View Full Version : An exit hole.....

Chris Childs
02-15-2007, 05:25 PM
should never be an entrance hole. It's un-natural. Bottom line, this is more than just athletes against gay's. It's the majority of society, like Hardaway, that is tired of having the moral minority forcing their social policies on us(including that of sports) by maybe 1 to 5 percent of gay population through a mass media that hardly allows the opposing side to be heard. Granite, you can't personally and physically attack homosexuals for their bad CHOICES, and they must have some role in society. But We, the str8 majority, should have the right to say, Hey, your lifestyle is not the norm, and we don't want to see it in every Fucking aspect of life and on every TV channel we flip to. I don't want my kids to stumble on the MTV show were dudes are dating dudes. I am getting tired of what i consider to be morality being turned upside down, and when anything gets said to the contrary, free speech is for some reason suspended, and the real verbal and social lynching begins.

Think of this, in this country, we have laws against smoking, because of the harmful effects it does to your body and possibly others. Yet the average age of a homosexual is in the 40's. You think years of butt pounding and disease spreading is healthy for the body? Why no law to protect them? Can you not sense the hypocrisy? And don't give me that it's genetics. What if i'm genetically disposed to hate on homo's, what then? Genecide for me because i was born intollerant? What next? A pedifile is genetically pre-desposed to do what those scum bags do? Isn't it the same deal? Will that be legal? You are a mis-guided, pathetic, and weak minded individual if you think you are some kind of genetic robot with no free choice or social development. Like alcoholism i'm sure there is a case to say homosexuality is somewhat more genetically inclined in some people, but like a smart person who knows alcoholism runs in his family... just don't drink it. So........just don't suck it. That simple.

So give it to em Hardaway. Seriously, if u gots to shower with the hottest, most athletic, and tightest bodied females in the world, would you be able to keep your junk down all the time? Uhh.... so do gay people have some super power i don't know about? Wait... it's a genetic thing isn't it? Whatever.

02-15-2007, 05:28 PM
Chris Childs, inspired by remarks by Tim Hardaway, announces hate. More at 5.

02-15-2007, 05:33 PM
Granite, you can't personally and physically attack homosexuals for their bad CHOICES

:lol :lol :lol
Granite, we can't blaim you for the current state of public education.

Chris Childs
02-15-2007, 05:34 PM
:lol :lol :lol
Granite, we can't blaim you for the current state of public education.

It's called the internet.

02-15-2007, 05:35 PM
It's called the internet.

Your primary source of education? It shows.

02-15-2007, 05:35 PM
Yet another rant that makes it easy for liberals to cloud the difference between someone expressing hate and someone exercizing their right to not support a social ideal.

Chris Childs
02-15-2007, 05:36 PM
Your primary source of education? It shows.

Just like your lower case username.


02-15-2007, 05:39 PM
Alright, first problem.

Pedophiles and genocidal manaics hurt people, even if they are predispositioned to do so through their genes.
Who are the gays hurting? Your feelings of what society should be?

02-15-2007, 05:43 PM
Just like your lower case username.


You should beg the mods to install a spellcheck option so you don't come across as a 6th grade drop out. Even that would only take you so far.

Stick to the "Kobe sux" threads. They are what you're best at.

02-15-2007, 05:44 PM
Alright, first problem.

Pedophiles and genocidal manaics hurt people, even if they are predispositioned to do so through their genes.
Who are the gays hurting? Your feelings of what society should be?

So then as long as no one gets hurt and everyone is consenting, then everything is acceptable? Where should I tell NAMBLA to send your membership packet?

02-15-2007, 05:45 PM
should never be an entrance hole.

So you came out of your momma's exit hole? :lmao

02-15-2007, 05:45 PM
So then as long as no one gets hurt and everyone is consenting, then everything is acceptable? Where should I tell NAMBLA to send your membership packet?

Minors can't consent using rational judgement.

02-15-2007, 05:47 PM
spoken like a true homophobe.

"should never be an entrance hole. It's un-natural."

really? well, the mouth was intended for chewing food. be sure and let your significant other know that the next time she wants to pleasure you orally. tell her your morals and natrual standards cannot and will not allow that you spooge in her eye.

