View Full Version : Carlos Mancias ripps off the mouse!

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 04:46 PM
Carlos Mancias used one of my comedy bits on comedy central. I have a bit i do about Mexican Chopper and he did it on his weekly show. Now i have to find a way to get my cam corder out of the pawn shop so i can show i have the tape of me doing the Bit last year at the river center comedy club. Carlos Mancias has a reputation of using other comics material and you can Google many top comedians who have accused him of doing it over and over.

Well i won't sit back and let this go on i will do what i can to stop this man from stealing other comics material.

01-23-2007, 04:49 PM
You go man. :greedy

01-23-2007, 04:49 PM
Carlos Mancias used one of my comedy bits on comedy central. I have a bit i do about Mexican Chopper and he did it on his weekly show. Now i have to find a way to get my cam corder out of the pawn shop so i can show i have the tape of me doing the Bit last year at the river center comedy club. Carlos Mancias has a reputation of using other comics material and you can Google many top comedians who have accused him of doing it over and over.

Well i won't sit back and let this go on i will do what i can to stop this man from stealing other comics material.
after you get the video you tube it and then post a link.

You might have to go George Lopez on the guy because I don't think there's anything else you can do, is there?

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 04:52 PM

Latest Phone Cam Shot Joe at MySpace.com Joeshow Latest Episodes Joe Rogan Newsletter

Carlos Mencia is a weak minded joke thief.
Posted by Joe Rogan on Tue, Sep 27th, 2005 03:50am
I love comedy.
Still do, after all these years. I love a good joke, and I love a different point of view that makes me laugh.
That's why I got into stand up in the first place, because I'm a fan of the art form.
To this day, after 17 years in the business, I still get excited when a really good stand up goes on stage. It inspires me.
Whenever I see Chris Rock, or Dave Chappelle, or Dave Attell, or Doug Stanhope, or Jim Norton, or Nick DiPaolo, or any other great stand up comedian go on stage, I get happy.
I just love it. Even more now than ever before, because I really understand what goes into the craft of making good material.
The place you need to take your mind to think of something no one else has thought of before, or at least a thought that no one else has been able to put into a form that makes people laugh.
It's an amazing skill, and it's an incredibly under-appreciated art form.
I love when someone is really good at it, and I really, really fucking hate when someone is faking it.

That's why I've been so outspoken against joke thieves. There is nothing more frustrating to me than seeing someone pretending that they came up with some genius shit that someone else worked really hard to form.
I've heard the ignorant arguments from non-stand ups like "Every comic steals." Which is TOTAL bullshit.
Great comics don't steal. They may be influenced by others, especially early in their careers, but the truly great ones pride themselves in being able to craft original thoughts for their audience.
There is nothing more satisfying than taking an idea that you have, fleshing it out, finding the funny parts, perfecting the flow of the words, and then presenting it to an audience and watching them howl with laughter.
It's a fucking beautiful feeling.

A lot of comics, me included, got into comedy because we were fans of great comics, and we used to recite other comics lines to our friends.
With me, it was always Richard Pryor and Sam Kinison. They were the ones that really made me laugh, and I would recite their lines, verbatim to my friends. I loved the feeling of telling a really well crafted joke to someone that hadn't heard it before, and watching them crack up.
It was what made me think that I could and wanted to get onstage in the first place. The joy of getting to the punch line, and seeing the look of recognition from the person you were telling it to when they related to the material, and then the rush of hearing them laugh out loud at the punch lines. It's a beautiful feeling.

