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View Full Version : What's the latest on this guy?

Buddy Holly
01-27-2007, 09:41 AM

Any news?

01-27-2007, 09:59 AM
i'd seen him in Lord of the rings....

01-27-2007, 04:55 PM
He has signed with Estudiantes (a spanish team) last summer for two years.
He isn't playing a lot this year but I hope he will play more next year with them.

Domestic league stats (http://www.acb.com/stspartidojug.php?cod_jugador=BCJ&cod_competicion=LACB&cod_edicion=51)

European league stats (http://www.fibaeurope.com/cid_f43ulKJBGLcVnbH-aqLVu2.teamID_1452.compID_BYg5Rb55Jw-G5I3MZ6JB01.season_2007.roundID_5089.playerID_4550 6.html)