View Full Version : Nice Touch by Barbara Boxer

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-12-2007, 09:32 AM

Boxer was wholly in character for her party - New York's own two Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton, were predictably opportunistic - but the Golden State lawmaker earned special attention for the tasteless jibes she aimed at Rice.

Rice appeared before the Senate in defense of President Bush's tactical change in Iraq, and quickly encountered Boxer.

"Who pays the price? I'm not going to pay a personal price," Boxer said. "My kids are too old, and my grandchild is too young."

Then, to Rice: "You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family."


Simply breathtaking.

Welcome to the next two years of life with a Democratic majority in Congress.

01-12-2007, 10:14 AM
Crude and confrontational, but completely true.

Confrontation and obstruction of Condi and all the WH has been too absent, leading us into Iraq.

The more confrontation and obstruction of the disastrous WH and Repugs, the better.

01-12-2007, 10:27 AM
Crude and confrontational, but completely true.

Confrontation and obstruction of Condi and all the WH has been too absent, leading us into Iraq.

The more confrontation and obstruction of the disastrous WH and Repugs, the better.

As much as it is true that Congress has given the WH too much of a free pass (and the WH has given Congress the same - look at the deficit); it is true that had a white Republican man said that to ANY female - the reaction would have been swift and severe; dude probably would have had to retire.

01-12-2007, 10:27 AM
Crude and confrontational, but completely true.

Confrontation and obstruction of Condi and all the WH has been too absent, leading us into Iraq.

The more confrontation and obstruction of the disastrous WH and Repugs, the better.

Yes, throwing insults at those that do not have children for not having children is a wonderful way to get things done.

Confrontation and especially obstruction is sure to encourage the cooperation and compromise between the two parties that this government so desperately needs. :rolleyes

Of course Boutons will never see this though as he has me on ignore.

01-12-2007, 10:28 AM
As much as it is true that Congress has given the WH too much of a free pass (and the WH has given Congress the same - look at the deficit); it is true that had a white Republican man said that to ANY female - the reaction would have been swift and severe; dude probably would have had to retire.

Most likely very true.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-12-2007, 11:23 AM
Crude and confrontational, but completely true.

Confrontation and obstruction of Condi and all the WH has been too absent, leading us into Iraq.

The more confrontation and obstruction of the disastrous WH and Repugs, the better.

:lol If a Republican Senator had said something to that to someone like Boxer you'd be calling for their resignation.

Condi is smarter than anyone on this board, and probably anyone in Congress as well. I didn't know you had to have children to be a 'smart' administration leader...

01-12-2007, 12:01 PM
"you'd be calling for their resignation. "

dickless, "you can't handle the truth" so every fucking post of yours is a lie, strawman, red herring, non sequitur.

01-12-2007, 12:27 PM
Is this the same Barbara Boxer who, back in the 1970's, encouraged women to "throw off the shackles of marriage and children and achieve your full potential." Now she's criticizing a extremely smart woman who did just that - what a hypocrite.

The only women that feminists support are those that adhere to their liberal views and agenda. Dr. Rice rose above segregation to become the first and ONLY black woman to become Secretary of State. Shouldn't that be something feminists should applaud? But no, they vilify her at every opportunity!

01-12-2007, 12:30 PM
Is this the same Barbara Boxer who, back in the 1970's, encouraged women to "throw off the shackles of marriage and children and achieve your full potential." Now she's criticizing a extremely smart woman who did just that - what a hypocrite.

The only women that feminists support are those that adhere to their liberal views and agenda. Dr. Rice rose above segregation to become the first and ONLY black woman to become Secretary of State. Shouldn't that be something feminists should applaud? But no, they vilify her at every opportunity!
Touche' or, in the words of Emeril Lagasse, "Bam!"

01-12-2007, 12:46 PM
Bush speaks through her, therein lies her problem. Bush is the anchor that weighs her down.

01-12-2007, 12:46 PM
Crookshanks FTW.

Nicely played.

01-12-2007, 01:14 PM
Millions of women did exactly what Boxer said to do.
That's how the middle classes survived, moving to 2 salaries.

As always, Crooky's limited intelligence and agenda-think leads her into grievous, egregious errors, where she is happily camped out.

Boxer didn't tell Condi to go get married, have kids, and stay home.

Boxer is not after Condi for being an post-graduated, educated, professional.

Boxer's 70s exhortation doesn't preclude her from disagreeing, vehemently, viciously, with Condi.

