View Full Version : Ron Artest is Cruel to Animals...

02-07-2007, 06:02 PM
Artest could face felony charges... (http://www.kcra.com/news/10948394/detail.html)

Ron Artest, the Sacramento Kings star forward, is under criminal investigation for animal cruelty. Monday, Placer County animal control officers took custody of his black and white female Great Dane. She is now being treated by a veterinarian.

Neighbors said the dog is often left alone in the yard for months at a time without food and water. They said animal control has taken custody of his dogs on at least three other occasions. If convicted, Artest could face a felony charge and a fine up to $20,000.

02-07-2007, 06:06 PM
fuckin asshole.

$20,000? wtf, thats nothing to him. he should be put in jail and fined ALOT more than that.

02-07-2007, 06:41 PM
I agree deplorable...but I don't agree that just because he's loaded doesn't mean the fine should be any different.

Kori Ellis
02-07-2007, 06:43 PM
Wow. What a freakin' ass.

I don't get why he can't pay someone to take care of them. Or where's his wife and why isn't she feeding them?

02-07-2007, 06:48 PM
Maybe he's helping to feed spree's family....

02-07-2007, 06:53 PM
Wow. What a freakin' ass.

I don't get why he can't pay someone to take care of them. Or where's his wife and why isn't she feeding them?

Artest said in his e-mail that when he left last week for a road trip, "my dog watcher was feeding both my dogs and my American bulldog dominated all the food."

When he got back, Artest said, "I realized Socks lost a lot of weight. So I immediately isolated Socks in a separate room in my garage to eat and gain some weight back."

The next day, he said, animal control officers took the dog.


Kori Ellis
02-07-2007, 06:56 PM

Sorry. I don't buy that excuse if this is true .. "They said animal control has taken custody of his dogs on at least three other occasions."

And where's his wife and kids? They separated? Or they all go on road trips?

I am actually a big fan of Artest. But this sucks.

Bob Lanier
02-07-2007, 08:06 PM
One morning I woke up and found my favorite pigeon, Julius, had died. I was devastated and was gonna use his crate as my stickball bat to honor him. I left the crate on my stoop and went in to get something and I returned to see the sanitation man put the crate into the crusher. I rushed him and caught him flush on the temple with a titanic right hand - he was out cold, convulsing on the floor like an infantile retard.

Ron always seems unlucky rather than genuinely malicious.

02-07-2007, 08:18 PM
Ron always seems unlucky rather than genuinely malicious.

man i miss mike tyson and his interviews

02-07-2007, 09:57 PM
He needs to get put on a leash and get about 10 whiplashes. that should teach him a lesson.

02-07-2007, 10:03 PM
That's just an awful thing to do. If it's true that they've taken custody of his dogs 3 times before, his excuse is retarded.

02-07-2007, 10:19 PM
I'm not too surprised by this, Ron is just that kind of a person.... :dramaquee

02-07-2007, 10:19 PM
Sorry. I don't buy that excuse if this is true .. "They said animal control has taken custody of his dogs on at least three other occasions."

"they", as in his neighbors? "they" also said it was for months at a time, turns out it was a week.

If a dog was left with no food and water for a week, it would die.

02-07-2007, 10:26 PM
Artest is one sick son of a bitch. This guy should serisoulsy be locked in jail. He's got somthing wrong with his brain obviously. And why the fuck did they give the dogs back to him after a 3rd time? I seriously want to punch this fucker in the face.

02-07-2007, 11:30 PM
Artest is one sick son of a bitch. This guy should serisoulsy be locked in jail. He's got somthing wrong with his brain obviously. And why the fuck did they give the dogs back to him after a 3rd time? I seriously want to punch this fucker in the face.

And then proceed to have your ass beaten to a pulp? :lmao

You all are acting like he fucked his dogs in the ass and splooged in their faces.

02-08-2007, 12:43 AM
pistons fans are still mad that steven jackson and ron artest beat their fat ass fans up and none of them had the balls to do anything

02-08-2007, 01:54 AM
Sorry. I don't buy that excuse if this is true .. "They said animal control has taken custody of his dogs on at least three other occasions."

And where's his wife and kids? They separated? Or they all go on road trips?

I am actually a big fan of Artest. But this sucks.
In the piece Artest said that Animal Control brought his dogs back on three separate occassions after "escaping" from his property, not that Animal Control seized the dogs:

"The other times my dogs were escaping the half-acre gated area I had for them, and the animal police would always bring them back,"

Below is what I wrote in my blog about the incident: http://realkingstalk.com/?p=78

Reports say Ron’s dog is hungry too, is there no ending to all this hunger going on? Even pets are susceptible, as reported in the Sacramento Bee today.

Apparently Ron houses 7 large dogs on 5 acres just North of Sacramento. According to the story, his Great Dane “Socks” couldn’t prevent the American bulldog (name withheld) from dominating (and consuming, I assume) “all the food” while being cared for by the “dog watcher”.

