View Full Version : Spurs Mailbag: We're not the Celts

01-23-2007, 02:20 AM
Spurs Mailbag: We're not the Celts
Web Posted: 01/23/2007 12:49 AM CST

If nothing else, check the comments on Jackie Butler!

Relax Spurs fans. You could be rooting for the Boston Celtics.

The Spurs’ victory over the Celtics on Monday was yet another reminder of how a single ping-pong ball impacted the future of both franchises.

Boston entered the NBA’s 1996 draft lottery with the league’s worst record and the greatest odds at landing a rookie forward from Wake Forest University named Tim Duncan. Duncan even thought he was going to the Celtics.

Instead, it was the Spurs who came up winners. And it’s the Spurs who have continued winning.

In addition to leading the Spurs to three championships, Duncan has never lost to Boston in 17 career games. Including one victory from the season before Duncan arrived, the Spurs have now won 18 straight over the Celtics.

“No matter how you put it,” Boston coach Doc Rivers said, “it’s a hell of a streak.”

Rivers also has a good idea of why it’s lasted so long.

“I would think Tim Duncan has a lot to do with it,” he said. “Gregg Popovich. David Robinson. Avery Johnson. (Manu) Ginobili. (Tony) Parker.”

The Celtics’ franchise, meanwhile, has seemingly been star-crossed ever since that day.

On to your letters…

Why has Popovich allowed a 14-year grudge with Chris Webber to affect his judgment?

This seems to me like history repeating itself. Last year the Chicago Bulls were almost giving us a championship (in thanks for the three we gave them by trading Dennis Rodman for Will Perdue) by releasing Tim Thomas.

I thought he was a perfect fit, with him we could stop playing Horry out of position at center. He is about 6-10, athletic, can run and shoot but Pop thought we were fine with Horry. Then comes the Dallas Mavericks in the semifinals and what do the Spurs need? A big man who is athletic, can run and shoot, and Horry was not fitting the bill.

Now this year we’ve had three different starting centers. Robert Horry appears to be wearing lead shoes on the court, and on the court injuries have gotten Elson and most recently Bonner, yet Coach Pop STILL thinks we are fine where we are and does not pick up Webber, who still has something in the tank and would work well next to Duncan, who will be 31 years old by season’s end meaning this franchise does not have too many years to be championship contenders as he is our foundation.

I fear that if Pop doesn't start to think outside the box 10 years from now this city will still have three championships. Not that that’s anything to be ashamed of, but when you have players who compliment each other like Duncan, Parker and Ginobili, that’s underachieving in today's high-profile, high risk-low reward, multimillion-dollar free-agent-signing NBA market. Do you think Popovich will wake up before it is too late? Barry Andrews Jr., San Antonio

Go ahead and rip the Spurs for passing on Josh Howard. Rip them for not addressing their need for an athletic wing player in the offseason.

Rip them for paying too much attention to Jackie Butler’s per-minute averages and not enough attention to his body-fat content. Rip them for drafting four international players who are sitting overseas instead of on their bench.

But don’t waste time criticizing them for not signing Tim Thomas. They tried to sign him. He passed on their offer to go to Phoenix because the Suns had Steve Nash and more minutes.

Thomas used the situation to get himself a big contract from the Los Angeles Clippers. And I’m willing to bet the Clippers wish they could get a refund on that deal.

As for Webber: I don’t know what 14-year “grudge” you’re talking about. It’s true Pop was on Nellie’s staff in Golden State when Webber was a rookie. But that didn’t keep the Spurs from trying to sign him as recently as five years ago.

The Spurs didn’t pursue last week because they didn’t think he fit their needs (an athletic wing player or backup point guard) and they weren’t willing to guarantee minutes to a player whose health is in question. And I don’t think he would have come anyway.

But if Webber flourishes in Detroit and looks like healthy enough to keep pace in the up-tempo West? And the Spurs can’t get consistent production out of their centers?

Then feel free to rip them for that move, too.

I am a true Spurs fan; have been for a while. When is Pop going to make changes to get a 3-point shooter on the team. We need help if we are ever going to win a championship. Joe Miller, California

As a true Spurs fan, I assume you know that the team of which you are a true fan is ranked second in the NBA in 3-point accuracy. And as a true Spurs fan, I assume you also know that among individual players, Brent Barry is ranked third in 3-point percentage and Bruce Bowen fifth.