Forget about Crooky's bias seeing this as a woman-on-woman cat fight.

Crooky should be "celebrating" that two women, her ilk, have reached so high into male-dominated international politics, and have contrary, independent positions.

Forget about Crooky's obession with gender.

Boxer's point is perfectly valid, and lots of people have made it.

Who in the WH has kids wasting themselves in Iraq for dubya's disaster? Dubya's 2 bimbos didn't sign up.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-12-2007, 01:44 PM
"you'd be calling for their resignation. "

dickless, "you can't handle the truth" so every fucking post of yours is a lie, strawman, red herring, non sequitur.

Way to deflect the discussion, douche.

Every fucking post is a lie, strawman, red herring, etc.? :lol

boutons, do you ever stop to read your copy and pastes, err, 'posts'?

What part of what I said is a lie? Even one of your own liberal brethren has said the same as me in this thread, I guess that makes SA a liar too?

Damn, it's a good thing you're still an uninformed high school twit. There's still some home for you to figure out this thing called reality.

01-12-2007, 01:54 PM
got rice biatch, got rice?

01-12-2007, 02:13 PM
"you'd be calling for their resignation."

.... total bullshit, dickless' typical chickenshit of:

"Damn, Boutons is whipping my ass, so I have to put my bullshit in his mouth and claim it's his own"

01-12-2007, 02:14 PM
"you'd be calling for their resignation."

.... total bullshit, dickless' typical chickenshit of:

"Damn, Boutons is whipping my ass, so I have to put my bullshit in his mouth and claim it's his own"

Learn how to quote you fucking moron

01-12-2007, 02:33 PM
:lol If a Republican Senator had said something to that to someone like Boxer you'd be calling for their resignation.

Of course he completely sidesteps what you say in his copy-paste reply.

01-12-2007, 03:04 PM
Is this the same Barbara Boxer who, back in the 1970's, encouraged women to "throw off the shackles of marriage and children and achieve your full potential."

At the risk of exposing myself as the only person here who has never heard this, or at the risk of appearing to defend this cunt... When did she say this? Google has not been helpful.

01-12-2007, 03:07 PM
"Condi is smarter than anyone on this board, and probably anyone in Congress as well."

Condi's a WH suckup. Her legacy is/will be in the toilet like every other principal in dubya's Exec these past 6 years. She may be smart in the book sense, but she's not wise to have hooked up and pimped for dubya and his bullshit war.

btw, here's a hard-core conservative's take on Condi's department:


The Mess at State

By Robert D. Novak
Thursday, January 11, 2007; A25

Members of the Senate intelligence committee, Republicans and Democrats alike, were alarmed last week that John Negroponte was leaving as director of national intelligence after less than two years to become deputy secretary of state. By way of explanation, he informed one Republican senator that he did not want to make the switch but that the White House had prevailed on him to do so.

Just how career diplomat Negroponte came to be the new intelligence czar in the first place is puzzling. But to pull him out just as his on-the-job training was completed reflects a panicky desire to fill the deputy secretary post, which had been unfilled for an unprecedented six months. Five other key State Department positions are either vacant or are soon to be vacant.

Republicans in Congress who do not want to be quoted tell me that the State Department under Condoleezza Rice is a mess. This comes at a time when the U.S. global position is precarious. While attention is focused on Iraq, American diplomacy is being tested worldwide -- in Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Korea and Sudan. The judgment by thoughtful Republicans is that Rice has failed to manage that endeavor.

Rice's previous government duties had been as an analyst and staffer rather than as a manager. That made it important for her to name a strong deputy secretary to run the building. John Bolton, an undersecretary in President Bush's first term and an experienced bureaucratic manager, volunteered. Rice instead picked him to be ambassador to the United Nations. The conservative Bolton ran afoul of a liberal Senate vendetta that blocked his confirmation for any post.

The deputy's post went to Robert Zoellick, one of the most talented national security administrators of the past generation who during Bush's first term was U.S. trade representative. He wanted to become president of the World Bank, but that job was filled by the embattled Paul Wolfowitz, who left the Defense Department as deputy secretary. Zoellick took a bullet for the team, dropping down a step to No. 2 at State.

Foreign Service officers saw in Zoellick a dominant deputy in the mold of Richard Armitage, who effectively managed the department during the first term. But Rice and Zoellick were not a marriage made in heaven. Nicholas Burns, No. 3 at State as undersecretary for political affairs, dominated the building. Burns surely would have been in the same post if John Kerry had been elected in 2004 and seemingly would be more at home in a Democratic administration.

