View Full Version : Putting a myth to bed.

Don Quixote
02-01-2007, 07:14 PM
There's this prevailing myth out there that all the Spurs (or Team X) has to do is ...

(a) play aggressive
(b) be physical
(c) play hard
(d) keep the mistakes down
(e) play with more heart
, etc. Has anyone else heard these tired cliches? It is expressed all over this board, as well as major media outlets.

The myth goes, if the Spurs were to exhibit all these "intangible" qualities, then they should, by nature, beat the likes of Utah, Phoenix, well anybody.

Such reasoning is based on the flawed premise that the talent for S.A. is superior, or at least equal to, the talent in our opponent. Generally speaking, this is true: we have a far better bunch than about 75% of the league right now.

However, heart and grit alone won't be enough to beat the great teams. Case in point: The Spurs lost to Dallas in 06, L.A. several times recently, and Phoenix in 00. In none of those playoff series do I remember the Spurs mailing it in, or not giving it their all, or not playing hard. The Spurs lost because they didn't play as well as their opponent, ultimately. While we could possibly take into account poor coaches' decisions, shoddy officiating, "bad breaks," and whatnot, in the end, the better team will always prevail.

Similarly, in the playoff series that we have won, I don't recall too many of the "better" teams not giving it their all: Minnesota, Denver, L.A., Dallas, Sacramento last year, were all worthy opponents. They may not have been as talented as our squad (or in some cases, maybe they were MORE talented), but they always played aggressively, physically, etc. They didn't lose because they weren't aggressive enough, didn't "crash the boards," weren't physical enough. They lost because the Spurs beat them.

So, let's not act like the Spurs lose games simply because they don't play hard enough. That totally insults the hard work the players and coaching staff do every day. It also disrespects our opponents, who play equally hard and (usually) deserve the win.

Don Quixote
02-01-2007, 11:48 PM
The sound of crickets and tumbleweed is deafening.

I wonder if I said anything that incredibly challenging, relevant, intelligent, or moronic, so as to merit no response.

Look, all I'm saying is that there is more to winning and losing than "playing hard." Trust me, when the Spurs are playing like crap and Pop calls a timeout to iron stuff out, he's not just yelling at them to play harder, or show some heart. He's there discussing strategy, drawing X's and O's on the clipboard, going over rotations and plays, etc.

Not to discount playing hard, but winning a championship requires precision, practice, and skill.

02-01-2007, 11:48 PM
Spurs are playing with heart tonight!

Don Quixote
02-01-2007, 11:55 PM
Spurs are playing with heart tonight!

The Spurs long ago established that they have heart. Heart and dedication is not a question with the San Antonio Spurs.

My point hinges on whether they currently have the talent to win a championship this season. The Spurs, and most professional teams, win and lose ultimately because of their talent.

02-01-2007, 11:56 PM
So what do you want, a cookie?

Marcus Bryant
02-01-2007, 11:57 PM
Come on Brokeback, put a woman to bed.

02-01-2007, 11:59 PM
I wonder if I said anything that incredibly challenging, relevant, intelligent, or moronic, so as to merit no response.Not really. I just doubt anyone got to the end of it. Sequ is much more succinct.

02-02-2007, 12:11 AM

02-02-2007, 12:23 AM
Case in point: The Spurs lost to Dallas in 06, L.A. several times recently, and Phoenix in 00. In none of those playoff series do I remember the Spurs mailing it in, or not giving it their all, or not playing hard.
They mailed it in in 2001 against LA.

2000 Phoenix? Are you fucking kidding me? Duncan was out!!! Malik blew out his knee! A 90 YO DRob was the only inside presence. Sean ended up playing PF.

It's not only about teamwork, but it's also not only about talent. Some of the talented knckleheads like Dallas are now playing like teams. They never did before AJ took over, and that was the gap-closer.

02-02-2007, 12:27 AM
a bigger problem than lack of talent is the spurs gameplan and the lack of adjustments. has popovich done anything differently this year than last year? nope. he thinks things are fine and that if it weren't for one bad play, the spurs would've beaten the mavs. i hope he's right, but from the way things have looked this year, he isn't. he needs to make some adjustments - starting w/ doing away w/ small ball. i'm still hoping, but things are staying the same.