How bout we try bringing Manu off the bench, that way maybe we can get sum points off da bench and start Barry?

Or how bout we use all our bench like Williams? He seemed pretty good da last time he was knocking down them 3 pointers.

We need sum kind of idea why we gonna get guys and then not play them. Maybe the spark we need is one of them.

Look at Howard when he was with us he never got any play. Look at him now. Joe, Beeville

Finally, a Texan who writes as he speaks. I assume the Howard you talkin’ bout is Josh, who is knocking down sum them 3-pointers for Dallas these days.

The reason, however, he never got any play with the Spurs is because he was never with them. And that, dear Joe, is the root of the problem.

As you know, Pop has shuttled Manu from starter to reserve the past five seasons when the bench isn’t producing as it should. So moving him back to the sixth man role will probably always remain an option.

But I’m not for it. Manu’s provided the only consistent source of energy this season, and the Spurs need that not only to finish games, but also start them.

Why want the Spurs make a trade for Corey Maggette or Ron Artest? Oliver Kirksey, Charlotte, N.C.

Why are the Spurs so hesitant when it comes to making a trade? Everyone knows that the Spurs are not athletic enough to keep pace with Dallas and Phoenix.

What are the Spurs’ brain trust waiting for? David Pena, Poth

Allow me to offer an NBA Trades 101 primer: Trades don’t work like the draft. You don’t get to just pick whatever player you want. There is a reason, after all, that this type of transaction is called a t-r-a-d-e.

That means that to get something, you also have to give something up. And the other team or teams that are participating in said trade have to want something you’re offering.

The Clippers might have expressed a degree of interest in an Udrih-Barry package a month ago, but they don’t seem to have any now.

As for wondering why the Spurs would be hesitant to pursue Artest? Look at what’s happened to the past two teams that have employed him.

Are #4 & #5 worth a trade? Considering that the Spurs are in need of athleticism? Manuel Garcia, Laredo

One request: Before you propose reshaping the Spurs’ roster and altering the lives of their players, take a moment to learn their names.

What has happened with Jackie Butler? Are the Spurs disappointed with him? Has he shown any promise?Juan, Edinburg

To answer your questions in order: nothing; yes; and no.

What is the deal with Jackie Butler? Why isn't he getting more minutes for everyone to see what he can do? Wes, Denton

The Spurs have seen what he can do in practice, and it isn’t much.

He also didn’t help his cause last week in Chicago. Pop put him in for the final minute, the Bulls missed a shot, the rebound bounced right to him and he didn’t move a half-foot to get it. One of Chicago’s players went around him, grabbed the ball and put it back up for a layup.

I know one minute of playing time isn’t going to produce a fair assessment of someone’s skills. But that someone should at least pretend to do something.

If nothing else, Jackie recently received a lesson in inactive-list etiquette.

After Matt Bonner injured his knee and couldn’t walk off the court, Tim and athletic trainer Will Sevening started to carry him. Michael Finley and Eric Williams quickly ran over to take their place. As Finley and Williams started to haul Bonner off, Tim yelled at Jackie – the only player not in uniform – to go help.

No one knew how long it was going to take to get Bonner to the locker room, so what would have happened during that time if Pop wanted to put Finley or Williams in the game?

Jackie just stared blankly at Tim. Tim yelled again while pointing toward Bonner: “Go help!” Jackie nodded and trudged off after the players.

Here’s the problem: He’s 21 years old, he showed up out of shape and his work ethic has been questionable at best. It also didn’t help that he came from a chaotic situation in New York where he probably didn’t have much structure.

This doesn’t mean Jackie won’t ever develop into a rotation-worthy player. I just don’t expect it to happen this season.

Not a question but a request. Pop, please do not put three stiffs on the court at the same time.Clyde, Arlington

Where is the familiar SPURS defense? Where is the hunger from the MAVS beat-down in Game 7? I want to see SPURS Pride return. Cheryl, Converse

So, let me get this straight: No more three stiffs, but more Spurs’ pride. I’ll forward your requests.

