View Full Version : Should I switch cellphone carriers?

01-31-2007, 12:13 PM
Hey everybody - I need some feedback about T-Mobile. I have cingular right now but I'm thinking of switching because they sent me a pretty good offer in the mail. Does anybody here have T-Mobile? How is their service and coverage? What about roaming charges? I appreciate all your help!

01-31-2007, 12:18 PM
I've got T-Mobile and I like it.

Cingular fucked me with bullshit charges a couple of years ago. I can't imagine that they're going to be any better now that it's the "new" AT&T.

01-31-2007, 12:18 PM
I have Tmobile and I love it. Their coverage for me personally is the best in the area. I don't get dropped calls and their customer service is good. The couple of problems I did have were corrected immediately. I don't know about roaming but I'd recommend them to anyone.

01-31-2007, 12:24 PM

Rusty Shackleford
01-31-2007, 12:26 PM
I've been with Cingular for 5 years now. I love them. Deeply.

01-31-2007, 01:06 PM
I know a lot of people who have T-Mobile and some of them can't even use their phone inside their own home. I am currently with Nextel and like it a lot, but the phone selection isn't all that. I was with Cingular previous to Nextel and regret leaving them. They will have the new upcoming IPHONE when it comes out in June if that's an interest to you.

01-31-2007, 01:13 PM
Ihave had TMobile, Verizon and am now on Nextell.
Verizom was the best as far as coverage out in the sticks.. when we went to the caverns I had coverage all the way thru - and thats like 100 feet underground.
T-mobile was ... ok. no dropped calls but coverage was iffy if I wasn't in a large metro.

right now I have Nextel, as far as coverage and dropped calls go they are equal with Verizon IME. But service, rate plans, and the actual phone are the best I have ever used - hands down.

01-31-2007, 03:13 PM
I've got T-Mo and so far no more problems that I ever had with Verizon, and only about 2/3 of Verizon's bill. Only thing about TM is their phone selection is kinda blah, and there's no V-Cast (or anything similar). That sidekick is worth nowhere near what they want, and the Blackberry Pearl is well...just a Blackberry.

To do it all over again, I don't think I would have left Verizon, but they were the most expensive. I would have got a chocolate or and EnV to make it worth it, though. :)

My dad has Cingular and he complains constantly about dropped calls, in spite of their commercials' claims.

Either way, hope that helps! :)

Extra Stout
01-31-2007, 04:11 PM
If you switch to T-Mobile, be sure to celebrate with a cut of schnitzel and a side of spaetzl, and wash it down with a few mugs of lager.

01-31-2007, 04:14 PM
T Mobile has never fucked me in my life..... Cingular would always be charging me all kinds of weird ass charges for no reason.... so i skipped on them about 3 years ago and have been with T Mobile ever since.....

Extra Stout
01-31-2007, 04:17 PM
T Mobile has never fucked me in my life..... Cingular would always be charging me all kinds of weird ass charges for no reason.... so i skipped on them about 3 years ago and have been with T Mobile ever since.....

01-31-2007, 04:25 PM
Not that is makes a damn bit of difference, but T-Mobile has a really good looking spokesperson.


01-31-2007, 04:27 PM
They dropped thier contract with Catherine.

01-31-2007, 04:38 PM
Ok, so they HAD a really hot spokesperson.

Sheesh, picky aren't we?

01-31-2007, 04:38 PM
T Mobile has been great, but anything would be, coming from Sprint.

01-31-2007, 04:41 PM

01-31-2007, 04:45 PM
Thanks for all your input - it has really helped! I haven't been unhappy with cingular, but my husband and I are getting a divorce and he wants me off the account! He doesn't like it that I know how many times he calls and text messages his new girlfriend (over 1000 text messages in a month!) Anyway, we got new phones last year when we renewed the contract and the camera stopped working on my phone and my daughter's phone within a couple of months! The phone T-mobile is offering with this deal is a pretty cool phone and the plan is about the same cost as what I would be paying with cingular. I think I'm going to switch - and then the ex-hubby gets stuck with the contract and the bill!

