View Full Version : Debunking the Iran-Nuclear Myth

01-29-2007, 08:26 PM
In the lead-up to the war in Iraq the NeoCons made it priority one to emphasize Saddam's nuclear, chemical/biological immenent threat, but strangely, or not, the talking-head chick-hawks have been uncharacteristically silent about Iran's biological/chemical weapons.....


Well, everyone, including the U.S. has known that Iran has had these weapons for along time. Some, even accused the Iranians of gasing the Kurds. But the reason that the WH isn't going after these weapons this time is because it would debunk the Neocon myth that if Iran ever developed a nuclear weapon, or any other WMD, they would immediately hand it over to Hezbollah and detonate it in Jeruselem or Tel Aviv: chemical/biological weapons wouldn't render Israel uninhabitable for decades.