"Bottom line, this is more than just athletes against gay's. It's the majority of society, like Hardaway, that is tired of having the moral minority forcing their social policies on us(including that of sports) by maybe 1 to 5 percent of gay population through a mass media that hardly allows the opposing side to be heard."

the vocal minority is standing up for their rights. they're not trying to force social policy. they're trying to get current policy to allow them to be treated like normal human beings, which they are.

"Granite, you can't personally and physically attack homosexuals for their bad CHOICES, and they must have some role in society. But We, the str8 majority, should have the right to say, Hey, your lifestyle is not the norm, and we don't want to see it in every Fucking aspect of life and on every TV channel we flip to. I don't want my kids to stumble on the MTV show were dudes are dating dudes. I am getting tired of what i consider to be morality being turned upside down, and when anything gets said to the contrary, free speech is for some reason suspended, and the real verbal and social lynching begins. "

what the fuck are you talking about? i have yet to flip on my tv and see two homosexual men getting it on. heterosexual, un-moral activity is far more rampant on the television. wives and husbands cheating on their spouses, young men and women engaging in unprotected, passionate sex with no regards for the consequences, drug use among young people... this to me is far worse than a homosexuality as depicted on the boob-tube. i have yet to see verbal and social-lynching coming from the gay community. usually their message is about acceptance.

"Think of this, in this country, we have laws against smoking, because of the harmful effects it does to your body and possibly others."

last time i checked, you could still smoke, just not in the vicinity of others. please don't tell me you're comparing this to homosexuality.

"Yet the average age of a homosexual is in the 40's. You think years of butt pounding and disease spreading is healthy for the body? Why no law to protect them? Can you not sense the hypocrisy?"

is it any more dangerous for a woman? are homosexuals the only ones spreading disease? are you truely this ignorant? and no, i can't sense the hypocrisy.

"And don't give me that it's genetics. What if i'm genetically disposed to hate on homo's, what then? Genecide for me because i was born intollerant? What next? A pedifile is genetically pre-desposed to do what those scum bags do? Isn't it the same deal? Will that be legal? You are a mis-guided, pathetic, and weak minded individual if you think you are some kind of genetic robot with no free choice or social development."

how else can you explain it? do you think that many homosexuals, if given the choice, want to be gay? they can't help who they are attracted to, no more than you or i can help being attracted to jessica alba. it's in their nature, whether you believe it or not. you cannot cure them of this. there is no cure. it's who they are and the ignorant ones are those claiming that it's a choice.

02-15-2007, 05:51 PM
Minors can't consent using rational judgement.

That is simply a legal judgement that can/will be influenced by society.

My point was that our society has a values/morals/ethics demarcation line that crosses over to unacceptable. Many years ago homosexuality was on the opposite side of that line than it is today. Have you ever heard of entropy? What makes you think that consensual pedophelia will not eventually move over to the acceptable side of that line as well?

Individuals have those same personal demarcation lines. It's rather hypocritical to judge another as intolerant based on where your personal line is drawn, because there will always be someone more tolerant than you (see: NAMBLA) busting your nuts for the same thing.

02-15-2007, 05:54 PM
north american marlon brando look-alike association? what do they have to do with this?

02-15-2007, 06:04 PM
That is simply a legal judgement that can/will be influenced by society.

My point was that our society has a values/morals/ethics demarcation line that crosses over to unacceptable. Many years ago homosexuality was on the opposite side of that line than it is today. Have you ever heard of entropy? What makes you think that consensual pedophelia will not eventually move over to the acceptable side of that line as well?

Individuals have those same personal demarcation lines. It's rather hypocritical to judge another as intolerant based on where your personal line is drawn, because there will always be someone more tolerant than you (see: NAMBLA) busting your nuts for the same thing.

Because you can make an ethical arguement against stuff like NAMBLA using a set of ethics that is independant of social norms. Just off the top of my head.

1. Adults are fully developed.
2. Rationality is part of development.
3. Children are not fully developed.
4. Children are not fully rational.
5. It is immoral to exploit un-rational people.
6. It is immoral to exploit children.

You could apply some Kantian ethics to this.
"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

"Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never simply as a means."

You cannot will that pedophilia and genocide be universal.

Find one set of rational ethics that's against homosexuality.
There isn't. You can only justify being anti-gay with religious ethics and the social norm.