View Full Version : Consuming SPAM requires you to be HUNGRY!

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-18-2007, 01:59 PM
As most of you know, I've been touting the Spurs ability to turn on the jets and take over the league right about the time they're supposed to...after March when teams begin to settle into their final rotations and tighten the screws for the playoffs. The SPAM effect.

An 82 game season is a long time to maintain momentum, especially if your legs and knees aren't as young as they used to be, so it's understandable that teams drop a few games that they probably shouldn't this time of year.

Since that '99 run when our team was 6-8 to open the campaign I've been able spot a certain fire in the players and coaches that has led me to believe that even when we're losing games we should be winning in the early part of the regular season, that we're still going to flip that switch come March and see the true Spurs team.

I look forward to it every year. . .and come March I proclaim my love for the SPAM.

In the past I've known the Spurs players and coaches get that hunger for the SPAM too.

This year that hunger is a little more difficult to spot. I'm not seeing that fire after a loss that I used to see. The Spurs get punked by Chicago and Pop's quotes in the paper revolve around getting a nice dinner and a fine wine.

FINE WINE??!! That's it?!! No side of SPAM?!

Our guys aren't showing me they've got that drive at this point. Losing doesn't seem to hurt like it used to. Losing used to eat at Pop to the point that it looked like his head was going to explode. Now it's "oh well, see you tomorrow". Now the players and coaches seem unfazed after a loss. I'm not seeing that glint of hate after a loss. I'm seeing..............nothing.

Complacency began to rear its head last season I thought. Our team didn't really "wake up" until the Dallas series, and our season was mired in a 3-1 series deficit. A little too late to really enjoy SPAM, and Dallas made us pay.

This year is more of the same. People are saying we're too old, but I'm not sure that is the case. Our big three is still young enough to win.

Others say we're not good enough to win. I definitely think we could add a "piece" or two, but this team is as talented as any out there.

I say it's the hunger factor. Anyone can eat a nice steak dinner with a baked potato and sweet rolls accompanied by a nice glass of merlot.

But when it comes to SPAM you've got to really want it. Anyone can tell you that you don't eat SPAM unless you're truly hungry.

And I'm not sure the Spurs are THAT hungry anymore. I guess we'll see this spring.

01-18-2007, 02:11 PM
:blah :blah :blah :blah :blah :blah :blah blah blah blah blah

01-18-2007, 02:14 PM
As most of you know, I've been touting the Spurs ability to turn on the jets and take over the league right about the time they're supposed to...after March when teams begin to settle into their final rotations and tighten the screws for the playoffs. The SPAM effect.

An 82 game season is a long time to maintain momentum, especially if your legs and knees aren't as young as they used to be, so it's understandable that teams drop a few games that they probably shouldn't this time of year.

Since that '99 run when our team was 6-8 to open the campaign I've been able spot a certain fire in the players and coaches that has led me to believe that even when we're losing games we should be winning in the early part of the regular season, that we're still going to flip that switch come March and see the true Spurs team.

I look forward to it every year. . .and come March I proclaim my love for the SPAM.

In the past I've known the Spurs players and coaches get that hunger for the SPAM too.

This year that hunger is a little more difficult to spot. I'm not seeing that fire after a loss that I used to see. The Spurs get punked by Chicago and Pop's quotes in the paper revolve around getting a nice dinner and a fine wine.

FINE WINE??!! That's it?!! No side of SPAM?!

Our guys aren't showing me they've got that drive at this point. Losing doesn't seem to hurt like it used to. Losing used to eat at Pop to the point that it looked like his head was going to explode. Now it's "oh well, see you tomorrow". Now the players and coaches seem unfazed after a loss. I'm not seeing that glint of hate after a loss. I'm seeing..............nothing.

Complacency began to rear its head last season I thought. Our team didn't really "wake up" until the Dallas series, and our season was mired in a 3-1 series deficit. A little too late to really enjoy SPAM, and Dallas made us pay.

This year is more of the same. People are saying we're too old, but I'm not sure that is the case. Our big three is still young enough to win.

Others say we're not good enough to win. I definitely think we could add a "piece" or two, but this team is as talented as any out there.

I say it's the hunger factor. Anyone can eat a nice steak dinner with a baked potato and sweet rolls accompanied by a nice glass of merlot.

But when it comes to SPAM you've got to really want it. Anyone can tell you that you don't eat SPAM unless you're truly hungry.

And I'm not sure the Spurs are THAT hungry anymore. I guess we'll see this spring.

Hunger can come back coming playoffs time, whan they'll be the underdogs, the old team which has past his time, when they'll have something to prove.

As stranger eas it seems, those struggling Spurs looks more dangerous to me, precisly cos you don't know how they'll really be in playoffs.

there's a recent example in the last soccer world cup. France was too old, was done, was expected to be surpassed by other so much younger, so much talented teams.
They sucked big big time during the qualification round, then the transformation... they outplayed favorite opponents during elimination games and reached the finale. (they losed cos of an insane wrong move from their superstar...)

