View Full Version : What do you think?

01-18-2007, 01:31 PM
Is it too late to tank the season? There's quite a bit of promising talent in this year's draft.... Judging by the attitude of about half in this forum, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea. What happened to maintaining a positive attitude, it really does wonders in reducing stress. You might want to try it.

01-18-2007, 01:33 PM
it's too late...yeah. and all i can say is that there are reasons to worry, but not that much right now. we have to get this shizzy fixed and we have a couple of months to go...

01-18-2007, 01:51 PM
Mediocrity is one treadmill I would never want to be on. Either contend for a title or let's go to the lottery. There's no success in being a "middle of the pack" team.

Extra Stout
01-18-2007, 02:21 PM
Is it too late to tank the season? There's quite a bit of promising talent in this year's draft.... Judging by the attitude of about half in this forum, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea. What happened to maintaining a positive attitude, it really does wonders in reducing stress. You might want to try it.
Nice sarcasm. I bet you think shit sandwiches taste good.

01-18-2007, 02:42 PM
Tanking the season would be the most weak, pussy ass thing we could do. I would have no respect for this team if they did it. Not an option.

Mr. Body
01-18-2007, 02:44 PM
Tanking the season would be the most weak, pussy ass thing we could do. I would have no respect for this team if they did it. Not an option.

Exactly. That's so 1997. We're a moral team now.