise above your raising Ray".

01-10-2007, 12:22 PM
Dr. Phil would say " It's time to rise above your raising Ray".

I bet you watch The View too don't you Clam?

01-10-2007, 12:26 PM
I don't watch dr. phil either. Heard this good'ole boy sound bite somewhere. I thought some of you rednecks would appreciate it.

01-10-2007, 12:30 PM
I don't watch dr. phil either. Heard this good'ole boy sound bite somewhere. I thought some of you rednecks would appreciate it.


01-10-2007, 01:42 PM
Your heads on a swivel, Ray. You come from a time when parents urged their children to conform to authority. Dr. Phil would say " It's time to rise above your raising Ray".

Your so full of yourself and it is all BS. I'll even bet your eyes are dark

What do you conform to. Nothing, I assume, which is reflected in your
thinking process.

01-10-2007, 03:02 PM
Well, ray, why don't you and the rest of the GOP backers take this war into your own hands. You go door to door in a city of 6M. You hand over YOUR kids to do it, not mine. You turn over YOUR bank accounts to fund it, not mine. YOU dodge incoming fire while your mind is confused about how the enemy continues to slip away. YOU shake your head about how everyone knows your coming.

You see, Ray, I've played this game before, as a civilian. Have you?

01-10-2007, 03:07 PM
Well, ray, why don't you and the rest of the GOP backers take this war into your own hands. You go door to door in a city of 6M. You hand over YOUR kids to do it, not mine. You turn over YOUR bank accounts to fund it, not mine. YOU dodge incoming fire while your mind is confused about how the enemy continues to slip away. YOU shake your head about how everyone knows your coming.

You see, Ray, I've played this game before, as a civilian. Have you?

What in the fuck does that have to do with anything even close to the topic of the thread? Or for that matter, what in the fuck does it have to do with what Ray just posted?

01-10-2007, 03:11 PM
Well, ray, why don't you and the rest of the GOP backers take this war into your own hands. You go door to door in a city of 6M. You hand over YOUR kids to do it, not mine. You turn over YOUR bank accounts to fund it, not mine. YOU dodge incoming fire while your mind is confused about how the enemy continues to slip away. YOU shake your head about how everyone knows your coming.

You see, Ray, I've played this game before, as a civilian. Have you?

You prove my point so well. BS is your forte.

That is all you have ever done, play games. Some of us have done
things in a more serious nature.

01-10-2007, 03:20 PM
It's wordplay from media outlets with differing opinions. Ray has a differing opinion. That's what this topic is about. The underlying question to this thread is how long do people defend an obvious mistake?

01-10-2007, 03:22 PM
It's wordplay from media outlets with differing opinions. Ray has a differing opinion. That's what this topic is about. The underlying question to this thread is how long do people defend an obvious mistake?

Mistake? In who's opinion, yours and some others. I don't consider it a
mistake nor do others. So what is your point?

01-10-2007, 03:30 PM
The point is, you have nothing to lose. You can throw out your opinion without ever having to back it up. Your opinions and pontifications of others may have an affect on my sons life. I'd appreciate it if you would shutup for now. Bush is about to beg you to allow him to make another mistake, but you have nothing to lose.

01-10-2007, 03:34 PM
The point is, you have nothing to lose. You can throw out your opinion without ever having to back it up. Your opinions and pontifications of others may have an affect on my sons life. I'd appreciate it if you would shutup for now. Bush is about to beg you to allow him to make another mistake, but you have nothing to lose.

Ray probably has kids, as well as Grandkids. His opinions and pontifications may affect their lives as well. Point is, he thinks he's right and so do you, so maybe both of you should just shutup for now.

01-10-2007, 03:37 PM
Not a bad idea, JS. How do you feel about suiting up for duty?

01-10-2007, 03:39 PM
Not a bad idea, JS. How do you feel about suiting up for duty?

Nah, I decided not to take that route long ago.......well, ten years ago anyway when I graduated High School.

But I have to ask, are you implying that I support the war in Iraq?

01-10-2007, 03:40 PM
The point is, you have nothing to lose. You can throw out your opinion without ever having to back it up. Your opinions and pontifications of others may have an affect on my sons life. I'd appreciate it if you would shutup for now. Bush is about to beg you to allow him to make another mistake, but you have nothing to lose.

Newsflash...just because you don't want your kid fighting in Iraq sure as fuck doesn't mean others don't. Thankfully there are people unlike you who are willing to fight for this country. Thats great that you don't agree with the war but for all those who do not agree with it, there a shitload who do.

01-10-2007, 03:40 PM
I wonder if we'd all get along if we met in person?

01-10-2007, 03:41 PM
I bet we would.

01-10-2007, 03:41 PM
In the beginning, yes. Now, I'm not sure, but in the beginning, yes.

