View Full Version : Athlete Run-Ins

01-24-2007, 04:29 PM
Alright im pretty new here and i found a weird story on tim duncan. I dont think its true. I dont know if its been posted on here before but here it is. Tell me what u think

Athlete Run-Ins: The Angry Tim Duncan. Grrr!

In today's second installment of athlete run-in stories, we present a portrayal of Spurs all-world star Tim Duncan, from the olden days, back before he became the Mr. Nice Guy Stud that he is today. We find this story immensely fun just because it's the exact opposite of what pretty much everyone has always thought about Duncan. It comes to us from someone named "Johnny Lazz." Here's an excerpt, with the full story after the jump.

I round the corner to see Tim Duncan forcibly holding a girl around the waist with one arm to sit on his lap and is wiggling her around like a grinding lap-dance motion.

Yeah. It gets worse. Enjoy the rest after the jump.

I attended UNC-Chapel Hill. During the 1996-97 hoops season, I was a bouncer in a bar on Franklin Street called Papagayos, which sadly no longer exists. This particular evening the Heels had lost at home to Tim Duncan and Wake Forest. After the game, UNC center and dorky german 7 footer Serge Zwikker made an appearance at the bar. After a few quick drinks, Zwikker and friends left due the amount of jeers and rebukes. On his way out, some Heels fans pelted him with balled-up bar napkins.

Shortly after he leaves, in rolls Tim Duncan with some nondescript non-basketball player. Instantly the bar starts buzzing, as Duncan was dominating the ACC and NCAA at this point, a clear lottery pick. The very same dickhead frat boy UNC students that were harassing Serge immediately fall all over themselves to kiss his ass and buy him drinks. Tim takes it all in stride, happily obliging the sycophants, all dudes. I was working the door, and it wasn't that crowded (slow tues or wed night) so I just stayed at my post, happily zoned out. About an hour later a girl (hot petite blond sorority type; at UNC, they are a dime a dozen) in a panic and tells me someone is molesting her friend at a corner table. As the only bouncer, it is my job to keep order, and I was always quick to eject anyone I heard using racial slurs, homophobes, or harassing women.

(Full disclosure: I am six-foot, 220, an avid martial artist and enjoyed opening the door with people's faces when they had it coming.)

I round the corner to see Tim Duncan forcibly holding a girl around the waist with one arm to sit on his lap and is wiggling her around like a grinding lap-dance motion. She is yelling, "stop it, let go of me," and he is using his other hand to clasp her shoulder and grope her breasts. Now, keep in mind, there are like 4-5 UNC frat type guys AT THE TABLE watching him do this, and not saying shit, some even laughing (cuz apparently date rape is funny), because these were the very same fuckheads who were kissing Duncan's ass, asking him where he wanted to play NBA ball and buying him drinks when he got there. Tim Duncan's back is to me, so I tap him on the shoulder and calmly and quietly tell him to let go of her. He tells me to fuck off, without even turning around.

So I say sternly but calmly something along the lines of, "Well, you are going have to let go of her and get out because you are not welcome here anymore." (I always started things assertive but mellow and zen-like, so as to avoid inflaming drunken macho reactions. If you can control things by keeping calm, things go easier in these situations.) So he lets go, she darts up and runs to the ladies room, he stands up slowly and turns to face me. Now, I am not scared of too many people, but the fact remains: He is way taller, faster, stronger; in every way he will totally dominate me. Martial arts training aside, if I can't take him down fast, like by sweeping his leg and hopefully breaking a knee, I am fucked, because he could've picked me up by my ankles and swung me around like a club against the closest wall.

He looks down at me with total contempt and says, "Fuck off before I kick your ass. Don't you know who I am?" Now, inside I am crapping my pants, but fighting is all about controlling your fear, so on the outside I am (or am trying to be) John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Bruce Lee all rolled into one. I look him dead in the eye (as best I am able given the height difference) and say, word for word (I will never forget, and I still don't know where I came up with this): "Look TIM, you ain't in the NBA yet. Now if you don't get the fuck out of here right now I am gonna call ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and Coach Odom as soon as I get done breaking your knee and ruining your fucking career." He is stunned by my audacity, like the lion regarding the mouse that roared.

