View Full Version : Fuck all of y'all whiny bitches

baseline bum
01-19-2007, 12:01 AM
Yeah, Tim Duncan looks lazy this year, but any of y'all who disrespect him and call him names can go fuck yourselves with an AIDS infected dildo. Tim Duncan has done so much for this franchise, and he could play the next 10 years at a Beno Udrih level and he's still a first-ball hall-of-famer.

Now everyone says Horry sucks? Fuck you. Robert Horry is a Spurs legend. He was the third most important player in the team's 2005 title run. I can't believe how short a lot of your memories are. Rob's playing badly this year, but it's no excuse to disrespect one of the most important players to even put on a silver and black jersey.

Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Finley signed here for less. Finley signed here without getting the starting job Phoenix and Miami would have guaranteed him. Finley made huge plays for our team all throughout last season and last playoffs. His play shouldn't be earning him any minutes this season, but his play last year and his willingness to put aside personal glory for the good of the team we love should earn your respect.


01-19-2007, 12:03 AM
Tim Duncan could play at a Beno Udrih level at 90 years old.

01-19-2007, 12:05 AM
you guys are spoiled douche faces

01-19-2007, 12:07 AM
Yeah, Tim Duncan looks lazy this year, but any of y'all who disrespect him and call him names can go fuck yourselves with an AIDS infected dildo. Tim Duncan has done so much for this franchise, and he could play the next 10 years at a Beno Udrih level and he's still a first-ball hall-of-famer.

Now everyone says Horry sucks? Fuck you. Robert Horry is a Spurs legend. He was the third most important player in the team's 2005 title run. I can't believe how short a lot of your memories are. Rob's playing badly this year, but it's no excuse to disrespect one of the most important players to even put on a silver and black jersey.

Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Finley signed here for less. Finley signed here without getting the starting job Phoenix and Miami would have guaranteed him. Finley made huge plays for our team all throughout last season and last playoffs. His play shouldn't be earning him any minutes this season, but his play last year and his willingness to put aside personal glory for the good of the team we love should earn your respect.

Well said, these whiny bitches need to shut the fuck up.

01-19-2007, 12:28 AM
Classy fans

Kori Ellis
01-19-2007, 12:32 AM
Sorry, but Finley's ridiculous subpar performances deserve bashing.

He didn't lose any big money by coming here. What's the difference between 3 years guaranteed @ $3M/year from the Spurs and Miami's 2 years guaranteed at the MLE? He didn't come here to do S.A. a favor, he thought it was his best chance for a title and he bet wrong.

He was okay last year, but he sucks so far this year. Shooters who shoot 37% from the field and around 30% from three on a good day are up for criticism.

01-19-2007, 12:41 AM
Yeah, Tim Duncan looks lazy this year, but any of y'all who disrespect him and call him names can go fuck yourselves with an AIDS infected dildo. Tim Duncan has done so much for this franchise, and he could play the next 10 years at a Beno Udrih level and he's still a first-ball hall-of-famer.

Now everyone says Horry sucks? Fuck you. Robert Horry is a Spurs legend. He was the third most important player in the team's 2005 title run. I can't believe how short a lot of your memories are. Rob's playing badly this year, but it's no excuse to disrespect one of the most important players to even put on a silver and black jersey.

Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Finley signed here for less. Finley signed here without getting the starting job Phoenix and Miami would have guaranteed him. Finley made huge plays for our team all throughout last season and last playoffs. His play shouldn't be earning him any minutes this season, but his play last year and his willingness to put aside personal glory for the good of the team we love should earn your respect.


If Duncan raises his play from regular season to the playoffs as much this year as last, he'll probably average 50 points a game in the post season. Everyone thought he was done then he pulled a Shaq when it counted. Same with Horry -- his play always goes up around Fiesta-time. Come to think of it, Finley looked a lot better in the postseason than any other time. Is there a pattern here?

Now everyone says Horry sucks? Fuck you. Robert Horry is a Spurs legend. Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Bitches

And furthermore, for the rest of you whiners, did the Germans sit down with Pearl Harbor before they bombed it?

Solid D
01-19-2007, 12:44 AM
Yet another person afflicted with coprolalia. Tsk Tsk

01-19-2007, 12:50 AM
Finley should be selling cotton candy.

01-19-2007, 12:51 AM
"looks lazy this year"

just "looks" ?