When you're starting out and your doing typical, clumsy material, you dream of the days when you're going to come up with some brilliant shit that's going to impress your peers.
Some people, never get there, though. The urge to kill is just too strong, and their character is just too weak. They see someone else talking about a subject, and they'll rewrite it and try to pretend it's theirs, or they'll just do it word for word, and hope no ones notices.
They never go through the hard parts, and they never learn how to do it right. They just become thieves. Their time onstage, whether they're killing or not, is just hollow fakery.
The really scary thing, is that even though a lot of people are aware of what these guys are doing, some clubs still employ them because they can "get the job done" or put "asses in the seats" and these fucking frauds actually manage to carve out a career on other people's ideas.
One of the real problems, is that very few comedians stand up for what's right. They might talk about it privately, but very few step up and take a stand. I have before, especially on the subject of Dennis Leary stealing from one of my favorite comedians, the late, great Bill Hicks.
It's commonly known amongst stand ups that Dennis stole a big chunk of Bills act, but amongst the general population it's actually a surprise to a lot of people.
Why? Pretty much because no one that anyone would listen to on the subject stood up and said something about it publicly.
No one defended the integrity of this great art form. They just let a pretender and a hack steal ideas from a great mind. He pretty much got away with it too. He went on to have success in films, and unfortunately, Bill Hicks died of cancer before most people knew who he was or what he had to say.
It really killed me, because I started out a Dennis Leary fan. I remember watching him in Boston, laughing hysterically at his act, thinking it was all his. I was really impressed. For a few months, he was actually my favorite comedian. His jokes on Jim Fix dying while jogging, and how ironic that was, and about how John Lennon was dead, but Barry Manilow continued to pump out albums made me howl.
Then, I saw Hicks, and I really got confused. He was doing the same material, almost word for word that Leary was doing.
I didn't get it. Something was wrong. I was only doing stand up for a few months at the time, so I asked some of the local pros, and they all had the same answer: "Leary is a thief."
I couldn't fucking believe it. How could this be? How could a guy stealing ideas be allowed to perform in these clubs?
The club owners just didn't seem to care. They turned a blind eye, and profited off their hired performer pilfering material from others.
It was a horrible feeling, and it set a terrible precedent.
If he could get away with it, what would stop people from stealing my shit someday?
It turns out nothing and no one would stop them unless I stood up and said something myself.

The latest, and most disgusting joke thief off all is a guy named "Carlos Mencia." The REALLY crazy thing, is that's not even his real name.
He sells himself as being mexican, but the reality is his real name is Ned Holness, and he's actually half German and half Honduran.
The mexican hook is something he did to ingratiate himself with the local Mexican population of LA where he started.
Now, normally I wouldn't dedicate so much time to talk about a piece of shit like "ned" on my website, but this stupid motherfucker talked shit about me on the radio, so it's open season for hacks.

Here's what happened, and how I reported it on my messageboard, where it all started:

I got a funny email today from one of the guys on the Frank show in Tucson saying that Carlos (aka Ned Holness -or however the fuck you spell it- his real name, aka the phony mexican or carlos menstealia- what other comics call him) was talking shit about me on the radio.
He sent me an audio file, and since I'm bored in a fucking hotel room in DC, I listened to it.

I thought I would share it with you guys because you're the cause of it with the barrage of hate you sent to his website

He talks about how you guys were saying he sounds a lot like me, and how I said "the force was weak with him" which I did, and that was being NICE. What I should have said is that he's a fucking weak minded delusional joke thief. What's really interesting, is that I said what I said about him HERE. Since this is a private forum that the public can't read unless they sign up, that means he signed up, and he's a member here.
Did he respond here?
No. Of course not.
He sits back like a little lurker sponge sucking up ideas for new "jokes" and listening to people talk shit about him, but not having the fucking balls to stand up for himself.

What's really funny, is that he refers to himself in this audio clip as "The punisher." saying that's his nickname.

Listen up, you fat delusional hack, you can't give YOURSELF a fucking nick name, you no friends having douche bag.
I'm THE TERMINATOR!!! There, I have a nick name now!! The only thing you punish is the attention span of anyone in your fucking audience with an IQ above 60.

What's really hysterical, is that he talks about a fictional occurrence at the comedy store I nervously watched him in the back of the room, and where me and a bunch of comics supposedly sat around and talked about him for an hour, and then finally in this fantasy scenario, I admitted that he's really good.

I'm gonna be real clear, stupid; that NEVER fucking happened. the only time any comic, including me watches you, is to see if your stealing material.

See, that's why people SAY you steal. Because it's a fucking fact.

No one is running around saying Chris Rock is a thief, or Dave Chappelle is a thief, or even me for that matter. But HUNDREDS of fucking comics recognize you as a thief. What... they're all jealous? They're jealous of you and not Chris fucking Rock? Oh yeah, I forgot... he's not "The Punisher!!"

I've seen you steal over and over again. I've seen you Steal from Paul Mooney, I've seen you steal from Dave Chappelle, I've seen you steal from old Richard Pryor albums, I've seen you steal from Jeff fucking Foxworthy.

Your mind is weak. Keep talking shit, fat boy. I'll keep exposing you.

Enjoy the audio clip here: Carlos talking shit on the radio.

Now, the REALLY funny thing, is that "Carlos" was claiming that I was watching him onstage, pacing the back of the room, and then reluctantly admitting his greatness to other comics. Well, what's funny about that, is that my trusty camera man actually filmed "Carlos" watching ME onstage from various parts of the room, and then filmed him sucking onstage after him, and me talking about how terrible he was.
He even edited it together with the audio from the radio station in AZ.