Is it too late to get some more youth infused into the team this year? I love the veterans of Horry, Barry, Finley and Vaughn, but is the overall age of the team catching up with the Spurs?

I hate losing to The Mavericks. They have a very “nasty” organization starting at the top. But look at how young their team is; they are going to pass up and stay ahead of the Spurs if we don't watch it.

Again, I know there is a lot to say for veterans, but will this team be fresh come playoff time? What about a trade for Pau Gasol to help Tim down low? Maybe a trade for a Dan Dickau or someone else youthful with a good outside shot.

This team needs their outside shots to fall to open up the lane and down low for Tim and others to work. Some of these veterans are not getting the job done.

But I'm not the G.M. and I don't know who is worth going after, either. All I know is I'm a Spurs fan for life, especially with the organization and owner in place.

It has been said that this organization is the New England Patriots of the NBA. I think they need to show that they still are. Stephen Liles, Hackett, Ark.

The Spurs very well might still be the New England Patriots of the NBA. But that probably also means Dallas is the Indianapolis Colts.

To answer your first question, no, it is not too late for the Spurs to infuse some youth into this season’s team. Unfortunately, you’ve destroyed all your credibility by suggesting they trade for Dan Dickau.

Since you're considering trade possibilities, how about an Udrih and Williams for Earl Watson trade with the Sonics?

I think Watson would fit the Spurs perfectly (specifically his defense) providing the consistent backup point the Spurs have lacked for some time, and the Sonics get a young player and cap relief in return for a player who hasn't expressed much happiness in Seattle. Seems reasonable to me. Michael, Seguin

This does sound like a reasonable deal, provided, of course, you’re not the one signing Earl Watson’s paychecks.

I’ve also long been a fan of Watson’s. (And that should your first warning: I also advocated pursuing Jason Kidd and look where that got the franchise. Come to think of it, all you people are fools for soliciting my opinion.)

Pop embraces tough-minded guards, regardless of their other shortcomings, and Watson would appear to meet that requirement. What Watson hasn’t always done, however, is embrace his role as a reserve.

He also still has close to $19 million left on his contract. Spurs officials have made it clear they don’t want to pay a backup point guard $6 million a season.

I think the Spurs should trade Tony Parker now when he’s still young, got upswing, is an All-Star, a two-time champion and obviously has value.

The Spurs can get good young players for him who can improve the Spurs. TP just isn’t a setup guard, can’t shoot from anywhere, plays bad defense and fades in the playoffs. How does he help the Spurs?

Unthinkable that a point guard can’t shoot free throws. To me he is only good at driving to the bucket, but you pack the lane and down go the Spurs.

We also should have traded Brent for J.R Smith. Oh, and Horry isn't helping by jacking up bad shots. Eddie, Orange County, Calif.

So, to recount, you believe Tony: can’t pass; can’t shoot from anywhere; plays bad defense; fades in the playoffs; and, finally, can’t shoot free throws.

So, why on earth do you also think he “obviously has value”? What team is going to want a point guard who can’t pass, can’t shoot from anywhere, plays bad defense, fades in the playoffs and can’t shoot free throws?

I’ll give you this much: Tony does dominate the ball too much at times and his defense can improve. But he’s shooting 78 percent from the foul line and 53 percent from the field. His jump shot, while obviously not in the class of Steve Nash, is still vastly improved from two years ago.

I also think Tony made strides in last season’s playoffs. He might have been the team’s most productive player in the Sacramento series, and he clearly didn’t “fade” as much as he did in previous seasons.

One more thing: The Spurs did trade Brent for J.R. Smith. They even told him he was traded.

The trade fell through at the last minute because New Orleans was a little short on cap space. The teams tried to get Atlanta to help facilitate the deal, but couldn’t get an OK from Hawks officials before the deadline.

I’m still of the opinion – and I realize I’m probably in the minority – that the Spurs are better off in the short term for having that deal fall through. While acknowledging Smith’s explosiveness, I’m not sure how he would have fit with the Spurs, particularly since he’s already developed a reputation for being a poor defender.

Pop, of course, has the same issues with Brent, which is one reason why he remains on the trade market. But none of the Spurs’ other reserves have come close to producing as consistently as Brent has this season.