01-10-2007, 03:42 PM
I bet we would.

I bet we would with the exception of Croutons. I can't see him ever exiting his bomb shelter.

01-10-2007, 03:44 PM
In the beginning, yes. Now, I'm not sure, but in the beginning, yes.

Nah, we would. We are all reasonably intelligent human beings that realize that the place for such discussion and "insult lobbing" that we do here is only appropriate for here. How many of us actually talk to others the way we talk to eachother here?

Except for Boutons.

01-10-2007, 03:44 PM
Maybe you're just turned off by Boutons clarity.

01-10-2007, 03:46 PM
Maybe you're just turned off by Boutons clarity.

Honestly, do you think the way Boutons explains his points comes off with clarity?

Actually, now that I think about it, it's very clear what Boutons is saying at all times, it's just fucking irritating to me that all the worlds problems since WWII stem from Bush and Bush alone.

At least you and Chump use logic, he just uses hate..............In my opinion.

01-10-2007, 03:47 PM
Maybe you're just turned off by Boutons insanity.

Fixed it.

01-10-2007, 03:50 PM
I think this administration has earned Boutons vulgarity.

01-10-2007, 03:53 PM
By the way, I was at a dinner the other night talking to a retired colonel from the Army. I asked him some stuff about this particular war as he was heavily involved in the first gulf war. I asked him why we didn't whack Saddam the first time around and he explained that he and some other Colonel's actually wrote the study up while over there in regards to why we shouldn't go after him. The main reason he said, was that if we went over there then, we'd now be in year sixteen of what we are now in year four of.

Pretty interesting stuff. He and many others knew it was a mistake back then even.

I've never stuck up for the war in Iraq or defended why we went in the first place. What I've sutck up for is that we need to win the war now though, not withdraw immediately or slowly for that matter.

Unfortunately, "winning" the war was and is pretty much impossible so I'm not really sure of the solution at this point. The Colonel told me he thinks they should cut their losses and head home, it's useless.

You guys should like that post from me.

01-10-2007, 03:57 PM
Nobody likes to lose, but you have to know when to run home and heal.

01-10-2007, 04:00 PM
Nobody likes to lose, but you have to know when to run home and heal.

See, I'm not even sure you could call it a "loss" though. We got rid of Saddam and at least attempted to bring some order to the country. It's not our fault that they're going to hate eachother because of religious differences. What the fuck are we supposed to do about that?

A poor job was done in researching what would happen if we went in there and did what we did. Probably could have been done much different, or dare I say, via some sort of proxy.

01-10-2007, 04:02 PM
Leaving will make the situation much, much worse.

01-10-2007, 04:04 PM
Leaving will make the situation much, much worse.

See, I agree with this.

But you have to admit, there sure are a damn shit load of people that disagree at this point.

01-10-2007, 04:15 PM
Leaving will make the situation much, much worse.
I hear that phrase over and over again, as if that was the last word on whether we should stay or leave. It's like telling someone he shouldn't remove the knife that's stuck in his jugular vein because it will cause it to bleed faster; that's factually correct, but ignores the fact that leaving it in will kill you just as assuredly.

01-10-2007, 04:35 PM
Fear of some phantom weapon while Iran waves theirs in our face. Don't make shit up and lose. Moral of the story.

My problem with the Ray's is that we had a man (Powell), deep inside, that admitted the reasons for war had to outweigh the reasons against. He admitted the fix was on.

01-10-2007, 05:10 PM
I hear that phrase over and over again, as if that was the last word on whether we should stay or leave. It's like telling someone he shouldn't remove the knife that's stuck in his jugular vein because it will cause it to bleed faster; that's factually correct, but ignores the fact that leaving it in will kill you just as assuredly.

Iraq, I believe, has the 4th largest oil reserve in the world. Who takes control of the oil production and the coin in brings in if we leave prior to setting up some form of order? Think of the funding this would provide terrorist organizations should they seize control of the country's oil production. Were talking unlimited funds to finance their terror operations worldwide.

Look, I'm not happy with the way things are going over there but there is more to it than simply packing up and heading home. Hopefully a solution can be found soon but cutting and running is going to open a huge can of worms IMHO.

01-10-2007, 05:11 PM
So now it's about oil?

01-10-2007, 05:13 PM
So now it's about oil?

Sure, but not about the US taking the oil like many on the left have stated.

01-10-2007, 05:16 PM
We were never going to take the oil, just buy it from a friendly government. It was good to see Bushy finally admit that before the election.

01-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Iraq, I believe, has the 4th largest oil reserve in the world. Who takes control of the oil production and the coin in brings in if we leave prior to setting up some form of order? Think of the funding this would provide terrorist organizations should they seize control of the country's oil production. Were talking unlimited funds to finance their terror operations worldwide.