Check it out here: Carlos OWNED.

Here's another great article written by someone about the phony cocksucker: Hope in America

If you really love comedy, stop supporting joke thieves.

Here's some more audio, this time of George Lopez from the Stern show yesterday talking about what a thief "Carlos" is:
Lopez on Stern.

01-23-2007, 04:56 PM
So, the tape you recorded your comedy bit on is still in the camcorder which is at the pawn shop?

LaMarcus Bryant
01-23-2007, 05:04 PM
joe rogan chode crushed carlos mencia, i mean ned holness, on his own personal blogg

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 05:48 PM
So, the tape you recorded your comedy bit on is still in the camcorder which is at the pawn shop?

Unfortunately it is. It belongs to crazyone the man in the suit in the banner above. I was going to use the cam corder to make a daily Bio of my trip to Houston for last comic standing 4. But the funniest person in south Texas was already under way at river center so i used it there instead. I did not have any money for the bus ticket to Houston so I had to pawn it. I hope it's still there. That's why I stop doing stand up in the first place I got tired of other comics sponging off of me here at the local comedy clubs in the 80s. :wakeup

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 05:51 PM
I had no idea Rogan did comedy. I just thought he was some perv show host hack. Ned always sucked wether he stole shit or not.

Joe does more than just stand up. he does about 25 dollars worth of weed every day. you should see his Myspace page.

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 06:15 PM
I don't pedospace

You post in the Troll forum whats the difference?

01-23-2007, 06:18 PM
Uh, you didn't actually leave the tape in the pawned camcorder, did you?

01-23-2007, 06:20 PM
It's funny that any comedian would ever accuse another comedian of stealing his material, your material would have to be very unique because otherwise comedians do similar jokes all the time, and it has nothing to do with stealing.

I also find it funny that Joe Rogan would call Carlos out for not being Mexican and calling him a fake Mexican when one of his first jokes of his set is about how he is Honduran but when he is in America people think he is Mexican when he is in LA, Cuban when he is in Florida, and Puerto Rican when he is in New York...

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 06:24 PM
Uh, you didn't actually leave the tape in the pawned camcorder, did you?

I don't do things 1/2 ass, If I am going to pawn a lawn mower they are going to get the grass stuck at the bottom also. Besides the pawn shops don't like when you have only part of the system you want to pawn. They ask for remotes and all kinds of shit. It was a large black suitcase type carrier that had tapes cords and if I remember now even a few joints and pain pills.

That was almost a year and a half ago when i did drugs, I stop doing them to get a job at Toyota. if they don't call me soon I will go back to smoking weed and then all hell will break lose on the www...............

01-23-2007, 06:27 PM
this kinda shit happens all the time...... nothing will get solved..... he has more money and more people are gonna believe a tv star over you......... sorry man..... just how things are

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 06:28 PM
It's funny that any comedian would ever accuse another comedian of stealing his material, your material would have to be very unique because otherwise comedians do similar jokes all the time, and it has nothing to do with stealing.

You have a lot to learn about comedy. Many comedy clubs find out your using other comics material and they will not let you perform at their clubs. I guess according to you I can go on stage and say "Get er done!" and use jokes like You know your a red neck if...

My ass would be out on the streets asap if I tried that shit. Look how folks get when someone copies one of there topics, and you think stealing material is cool? :lmao

Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 06:43 PM
this kinda shit happens all the time...... nothing will get solved..... he has more money and more people are gonna believe a tv star over you......... sorry man..... just how things are

That maybe true but unlike the folks who think like you I will not just sit back and do nothing. There are many comics who had to stop doing material they stole as long as the person can prove they wrote the material. Just ask Paula pound stone when she shut down the San Antonio comedy club back in the 80s from rick Regan writing her a bad check.

Back then a comic named Trip Marcellus was using material about YUGOs that a comic named mark Allen was doing. Word got out and he had to move to Austin That comic was me.


Leno Lawsuit No Joke
by Natalie Finn
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:45:29 PM PST

Jay Leno has read The Funny Pages, but he isn't laughing.

The Tonight Show host joined up Wednesday with NBC Studios in a lawsuit against the editor and publishers of 19 joke books, compilations that allegedly ripped off material from Leno's show and standup acts, as well as borrowed from the repertoires of various other prominent comedians.

