View Full Version : Swangin' on Wade's nuts - going over the edge

02-18-2007, 10:16 PM
I have never read such bullshit.

LAS VEGAS -- Remember when the All-Star Game mattered for the game itself?

Me neither. It never happened.

It has nothing to do with the lack of defense or David Stern not being ridiculous like Bud Selig and putting Finals home-court advantage on the line. It's because the game is supposed to be a showcase of skills. Nothing really hinges on it, except, in a few unique cases, reputations.

Dwyane Wade should soon command the respect that has been shown to Michael Jordan for years. (Getty Images)
Magic Johnson comes to mind, saying goodbye his way in Orlando in 1992. So does Michael Jordan, overwhelming the rest of the stars in 1988, when he dropped 40 at Chicago Stadium to officially take the crown as the game's best.

Those moments will never be forgotten.

Las Vegas can be remembered for a similar reason, if Dwyane Wade decides to drop the charade. While he says all the right things about sharing the spotlight with guys like LeBron James, Gilbert Arenas and Chris Bosh, the fact of the matter is that this can be his coronation if he wants it to be. The 2007 All-Star Game can actually matter. Wade just has to make it so.

This is his world now. Time to make it official.

Once upon a time, when Wade was a child watching these games in Chicago, the legendary Jordan sent messages in these games. He notched a triple-double, or shot 23 times twice in a row when most of his teammates barely got off 10, or just did things to grind at guys and not so gently remind them that he was the show, and they were the side dish.

Watching Wade this weekend, it's obvious that the game implores him to do the same. Don't get it twisted, it's not like basketball is suffering, but a definitive face has been lacking.

Kobe Bryant is just getting back in the world's good graces. James still hasn't won anything. Shaquille O'Neal is set to step aside and watch the kids work. Tim Duncan and Dirk Nowitzki are great, but not exactly marketable.

Then there's Wade, who is undoubtedly the star of stars, shining brightest in a city where the lights seemingly overshadow all else. He's everywhere in Vegas. On billboards. At the Jam session, where you could walk into a makeshift model of his head and see all he has done in his short career. On buses. Dropping a new shoe. Throwing parties. Las Vegas has done everything but design new slot machines around him.

Pay attention. Who got the most face time on All-Star Saturday night? Who was asked his opinion regarding the dunk contest barely halfway through? It wasn't King James.

Wade was announced after the veteran Bryant during the Skills Challenge, and had more closeups in this city than Wayne Newton has ever enjoyed. It's hard not to see that he's the new face of the NBA. The Miami Heat are the new-school Lakers, with Wade taking over Magic Johnson's role, an aging O'Neal playing Kareem, and Pat Riley as himself, 20 years later.

The Heat are the "it" franchise, even if the team is just barely at .500. Wade is the new king.

Want to know how this All-Star Game can matter? It has nothing to do with the game, but rather as a vehicle to send the following message: Wade is stepping in as Jordan's heir apparent. It's not Kobe, as some felt it would be. He never got the love.

It's Wade.

Which player most deserves to sit on Michael Jordan's throne?
Dwyane Wade
Kobe Bryant
LeBron James

"You know what? It does something for your ego," said Wade. "I was talking to Caron Butler, and we are sitting there, and I'm like, 'You know what, man? Everybody is humble in their own right but when you are sitting in that locker room and you see everybody sitting around, you think to yourself, I am pretty good.'

"You say I am darn good. I am one of the best."

No, he's the best. He just has to step up and take it. That's the challenge. Jordan stepped up and grabbed the world by the throat simply because he could. That's what Wade has to do, not because the league needs him to do so, but because we haven't seen anything like him since the great one stepped aside.

It's why Jordan gets standing ovations wherever he goes. He's an icon. As great as many of these other stars are, the NBA has not had one since. However, after winning an NBA Finals and going out and excelling night in and night out, it has become obvious that Wade is head and shoulders above everyone else.

Wade has noticed the throne. He sees it. The question remains, is he willing to sit down?