When you look at the games the Spurs win vs. the games they lose, it is very obvious that the bench plays a great role in the outcome of the games.

Our Big Three seemingly perform consistent on a night-to-night basis, but the Spurs’ bench play is, for lack of a better word, inconsistent. Do you think Pop's relaxed attitude (subtle things like when he wears no tie) has any thing to do with the team’s under-performance?

Let’s be honest, our record is fantastic, but as a basketball fan you still can't help but think they are not up to Spurs’ standard. J.J., San Antonio

I have heard numerous theories for the Spurs’ inconsistency this season, but this one is my favorite: Pop’s decision to not wear a tie at road games has softened the team’s approach.

I guarantee that the players (particularly Beno, who has been lit up more times than a roman candle) don’t think Pop has taken a nonchalant attitude toward their struggles. If anything, you can fault him for the opposite: being too heavy-handed.

And considering how poorly the Spurs have played at the AT&T Center, I think Pop ought to abandon his habit of wearing ties when the team is home. In fact, I’d prefer he also give up the sports jacket.

I’m advocating he go for the Bill Belichick hooded-sweatshirt look. Who knows, maybe that will even bring back the New-England-Patriots-of-the-NBA comparisons?

01-23-2007, 02:23 AM
you're right, instead of three rings you could be reminding everyone how you have sixteen rings

:) just kidding.....and trolling :)

01-23-2007, 02:24 AM
hey, why not? it works on everyone but about 3 teams...

01-23-2007, 02:45 AM
Somebody get a tie on that man!

01-23-2007, 02:45 AM
Butler is looking like a bust, or a mediocre player at best.

The questions on there are absolutely hilarious. Can we trade #4 or #5? That's gold.

01-23-2007, 02:47 AM
I've seen Butler play once and that was pre season.

01-23-2007, 03:03 AM
:lol @ Ludden

He found a way to bring up Butler three times and bash him. He went out of his way to do so. And then after that, he leaves us with this nugget:

This doesn’t mean Jackie won’t ever develop into a rotation-worthy player. I just don’t expect it to happen this season.

:lmao :lmao

He bashed him for 500 words on the basis that Butler should be producing this year? It became obvious early on that Butler was going on the Stephen Jackson Plan and wouldn't be seen this year.

I still think he has pretty huge potential. If he keeps up his conditioning and keeps trusting the Spurs' system, he has a bright future. He's going to have hiccups here and there, but that's expected out of a 21-year-old who's main knock against him was his character coming out of high school.

We'll see how good he is this summer during summer league and into training camp. If he gets in shape and keeps working hard, sky is the limit for him.

I rank him far ahead of Mahinmi as far as a bigman who can help the Spurs down the road.

01-23-2007, 03:06 AM
:lol @ Ludden

He found a way to bring up Butler three times and bash him. He went out of his way to do so. And then after that, he leaves us with this nugget:

:lmao :lmao

He bashed him for 500 words on the basis that Butler should be producing this year? It became obvious early on that Butler was going on the Stephen Jackson Plan and wouldn't be seen this year.

I still think he has pretty huge potential. If he keeps up his conditioning and keeps trusting the Spurs' system, he has a bright future. He's going to have hiccups here and there, but that's expected out of a 21-year-old who's main knock against him was his character coming out of high school.

We'll see how good he is this summer during summer league and into training camp. If he gets in shape and keeps working hard, sky is the limit for him.

I rank him far ahead of Mahinmi as far as a bigman who can help the Spurs down the road.

The article makes it sound like his work ethic is a huge question, and I can see a bad work ethic keeping him from growing into a worthy role player. From all known accounts, is his work ethic really that bad? Is he pretty much lazy?

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 03:06 AM
Butler has absolutely no motor when he gets on the court. Apparently he has no motor on the bench, either. It's like he's been lobotomized.

01-23-2007, 03:11 AM
The article makes it sound like his work ethic is a huge question, and I can see a bad work ethic keeping him from growing into a worthy role player. From all known accounts, is his work ethic really that bad? Is he pretty much lazy?

