View Full Version : Is the 6 day break good for you?

George Gervin's Afro
02-03-2007, 02:50 PM
Please move right along if you think this is a stupid question.

The reason I ask is because I am actually glad to take the 6 day break myself. The last couple of games have left me less than satisfied and not having to get right back into the mix makes allows for me recuperate if you will.

Does anyone think that we may not play any better at the end of the regular season than we are now? I have actually contemplated that our season may not turn around. It is a unfortunate possibilty.

Should our expectations be lowered? I am willing to admit that if my expectations were to lower then this season would not be worth anything as a fan. I have looked forward to the playoffs the last few years at this point of the each season but this one has a different feeling to me.

We haven't stepped up nor have we been able to close out any meaningful game against our anticipated foes in the playoffs up until now. And if my memory serves me in the past it is this point in the season that we progress on these points rather than regress.

02-03-2007, 02:52 PM
nope...i have Duncan, Manu and Finley in my fantasy team....

02-03-2007, 03:15 PM
nope...i have Duncan, Manu and Finley in my fantasy team....

i bet your in last place :lol :lol

02-03-2007, 03:41 PM
Normally I'd be anxious to get on with the season and rack up the Ws as anticipatory tension builds for the plaoffs, but more shitty losses to the next 5 EC "playoff" teams isn't my idea of pleasant entertainment.

I'm still a fan, but ya gotta protect yourself from heartbreak. :)

I've given up thinking the problem is effort. It's too late in the season not to admit the problme really is now big, obvious talent holes in b/u PG and front-line.

Pop said he's not trading, so we're stuck until the trading/FA season starts in July.

I'm NOT looking forward to the playoffs.

02-03-2007, 04:01 PM
Does anyone think that we may not play any better at the end of the regular season than we are now? I have actually contemplated that our season may not turn around. It is a unfortunate possibilty.

I think that is the most likely scenario.

The only thing that would change that this year would be a shake-up, be it rotation wise or through a trade. And for this year I'm not sure that would be enough to make a difference other than getting through an extra round.

They have a serious talent deficit and the front office is wholly responsible. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and fix it over the summer.

The good thing about this break is it might be long enough with enough practice and film review to convince Pop to feed Butler and White to the wolves and see how they do because the current situation would be hard to make worse.

I had previously thought that the Spurs would wait until the road trip was over to make a change, basically giving the current rotation players one last chance to get it together, as the road trip often brings the Spurs together. I thought they would go maybe 3-5 on the road trip, and that afterwards Pop would hopefully finally pull the trigger. But after the disaster that happened over these last 3 games, I hope Pop uses this mini-break as an opportunity to make the changes.