View Full Version : Sample of Bill Maher's followers

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 05:28 PM
Below is just a very small sample of what the Left Wing Nuts are spewing on this country since the election. They are talking about killing Republicans, Christians, New England leaving the Union and forming their own country. They are talking of breaking and entering into Republican facilities, calling Christians dumb, morons, and worse. There have been threats or suggestions that the President should be assassinated.... You name it, these Lefty’s have said it in the news, on left wing web logs... They “hate” so very much these days... What they have overlooked is that millions of Democrats who voted for or against either candidate, are also members of the Christian community, and active church goers.. The Radical Left has lost it’s way, and abandoned their Democratic constituency. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of moderate or rightest Democrats. It has been hijacked by the radical left wing liberal movement in this country. Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, beware.... When Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia, and others, say that the Democrats have left him, he did not leave them, he is right on.... The South used to be solid Blue States for the Democratic Party, until they took a hard turn to the left. Now look at the US political map. Even the so-called Blue States are mostly Red States. Only in the cities do the Democrats hold sway....

The left in America is having a real problem with "hate" these days. Do you think it's gotten any better since President Bush's huge victory in the election? Not on your life, and I mean that literally. Their hate has only gotten worse and some even think that Bush didn't win this election either. Watch your backs, the liberals are turning into vicious animals and their rage seems to be getting close to terrorism. They have totally lost it now, I hope there's plenty of room in the psycho wards for them.

Meanwhile, over on BillMaher.com http://boards.billmaher.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=newshow&Number=621788&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 <http://boards.billmaher.com/showflat.php?Cat=&amp;Board=newshow&amp;Number=621788&amp;page =0&amp;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=1> , the eponymous Web site of the HBO talk-show host, a reader called "moulty" has posted a message to the discussion board under the title "Shooting Republicans, ethical? Discuss" (quoting verbatim):


At this point in time, would it be morally defensible to apply a "final solution" to republicans?

Let's face it, when Grover Norquist is doing the media rounds...when his agenda of eliminating all taxes on billionaires and letting the poor pay all taxes and carry the debt burdon, and let them scounge around in the garbage for food...builds character.....when THIS type of criminal extreme right wing "thought" is entering the mainstream...it's time for extreme action.

GW Bush and the American right wing Taliban are endangering the entire planet. If the rest of the world had a say, Bush and Cheney would be in jail.

Is it now morally excusable to organize midnight raids on republican groups in the red states and "terminate" them with extreme prejudice?

Watching Bush's acceptance speech on wednesday, with the Cheney's on stage as well....who would not have liked to see a bomb go off under the stage and wipe out the whole despicable slimy lot of them? And hopefully the shrapnel would have gone to the second deck and blown Mary Matalin's head off as well.

Be honest. Who would not like to see Karen Hughes run over by an 18 wheel truck? Who wouldn't like to see her carcass scattered all over highway 99?


Good thing liberals are so tolerant, open-minded and inclusive, or there's no telling what they might say or do.

Duff McCartney
11-12-2004, 05:38 PM
Good thing liberals are so tolerant, open-minded and inclusive, or there's no telling what they might say or do.

Well, you don't see left-wing liberal nuts planting bombs on anti-abortion rallys.

11-12-2004, 05:45 PM
I just watch Bill Maher because I think he's funny and tells it like it is, for some that bothers them because it's not the way they think it is.
Quite simple.

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 05:57 PM
Well!!!!! What about the death threats cronies?

11-12-2004, 05:58 PM
I must apologize but I have no idea what you are talking about.

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 06:12 PM
Read the article Joe! Don't just look at the bottom line and you will know what I'm talking about. ....."Is it now morally excusable to organize midnight raids on republican groups in the red states and "terminate" them with extreme prejudice?

Watching Bush's acceptance speech on wednesday, with the Cheney's on stage as well....who would not have liked to see a bomb go off under the stage and wipe out the whole despicable slimy lot of them? And hopefully the shrapnel would have gone to the second deck and blown Mary Matalin's head off as well.

Be honest. Who would not like to see Karen Hughes run over by an 18 wheel truck? Who wouldn't like to see her carcass scattered all over highway 99?"

Duff McCartney
11-12-2004, 06:16 PM
Be honest. Who would not like to see Karen Hughes run over by an 18 wheel truck? Who wouldn't like to see her carcass scattered all over highway 99?"

Be honest, who gives a shit about Karen Hughes?

11-12-2004, 06:27 PM
Okay. He made some stupid remarks that I don't approve of.
But I'll still watch his show.

Duff McCartney
11-12-2004, 06:29 PM
Okay. He made some stupid remarks that I don't approve of.
But I'll still watch his show.

He didn't say anything about that Joe. If you clicked it, you'd know it was somebody on his message board.

But yes lets blame Bill Maher for it...

11-12-2004, 06:52 PM
Oh, someone on a message board. Let's get out the electric chair.

11-12-2004, 07:00 PM
Oh, someone on a message board. Let's get out the electric chair.

...andthe smores. Mmmmmmm smoooorrrrreeessss.

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 07:05 PM
He didn't say anything about that Joe. If you clicked it, you'd know it was somebody on his message board.

But yes lets blame Bill Maher for it...
Read the subject line Duff.....it says Sample of Bill Maehrs "followers"

11-12-2004, 07:08 PM
Bring out the chorus line..
"What a day, what a day, for an auto-de-fe!"

Anybody have any clue as to what musical that wonderful line comes from?

One clue: Voltaire

You can't hold Maher responsible for the nuts on his website, but from what I've seen, he is developing a slightly nutty aroma...

Duff McCartney
11-12-2004, 07:08 PM
Read the subject line Duff.....it says Sample of Bill Maehrs "followers"

Yeah but how can you even really say it's a follower of Bill Maher? It's like labeling adidas11 or Pooh Spurs followers because they post on a Spurs message board. I admit Bill Maher is hilarious and he makes great points...but he's not that far to the left.

11-12-2004, 07:18 PM
Well, you don't see left-wing liberal nuts planting bombs on anti-abortion rallys.

I had a bunch of death threats when I was a (conservative) columnist for my differing viewpoints.

Duff McCartney
11-12-2004, 07:38 PM
I had a bunch of death threats when I was a (conservative) columnist for my differing viewpoints.

Death threats...and actually doing the things are two different things. Neither one obviously should be condoned...but you can say you'll do something but it becomes a whole nother world when/if you actually do it.

BTW anybody read on the news that Bill Maher is being accused of assault because his ex-gf said he was gonna marry her and all that. But he didn't.

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 07:44 PM
Death threats...and actually doing the things are two different things. Neither one obviously should be condoned...but you can say you'll do something but it becomes a whole nother world when/if you actually do it.

BTW anybody read on the news that Bill Maher is being accused of assault because his ex-gf said he was gonna marry her and all that. But he didn't.
Bill's dealings with his girlfriend wouldn't have any bearing on my feelings. That is between him and her. And Duff...just threaten the president one time and get out the cookies and coffee for the FBI who are sure to visit you.

Duff McCartney
11-12-2004, 08:20 PM
2pac is not the President.

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 08:45 PM
2pac is not the President.
What the hell are you talking about Duff?