He's lost a lot of weight and his body fat percentage has dropped pretty drastically since the Spurs go their hands on him, so he can't be that lazy. I'm sure he can work harder ... or perhaps a lot harder. But it's far too early to give up on a guy who has played all of 20 minutes as a Spur.

Butler has absolutely no motor when he gets on the court.

Obviously, seeing as he played all of 3 minutes in the last seven weeks. :jack

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 03:14 AM
Earlier in the season, too. He doesn't move for rebounds. It's weird.

01-23-2007, 04:58 AM
Whatever, even if Butler turns out to be a complete Bust he's cost us about as much as Menge Bekter did.

01-23-2007, 08:08 AM
"played all of 20 minutes as a Spur."

but they've seen him dozens of hours in the practice gym.
That's why he's on the inactive list.
In the gym is where he's "inactive" :lol

He sounds pretty stupid, like SJax, and has deer-in-the-headlights sydrome.
Shoulda stayed in school or with his mama.

01-23-2007, 08:27 AM
Whatever, even if Butler turns out to be a complete Bust he's cost us about as much as Menge Bekter did.
Cost the Spurs Robertas Javtokas this past summer.

01-23-2007, 08:31 AM
Cost the Spurs Robertas Javtokas this past summer.:lol

Thats like saying that buying a 1 dollar lotto ticket was a mistake because you missed out on buying a 99 cent hamburger.

Javtokas isn't exactly tearing it up in Europe now is he?

01-23-2007, 09:27 AM
And where are all the people who claimed that Butler would be starting by All-Star break?

01-23-2007, 10:11 AM
Gee, what a shock. ploto is bashing Jackie Butler and propping Javtokas.

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 10:26 AM
It was widely expected (by me, by timvp, probably by the front office) that Butler would be good for something this year. It's not like he's a rookie. It's mystifying how awful he's looked when on the court. Normally you'd hope a young, hungry player would just get out there and be active. He's positively phlegmatic.

T Park
01-23-2007, 10:46 AM
Wow, I knew Butler had problems, but didn't realize he was sucha stooge.


01-23-2007, 11:32 AM
I guarantee that the players (particularly Beno, who has been lit up more times than a roman candle) don’t think Pop has taken a nonchalant attitude toward their struggles.


Aggie Hoopsfan
01-23-2007, 11:36 AM
It was widely expected (by me, by timvp, probably by the front office) that Butler would be good for something this year. It's not like he's a rookie. It's mystifying how awful he's looked when on the court. Normally you'd hope a young, hungry player would just get out there and be active. He's positively phlegmatic.

:lol It was pretty obvious as soon as the season started that he was going to be given the Stephen Jackson treatment. Full frontal basketball lobotomy to get rid of the losing ways of the Knicks and learn what Spurs basketball is all about.

I'm not sure how he can look 'mystifying' when he's never on the court, but this is coming from the same guy who thinks Roberto Javtokas is worth the MLE.

01-23-2007, 11:59 AM
Stupid retard asking why the Spurs don't trade Parker because TP is young, has 2 rings, and has a lot of upside. People these days...

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 12:13 PM
It was pretty obvious as soon as the season started that he was going to be given the Stephen Jackson treatment. Full frontal basketball lobotomy to get rid of the losing ways of the Knicks and learn what Spurs basketball is all about.

Sure, once the season rolled around it was clear he wasn't worth the game time, but a lot of us expected an Elson-Butler rotation throughout the year and were a little pumped by the 1-2 shift in playing style. As it happened, Oberto was much more ready than we thought, and Butler wasn't ready at all.

01-23-2007, 12:18 PM
I think it's pretty obvious that Spur fans (and Knick fans) had a lot higher hopes for Butler when they signed him than has panned out for this year.

Maybe he'll end up making the SJax leap, but maybe not.

But as of right now, it's still possible that Isiah may once again prove > Pop/RC when it comes to evaluating domestic talent.

01-23-2007, 12:21 PM
But as of right now, it's still possible that Isiah may once again prove > Pop/RC when it comes to evaluating domestic talent.

01-23-2007, 12:26 PM
Gee, what a shock. ploto is bashing Jackie Butler and propping Javtokas.
I would take a guy who some thought would hardly ever walk again and who busted his ass to get back to basketball over a fat lard who showed up in September really overweight and out of shape.

