View Full Version : Bush Orders Draft-

11-16-2004, 11:27 AM


11-16-2004, 11:32 AM
Speaking of a draft...

McALLEN, November 15, 2004 — It’s taken one year, seven months and 19 days of combat in Iraq for the Lone Star State to lose 100 of its own.

Texas is the second state, after California, to lose 100 service members, according to The Associated Press.

With continuing war in Iraq and U.S. armed forces dispersed to so many other locations around the globe, Americans may be wondering if compulsory military service could begin again for the first time since the Vietnam War era.

The Selective Service System (SSS) and the U.S. Department of Education now are gearing up to compare their computer records, to make sure all men between the ages of 18 and 25 who are required to register for a military draft have done so.

The SSS and the education department will begin comparing their lists on Jan. 1, 2005, according to a memo authored by Jack Martin, acting Selective Service director.

While similar record checks have been done periodically for the past 10 years, Martin’s memo is dated Oct. 28, just a few days before the Nov. 2 presidential election, a hard-fought campaign in which the question of whether the nation might need to reinstate a military draft was raised in debates and on the stump.


Brownsville Herald (http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/ts_more.php?id=62232_0_10_0_C)

19-24 should be preparing themselves for the 2005 draft.

Hook Dem
11-16-2004, 11:33 AM
See!!!!!! We should have listened to those all knowing Democrats. :lol

Hook Dem
11-16-2004, 11:35 AM
Dan...UPS should be arriving at your house shortly with a straight jacket. Put it on!!!!!! :lol

11-16-2004, 11:41 AM
I thought Bush was on the wagon?

11-16-2004, 11:52 AM
Meanwhile, the back-door draft continues full speed ahead..

November 16, 2004
Former Soldiers Fighting Army on Callbacks

The Army has encountered resistance from more than 2,000 former soldiers it has ordered back to military work, complicating its efforts to fill gaps in the regular troops.


And, of about 2,500 who were due to arrive on military bases for refresher training by Nov. 7, 733 had not shown up.


"I consider myself a civilian," said Rick Howell, a major from Tuscaloosa, Ala., who said he thought he had left the Army behind in 1997 after more than a decade flying helicopters. "I've done my time. I've got a brand new baby and a wife, and I haven't touched the controls of an aircraft in seven years. I'm 47 years old. How could they be calling me? How could they even want me?"


Others say they do not believe they are eligible to be returned to active duty because, they contend, they already finished the obligations they signed up for when they joined the military. A handful of such former soldiers, scattered across the country, have filed lawsuits making that claim in federal courts.


NY times (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/16/national/16reserves.html?position=&hp=&oref=login&pagewanted=print&position=)

Hook Dem
11-16-2004, 11:54 AM
"Meanwhile, the back-door draft continues full speed ahead." ................And so does Dan's BS. :lol

11-16-2004, 08:21 PM
I say when your hitch is up you should be able to get out.

Nothing like being "short".

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-16-2004, 08:30 PM
Dan sure has a thing for backdoors. He must enjoy that kind of thing.

Hey Dan, 1000 soldiers report to basic training every week. This draft shit is getting old, unless you want to discuss the greatness that is beer.

11-16-2004, 08:34 PM
I was once this older woman's backdoor man and I loved it!

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-16-2004, 08:56 PM

The difference is that Dan was the backdoor man for Michael Moore, and he loved it.

11-16-2004, 11:13 PM

11-17-2004, 12:19 AM
Im happy that I am an only son!! If it happens, no draft for me!

11-17-2004, 12:27 AM
Honestly, the local Republicans are hawkish, and with all moderation now gone in the White House, I don't see how we can avoid a draft. How else are they going to attract enlistes? Certainly not with cash bonuses when you can work for Halliburton at the same risk and make 100 g's tax free in a year.

There will be a draft. It will start as a special skills draft first. Medical practitioners and Computer programmers, but soon after that we will have a combat troop draft.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-17-2004, 01:01 AM
Where do you come up with this shit? It's dumb, even from the mouth of Michael Moore.

1. It would be political suicide. As in 2008, all Republicans would lose - Congressmen for letting it happen, and anyone with presidential aspirations in any way connected to Bush.

I don't see how we can avoid a draft. How else are they going to attract enlistes? Certainly not with cash bonuses when you can work for Halliburton at the same risk and make 100 g's tax free in a year.

Dan, 1000 new enlistees enter basic training every week in each branch of the Armed Forces. They don't have to attract anything.

As for your dumbass comment about Haliburton, it's not the same risk - you can go drive an unarmored truck while unarmed, or you can go join the military, be armed to the teeth, have airstrikes and artillery covering your back, not to mention the best trained fighting force in the world.

Plus, let's be honest - you've got a lot of people with the warrior mentality - they want to go kill the bad guy.

There will be a draft. It will start as a special skills draft first. Medical practitioners and Computer programmers, but soon after that we will have a combat troop draft.

LOL, this is good shit. My sister is in the medical officer staff of the US Army. They are downsizing the medical branch, not to mention computer programmers, etc., and outsourcing to the civilian world.

Try again dumbass.

11-17-2004, 01:42 AM
Dan, 1000 new enlistees enter basic training every week in each branch of the Armed Forces. They don't have to attract anything.

I'll believe this is true, as it doesnt seem like an outlandish figure (a little high, but within the realm of possibilities in my mind), but can you provide me with the figures on how many are getting out (or are supposed to be getting out but arent allowed to)?

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-17-2004, 01:53 AM
Explain what you mean by getting out.

11-17-2004, 02:16 AM
Leaving the military. Or are supposed to have been able to leave, but are being held.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-17-2004, 02:38 AM
I haven't seen any figures for that (people leaving).

Part of a DOD press release on the just ended recruiting cycle...

Here's what I saw on recruiting numbers for this past year...

The Army enlisted 77,587 soldiers through September, besting the year's goal by 587 soldiers.

Through Sept. 29, the Navy reported that it enlisted 39,874 sailors, bettering its goal by 254 sailors.

The Air Force said it enlisted 34,362 service members for the year, topping its recruiting goal by 282 people.

The Marine Corps reported it had enlisted 36,794 service members for the fiscal 2004, which topped its goal by 21 enlistees.

The Coast Guard recruited 3,809 over their recruiting goal of 3,800. It should be noted that the services purposely do not exceed their recruiting goals by large factors, because this may cause them to exceed the authorized active duty strength levels imposed by Congress.

11-17-2004, 09:09 AM
Geek draft alert! Geek draft alert!

There will be a draft. It will start as a special skills draft first. Medical practitioners and Computer programmers, but soon after that we will have a combat troop draft.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are reported to be on the draft "A" list... register for the geek draft now at your local Radio Shack or Altex... :lol