"It is (surreal to be so famous) because you have to talk about yourself a lot. I don't like to talk about myself a lot. I would rather you guys do it or others. I try to shy away from it as much as possible," Wade says. "You have got to understand. I am a realist. As many people that love you, just as many hate you. Everybody don't love you. The only thing I can do is continue to be what I am."

What he is is somebody growing into a level of superstardom that captures your imagination. Remember when watching Jordan on Sunday afternoons was a gift? Wade is approaching that level. For those who don't see it, this game is an opportunity to hammer that point in.

You are watching greatness unfold before your eyes. Why shut them?

Considering what has gone down the past few weeks, with Wade taking a shot at Nowitzki and dismissing all the talk of last year's NBA championship being given to Miami by refs, it's clear that Wade is growing up. He's developing an icy edge that you used to see from Jordan. If you disrespected him, there would be hell to pay.

Only 24 years old, Wade already has one ring, and he's developing his aura.

"Mastering the game interests me," said Wade. "I look at a guy like Kobe Bryant and, really, Kobe has mastered the game. He has every move in the book, he knows what spot to get to and when to raise up and when you want to master the game to the point where it's flawless.

The 2006 NBA Finals MVP's image has dominated the Las Vegas landscape. (Getty Images)
"I am not a guy who every day is going to come in and get in guys' faces and yell. I am a leader. I always lead on the court. I am not a mouse. I am not quiet. I do talk. It's times where I feel my voice needs to be heard and times when I feel like my voice doesn't need to be heard because you don't want it to be, 'Man, will he shut up?'

"If you ask anybody in here, I don't walk around talking about our championship. You move on, and you know you got to do the task at hand. I am in the moment. The moment of winning a championship is over, and now we are focused on winning another."

He's growing into a monster. He's becoming the "it" guy. Other All-Stars are dwarfed by him, asked questions about him. That has not happened since Jordan. Understand what you're seeing.

Even better, as peers, the guys he's beating on a regular basis might recognize what they're seeing, but can't say anything about it. Wade is only in his fourth year in the league. How can he be taking it over?

"He's a talented guy and he had a supporting cast that helped him. I think he got the credit he deserved," Dallas' Josh Howard said, still miffed at what happened in June's Finals and not eager to crown anyone anything. "I am not knocking nobody, but you shoot 29 free throws as a person and the other shoots 27 as a team. You can do the math, you know what I am saying? Situations happen, man. He knocked down free throws, he got to the hole. The credit is given.

"He's going to have the ball in his hands. You have got to be ready to compete with him. Always chasing. He is always going to get an opportunity to drive. He has a quick first step. You can't play off of him because he has shown he can knock down that jumper now. He's expanding his game."

Las Vegas, All-Star Game 2007, is about Wade becoming king. It's about everyone acknowledging what they're seeing.

"I am not 6-8. I am not the best shooter in the league. I am not the best jumper. So I have got to have something to help me be up with upper-echelon players," Wade says, introspective about what's transpiring. "I have that doubt that people have always said about me, 'He is not this, he is not that,' and I use that. I go out on the court and play with that.

"That is that Chicago thing, baby. Chicago guys are real tough."

Watching Jordan grow up in your own backyard has something to do with that. Now, asked to emulate him, you can't back down from that obligation.

Based on what we have seen from him in four short seasons, don't expect him to.

The throne is there. Sit down.

Tim Hardaway now hates Tony Meija for this column (http://www.sportsline.com/print/nba/story/10005791)

6 points, 1 assist, 0 rebounds and 2 PFs as this was posted. Fucking bullshit.

02-18-2007, 10:20 PM
Look for him to get "injured" in a minute or so, and come back with about 10 left in the fourth and end up with 30.

02-18-2007, 10:21 PM
On a scale of 1-10 this breaks the bs meter.

02-18-2007, 10:58 PM
whoa... that is some serious bull****

02-18-2007, 11:11 PM
Guess Meija's plan didn't work out exactly to plan. It sounds like he got a 5-minute sitdown with Wade and decided to just suck on his balls because he's the only guy he could grab for a few minutes. That or he was swayed by the massive picture of Wade plastered on the side of the Mandalay.