01-18-2007, 02:14 PM
Even Bush noticed that


01-18-2007, 02:15 PM


Ed Helicopter Jones
01-18-2007, 02:17 PM
Hunger can come back coming playoffs time, whan they'll be the underdogs, the old team which has past his time, when they'll have something to prove.

As stranger eas it seems, those struggling Spurs looks more dangerous to me, precisly cos you don't know how they'll really be in playoffs.

there's a recent example in the last soccer world cup. France was too old, was done, was expected to be surpassed by other so much younger, so much talented teams.
They sucked big big time during the qualification round, then the transformation... they outplayed favorite opponents during elimination games and reached the finale. (they losed cos of an insane wrong move from their superstar...)

That's what I'm hoping for. The Spurs seem to do their best when they're flying under the radar. We'll see.

01-18-2007, 02:21 PM
That's what I'm hoping for. The Spurs seem to do their best when they're flying under the radar. We'll see.

Either that or Duncan will headbutt Dirk into next week.

01-18-2007, 03:29 PM
The Rodeo Road Trip and SPAM are just about the only things keeping me positive about the season.

01-18-2007, 03:33 PM
The Rodeo Road Trip and SPAM are just about the only things keeping me positive about the season.ditto.

Solid D
01-18-2007, 03:50 PM
The Spurs are actually trying out a new strategy this season, due to the ages and energy level of the players and coaches:


*Spurs Loligag Into March


01-18-2007, 04:01 PM
Remember so long ago when we all said "the WC is a tough conference this season" while thinking the Spurs contributed to make it tough? :lol

01-18-2007, 04:02 PM
the problem is the coaching.
first, who is to blame for a team not being mentally tough and mentally ready? anyone who has played sports will tell you it's the coach's responsibility to prepare his players mentally.
second, strategically, popovich's in-game coaching is horrendous. the player rotation is just stupid. the spurs are still resorting to small ball even though by now it's fucking obvious that it doesn't work for the spurs. beno udrih fucking sucks. but whose fault is it that he's getting playing time? any given night, either finley or barry will not be able to hit shit. yet how many times have we seen finley get pulled out of a game when he's stinking it up? i bet you it's less than the number of times pop leaves finley in only to see him go 1-7 for the game.
don't get your hopes up even if the spurs do make a trade. only when popovich really reflects on what does and does not work for the spurs might we see some change. but so far, it's just the same old bullshit and same old excuses.

01-18-2007, 04:27 PM
One trade won't put the Spurs back on top,
like mid-season Sheed put the "nearly there" Pistons right "there".

The Spurs "system", coach and players, is flat-out broken (right now).

It's on Pop and Tim to fix it, nobody else comes close to being the team leader. Pop has said doesn't even want to be team leader, but he has to because Tim won't, or can't.

01-18-2007, 04:33 PM

The Spurs are actually trying out a new strategy this season, due to the ages and energy level of the players and coaches:


*Spurs Loligag Into March

http://www.sarasotarockers.com/largeramboyna/thumbnails/Parker4_t.jpgYou lollllllygag through October. You lollllllygag through November and December. You lollllllygag throught January. You know what that makes you?

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-18-2007, 04:40 PM
The Spurs are actually trying out a new strategy this season, due to the ages and energy level of the players and coaches:


*Spurs Loligag Into March


I like the rocker. Nice touch! It made me think of another accronym: SCRAM

Spurs Can't Run AnyMore

I think I'll stick with SPAM for now!! We'll re-evaluate in a few months.

01-18-2007, 04:41 PM
"You know what our record in January is? PJ?


"4-5! How did we ever win 4?"

"It's a miracle."

01-18-2007, 04:46 PM
SCREWED-Spurs Can't Really Expect Wins Encountering Dallas

DANCE-Don't Anticipate No Championships Evermore

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-18-2007, 04:50 PM
SCREWED-Spurs Can't Really Expect Wins Encountering Dallas

DANCE-Don't Anticipate No Championships Evermore


SFIE, does the double-negative in "DANCE" translate to mean that I can fully expect another championship? Or does evermore make a triple negative thereby turning the statement from a negative to a positive and finally back to a negative?

01-18-2007, 04:58 PM

SFIE, does the double-negative in "DANCE" translate to mean that I can fully expect another championship? Or does evermore make a triple negative thereby turning the statement from a negative to a positive and finally back to a negative?

I'm not sure. I think Kenyon Martin hacked my user account to write that last one. Maybe it's a double negative meaning that you should expect more championships, in which you should be so happy that you dance. How deep.

Solid D
01-18-2007, 05:19 PM

You lollllllygag through October. You lollllllygag through November and December. You lollllllygag throught January. You know what that makes you?

:lol A lollllllygagger

I like the rocker. Nice touch! It made me think of another accronym: SCRAM

Spurs Can't Run AnyMore

I think I'll stick with SPAM for now!! We'll re-evaluate in a few months.

We can never replace SPAM, however, SPAM sure seems to be a distant, slow sojourn from where they are today.

I like SCRAM also. :lol