View Full Version : 5 Minute Rice?

11-16-2004, 12:04 PM

WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush has a nickname for Condoleezza Rice, his choice as the next secretary of state: "The unsticker."

Bush put the name on Rice, his national security adviser for the past four years, because he said she helped "unstick" problems in Iraq that got caught up in the gears of government.

Assuming the Senate will confirm Rice to replace Colin Powell as secretary of State, her job will be to keep U.S. diplomacy running smoothly across the globe.

Ever since Bush walked into the Oval Office, Rice has been busy keeping Powell and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld from butting heads; orchestrating a North Asia policy designed to get North Korea to let go its nuclear ambitions; helping the president deal with the nuclear weapons threat in Iran; and shepherding work on the Middle East peace process.

Newsday (http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/politics/ny-usrice164043873nov16,0,1103939.story?coll=ny-lipolitics-print)

what makes this woman so hard? so mean? so evil-looking? Look at her eyes! Look at the cement hard set of her face. Did some man in college do her wrong? Has she been totally unable to find a husband so she is taking it out on the world?

Maybe she should talk to Star Jones.

I understand that her Dad is a very liberal college professor at Harvard or some ivy league university and that he was very active in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. She has relatives who are strongly liberal, like her cousin and contemporary, Connie Rice, an attorney in California(who, btw, is just as beautiful as Condi is not).

How in the world could he have fathered someone who thinks and acts as she does? I mean,this woman is like Satan's mistreated, vengeful stepdaughter or something! It can't ALL be about money and power.

11-16-2004, 12:06 PM
Dan can't attack her record, so he has to speculate about her personal life. Sad.

11-16-2004, 12:08 PM

Yeah, she was great on this one...


11-16-2004, 12:10 PM
...this woman is like Satan's mistreated, vengeful stepdaughter or something!

Ummmm...no, that would be you.

11-16-2004, 12:12 PM

Yeah, she was great on this one...


I read it twice and found nothing wrong with it. OBL is determined to attack the US. Many of the things in that report are events from Clinton's administration, for which OBL was never attacked.

11-16-2004, 12:16 PM
At least Clinton had the right stuff to stop the milinneum attacks. W had 9 months+ to stop the Sept 11th attacks but never met with his counter-terrorism chief once. So what does he do? Promotes the one person most responsible for downplaying the chances of a Bin Laden attack.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 12:18 PM
At least Clinton had the right stuff to stop the milinneum attacks.

Lucky guess by a Customs agent.

11-16-2004, 12:18 PM
When it comes to war, one shouldn't guess at all.

11-16-2004, 12:21 PM
All that stopped the MM attack was the intuition of a Customs Agent at the border. Clinton had nothing to do with it.

11-16-2004, 12:24 PM
Did some man in college do her wrong? Has she been totally unable to find a husband so she is taking it out on the world?


How in the world could he have fathered someone who thinks and acts as she does? I mean,this woman is like Satan's mistreated, vengeful stepdaughter or something! It can't ALL be about money and power.

Wow...that was very intuitive. Why not just blame it all on PMS and get it over with?


11-16-2004, 12:25 PM
Where was Clinton on the first WTC bombing, Oklahoma City, Waco, Nariobi, USS Cole, etc.

11-16-2004, 12:28 PM
Look, stop pointing the finger at clinton because nobody in their right mind would have approved military action of the sort we took after 9/11.

And OKC and Waco were domestic issues, where the hell do they play in a national security debate?

I don't like this appointment. Gone is the lone voice of dissent and it is replaced with a voice that is incredibly hawkish. We now have a huge hawk at the top diplomatic position in our government. Well, Fuck.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 12:31 PM
Perhaps if Clinton exercised a little leadership there might have been an effective response to those multiple terrorist attacks.

11-16-2004, 12:35 PM
OKC and Waco were domestic terrorists. That is Homeland Security.

Breach of Security on the Homeland by Terrorists. What more do you need?

So if Americans hijack planes and fly them into buildings, it doesnt count because its American on American crime?

11-16-2004, 12:40 PM
Perhaps if Clinton hadn't been under domestic attack for 8 years on a $25M Whitewater investigation that found nothing on Whitewater, he would have been in a better position to address these international issues.

