View Full Version : Coach Fired for check manhood comments

02-03-2007, 05:53 AM
I wonder if Pop has tried this one on the SPURS? :lol

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070203/ap_on_fe_st/h_s__coach_fired;_ylt=ArJeIApmKxP8QThmOVUHCp4sQE4F ;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

LEEDS, Maine - A high school coach who told his players at halftime to reach into their pants to "check their manhood" before returning to the basketball court was fired.

Mike Remillard was confronted after Leavitt Area High School Principal Patrick Hartnett learned that the coach told his players that the Jan. 23 game against Mount Ararat "was about who had the biggest (male genitalia) in town," Hartnett said in a statement.

"He then required his players to all stand up and put their hands down their pants and check their manhood," Hartnett said. All but one player followed the coach's instructions.

Hartnett's statement was read by School Administrative District 52 Superintendent Thomas J. Hanson during Thursday night's regularly scheduled school board meeting. The statement came a day after the coach was dismissed.

In the statement, Harnett said Remillard confirmed that the boys were asked to check their privates. Asked if that was an appropriate motivational tactic, the coach responded by saying "we won," Harnett said. But the tactic also got him fired.

Remillard, who cites Texas Tech basketball coach Bob Knight as his role model, :lol told the Sun Journal newspaper that having his players "check their manhood" is "normal locker room banter from Fort Kent, Maine, to San Diego, California."

Nonetheless, he said he shouldn't have done it.

"Was that tactic appropriate? No. And I'm paying the price for it," he said. "I can pay that price because I accept my responsibility, and I'm being accountable."

But he denied responding "we won" when asked about the tactic. "What I told him was, the tactic worked," Remillard said. "We played like the young men that we were or could be. That's what I said. I never said, 'Well, we won.'"

02-03-2007, 07:42 AM
So who had the biggest one?

As for inapropriate - yup it was. Cause he "forced" them to touch 'right there' :p: Even though they should not listen to him.

And I do not look at it like on a motivation rutine. If it was a motivation it all would end up after the first sentence like "Check your manhood guys! Now go and kick their asses"

02-03-2007, 11:15 AM
Spottswoode: There's nobody left to stop Kim Jong Il.
Gary Johnston: Let me go.
Spottswoode: You? You're a buttfucking quitter! You walked out, Gary. The team went on a mission without you, and without an actor they were like pigs to the slaughter! I'm supposed to leave the fate of the world in your hands?
Gary Johnston: I know I walked out, but I do anything to take it back. Please, just let me help!
Gary Johnston: Please how can I make you trust me?
Spottswoode: I remember the first day we met. You were a simple broadway actor, afraid to get in my limo, because you thought I wanted you to perform oral sex on me. Do you remember that?
Gary Johnston: Yeah...
Spottswoode: And now the tables are turned, and I don't know if I can trust you.
Gary Johnston: Just... give me a chance.
Spottswoode: All right. I'll trust you! But only if you... will perform oral sex on me.
Gary Johnston: What?
Spottswoode: Right here, right now!
Gary Johnston: You can't be serious.
Spottswoode: I am serious. Look! [points at face] This is my serious face.
Gary Johnston: What will that prove?
Spottswoode: [enraged] It wil prove that you are truly ready to lay everything on the line. To throw away all your inhibitions, and give one hundred percent! We must go back to that first night we met, that first issue of trust. Don't you see?
Gary Johnston: No, I thought you weren't gay!
Spottswoode: This isn't about sex, Gary, it's about trust! It's the eye of the needle, Gary, and we must both pass through it. [long pause] Ok. Let's do it. [drops pants] I'll make sure nobody's watching. [looks around] Ok....... Go!!!
[elaborate off-screen blowjob with majestic music]

02-03-2007, 02:10 PM
That's stupid.

My coach has thrown big ass trash cans, shoulder pads, and helmets at us yet he's still here.