The Sierra Ridge Estates Association President Allan Frumkin says twice that the people in their community are NICE, but apparently not nice enough to talk to Artest himself about his dogs…since many of them complained to Frumkin himself. Additionally, nowhere does it say that real food was offered the animals, but I’m sure they were invited and just declined. Anyways, the homeowners association are voting on new CC&R’s Sunday, how’s that for action?

Question: Why is there no one at the Artest Homestead to feed the dogs, doesn’t he have a wife and kids?

I have experience with this: My overgrown German shorthair will, without shame, consume all the food of my Tibetan Spaniel in a nanu second. Unfortunately, scolding has nevery worked and feeding time requires my upmost attention. It’s just the way it is. Ron, try a good babysitter and fire the “dog watcher”.

Next question: Why is this even newsworthy, because Ron is a celebrity?

Let’s visit the archives at Placer County Animal …. whatever …. and dig up some real news, like who gives the worst clip jobs, how to unclench the jaws of a pitbull and “Walking your dog: How to get chicks”.

If you read the piece in the Sacramento Bee, Artest clearly doesn't understand the brevity that failing to properly feed his dogs carries. What a surprise. Does it make him an ass? Hardly. Just somewhat (okay, a LOT) ignorant.

This piece of news garnered a lot of attention today on our local channel that shows some Kings games (ABC affiliate). They actually ran a banner on the bottom of the screen -- similar to what you would see if there was a tornado or a bombing or something -- sharing the news of the dog being seized by animal control. Isn't that kind of ridiculous?

02-08-2007, 08:16 AM
If you can't take care of your pets then you shouldn't have them, simple as that. If there's a problem with 1 of them eating all the food, feed them seperately. It's not rocket science. I understand he's gone a lot but he does have a wife and someone who is paid to make sure they're taken care of properly. Obviously they're not doing their job, fire them!

02-08-2007, 09:10 AM
It's not like he killed the damn dogs. The guy's busy.

02-08-2007, 10:08 AM
It's not like he killed the damn dogs. The guy's busy.

idiot, do you know the definition of animal cruelty? the dogs were being tortured because of Artest's stupidity.

A man with Artest's IQ shouldn't even be allowed to have a goldfish

02-08-2007, 10:12 AM
idiot, do you know the definition of animal cruelty? the dogs were being tortured because of Artest's stupidity.

A man with Artest's IQ shouldn't even be allowed to have a goldfish

yah, cuz im pretty sure you have actually ever spoken to artest....... :lol

02-08-2007, 11:19 AM
A man with Artest's IQ shouldn't even be allowed to have a goldfish


True, but neither should people who can't/won't/don't take care of their kids be allowed to spawn. Not that one is more newsworthy of the other, of course.


And before anyone points out that this isn't ABOUT Ron's kids, maybe the authorities should look into why Artest is not living with them and his wife. Because clearly, they are nowhere to be found. Frankly, I find that WAY more troubling--character wise--than allowing one dog to dominate another's food bowl, or not being able to corral 7 dogs, or not finding a perfect "doggy watcher".

02-08-2007, 11:24 AM
pistons fans are still mad that steven jackson and ron artest beat their fat ass fans up and none of them had the balls to do anything

Oh come on. Ben Wallace punked Artest on national tv and Artest cowered in fear. But Ron didn't hesitate to go after the smallest guy in the crowd who did absolutely nothing to him. Artest only has the balls to go after harmless people who are half his size. He's a punk ass bitch.

And then proceed to have your ass beaten to a pulp? :lmao

You do have a point. Artest's specialty is fighting people who are physically inferior to him. Although he didn't exactly "clean house" at the Palace which is kind of pathetic.

02-08-2007, 11:28 AM
The Great Dane was not picked up on previous occasions “for getting out of its yard”...The reports say that “the Female Dane was picked up for animal cruelty”.....A person with any common sense knows that you don’t just throw a bucket of food out & leave a Great Dane to fend for themselves for a couple weeks...The breed needs care & shelter, just like a thoroughbred race horse...Here is the article you tried to post....Interesting that Ron Artest’s neighbors are so upset that they are re writing “CC&R’s” for animal care in their community...

SACRAMENTO (AP) -- Animal services officers seized a Great Dane from the mansion of Sacramento Kings star Ron Artest, saying the dog was underfed.

Neighbors complained for weeks that the dog -- named Socks -- appeared to be starving inside a gated area on Artest's $1.85 million estate in rural Loomis, according to a county report.

On Jan. 30, animal services officers visited Artest's home and issued a "pre-seizure" notice, warning him that the female Great Dane would be taken into custody if the animal care didn't improve.

Placer County animal services officers returned to Artest's home Monday and removed Socks.

Artest has 10 days to request a hearing, county spokeswoman Anita Yoder said.

Artest's publicist, Heidi Buech, declined to comment when reached by The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The episode has so upset neighbors in Artest's gated community that the homeowners' association plans to vote next week on guidelines that would require members to properly care for their animals.

Artest signed with the Kings last January for $7.15 million this season and $7.8 million in 2007-08, with an $8.45 million player option for 2008-09.

02-08-2007, 12:19 PM
So is Allen Iverson's mother...