Estranged from Zoellick, Rice relied on Burns and State Department Counselor Philip Zelikow for advice. A former Foreign Service officer and brilliant University of Virginia professor, Zelikow was near the top of the arrogance scale in a building where arrogance is the norm, uniting such disparate figures as Bolton and Burns. Zoellick busied himself by specializing in China and Sudan, unusual for a deputy secretary, but he finally had enough after 18 months and left in July.

That began a furtive, sporadic search for a deputy. Several prospects (including Marine Gen. James Jones, who just retired as NATO's supreme allied commander) said no, perhaps warned off by Zoellick's experience. Negroponte, named national intelligence director despite his lack of intelligence experience, was implored by fellow Foreign Service officers to bring order out of chaos. Retired Adm. Mike McConnell, though he had been out of the intelligence game for 10 years, was tapped to replace Negroponte.

Negroponte will find other empty offices at State. Zelikow, Counterterrorism Coordinator Hank Crumpton and John Hillen, assistant secretary for political-military affairs, have all resigned and have not been replaced. Robert Joseph, undersecretary for arms control, is reported to be going, and Josette Sheeran Shiner, undersecretary for economic affairs, is leaving to head the World Food Program.

With the State Department permanent bureaucracy traditionally hostile to Republican administrations, it is remarkable to see two Foreign Service officers, Negroponte and Burns, in the department's No. 2 and No. 3 slots. Insiders relish their confrontation. When Negroponte was flying high as Ronald Reagan's Communist-fighting ambassador to Honduras, Burns was a rookie staff assistant to the U.S. envoy in Cairo. That may turn out to be a good show, but it is not reassuring for a country facing myriad challenges worldwide.

(C) 2007 Creators Syndicate Inc.


So it appears the REPUBLICAN and conservative mucky-mucks think Condi has failed a departmental manager and as international diplomat, as well as being tarred (oops!) with the same brush that will paint all dubya's principals as one of the worst Exec branches ever.

So, how come, if Condi's so fucking smart?

01-12-2007, 03:12 PM
And how is that cut and paste diatribe relavent to the topic of the thread again?

01-12-2007, 03:14 PM
So, how come, if Condi's so fucking smart?

To me, this article posted by Boutons totally justifies Boxer's statement. :rolleyes

01-12-2007, 03:21 PM
Boutons - it's not what Condi has or has not done during her tenure in this administration that is being debated. It's the condescending and rather rude remarks made by Barbara Boxer.

If not having a child affected by this decision leaves you unable to have an opinion or make policy - then almost ALL of congress would be exempt!

And by that logic - does that mean Ms. Boxer, who is such a champion of the poor and needy, doesn't really have standing to make policy on government handouts because she was raised as a privileged child?

Her comments, while not just being rude and insensitive, are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand!

01-12-2007, 03:26 PM
Her comments, while not just being rude and insensitive, are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand!

Wait this seems familiar to me. Who else do I know that is like this?


Oh yeah

That means Boutons has another thing in common with yet another politician.

01-12-2007, 03:36 PM
I still can't find where Boxer said anything about throwing off the shackles of marriage and children in the 70's... It's especially interesting since she was married with children at that time.

I'd be a little concerned if my wife or mother said something like that.

01-12-2007, 03:43 PM
Boxer is a simple minded dimm-o-crap doing their normal thing. Thrashing anyone
who opposes their point of view. Never mind the dimm-o-craps are usually
wrong on most issues.

Now what is so unusual above here remarks.

Just look at boutons comment. Totally predictable.

01-12-2007, 03:44 PM
I still can't find where Boxer said anything about throwing off the shackles of marriage and children in the 70's... It's especially interesting since she was married with children at that time.
I'm sorry - that was not a direct quote; but rather a summation of the feminist agenda of the 1970's, of which Barbara Boxer was a huge part.

What's also interesting is that Boxer became powerful and successful because of her HUSBAND and HIS money - not all on her own like Dr. Rice.

01-12-2007, 04:00 PM

Condi's supposed to be "smarter than anyone". I responded to that comment, I didn't make it.


"rude and insensitive"

ha, ha, you people are jumping on Boxer for "manners" when Condi and friends have wasted 3000 US military lives in Iraq, with 1000s more to come.

all y'all dubya suckers have a great sense of perspective on what's important in this Iraq quagmire. GMAFB

01-12-2007, 04:04 PM

Condi's supposed to me "smarter than anyone". I responded to that comment, I didn't make it.


