View Full Version : Condi-mendacity plays the Hitler card

02-25-2007, 07:40 PM
Feb. 25, 2007: Rice, Levin Hint at Iraq Debate

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Armed Services Committee chairman Sen. Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.) previewed on the Sunday shows the upcoming debate on Capitol Hill over Democratic plans (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/22/AR2007022201743.html) to try to take control of President Bush's war policy.

Rice on "Fox News Sunday"

In a provocative comparison, Rice said on "Fox News Sunday" that adopting a Senate resolution that repeals the 2002 authorization for war in favor of one that restricts the military's role and orders a start to withdrawal, "would be like saying that after Adolf Hitler was overthrown, we needed to change ... the resolution that allowed the United States to ... [create] a stable environment in Europe."

( she's gone nutz, joining dubya and dickhead in delusional insanity )

RICE: We don't need to do anything but to allow the commanders on the ground -- General [David] Petraeus, who's gone out there as the new commander -- to pursue the course that he and other commanders have put together. ... We are in a different situation, even, some would say, a different war. But the consolidation of a stable and democratic Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein is a part of what America owes to the Iraqi people, owes to the region and owes to ourselves so that our own security is there.


Condi darling, you lying, incompetent bitch,

Iraq is decades from a stable democracy, is now, was 5 years ago.

There are NO MORE FUNDS for reconstruction, even if the violence stopped this minute. Reconstruction by U.S. will never retore Iraq infrastructure back to Feb 03 quality.

You, dubya, dickhead, rummy, Feith, Wolfy, Perle, PNAC/AIE/neo-cunts, etc have broken Iraq needlessly, and all y'all can't EVER fix it.

No matter how much you will inevitably blame your Iraq fiasco on others, you personally will DIE in enormous personal debt to the Iraqi people.

02-25-2007, 08:40 PM