01-23-2007, 12:59 PM
I would take a guy who some thought would hardly ever walk again and who busted his ass to get back to basketball over a fat lard who showed up in September really overweight and out of shape.
Pat Riley deactivated Ant Walker and another Heat player to send a message.
Did they lose salary?

Was Fatler guaranteed paydays when he showed up fat?

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-23-2007, 01:26 PM
I would take a guy who some thought would hardly ever walk again and who busted his ass to get back to basketball over a fat lard who showed up in September really overweight and out of shape.

Just because he busted his tail off to walk again and play basketball doesn't make him good or useful.

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 02:12 PM
I would take a guy who some thought would hardly ever walk again and who busted his ass to get back to basketball over a fat lard who showed up in September really overweight and out of shape.

For what it's worth, and it's probably not much, Javtokas would have actually seen the floor this year. Butler's been that bad.

01-23-2007, 02:41 PM
this has got to be the worst season and offseason transactions for the spurs, first round exit here we come, bahamas here we fishing

T Park
01-23-2007, 03:16 PM
this has got to be the worst season and offseason transactions for the spurs

good god get a brain.

Bonner is a pretty damn good player. Elson I would say if anything is a pretty darn good bench center, maybe not starting, but damn good bench center.
THe jury is out on Butler, James White may turn into something, hes too young as well to know anything.

Get a clue.

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 03:18 PM
It was a disappointing offseason by the end of the summer. We kept trying to convince ourselves there was some deal around the corner - when Williams and Bonner became eligible for group trades after two months, and so on - and when the season started we consoled ourselves with there being a trade before the deadline. There was a modicum of happiness when we stole James White, but around the same time Butler started looking bust-like. That said, I'm sure the Chucky Brown summer was worse.

T Park
01-23-2007, 03:22 PM
but around the same time Butler started looking bust-like.

The guy is 21 and is a bust?

Man you guys are tough.

Javtokas is 28 and hes not a bust though.

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 03:31 PM
'Bust-like' is an adjective formed using common rules of English grammar. The 'like' at the end means the object it relates to is almost literally 'like' the thing the word before the hyphen refers to. It is a comparison, therefore, someone's singing voice can be deemed 'sparrow-like', which is not to say it is exactly like a sparrow's, or that person has magically transformed into a small bird. It is to say that that singing voice is simply 'like a sparrow.' In a similar fashion, calling a player like Butler 'bust-like' does not immediately suggest he is a bust, rather that he looks very much like one. Note:

This is not to say he is NOT a bust; by definition, a bust is always and already 'bust-like' the same way a swallow is always and already 'swallow-like'. It is also not to say he cannot sufficiently be labelled a bust at some point in his career, sooner rather than later.

Capice? (italian for: unnerstan?)

01-23-2007, 08:05 PM
And where are all the people who claimed that Butler would be starting by All-Star break?They are here, and they were wrong. Does it matter? People claim shit all the time and most of it doesn't come true. You're the worst kind of troll.

01-23-2007, 08:26 PM
the Bulls missed a shot, the rebound bounced right to him and he didn’t move a half-foot to get it. One of Chicago’s players went around him, grabbed the ball and put it back up for a layup.

To be fair to Butler that player for Chicago happened to be Tyrus Thomas.

It's not much, but it's not like it was some scrub.

Javtokas is 28 and hes not a bust though.

Javtokas turns 27 in March.

And the reason he doesn't play in Greece isn't as clear cut as him being a scrub or a bust, there's other considerations.

01-23-2007, 08:48 PM
To be fair to Butler that player for Chicago happened to be Tyrus Thomas.

It's not much, but it's not like it was some scrub.

Dood, it doesn't matter if its Hakeem Olajuwon.......

When the ball comes right to you, get up and git that shit!!!!

Butler looks as if his feet are mired in dogshit most of the time. Can we get a new pair of shoes for this guy at least?!?!?!

01-23-2007, 09:27 PM
I think it's more a fact that the Spurs aren't getting their money's worth, referring to Butler. We only have him for 2-3 seasons. It would stink to have him sit 2 years, play outstanding one year, then bolt.