Then he gets this weird look on his face, like he is mulling over what a bad idea it would be to get in a fight over this kind of thing at a Chapel Hill bar so publicly. Then he says "Fuck you. This place sucks. I am OUTTA HERE!" like it was his idea, like I had pissed in his margarita or something. I hollered at his back "Good! Get the fuck out, that's all I asked!" to the applause of the few patrons at the bar. I ended up going home with the pretty brunette he had been harassing, having played her Knight-in-shining flannel.

The weird thing is, he goes on to get drafted by the Spurs, spends his rookie offseason living with David Robinson and getting counseled on how to conduct yourself in the pros, craft the perfect media-friendly role-model image... to think this guy could have just as easily become the next Rasheed Wallace without the wise council of the Admiral.

The more rings Tim gets, and the longer he goes on as a NBA role model, the less likely people are to believe this, but I was there, and I had plenty of witnesses. Yes, it was a long time ago and people change, but that night that fucker was way out of line.

Kori Ellis
01-24-2007, 04:30 PM
I'm pretty sure this was already disproven here because of this part (among other things).

I attended UNC-Chapel Hill. During the 1996-97 hoops season, I was a bouncer in a bar on Franklin Street called Papagayos, which sadly no longer exists. This particular evening the Heels had lost at home to Tim Duncan and Wake Forest.

I think someone here found the evidence that the Tarheels didn't lose to Wake at Chapel Hill that season.

01-24-2007, 04:37 PM
i thought it was fake when I read the word PapaGAYOS, it's Papagallos (roosters) unless that bar didn't know how to spell its name correctly.

01-24-2007, 04:40 PM
The comments are funnier.


01-24-2007, 04:48 PM
This is true. I heard it on the news.

01-24-2007, 04:49 PM
Duncan was already dating Amy at the time right? No way this shit actually happened...Besides every one knows he was more into D&D than partying. The guy has the wizard he played tattooed on his back for christ's sakes.

Besides the guy bragging about bagging the chick afterwards is a dead give away. Not only did he show up a superstar he got the chick who rejected the superstar.

01-24-2007, 05:01 PM
(Full disclosure: I am six-foot, 220, an avid martial artist and enjoyed opening the door with people's faces when they had it coming.)

Martial arts training aside, if I can't take him down fast, like by sweeping his leg

"Sweep the leg."

"But Sensei, I'll be disqualified."

"No mercy."

01-24-2007, 05:08 PM
i thought it was fake when I read the word PapaGAYOS, it's Papagallos (roosters) unless that bar didn't know how to spell its name correctly.

dang, i guess they really did misspell it cuz apparently there was such a bar...but anyway, wake forest did beat unc once that season but i doubt duncan would've driven an hour to chapel hill just to gloat at a unc bar

01-24-2007, 05:11 PM
Why do people keep bringing this bullshit up?

01-24-2007, 05:16 PM
theres almost no way to tell if its a lie or the truth..... seems like if its a lie the dude really studied up on the shit to pass it off

01-24-2007, 05:18 PM
I heard batman28843487 hangs out with Spurs players at bars.......

I think I'd wait to ask him, before we jump to conclusions......

01-24-2007, 05:19 PM
theres almost no way to tell if its a lie or the truth..... seems like if its a lie the dude really studied up on the shit to pass it off

or not...the wake forest win over unc that season was in winston-salem not chapel hill...and the german was from the netherlands

K-State Spur
01-24-2007, 05:29 PM
theres almost no way to tell if its a lie or the truth..... seems like if its a lie the dude really studied up on the shit to pass it off

what studying? all he's had to do is party in chapel hill once and he's got all the info needed to put together that BS.

01-24-2007, 05:46 PM
Why do people keep bringing this bullshit up?

How many times has this been brought up??? :wakeup

01-24-2007, 05:51 PM
Third time I can think of.

