View Full Version : Benon Sevan indicted on federal charges

01-16-2007, 10:39 AM
however he has fled to cyprus which the u.s. has no extradition treaty. how convenient.

i wonder why france would never go along with getting rid of saddam...

Luckily Bush does what is best the United States of America.

01-16-2007, 11:11 AM
dubya was lying and wrong, wasted 1000s of US military lives,

UK was a suckered suck-up,

while France and Germany were right to be against invading Iraq.

Unfortunate and disastrous that dubya did/does what is worst for the USA

(but he did best for the $Bs in windfall oilco profits and MIC war profiteers).

It's beyond pathetic and ridiculous that anybody still thinks invading Iraq was
"best the United States of America"

01-16-2007, 04:33 PM
however he has fled to cyprus which the u.s. has no extradition treaty. how convenient.He was born there. Very devious that he planned to break US laws in the womb.