View Full Version : Bad day for the dominant West

02-12-2007, 09:19 AM
Couldn't help but notice that Sunday, The Clippers, The Warriors, The Lakers, The Suns, and our Spurs were all beaten by Eastern teams.

Could it be the East isn't as terrible as most think, or did the West just have a bad luck Sunday?

02-12-2007, 09:43 AM
hey the Mavs won if that makes you feel better lol

but seriously the East sucks and is no threat to the powerhouses in the West

02-12-2007, 09:44 AM
Detroit and Chris Webber seem to go along pretty darn well.

02-12-2007, 09:46 AM
Couldn't help but notice that Sunday, The Clippers, The Warriors, The Lakers, The Suns, and our Spurs were all beaten by Eastern teams.

Could it be the East isn't as terrible as most think, or did the West just have a bad luck Sunday?

Nah, the East really is pretty bad...it's just that the Clippers, Warriors, Lakers, Suns, and Spurs aren't that great either...

02-12-2007, 09:51 AM
The Clips may sneak in at 8th seed.

Warriors won't be in the playoffs.

Lakers are 11-16 on the road. Just because they beat the Spurs doesn't mean they are real strong.

None of the above contribute to WC's superiority.

Suns without Nash.

Spurs without anything. :lol

The top of the West (Mavs, Suns, Jazz) are still way stronger than the top of the East.

The unfailing test of real, broad strength is road record.
WC has 7 teams with road records above .500.
The EC has only one. :lol

02-12-2007, 02:17 PM
The Heat are the definding NBA champs and aside from the Spurs who has won a tittle since the turn of the century from the west so how is the east so week ..... and I forget who did Miami beat to get that championship????

02-12-2007, 02:18 PM
Detroit will give the West trouble in the Finals but that's about it. Maybe the Cavs if the refs decide to give Lebron the same kind of treatment they did Wade :lol.

02-12-2007, 02:25 PM
1. detroit's good and only getting better
2. bulls can be either very good or very bad and last night they were very good, i don't care that nash was out, there were two other all-stars in that game
3. lakers have been so streaky and are missing walton right now, cavs are not bad
4. the heat are not as bad as their record...damn u spurs for not winning!!! :)
5. the blazers, the wolves and the mavs won games against the east

02-12-2007, 05:11 PM
Nah, the East really is pretty bad...it's just that the Clippers, Warriors, Lakers, Suns, and Spurs aren't that great either...

You have no clue regarding the Suns. I would like to see how the Mavs fare without Dirk and whoever else you consider important on your team against any other team. Not that I wish the injury bug on anyone, but until your team faces some adversity this year then you have no room to cut other teams down. :rolleyes

02-12-2007, 05:25 PM
1. detroit's good and only getting better
2. bulls can be either very good or very bad and last night they were very good, i don't care that nash was out, there were two other all-stars in that game
3. lakers have been so streaky and are missing walton right now, cavs are not bad
4. the heat are not as bad as their record...damn u spurs for not winning!!! :)
5. the blazers, the wolves and the mavs won games against the east

On point number two, those two other all-stars depend on Nash more than you might think. Specifically Marion, Amare can get his points other ways. I think you would be in for a big surprise if Dirk and whoever else you consider important to your teams success were out for any period of time, probably Jason Terry or Josh Howard. Nash, Diaw and Kurt Thomas are integral to the Suns system and success. Nash and Diaw for making the team flow and Kurt Thomas for defense. We have been hurting more than usual in defense since Kurt went out as evidenced by his absense last year and this year. We have no one to back up Amare and when he gets in foul trouble everything goes South. I truly believe that right now we need to try Jalen Rose to help with our offensive flow because Banks and sometimes Barbosa pound the heck out of the ball and it stops our free flowing movement which is essential for our system. Each team has a different system, yours is different and it works with the players you have. Ours works with ball handlers not ball pounders. :lol

All I am trying to say is that Nash is more important to the Suns than you might think and I also think Diaw is very important to this team too. Okay, done with my rant. :spin