02-08-2007, 01:13 PM
Artest signed with the Kings last January for $7.15 million this season and $7.8 million in 2007-08, with an $8.45 million player option for 2008-09.

he did? :lol

Kori Ellis
02-08-2007, 01:16 PM
In the piece Artest said that Animal Control brought his dogs back on three separate occassions after "escaping" from his property, not that Animal Control seized the dogs:

Sure, that's what Artest said himself.

What has animal control said?

02-08-2007, 03:00 PM
Sure, that's what Artest said himself.

What has animal control said?


Well .....

According to Animal Control Artests pets have spent a total of 77 nights in shelters.

But hey, he paid the fines ($1,942) but obviously didn't change his doggy duty regiment. Or lack thereof.

Neighbors have a right to be annoyed by feeling responsibility towards the animals. And, according to this new piece neighbors have tried to help, somewhat. But still, not their responsibility.

Unsolicited advice: Ron, ditch the dogs and bring your family to Sacramento. :oops

Still, original point being this is not extremely newsworthy, nor did it deserve a scroll message on the bottom of Kings T.V. flagstation, still stands. :smokin

Kori Ellis
02-08-2007, 03:01 PM

Well .....

According to Animal Control Artests pets have spent a total of 77 nights in shelters.

But hey, he paid the fines ($1,942) but obviously didn't change his doggy duty regiment. Or lack thereof.

Neighbors have a right to be annoyed by feeling responsibility towards the animals. And, according to this new piece neighbors have tried to help, somewhat. But still, not their responsibility.

Unsolicited advice: Ron, ditch the dogs and bring your family to Sacramento. :oops

Still, original point being this is not extremely newsworthy, nor did it deserve a scroll message on the bottom of Kings T.V. flagstation, still stands. :smokin

Why does he have 7 dogs with him but not his wife and kids?

Richard Gere
02-08-2007, 03:05 PM
i hope rons okay, poor guy

02-08-2007, 03:17 PM
Why does he have 7 dogs with him but not his wife and kids?
I have no frigging idea. He lives in a gated environment, otherwise I would have offered my services to care for his dogs by now. And once inside, I DEFINITELY would have gotton to the bottom of his living like a bachelor when he has a family. :lol

And before anyone points out that this isn't ABOUT Ron's kids, maybe the authorities should look into why Artest is not living with them and his wife. Because clearly, they are nowhere to be found. Frankly, I find that WAY more troubling--character wise--than allowing one dog to dominate another's food bowl, or not being able to corral 7 dogs, or not finding a perfect "doggy watcher".

02-08-2007, 04:02 PM
He never seemed much of a dog-loving person anyway.

02-08-2007, 04:11 PM
He never seemed much of a dog-loving person anyway.
You obviously haven't seen his wife. :p:

Ronaldo McDonald
02-09-2007, 06:35 AM

Artest is just an oddball. I saw him at an airport in indiana and. I get to luggage claim, and I see him pick up like four cardboard boxes, all roughly the size of a cooler, and stack them on his shoulders (huge man!). So he goes outside and waits for about 3-4 minutes, with these massive, heavy looking boxes on his shoulders the whole time. People ask for his autograph, bu he sais he can't becasue of the boxes blah blah

The whole time he looks extremely tense and twitchy. Not at all unlike his usual demeanor in basketball games.

02-09-2007, 09:26 AM
idiot, do you know the definition of animal cruelty? the dogs were being tortured because of Artest's stupidity.

A man with Artest's IQ shouldn't even be allowed to have a goldfish

I guess that's his problem, is it?

Ronaldo McDonald
02-09-2007, 03:40 PM
It's not like he killed the damn dogs. The guy's busy.

WTF? Not only does he have a wife (i've seen her with him, btw she look just as crazy as him), but he can probably (sarcasm) afford to pay someone to feed them. He shoudn't have bought the dogs in the first place if he knew he wasn't going to be able to care for them.

But the last thing he should be doing is buying stuff he has to take care of. He can't even take care of himself, if he did he'd be in a mental asylum. The guy could have been an actor in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest without any telling him how to act.

02-09-2007, 06:13 PM
So Kings fans, what kinds of excuses do you have for Qyntel Woods? Are you going to just strictly look at the whole incident from his point of view, and ignore evidence from authorities and witnesses?

02-10-2007, 05:05 PM
So Kings fans, what kinds of excuses do you have for Qyntel Woods? Are you going to just strictly look at the whole incident from his point of view, and ignore evidence from authorities and witnesses?Ima just gonna read his advice column. :smokin


02-10-2007, 05:50 PM
So Kings fans, what kinds of excuses do you have for Qyntel Woods? Are you going to just strictly look at the whole incident from his point of view, and ignore evidence from authorities and witnesses?

Why would you even care.....????

02-10-2007, 08:16 PM
at least hes not hitting humans

02-10-2007, 08:17 PM
i love animals, who do you not take care of your dog? it has a life.

02-10-2007, 11:08 PM
Why would you even care.....????
I just find it amusing how people can validate players doing something that is absolutely disgusting, like torturing animals, when said player helps their favourite teams win.
And I have a hard time figuring out, is it the player who's more revolting, or is it the fans who come up with the excuses...