02-18-2007, 11:40 PM
kg's block on wade was great fun to watch tonight...anyway the west played well and i cheered for everyone on the west, regardless of their regular team

Pistons < Spurs
02-18-2007, 11:48 PM
Complete garbage. Tony Meija should just spend all of his time gobbling on Wades nuts, and forget about sports writing.

02-19-2007, 12:20 AM
i dont care what anyone says ...lebron > wade

Purple & Gold
02-19-2007, 12:42 AM
Wades not as good when he doesn't get the calls.

02-19-2007, 12:50 AM
Wades not as good when he doesn't get the calls.

yup, the fiba tourney back in august totally frustrated him, when he didn't get calls he looked all pissed off and just got lazy because they weren't going to give him the calls anyway

02-20-2007, 04:40 PM
Wade is top 10 player at best. bottom of the top 10

David Stern
02-20-2007, 04:48 PM
So much hate on D-wade. The guy is a SUPERSTAR with ref help or not. He is clutch and proved he can make SHOTS when it matters. You guys treating Wade like hes a role player or all star is pathetic. He is arguably a top 5 player in the league. If Dwade is barley in the top 10 that must put Dirk out of the top 10 race then because Wade>>>Dirk.

02-20-2007, 04:51 PM
So much hate on D-wade. The guy is a SUPERSTAR with ref help or not. He is clutch and proved he can make SHOTS when it matters. You guys treating Wade like hes a role player or all star is pathetic. He is arguably a top 5 player in the league. If Dwade is barley in the top 10 that must put Dirk out of the top 10 race then because Wade>>>Dirk.

All these players are clearly better than Wade:
Kobe, Lebron, Garnett, Duncan, Dirt, Nash, Iverson, Bosch

Bob Lanier
02-20-2007, 04:57 PM
James, Nowitzki, Iverson, Garnett (!) and Bosh (!!!) are not clearly better than Wade.

You can make your point without being absurd.


02-20-2007, 05:07 PM
So much hate on D-wade. The guy is a SUPERSTAR with ref help or not. He is clutch and proved he can make SHOTS when it matters. You guys treating Wade like hes a role player or all star is pathetic. He is arguably a top 5 player in the league. If Dwade is barley in the top 10 that must put Dirk out of the top 10 race then because Wade>>>Dirk.

If Wade was so great the Heat would have a decent record right now even though Shaq has been out most of the season. The Heat was at least 6 games under 500 w/o Shaq. They're hot now (won 7 of last 8) cuz Shaq is back. This doesn't say much for Wade does it?

02-20-2007, 05:13 PM
Wade is #1 at drawing fouls, that's about it.

02-20-2007, 05:16 PM
Wade is #1 at drawing fouls, that's about it.
He cant take over games like he did the other day aganist the blazers and spurs not to mention he had like the best defender on him (bowen) and let me see he took over that spurs game with what 3 free throws most of them were jumpshots

02-20-2007, 05:16 PM
Wow, look at all the Mavs fans hating on Wade. Go figure :lol

02-20-2007, 05:18 PM
He cant take over games like he did the other day aganist the blazers and spurs not to mention he had like the best defender on him (bowen) and let me see he took over that spurs game with what 3 free throws most of them were jumpshots

check again, everyone is lighting up Bowen these days and Spurs have been losing games in the 4th consistently.

like I said, Wade is great player, top 10. but if you think he's #1 you're delusional.

02-20-2007, 05:20 PM
check again, everyone is lighting up Bowen these days and Spurs have been losing games in the 4th consistently.

like I said, Wade is great player, top 10. but if you think he's #1 you're delusional.
actually he is top 4 but again that is just my opnion.

02-20-2007, 05:24 PM
Hey, don't you all wonder WHY Wade gets so much love from the refs?

All it takes is a little backdoor loving :eyebrows


02-20-2007, 05:54 PM
Wow, look at all the Mavs fans hating on Wade. Go figure :lol

It started with Meija trying once again to compare him to Jordan.

02-20-2007, 06:09 PM
Yea anytime you compare a good player to the best of all time people are going to disagree....Wade is good but please don't insult our intelligence by comparing him to Jordan.