"rude and insensitive"

ha, ha, you people are jumping on Boxer for "manners" when Condi and friends have wasted 3000 US military lives in Iraq, with 1000s more to come.

all y'all dubya suckers have a great sense of perspective on what's important in this Iraq quagmire. GMAFB

Boutons is becoming so damn predictable.

01-12-2007, 04:51 PM
I'm sorry - that was not a direct quote; but rather a summation of the feminist agenda of the 1970's, of which Barbara Boxer was a huge part.That really doesn't cut it here. You'll have to get something specific.
What's also interesting is that Boxer became powerful and successful because of her HUSBAND and HIS money - not all on her own like Dr. Rice.You may be getting her confused with Pelosi. Boxer was a stockbroker who helped to put her husband through law school. Then she worked as a journalist and congressional aide.

I do agree it was a stupid line of questioning. There's plenty of legit stuff that could be used to beat Rice about the head with in a hearing.

01-12-2007, 05:02 PM
What's wrong with pointing out the facts. Rice is one of the thugs that made decisions that are killing our kids. She has no children that will suffer from her collusive WH actions. About time someone said it out loud. Poor condi my ass.

Drive Like Jehu
01-12-2007, 05:20 PM
A stupid argument proves a legit argument does not exist, or the speaker making the argument is ignorant.


01-12-2007, 05:22 PM
What's wrong with pointing out the facts. Rice is one of the thugs that made decisions that are killing our kids. She has no children that will suffer from her collusive WH actions. About time someone said it out loud. Poor condi my ass.

Would you quit saying "our" kids. Are your children serving in Iraq? If they are, then by all means, tell me to pipe down, but if not, quit act like your children are somehow suffering because of the actions of our current administration.

Drive Like Jehu
01-12-2007, 05:26 PM
Would you quit saying "our" kids. Are your children serving in Iraq? If they are, then by all means, tell me to pipe down, but if not, quit act like your children are somehow suffering because of the actions of our current administration.

Maybe he is planning on "nationalizing" parenting and placing it under government jurisdiction.

01-12-2007, 05:40 PM
A stupid argument proves a legit argument does not exist, or the speaker making the argument is ignorant.

:blah:lol Nah, it was just a stupid talk radio-type question that didn't belong in a congressional hearing.

If you think legit arguments against the surge don't exist, you've got a screw loose.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-12-2007, 08:11 PM
"you'd be calling for their resignation."

.... total bullshit, dickless' typical chickenshit of:

"Damn, Boutons is whipping my ass, so I have to put my bullshit in his mouth and claim it's his own"

boutons, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you're the dumbest person I've ever had a conversation with.

I don't think I could have a dumber conversation if the teletubbies were real and one of them showed up at my front door right now.

01-12-2007, 08:16 PM
I'm worried about all our kids JS, yours included.

01-12-2007, 08:26 PM
I am still trying to figure out:

She is a dimm-o-crap.

Dimm-o-craps are the party of the minorities, especially blacks.

Dimm-o-craps are the party of the women's movement

Dimm-o-craps are the party of equality

EXCEPT when they are Republicans.

Yeah, I get it.

01-13-2007, 05:15 AM
Does anyone on this board remember Boxer tearning into Rice at here conformation hearning?

Boxer speaking to C. Rice:

Now, the war was sold to the American people, as Chief of Staff to President Bush Andy Card said, like a "new product." Those were his words. Remember, he said, "You don't roll out a new product in the summer." Now, you rolled out the idea and then you had to convince the people, as you made your case with the president.

And I personally believe -- this is my personal view -- that your loyalty to the mission you were given, to sell this war, overwhelmed your respect for the truth. And I don't say it lightly, and I'm going to go into the documents that show your statements and the facts at the time.

Now, I don't want the families of those 1,366 troops that were killed or the 10,372 that were wounded to believe for a minute that their lives and their bodies were given in vain, because when your commander-in-chief asks you to sacrifice yourself for your country, it is the most noble thing you can do to answer that call.

I am giving their families, as we all are here, all the support they want and need. But I also will not shrink from questioning a war that was not built on the truth.

Now, perhaps the most well-known statement you've made was the one about Saddam Hussein launching a nuclear weapon on America with the image of, quote, quoting you, "a mushroom cloud." That image had to frighten every American into believing that Saddam Hussein was on the verge of annihilating them if he was not stopped. And I will be placing into the record a number of such statements you made which have not been consistent with the facts.