01-31-2007, 04:48 PM


I've heard nothing but crap about cricket/pocket. Yeah you don't have a contract, but your phone doesn't get a signal in some parts of the city. I'd rather have a contract, that isn't that bad to begin with and a working phone, than have no contract and no signal.

01-31-2007, 04:51 PM
I have T-Mobile.

For the first year of service with T-Mobile, everything was normal, but the last two months I have been getting complete bullshit charges and my phone bill has been 12 bucks higher than it normally was, and I didn't change any plan options. I tried to change this shit but the fuckers are being jew bags.

01-31-2007, 04:51 PM
Thanks for all your input - it has really helped! I haven't been unhappy with cingular, but my husband and I are getting a divorce and he wants me off the account! He doesn't like it that I know how many times he calls and text messages his new girlfriend (over 1000 text messages in a month!) Anyway, we got new phones last year when we renewed the contract and the camera stopped working on my phone and my daughter's phone within a couple of months! The phone T-mobile is offering with this deal is a pretty cool phone and the plan is about the same cost as what I would be paying with cingular. I think I'm going to switch - and then the ex-hubby gets stuck with the contract and the bill!

Make sure you burn all his minutes before you get off his account.

01-31-2007, 04:53 PM

I've heard nothing but crap about cricket/pocket. Yeah you don't have a contract, but your phone doesn't get a signal in some parts of the city. I'd rather have a contract, that isn't that bad to begin with and a working phone, than have no contract and no signal.
i have heard the opposite.

cricket is all over the country now. i have it and i love it. my friends have it also and have no problems.

the majority of our calls are based in major cities such as sa and houston, not necessarilly the outlying areas.

just my .2 cents

i also use to have sprint and they were pretty good for me.

i had friends that said t-mobile and cingular were bad though.

01-31-2007, 04:57 PM
i have heard the opposite.

cricket is all over the country now. i have it and i love it. my friends have it also and have no problems.

the majority of our calls are based in major cities such as sa and houston, not necessarilly the outlying areas.

just my .2 cents

i also use to have sprint and they were pretty good for me.

i had friends that said t-mobile and cingular were bad though.

I went to the cricket site and compared to the plan I currently have with T-Mobile, I'm paying less for all the same stuff. Maybe its because I've been with them since they were Voicestream. I guess if you always stay in town, then it's alright, but I'd like a little more confidence in my phone when I travel.

Das Texan
01-31-2007, 05:10 PM
i have tmobile.

i like it.

their coverage areas are expanding all the time. Being as I travel all over Texas, I have noticed this in the past year, hell even the past 6 months, the coverage areas are much greater than they were at this time last year.

Cingular can suck my dick though.

01-31-2007, 05:15 PM
I've got T-Mobile and I like it.

Cingular fucked me with bullshit charges a couple of years ago. I can't imagine that they're going to be any better now that it's the "new" AT&T.

I got fucked too, I switched within 2 months of getting Cingular.

T-mobile is good for me. Good rates, never had to deal with roaming.

01-31-2007, 05:18 PM

I've heard nothing but crap about cricket/pocket. Yeah you don't have a contract, but your phone doesn't get a signal in some parts of the city. I'd rather have a contract, that isn't that bad to begin with and a working phone, than have no contract and no signal.

I had Pocket for about a month. The signal wasn't bad, actually. I live on the far North side and my T-mobile signal will fade from time to time indoors. The time I had Pocket, it was as good as if not better than T-mobile.

The only downside to Pocket is that you can't use it outside of San Antonio.

01-31-2007, 05:20 PM
i had att wireless, went through to cingular. have had the same number for 5 years, have a family plan with 5 phones and 8500 rollover minutes for $155 a month. no complaints here except cingular's coverage inside buildings sucked until about 2 years ago compared to att wireless'. i also get a corporate discount on new phones and my bill, so i wouldn't consider switching.