I think Tim had an amazing career. It's his franchise, on his shoulders.

When the team is playing as shittily as now, that HIS Spurs, too.

What do you think is wrong with him now?

And don't quote his stats, because they don't show how he weakly he's playing.

Last season he was hurt. This year he's ... ?

01-19-2007, 01:02 AM
"looks lazy this year"

just "looks" ?

I think Tim had an amazing career. It's his franchise, on his shoulders.

When the team is playing as shittily as now, that HIS Spurs, too.

What do you think is wrong with him now?

And don't quote his stats, because they don't show how he weakly he's playing.

Last season he was hurt. This year he's ... ?

. . . biding his time until it counts (just like all the great ones eventually have in this 9 month league).

01-19-2007, 01:03 AM
spurs could use this kind of attitude:


01-19-2007, 01:27 AM
Your piss-poor-ass thread doesn't even deserve a credible response.

01-19-2007, 01:43 AM
They're all still collecting paychecks right? And Spurs fans still have to pay to get into the AT&T center right?

Then Tim Duncan should come to play every fucking night.

01-19-2007, 01:46 AM
They're all still collecting paychecks right? And Spurs fans still have to pay to get into the AT&T center right?

Then Tim Duncan should come to play every fucking night.

Ideally - the way it should be. Unfortunately, it probably isn't.

Pablo Escobar
01-19-2007, 01:50 AM
we are whiny bitches cause we are fans of a good team that is not playing at the level it should be playing at
and as fans its our job to bitch and whine when they stink it up
so shut the fuck up you fucken fake ass whannabe spur fan

01-19-2007, 01:51 AM
Of course, but its what Fans deserve.

And no amount of previous championships mean a player is above criticism for being lazy. Its one thing if Robert Horry misses a shot late in a game, then I feel he should get a pass, but when Tim Duncan is playing lazy thats an entirely different animal. When these guys are just mentaly sleeping through a season they don't get a pass.

You get a pass when you try your best but your best isn't good enough, but not when you don't even bother to show up. It doesn't matter what you did 2 years ago, because they don't put that shit on the scoreboard nor do they give the fans a discount at the door because of it.

01-19-2007, 02:05 AM
Maybe we should have a "Vote a Spur Off the Team" thread.

01-19-2007, 02:07 AM
Maybe we should have a "Vote a Spur Off the Team" thread.I'd automaticaly cast my vote for Beno over and over and over again.

01-19-2007, 02:42 AM
They're all still collecting paychecks right? And Spurs fans still have to pay to get into the AT&T center right?

Then Tim Duncan should come to play every fucking night.

First thing I've ever agreed with you on. The whole "saving it for the playoffs" thing as far as individual effort goes is nonsense.

01-19-2007, 02:54 AM
"looks lazy this year"

just "looks" ?

I think Tim had an amazing career. It's his franchise, on his shoulders.

When the team is playing as shittily as now, that HIS Spurs, too.

What do you think is wrong with him now?

And don't quote his stats, because they don't show how he weakly he's playing.

Last season he was hurt. This year he's ... ?ShaQ O'Neal is lazier than Duncan. He rests his fat butt 60% during the regular season, made the finals riding on Wade's shoes won the title, and still Miami respects and adores him.
I didn't read Miami fans whining over ShaQ being lazy, old, and done... :p:

01-19-2007, 03:03 AM
You get a :tu for your takes on Duncan and Horry.

And a big :td for your take on Finley. You should have inserted Brent Barry in there, he's the next most underappreciated player after Duncan and Horry. Arguably the most.

Furthermore...I think Finley is the reason for the obvious changes in Spurs chemistry...this guy has risen to a leadership position on the team but really hasn't done jack shit to deserve it. We've won no titles with Michael Finley.

People say he has the attitude of a competitor but it's not a Spur attitude...the Spurs are always unfazed, lose and confident...

Finley always looks like he has the Sears tower stuck up his ass. And can't get it out.

Finley is the reason we play like the fucking Mavs used too.

Get Finley's ass off my fucking team...he was tolerable last year...this year? Fuck this Mav motherfucker. If this guy had played most of his career for the Spurs we'd think he was a fucking punk for going to the Mavs....

Trade his ass to the most threatening team so he can Mav them. Too bad we can't trade him back to the Mavs.

Get him gone.

