View Full Version : US, EU Ready to Work together on Israel - Palestine

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-09-2004, 03:44 AM
http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=KDTPBYMHRSNGQCRBAE0CF FA?type=topNews&storyID=6750226

There's hope yet, even France showed up.

11-09-2004, 04:13 AM
Once Arafat kicks it we should make huge inroads.

Like all the other Mideastern despots he used his people to make himself powerful and rich...hung them out to dry on quality of life and then blamed the USA and Israel for their suffering. We gave this fucker so much money in the 90's...and he used none of it to build in any infrastructure in the Palestinian controlled territories.

This guy didn't know how to make Peace and he didn't want it anyway.

There are rumors flying around that the CIA told Israel he has aids and knew he was going to die...That's how they held Israel off from killing him the past two years...that's how they got Israel to let him out of his hole to go get medical treatment...because they knew it was over for him.

Rumors...but there have been a lot of rumors for a long time that Arafat had an unhealthy fondness for young boys.

11-09-2004, 04:29 AM
The beauty of this is...if we start making real progress on the Palestinian Israeli situation it totally destroys what remaining legitimacy the terrorist cause has...

Iraq dictator gone, Iraqi sanctions gone(as soon as the idiots stop fighting us and keeping is there longer)...The US military is pretty much gone from Saudi Arabia(which proves by the way why our military being there was for legitimate Iraq based reasons).

Boom, the whole back bone for the militant Islamic movement is being destroyed. The whole reasons for Iran's anti-US stance is being destroyed.

Even Saudi Arabia now has a womens rights movement and has been holding civil elections...the best we can hope for as there is no way we could ever declare war on them without starting a true world war...plus the damn Saudis are one of the few countries that actually help our economy rather than leech off of it.

There's still going to be tons of unrest in the middle east as long as these countries have 25% unemployment and a 50% literacy rate etc...but hey, these guys invented capitalism and commercialism and just about all the other Western Concepts...I think they'll be ok once Europe, Asia and the USA stop letting shitty governments dominate that region.

We are winning this war...what remains to be seen is if we can destroy the root causes before we get attacked on our soil again.

11-09-2004, 08:33 PM
Arafat biting it is a huge plus for the push for peace in the region. My only fear is that the Terrorist with the Army (Sharon) doesn't see this as the opportunity to push the Zion Agenda. I'm optimistic on the situation though.

11-09-2004, 08:40 PM
Arafat biting it is a huge plus for the push for peace in the region. My only fear is that the Terrorist with the Army (Sharon) doesn't see this as the opportunity to push the Zion Agenda. I'm optimistic on the situation though.
Maybe now, the "Palestinians" will finally recognize that their homeland, Israel, owes them nothing -- it's been conquered twice in the past 70 years --- and will finally start missing opportunities to miss opportunities for peace.

Other Arabs in the region have done it, why not Arafat's orphans?

11-09-2004, 08:42 PM
Arafat's deputy PM is already much more smarter about how to handle Sharon than Arafat ever was...

His deputy PM has reapeatedly asked the terrorists to stop commiting acts of terrorism because it gives Sharon an excuse to attack...

That is political intelleigence to me, it's the kind used by MLK, it's the kind used by Ghandi...that's how you win, as long as the PLO continues to target civillians they will never been seen as the sympathetic cause to anyone who knows the true history of that region or what created the Pal/Israel conflict.

We damn sure aren't going to sympathize with them as a country...Democrat or Republican(excepting Kerry of course).

When you have a battle you cannot possibly win by violence it is always better to use the peaceful protest approach. The peace approach has defeated two of the most recent powerful nations...the USA and Great Britain.

11-09-2004, 08:43 PM
Its easy to "conquer" your "homeland" when you are given the land, and equipped with a modern army and The Bomb.

11-09-2004, 08:45 PM
Arafat's deputy PM is already much more smarter about how to handle Sharon than Arafat ever was...

His deputy PM has reapeatedly asked the terrorists to stop commiting acts of terrorism because it gives Sharon an excuse to attack...

That is political intelleigence to me, it's the kind used by MLK, it's the kind used by Ghandi...that's how you win, as long as the PLO continues to target civillians they will never been seen as the sympathetic cause to anyone who knows the true history of that region or what created the Pal/Israel conflict.

We damn sure aren't going to sympathize with them as a country...Democrat or Republican(excepting Kerry of course).

When you have a battle you cannot possibly win by violence it is always better to use the peace approach. The peace approach has defeated two of the most recent powerful nations...the USA and Great Britain.

Well said.

11-09-2004, 08:54 PM
Well said.
In my mind, that's all the Israelis want...for the terrorism to stop so an amicable solution can be reached by reasonable debate. Unfortunately, every time it was within the grasp of both sides, Arafat would walk away, start an "entifada," or one of his surrogate terrorist groups would start detonating their teens in markets, restaurants, dance clubs, and buses.

Without the threat of attack -- a verifiable cessation of the threat -- from the "Palestinian" terrorist groups, there'd be no justification for checkpoints, security fences, occupied "terrortories," resettlements, or any of that nonsense.

11-09-2004, 11:11 PM
Unfortunately, every time it was within the grasp of both sides, Arafat would walk away, start an "entifada," or one of his surrogate terrorist groups would start detonating their teens in markets, restaurants, dance clubs, and buses.

I agree with this part, but I believe the Israelis want the same as the PLO (and I mean the leadership and fringe group of both sides, not the Israeli and Palestinian people who both just want peace)... and that is to dominate the area and drive the other out.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-09-2004, 11:20 PM
I think things would be a lot better if I woke up tomorrow and both Arafat and Sharon were dead due to natural causes.

The only reason I hold out hope on things is because there will be renewed energy and fresh ideas to get this done with Arafat out of the way; and on top of that, Bush will be working on his legacy for the next four years, and I'd have to imagine that an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord is right up there at the top of the list (both because it will help with the war on terror, and because brokering peace there would be one hell of a world legacy).

11-10-2004, 01:37 PM
Explain then Yonivore, why the settlements keep expanding if all they want is the elimination of terrorism?

Either way, I'm hoping this fucker dies , because I agree with Whott and Scott (that shit rhymes, woah) in that he has been a HUGE roadblock to peace and the worst kind of leader for the palestians.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-10-2004, 02:28 PM
I just hope he dies before he can tell anyone how to get to his bank account.

11-10-2004, 03:28 PM
I just hope he dies before he can tell anyone how to get to his bank account.
That would be sweet.