02-12-2007, 05:45 PM
On point number two, those two other all-stars depend on Nash more than you might think. Specifically Marion, Amare can get his points other ways. I think you would be in for a big surprise if Dirk and whoever else you consider important to your teams success were out for any period of time, probably Jason Terry or Josh Howard. Nash, Diaw and Kurt Thomas are integral to the Suns system and success. Nash and Diaw for making the team flow and Kurt Thomas for defense. We have been hurting more than usual in defense since Kurt went out as evidenced by his absense last year and this year. We have no one to back up Amare and when he gets in foul trouble everything goes South. I truly believe that right now we need to try Jalen Rose to help with our offensive flow because Banks and sometimes Barbosa pound the heck out of the ball and it stops our free flowing movement which is essential for our system. Each team has a different system, yours is different and it works with the players you have. Ours works with ball handlers not ball pounders. :lol

All I am trying to say is that Nash is more important to the Suns than you might think and I also think Diaw is very important to this team too. Okay, done with my rant. :spin

HAHAHAHA...my comment was pure sarcasm and a jab at those other two all-stars on your team. I KNOW Nash is more important to the Suns than anybody else on that team...in fact, he's the most important thing on that team because without him, nobody else on that team can seem to cope. The other ballers are good in their own right but they are far from being anything great on their own, this is why the Suns were pretty good without Amare last season. We played a couple of games without JHO, we won those games. We also played Denver on the second night of a BTB, in Denver, with AI and Camby in the lineup, without Dirk or Stackhouse...Mavs won.

Yeah Diaw was very effective in the loss to the Hawks...2-3 FGA-M, 4 points, 3 boards, 2 TOs in nearly 22 minutes of play.

02-12-2007, 06:37 PM
Theres no possible way the East is even fit to hold the West's jock strap, it takes a choking of mammoth proportions for the West to ever lose a championship to the East.

Axl Van Dam
02-12-2007, 06:41 PM
:fro Detroit is playing pretty good at this point. :fro

02-12-2007, 06:50 PM
HAHAHAHA...my comment was pure sarcasm and a jab at those other two all-stars on your team. I KNOW Nash is more important to the Suns than anybody else on that team...in fact, he's the most important thing on that team because without him, nobody else on that team can seem to cope. The other ballers are good in their own right but they are far from being anything great on their own, this is why the Suns were pretty good without Amare last season. We played a couple of games without JHO, we won those games. We also played Denver on the second night of a BTB, in Denver, with AI and Camby in the lineup, without Dirk or Stackhouse...Mavs won.

Yeah Diaw was very effective in the loss to the Hawks...2-3 FGA-M, 4 points, 3 boards, 2 TOs in nearly 22 minutes of play.

Hey Ponky, I don't really want to dissect this issue too much but if the Mavs had to do without Dirk and Jason Terry (or insert player you think is more important, such as Josh Howard) plus one of your bigs do you really think the Mavs could do better? Since you brought it up about Denver, Suns played against Carmelo and JR Smith and Nene which the Mavs did not have to play since they were suspended and heck if I know where Nene was on the night you played them. I consider Carmelo to at least be as good as Iverson and Nene is the type of player that gives the Suns problems not Camby. Post up players hurt us the most as shown in last years playoffs against the Lakers and Clippers. So I consider it a wash. Nash was not himself on that night against Denver and only played a little over sixteen minutes with his right arm hanging and Raja was and is still playing with swelling in his knee. So they would at least equal Dirk and Stackhouse being out. As for your comment about Diaw against the Hawks, he was injured in the Portland game without most of us knowing. Apparently they kept it out of the press, but his back was tweaked in that game and he is having back spasms and could barely walk last night as reported in the Arizona Republic newspaper. I and others have been wondering what is up with Diaw and now we know. We basically have four players that are injured and that would be three starters. So, I ask you do you think the Mavs or any other team could play well and win without three starters? I think we were lucky to win against Denver and Portland with these injuries and now they are catching up as the rest of the guys are being more overworked than usual. I know, it is the coaches fault for not using more of his bench in the past and now and it is one thing that really bothers me about him! :bang

So much for me not wanting to dissect this issue with you! :lol

02-12-2007, 08:03 PM
Wasn't this the case last year too?

Then the Heat won the Championship.... hmmmm.

02-12-2007, 08:05 PM
hey the Mavs won if that makes you feel better lol

but seriously the East sucks and is no threat to the powerhouses in the West

True. They are only slightly better than last season.


02-12-2007, 08:28 PM
Do I smell a Battleblog?