As the nominee for secretary of State, you must answer to the American people Ms Rice.........


Boxer is nothing more than a left wing screw with an agenda. and short on manners.

01-13-2007, 07:39 AM
"you're the dumbest person I've ever had a conversation with."

then quit stalking me, dickless. ignore me, anything, just STFU.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-13-2007, 12:05 PM
"you're the dumbest person I've ever had a conversation with."

then quit stalking me, dickless. ignore me, anything, just STFU.

I'm not stalking you, dumbass. I'm just trying to clean up some of the diarrhea of the board (which includes pretty much every comment you post on here).

How does someone get to be as spiteful and hateful as you? Did Bush donkey punch your mom or something?

George Gervin's Afro
01-13-2007, 02:25 PM

Welcome to the next two years of life with a Democratic majority in Congress.

No she was not politically correct. Conservatives hate that... Boxer spoke the cold hard truth while including herself. Considering the people in bush's inner circle who whored the war and avoided military service at all costs should have been included.. nice job boxer

01-13-2007, 02:38 PM
you guys get more upset about snide Washington remarks than bad policy? I always knew republicans lacked anything close to an IQ.

Is it just me or dose it seem like talking to a republican about politics similar to reading the national enquirer?

01-13-2007, 03:38 PM
I love listening to conservatives and hear how they completely ignore the obvious. It's additional information about the mental disorder that's associated with being a hard core republican. This type of behavior has to be recorded for future generations.

01-14-2007, 09:00 AM
I love listening to conservatives and hear how they completely ignore the obvious. It's additional information about the mental disorder that's associated with being a hard core republican. This type of behavior has to be recorded for future generations.

Core liberals are great, though. :rolleyes

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-14-2007, 12:10 PM
No she was not politically correct. Conservatives hate that

The 'politically correct' movement has been led by the left the last 10-12 years. :lol at any liberal trying to call conservatives PC.

you guys get more upset about snide Washington remarks than bad policy? I always knew republicans lacked anything close to an IQ.

Is it just me or dose it seem like talking to a republican about politics similar to reading the national enquirer?

I'm not going to pretend that some policy shifts don't need to happen. Did Boxer need to be a bitch throwing out low blow sound bites to make her point in that discussion? Hell no.

Some things definitely need to change WRT how we are handling Iraq. What I do know is that just withdrawing and leaving it to cave in on itself (which is what some in the Democratic party are advocating) is dumb, and that's the only plan that's come out of the Democraptic party.

Unfortunately, all we've been treated to since 1998 from the Democratic party is the idea that "what the Repubs (and then Bush) are doing is wrong".

There's no alternative plan offered, no knowledgeable, informed suggestions. Just "what they're doing is wrong." That's completely useless to moving our nation forward, and until the Demos speak up with something of substance other than "Bush, Cheney, and Condi suck", then yeah I'll continue to call them out for the chump ass politicians they are.

01-14-2007, 12:21 PM
Sorry, but republicans that back bush simply aren't qualified to judge the quality of ANY plans or ideas.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-14-2007, 12:38 PM
Now there's an intelligent statement :rolleyes

I could say the same thing about any lib backing Kerry, Hillary, Boxer, or Soros, and linking to articles from the likes of Asia Times, Al Jazeera, NY Times, Inquirer, Democratic Underground, etc.

01-14-2007, 02:54 PM
Yeah, it's better that we stick with the lies on White House letterhead.

George Gervin's Afro
01-14-2007, 03:22 PM
[QUOTE=Aggie Hoopsfan]The 'politically correct' movement has been led by the left the last 10-12 years. :lol at any liberal trying to call conservatives PC.

I said she wasn't being PC..I thought you guys liked that? Was what she said untrue? So then why the 'slecetive' outrage by those on the right? Trump has been championed lately because he hit Rosie back without being PC.... yet A Dem speaks the truth and now the right has their feelings hurt..?

Drive Like Jehu
01-15-2007, 09:46 AM
:lol Nah, it was just a stupid talk radio-type question that didn't belong in a congressional hearing.

If you think legit arguments against the surge don't exist, you've got a screw loose.

I'd have a screw loose if I gave a rat's ass about what some peon internet mod thought about my post...

But don't worry, I'm sure another glib response from you will make it all better.