Look, I'm not happy with the way things are going over there but there is more to it than simply packing up and heading home. Hopefully a solution can be found soon but cutting and running is going to open a huge can of worms IMHO.
So we can't leave because "the terrorists" will get control of the oil. Who are "the terrorists"? The sunni minority (al Qaeda is a sunni terrorist group)? The Shia majority (which makes Iraq the little brother nation to known terrorism state sponsor Iran)? Pick your poison.

01-10-2007, 05:27 PM
"to take the oil, just buy it from a friendly government"

"Reportedly", there is a bill before the Iraqi legislature that gives US oilcos extremely favorable sweetheart deals to go after Iraq's oil, the 2nd largest shallow-depth (cheaper to extract) and high-quality (cheaper to refine) reserves in the world. Essentially what Western oilcos had at Sakhalin2 before Putin kicked them out and effectively nationalized the project.

Of course, with debilitating insecurity in Iraq, even current oil operations are risky.

This is kinda radical and strident, but I'm open to anybody refuting it:


01-10-2007, 05:27 PM
Good question, PP.

Give it all to the Kurds?

01-10-2007, 05:35 PM
Not a bad idea, JS. How do you feel about suiting up for duty?

Well old friend, I did for about 23 years worth. Most of it in foreign lands.
And I would again if I weren't so damn old. Then I spent some more years
about 25 in public service, not the post office. So suit up I did twice,
as far as my kids, well they are a little old, but I do have a grandson serving.

Now, just sit back quietly and enjoy the freedoms others have given you.
Believe it or not we who did and do serve don't begrudge you your
freedom to do as you please. That is why we were there. All we ask is
don't deprive us our freedom to act in your behalf and love and honor our
country. Right, wrong or indifferently it is ours to serve and protect.

Others in other capacities also serve, not just the military. They lay
their lives on the line every day.

It just gets a little worrisome and aggravating when the media and others
start keeping a box score on casualties we sustain and never report
the gains the military makes. And believe me they do make gains.
Otherwise, the enemy wouldn't be making so much noise. It is also
worrisome that we have so called leaders in our country that
desire power so much that they would bring defeat on our country to
"get even" with a President who defeated them in an election.
And people like you that support these leaders.

01-10-2007, 06:07 PM
"Give it all to the Kurds?"

The Kurds already have quite a bit of oil in the Kurdish area. How could they be given oil that is the Shia areas? Sunni areas don't have much oil in comparison.

01-10-2007, 06:15 PM
I know, I'm just throwing that out there because it shows there isn't a tidy solution while the Kurds are the only group that look like they would act in our interest.

01-10-2007, 06:20 PM
Hey ray. How much oil is left in the battle of Midway? Is your grandson in bush's battle, or the war on terror? There is a difference.

01-10-2007, 06:44 PM
If you support this war, shouldn't you be OK with your kids fighting in Irak?

Just asking.

01-10-2007, 08:48 PM
Reference the three post above. You are the biggest bunch of hypocrits I have
had the pleasure of knowing.

All you ever do is say what are you doing, I have ask before and gotten snide answers
what the hell have any of you ever done for your country. What I feel I have
expressed with no regrets. Obviously most of you would not support your country.
Even our going to be newbie citizen smeagol, how much are you willing to give
to the country you are so willing to become a citizen of. Hmmmm?

How do I know this, by your comments above our country.

End of my post on this subject.

01-10-2007, 08:59 PM
Reference the three post above. You are the biggest bunch of hypocrits I have
had the pleasure of knowing.

All you ever do is say what are you doing, I have ask before and gotten snide answers
what the hell have any of you ever done for your country. What I feel I have
expressed with no regrets. Obviously most of you would not support your country.
Even our going to be newbie citizen smeagol, how much are you willing to give
to the country you are so willing to become a citizen of. Hmmmm?

How do I know this, by your comments above our country.

End of my post on this subject.

I asked an honest question and I do not see an answer anywhere in your lengthy post.

I would've supported my kids going to WWII, a fight worth fighting. I don't think I would support my kids going to Iraq. Porbably 75% or more of the fathers and mothers of the US agree with me.

Why do you get so upset about it?

01-10-2007, 09:48 PM
Obviously most of you would not support your country.It's not so much supporting the country; it's a question of supporting our government's military actions. I've pretty much supported every one of them up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. I simply thought it was going to create more problems than it would solve--which puts my opinion in line with just about every non-neocon that was involved in the Gulf War itself. I also thought it was a tragic distraction from the unfinished business of Afghanistan and the resurgence of the Taliban and AQ there and in the lawlass frontier of Pakistan. My biggest fear is a strong Taliban/AQ offensive in the Afghanistan this spring just after we've committed all the available troops in and around Baghdad.