01-23-2007, 09:32 PM
When the ball comes right to you, get up and git that shit!!!!

I don't disagree that he should have gotten the rebound, I'm just saying that Thomas can make a lot of guys look bad when he crashes the boards.

That said . . .

I'm not surprised by how bad Butler has looked on the court when he has gotten playing time.

Anybody who paid attention to his games against the Spurs last year would have seen how Oberto was beating him up and down the court every time. When Oberto is looking fast in comparison to a player . . . that's bad.

01-23-2007, 11:46 PM
This thread is damn funny. The panic in Spursdom has made Spurs fans crazy.

Butler has played 20 minutes this year and Spurs fans act as if that is enough to even give a scouting report on a player. Even if Butler had 20 points and 10 rebounds in those 20 minutes, he still wouldn't be getting playing time.

For those who can't count, the Spurs have two centers ahead of him in the rotation. And once the season started, it became obvious that there'd be no way for him to beat out Oberto or Elson. It's just not going to happen because the Spurs have decided to go with those two for this season.

And it fits right in with the way the Spurs manage salaries. Just like it was planned to get rid of Rasho and let Nazr walk, it is planned for Elson and Oberto to be the centers this year. The same people bashing Butler now are the same people who last year were saying that Oberto was a bust.

It's all just part of the plan. When Horry, Oberto and Elson come off the books after next season, the Spurs will have a 23-year-old Butler ready to take over the minutes. They'll also have Mahinmi ready to come from overseas. And guess who will be a free agent for the first time in a decade ... the one and only Luis Scola.

These Spurs might not be the best scouting outfit ever assembled, but they are always way ahead of the curve in terms of planning. It's not a mistake that Elson, Oberto and Horry's contracts all end the same summer. It's no coincedence that Butler is signed for one additional year.

I expect Butler to play only a couple more minutes this year. Next year, as long as he stays on the boat and doesn't fall off, he'll see his minutes pick up a little more. But 2008-09, I expect him to be starting.

I wish the Spurs would play Butler this year and give him a chance to see what he can and can't do, but I can see what the thinking is. It's going to be hard enough to get Oberto, Elson and Horry minutes in the playoffs. And it doesn't make sense to stash one of those three players because all three of them are old.

Butler is the odd man out for now but it would be like that no matter what he showed in his one minute of playing time versus Chicago a month ago.

It's part of the plan.

Marcus Bryant
01-23-2007, 11:54 PM
Well, I guess 3 titles were enough.

Mr. Body
01-23-2007, 11:56 PM
I'll say it again. It's damn weird and unimpressive that Butler is so passive and uninterested when he hits the floor.

01-24-2007, 12:09 AM
I'll say it again. It's damn weird and unimpressive that Butler is so passive and uninterested when he hits the floor.

Based on two minutes played in the last seven weeks.

Gotcha :tu

Ignoring that Butler outplayed Elson in preseason, of course.

01-24-2007, 12:14 AM
So the Spurs waste money on Butler so he can sit on a fukin bench when they had numerous other options to sign a player that can contribute while Duncan still has some sugar left in his tank....

Fukin great.

T Park
01-24-2007, 12:18 AM
We will see if he works out.

His energy in the time played though was less than impressive.

01-24-2007, 12:19 AM
So the Spurs waste money on Butler so he can sit on a fukin bench when they had numerous other options to sign a player that can contribute while Duncan still has some sugar left in his tank....

Fukin great.

Did you just call Duncan out as being homosexual? :rollin

01-24-2007, 12:24 AM
Did you just call Duncan out as being homosexual? :rollin


01-24-2007, 12:28 AM

You meant gas left in his tank.

Do you have sugar in your tank? (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sugar+in+their+tank)

01-24-2007, 12:31 AM

no I meant sugar.

01-24-2007, 12:32 AM

Mr. Body
01-24-2007, 01:03 AM
Based on two minutes played in the last seven weeks.

A-yup. Whole season, actually. Sorry, I'm used to scrubs playing like mad when they get time on the court, not like huge koala bears high on eucalyptus leaves.

Ignoring that Butler outplayed Elson in preseason, of course.

Forgot for a second the preseason wins championships... or anything.