Extra Stout
01-15-2007, 10:20 AM
yet A Dem speaks the truth and now the right has their feelings hurt..?
Boxer says these things for a reason. She knows that flinging poo draws shrieks of delight from the chimps on the far left.

01-15-2007, 11:54 AM
I'd have a screw loose if I gave a rat's ass about what some peon internet mod thought about my post...

But don't worry, I'm sure another glib response from you will make it all better.Aw, don't get mad fellow internet peon.

It's all better now.

Drive Like Jehu
01-15-2007, 12:11 PM
Aw, don't get mad fellow internet peon.


Methinks you are looking in a mirror if you see someone who is angry.

It's all better now.

I apologize, your response wasn't glib, but full of substance. :clap

01-15-2007, 12:21 PM
All this bitching about someone being a moderator. funny.

01-15-2007, 01:26 PM
What is breathtaking is how thin skinned wingnuts are. Boxer spoke the truth. She made no judgements about whether Rice should or should not have children, that is a straw man the wing nuts threw together so they could get in a huff and play victim again.

Read Boxer's statment again. Nothing there to get upset about unless you want to manufacture something.

01-15-2007, 01:29 PM
Now that the wingnuts are in the minority again in the Congress, they are getting back to what they do best........

Cry and pout and play the victim. Find something real to be outraged about AHF, like say an able bodied service age A&M graduate advocating war and the need for military intervention while snuggled safe and sound in their warm home stateside banging away on their keyboard.

01-15-2007, 02:00 PM
What is breathtaking is how thin skinned wingnuts are. Boxer spoke the truth. She made no judgements about whether Rice should or should not have children, that is a straw man the wing nuts threw together so they could get in a huff and play victim again.

Read Boxer's statment again. Nothing there to get upset about unless you want to manufacture something.

Horse hockey! Boxer was doing what dimm-o-craps always do. Attack the
people they disagree with on a personal basis. And she especially dislikes
Rice since she is black and a Republican. In Boxer's mind the two
do not mix (black and Republican). And shouldn't happen.

And Rice didn't play the victim in any sense. She threw it back into
Boxer's face.

George Gervin's Afro
01-15-2007, 03:23 PM
Horse hockey! Boxer was doing what dimm-o-craps always do. Attack the
people they disagree with on a personal basis. And she especially dislikes
Rice since she is black and a Republican. In Boxer's mind the two
do not mix (black and Republican). And shouldn't happen.

And Rice didn't play the victim in any sense. She threw it back into
Boxer's face.

Ray your really reaching now..

]Horse hockey! Boxer was doing what dimm-o-craps always do. Attack the
people they disagree with on a personal basis.

Gee I don't remember anyone on the right defending RIchard Clarke's and Paul O'Neil's books which were very critical of Bush...? Yet all we heard from the GOP apologists is that these guys were bitter, they had an axe to grind.. they had agendas..etc..
nevermind the first person accounts of what they wrote about..

Ray for the lst 6 yr s the GOP has perfected attacking the messenger.. do you need anymore examples?

01-15-2007, 08:31 PM
You know why all of this seems familiar?
Because both of the parties do it! Spend most of their time in office getting ready to be re-elected, cursing the other party as being polarizing and how much better this country would be if the minority party was in control, and help out the special insterests in their own distrcits.
Long live the special interest financed 2 party system!!!!

01-15-2007, 08:32 PM
Boxer's statement, while not the personal attack some would like it to be interpreted as, was an irrelevant appeal to emotion. It's a dumbed-down argument for dumbed-down people.

01-15-2007, 08:51 PM
Not to be outdone in the useless, miss-the-point-completely hyperbole competition, Rush Limbaugh accused Boxer of trying to "lynch" Rice.

01-15-2007, 11:09 PM
:lol Jon Stewart is having a good time with this one.

01-15-2007, 11:42 PM
"Rush Limbaugh accused Boxer of trying to "lynch" Rice."

Seems like this asshole can't smell a fart without trying to inflame it. He knows how to talk to his sheeple and rabble.

01-16-2007, 12:18 AM
Now that the wingnuts are in the minority again in the Congress, they are getting back to what they do best........

Cry and pout and play the victim. Find something real to be outraged about AHF, like say an able bodied service age A&M graduate advocating war and the need for military intervention while snuggled safe and sound in their warm home stateside banging away on their keyboard.

what's that? crying and making excuses of why they lost the elections and crying conspiracy?

No, but dems and repugs are all the same. :spin