The plaintiffs, which also include comics Rita Rudner, Jimmy Brogan and Diane Nichols, and Ronnie Shakes' widow, Sue Pascoe, have accused journalist Judy Brown of stealing "the jokes of the very comedians she was supposed to be writing about" to produce books such as The Funny Pages, Funny You Should Know That, Getting Old Is a Joke and Joke Stew, according to court documents filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.

Perhaps you've seen some of them in a nearby bathroom.

Anyway, the charges brought against Brown and several publishing companies include copyright infringement and false endorsement, with Leno & Co. saying that the very fact that the jokes are attributed to the comedians responsible for them proves that Brown's books sold "precisely because they include jokes by famous comedians."

Basically, the lawsuit states, Brown was profiting from doing "no more than alphabetizing Plaintiffs' original works."

"We think there's a very important principle at stake—protecting intellectual property of the comedians," plaintiffs attorney Theodore Bourtous Jr. told the Associated Press. "These jokes are products of a very careful choice of words."

Brown is also accused in the complaint of sending representatives to watch and record comedians' acts in order to transcribe the material for her books, and of soliciting lesser-known comics by telling them their names will be linked to their more famous counterparts.

Andrews McMeel Publishing denied the AP's request for comment and calls to Sterling Publishing Co. and Rowman & Littlefield Inc. were not returned.

Leno, Rudner and the others are seeking unspecified damages, attorneys fees and a permanent injunction against any further publication, sale or distribution of the 19 books. They are also looking to stop the release of a new book slated for March 2007, The Best Damn Sports Jokes. (Which also sounds like the title of an existing TV show, but that's for Fox Sports to decide.)

NBC is on board because any jokes featured on The Tonight Show qualify as the studio's property. Each episode shot since 1992, when Leno took over fulltime, has been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.

The lawsuit also points to an acknowledgment Brown wrote, saying "I hafta thank the comedians and other succinct wits whose words, and the specific way they arrange them, make up this book." According to court documents, this is further proof that, without the comics, who were not compensated for their joke-writing efforts, there would be no books (and no dollar dollar bills, y'all).

Big names featured in Browns' books include Leno, Rudner, Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen DeGeneres, Lucille Ball, Tim Allen, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, David Letterman, Bill Maher and Adam Sandler.

Meanwhile, Leno and NBC have said that any money they are awarded will go straight to a good cause.

"Jay has, in the past, compiled such material in books and donated his proceeds from those sales to various charitable organizations," the studio said in a statement. "Jay and NBC Studios intend to donate any amounts they recover in this lawsuit to charity."

01-23-2007, 06:45 PM
i never told you to sit back and do nothing..... im just saying you would prolly be waisting your time.... but its worth a try

01-23-2007, 07:07 PM
I don't do things 1/2 ass, If I am going to pawn a lawn mower they are going to get the grass stuck at the bottom also.


Steve Perry
01-23-2007, 07:10 PM
Hey BigSnack I get my stamps on the 5th make me a juicy list of shit you want up to 40 bucks worth.

01-23-2007, 07:43 PM
Hey BigSnack I get my stamps on the 5th make me a juicy list of shit you want up to 40 bucks worth.


Mr Dio
01-23-2007, 08:34 PM
That was almost a year and a half ago when i did drugs, I stop doing them to get a job at Toyota. if they don't call me soon I will go back to smoking weed and then all hell will break lose on the www...............

You did drugs before???

LaMarcus Bryant
01-23-2007, 08:43 PM
LOL at mouse calling himself 'the mouse' :tu

Mr Dio
01-23-2007, 08:49 PM
LOL at mouse calling himself 'the mouse' :tu

BigZak calls Mouse, The Human Gerbil.
Hmm, wonder why??? :lol

LaMarcus Bryant
01-23-2007, 09:13 PM
LOL bigZax r0x0rs

Kori Ellis
01-23-2007, 09:23 PM
I had no idea Rogan did comedy. I just thought he was some perv show host hack. Ned always sucked wether he stole shit or not.

I saw him do stand up at a small club in LA like 10 years ago and it was hilarious. He's very raunchy though. :lol

01-23-2007, 10:08 PM
Ripping off another comics material sucks major ass.

01-24-2007, 08:11 AM
That turd isn't even funny...not sure about his material, but his whole persona/delivery sucks donkey cock.

01-25-2007, 05:06 AM
Rogan's bit about his girlfriend talking while giving him oral and screwing up his concentration is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I almost drove off the road laughing the first time I heard it on Sirius Raw Dog 104.

01-25-2007, 04:58 PM
I almost drove off the road laughing the first time I heard it on Sirius Raw Dog 104.

If that happens? many will go w/o chips this super bowl weekend. :smokin