01-19-2007, 04:09 AM
They're all still collecting paychecks right? And Spurs fans still have to pay to get into the AT&T center right?

Then Tim Duncan should come to play every fucking night.

Makes sense.

Also depends on what Spurs will do in playoffs. If they're great, people will say, "they saved their best during the RS", "RS doesn't mean much", "playoffs are what really matters for a spurs team"...
If they sucks...

But I agree, there's a minimum to bring every night for the fans who came to support you.

01-19-2007, 05:17 AM
yeh we all know tim is a whiny biatch, live with it

01-19-2007, 08:26 AM
I think duncans problem this year seems he wants to be with his kidd instead of on the court
does he think he can just turn it on when the playoffs come on

if other players can be bashed here why not duncan

01-19-2007, 11:24 AM
They're all still collecting paychecks right? And Spurs fans still have to pay to get into the AT&T center right?

Then Tim Duncan should come to play every fucking night.


And what's this athletes are entitled bullshit!? Tim Duncan pulls in around $20+ million per year, lives low key and large. If his performance falls, well, the criticism is merited.

I, for one, have very, very rarely criticized Duncan ever, but I don't mind fans complaining. Its their right.

This is freaking ENTERTAINMENT, baseline, you don't need to get so worked up! :lol

01-19-2007, 11:35 AM
Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Finley signed here for less. Finley signed here without getting the starting job Phoenix and Miami would have guaranteed him. Finley made huge plays for our team all throughout last season and last playoffs. His play shouldn't be earning him any minutes this season, but his play last year and his willingness to put aside personal glory for the good of the team we love should earn your respect.

I agree with the first 2. but gimme a fucking break, Finley deserves all the shit and more. WHO THE FUCK GIVES A SHIT HE PICKED THE SPURS????? NOBODY HAD A GUN TO HIS HEAD, HE CHOSE THE SPURS. SO FUCKING WHAT??? WE SHOULD BE FOREVER GRATEFUL TO HIM???
fuck that, we brought him here to play and up to now, he has been sucking ass. Fuck Finley, he better get his shit straight. :pctoss

01-19-2007, 11:37 AM
Out of all the players mentioned Beno has played the worse. FUCK YOU BENO UDRIH

01-19-2007, 11:39 AM
yeh we all know tim is a whiny biatch, live with it

:devil :wtf

01-19-2007, 11:48 AM
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

you are obviously not exactly a cineaste.

01-19-2007, 12:03 PM
hey bum, go fuck yourself!

01-19-2007, 12:53 PM
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

:bang :bang :bang


01-19-2007, 01:19 PM
hey bum, go fuck yourself!
timmy thy best player in all history

01-19-2007, 02:06 PM
Well Said Baseline Bum!!!! Go Spurs Go!!! :downspin: :clap

01-19-2007, 02:15 PM
Yeah, Tim Duncan looks lazy this year, but any of y'all who disrespect him and call him names can go fuck yourselves with an AIDS infected dildo. Tim Duncan has done so much for this franchise, and he could play the next 10 years at a Beno Udrih level and he's still a first-ball hall-of-famer.

Now everyone says Horry sucks? Fuck you. Robert Horry is a Spurs legend. He was the third most important player in the team's 2005 title run. I can't believe how short a lot of your memories are. Rob's playing badly this year, but it's no excuse to disrespect one of the most important players to even put on a silver and black jersey.

Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Finley signed here for less. Finley signed here without getting the starting job Phoenix and Miami would have guaranteed him. Finley made huge plays for our team all throughout last season and last playoffs. His play shouldn't be earning him any minutes this season, but his play last year and his willingness to put aside personal glory for the good of the team we love should earn your respect.


a lot of good points. i don't come in here to talk basketball, i'm sure none care, but b/c so many are idiotic. i'm with you baseline bum....

that being said, i expect the Spurs to do very well in the playoffs. they are 27-13....newsflash douche bags, thats a good record. they'll get better, when it matters, as they always do. boggles my mind that so many fans think the Spurs will be playing like this come playoffs. never have, with TD, and never will.

Manu_The _Best
01-19-2007, 04:07 PM
Yeah, Tim Duncan looks lazy this year, but any of y'all who disrespect him and call him names can go fuck yourselves with an AIDS infected dildo. Tim Duncan has done so much for this franchise, and he could play the next 10 years at a Beno Udrih level and he's still a first-ball hall-of-famer.