01-24-2007, 06:03 PM

"I can't say that I'm suprised to hear this. Not after this summer. It had been a beautiful Boone day. I'd spent most of it out on the parkway, hiking. That evening I stopped in Macadoos for a beer or two. My buddy was tending bar, and he would always hook me up with a few drinks when I came by. Well, I get in there and my buddy looks upset. I ask him what's wrong, and he tells me that Tim Duncan's been "drinking with a bunch of frat boys, yelling racial slurs, beating up homosexuals, and raping the heck out of a bunch of women." As I looked around, I watched some girl get up and try to leave, but Timmy ran to the door and gave her a roundhouse kick to the face. Then he grabbed her by the hair, dragging her back to his table. Everyone else was pretending not to watch as he did this. I knew that if I didn't do something quick, nobody would. I'm not a big guy(5'9, 140 lbs.), but I had been raised in a Kung Fu temple, and knew all the secret ninja arts and sh*t. I was like an evil Jedi, with the mind tricks and cat-like reflexes. So I start to make my way over to Timmy's table, when I realize that he's got his boys, David Robinson, Dikembe Mutumbo, and Jimmy Carter watching his back. I knew I could probably take them all at once, but innocent people would be hurt. I've never been one to plan things too much in advance. I get a rough idea of what I want to do, and I go from there. In my experience, plans always go wrong, so it's best to just improvise. My mentor, Bill Walton taught me that. So I walk past Timmy D's table, like I'm going to the bathroom. He sees me and yells, "Nobody uses the bathroom tonight except ME! You go on the floor!" I stop and look him square in the eye. After staring him down for a good thirty seconds, I spit a wad of tobacco juice on his plate. He looks at me in disbelief, and Mutumbo starts to get up, while reaching for me. Before he can even stand up, I punch him in the temple full-force, killing him instantly. Robinson was quicker, getting to his feet and picking up a chair(with this cute girl still in it) and swinging it at me. I grab the girl, pulling her away from this monster, and turn around, letting The Admiral break the chair on my back, sheilding her from the impact. Because of the adrenaline and my Kung Fu training, I didn't even feel the hit. I picked up one of the table legs and did some crazy ninja moves, real quick-like and all. Then I proceeded to break both his arms and legs, beating him to within an inch of his life. Duncan meanwhile is in a rage. He's ready to kill me for what I've done. He starts to pull out his sword, which I didn't even know he'd had. Carter, on the other hand, is just sitting in his chair, mostly covered by black robes and #$%@. I pull out my ninja sword, and Duncan and I fight it out for about ten minutes. He was good, dang good. For awhile it looked like he might win, but then I tapped into the darkside and cut off his hand. He's lying on the floor bleeding, begging for mercy. I tell him to leave, and never come back to Macadoos. He then gets up, and stumbles to Carter's side. That's when things got weird. You'll never believe this, but Jimmy Carter then lifts up his hands and starts shooting lightening at me! I wasn't prepared for that, so I'm all getting electrocuted and stuff. I was rolling on the floor in pain, thinking all was lost, when suddenly I realized that from this angle I could see up all these chick's skirts. I look over at this cute black-haired girl, and she's going commando. I was also hearing Bill Walton's voice in my head, telling me to use the force, but I ignored that and just focused on this hippie chick's hairy beaver. That's when I knew that I had to live. I stood up, looked Jimmy Carter in the eye, and fighting against his magical-lightening stuff, I made my way step by painful step to him. His eyes got big with shock as he watched me overcome his electricity crap. I then shot my hand at his chest, tore through his ribcage, and pulled out his heart. Naturally, this caused him to explode like a potato in a microwave, sending blood and guts everywhere. I looked around at the mess and said, "And to think I voted for you." In the meantime, Duncan was sitting there, looking at me in horror. He knew that I meant to kill him. I stood there looking down at him for a minute or two, and without breaking eye-contact, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I was just about to kill him, when I saw a reflection in his eyes. It was Yao Ming, sneaking up behind me. Before Yao could make his move, I spun around and stabbed him in the eye with my cigarette. While he was screaming in pain, I picked him up by the legs and used him as a club to beat Tim Duncan to death. After that was over, my buddy the bartender poured me a glass of Flying Dog and people were patting me on the back, thanking me for saving them from the evil Duncan. I stayed for a few drinks, then decided to call it a night. But I didn't go home alone. The hairy hippie chick came home with me that night. We're getting married in April. So that's why I can't say that I'm too suprised by this blog."

01-24-2007, 06:05 PM

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

01-24-2007, 07:05 PM
The quotes sound like they are from Back to the Future, "Get your godamn hands off her!"

01-24-2007, 07:47 PM
"Sweep the leg."

"But Sensei, I'll be disqualified."

"No mercy."

Allow me to take this time to plug my thread from last night.


01-24-2007, 07:48 PM
the videos wierd man, the videos weird!!!!!!!!!