Now everyone says Horry sucks? Fuck you. Robert Horry is a Spurs legend. He was the third most important player in the team's 2005 title run. I can't believe how short a lot of your memories are. Rob's playing badly this year, but it's no excuse to disrespect one of the most important players to even put on a silver and black jersey.

Same to all of you who talk shit about Finley. Finley signed here for less. Finley signed here without getting the starting job Phoenix and Miami would have guaranteed him. Finley made huge plays for our team all throughout last season and last playoffs. His play shouldn't be earning him any minutes this season, but his play last year and his willingness to put aside personal glory for the good of the team we love should earn your respect.


I haven't read more IDIOTIC post since the "air comments" (for the lack of Internet) from the Lucas's era of coaching...YOU NEVER JUDGE and CONSIDER a normal person (not to even talk about a basketball player) for what he did in the PAST - you would need to see what's in the present and his current value, in the case with Finley - ZERO...You cannot live forever in old success...THIS IS NOT A COMMUNIST country...Finally, the Goose Egg Finley hasn’t done nothing substantial in the Playoffs last year – if he did, the Spurs would’ve had another title...

BTW, I admire the tolerance of the Administrator of this board by keeping such a vulgar POST - the First Amendment’s rights are protected here!!! :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :spin :smokin :smokin

Manu_The _Best
01-19-2007, 04:09 PM

And what's this athletes are entitled bullshit!? Tim Duncan pulls in around $20+ million per year, lives low key and large. If his performance falls, well, the criticism is merited.

I, for one, have very, very rarely criticized Duncan ever, but I don't mind fans complaining. Its their right.

This is freaking ENTERTAINMENT, baseline, you don't need to get so worked up! :lol

Agree with both of you - Tim Duncan and ALL other players are getting paid WAY TOO MUCH MONEY - They have to give 1000% every night, unfortunately they don't...

01-19-2007, 04:16 PM
This team blows right now. I think baseline bum would rather live in a totalitarian state where dissent isn't tolerated. I rather enjoy freedom of expression.

baseline bum = communist.

01-19-2007, 04:53 PM
This team blows right now. I think baseline bum would rather live in a totalitarian state where dissent isn't tolerated. I rather enjoy freedom of expression.

baseline bum = communist.

hell no. In my totalitarian state, the Spurs bench would be doing hard labor by now. Pop would be picking oranges. and Baseline Bum would have been hanged loooong time ago.

01-19-2007, 04:53 PM
hey bum, go fuck yourself!

:lmao I don't know why, but this cracks me up :lol

01-19-2007, 04:59 PM
hell no. In my totalitarian state, the Spurs bench would be doing hard labor by now. Pop would be picking oranges. and Baseline Bum would have been hanged loooong time ago.

You got capped by the Bolivians in '67, though. How are you gonna accomplish all that from your dirt nap?

Slo spurs fan
01-19-2007, 05:02 PM
Out of all the players mentioned Beno has played the worse. FUCK YOU BENO UDRIH
Out of (almost) all shitty fans above you are the worst. FUCK YOU JOEYJFIVE

01-19-2007, 05:08 PM
You got capped by the Bolivians in '67, though. How are you gonna accomplish all that from your dirt nap?

yeah blame it on the Bolivians. It was the fucking CIA, comrade.

yet I am still alive, they got more Tshirts of me than 2Pac.

01-19-2007, 05:15 PM
yeah blame it on the Bolivians. It was the fucking CIA, comrade.

They were CIA trained, but they were definitely Bolivians. Read John Lee Anderson's biography of the man if you haven't already. It's called Che.

My parents are from Cuba so I've always had interest in the wacky Argentine...

yet I am still alive, they got more Tshirts of me than 2Pac.

Yes, your spirit lives on in the heart of every wannabe revolutionary.

01-19-2007, 05:18 PM
They were CIA trained, but they were definitely Bolivians. Read John Lee Anderson's biography of the man if you haven't already. It's called Che.

My parents are from Cuba so I've always had interest in the wacky Argentine...

My father is Bolivian and was in the army at the time so I know my friend. anyway... back to the topic

01-19-2007, 05:51 PM
First thing I've ever agreed with you on. The whole "saving it for the playoffs" thing as far as individual effort goes is nonsense.

AMEN, why the fuck are you even gonna play the regular season if you're not gonna try??