11-16-2004, 12:41 PM
Perhaps if a republcan congress hadn't been so hell bent on impeachment he would have had more pull.

You know, I'm sick of all the partisan shit in here. There used to be more people who would be willing to step up and call shit the way it was, but now all you fuckers do is argue along party lines.

It was not clinton's fault,and if you want to apply blame there, apply it equaly to the republican controlled congress which failed to put forth any leadership as well.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 12:59 PM
There used to be more people who would be willing to step up and call shit the way it was, but now all you fuckers do is argue along party lines.

Yeah, I don't know why people might be responding in such a partisan manner in this forum. It might have to do with the fact that danny spams this forum daily with 20 threads about the left wing conspiracy theory of the day.

11-16-2004, 01:00 PM
So Clinton's personal problems kept him from being able to adequately exercize his duties as POTUS?

11-16-2004, 01:05 PM
And dan is a nut, do you all feel the need to constatly point that out? I thought anyone with a fucking brain understood that.

2pac, if they were personal problems why did they require so much government time spearheaded by a REPUBLICAN congress??

11-16-2004, 01:11 PM
And dan is a nut, do you all feel the need to constatly point that out? I thought anyone with a fucking brain understood that.

2pac, if they were personal problems why did they require so much government time spearheaded by a REPUBLICAN congress??

If Clinton was involved in WW - a money laundering scheme - he did not deserve to be President. Because of the nature of the allegations, they needed to be investigated.

These were personal problems, and if they did cause Clinton to not be able to adequately perform his job - as was suggested by extatic, then he should have been forced to resign to concern himself with those problems.

11-16-2004, 01:13 PM
ha, you miss the whole fucking point about the republican congress pushing that shit too long and too hard missing more important obligations.

Whatever, blame Clinton if it suits you.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 01:15 PM
So Bush can be blamed for shit because he's the president but Clinton couldn't because at the time he was president? That makes sense.

11-16-2004, 01:16 PM
ha, you miss the whole fucking point about the republican congress pushing that shit too long and too hard missing more important obligations.

Whatever, blame Clinton if it suits you.

I've never blamed clinton, I was pushing off of what EX said.

Tell me - after they appointed the independant council to investigate - what else did Congress do?

11-16-2004, 01:19 PM
Bush's cabinet and Bush ignored memos that spelled it out, and I STILL DON"T BLAME HIM.

2pac, did you miss the whole impeachment?

11-16-2004, 01:19 PM
Funded it for 8 fucking years with NO Whitewater outcome? Please. Every other day you had Burton, Barr, or Delay on TV, screaming their heads off.

11-16-2004, 01:21 PM
Funded it for 8 fucking years with NO Whitewater outcome? Please. Every other day you had Burton, Barr, or Delay on TV, screaming their heads off.

But their job is to yell to the media all the time. If it wasnt one thing, it would be another.

Tell me - what legistation did the investigation get in the way of?

11-16-2004, 01:22 PM
It's not so much what got in their way, as it was tying up the POTUS time defending baseless, unproven (Whitewater) charges.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 01:23 PM
That's great and before it we had Henry B calling for an impeachment of Bush41 and of course the Democrats never tried to investigate the Reagan administration. Never.

Clinton had a direct attack on the WTC in 1993 to respond to. He demurred. Khobar Towers in 1995, he declined. The embassy bombings in Nigeria and Tanzania. He wilted.

11-16-2004, 01:25 PM

11-16-2004, 01:27 PM
He was busy. See: GOP circus.

Great comparison. One whackjob SOTEX congressman, vs. an entire GOP congresss hungry for blood when their POTUS candidate lost an election.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 01:30 PM
If I am not mistaken the Iran Contra investigation was still underway during Bush41's administration and the investigator was pretty much a partisan loose cannon as Starr is portrayed. It was more than one congressman.

You know, perhaps if Bush43 wasn't subjected to the level of vitriol directed at him from the deranged left, you know, the "extra chromosome" (thanks to Gore for that phrase) lib-left then perhaps he could have gotten more shit done.

11-16-2004, 01:31 PM
Maybe if the Secret Service wasnt busy extinguishing idiot liberals, they could be doing something productive like finding bad guys.

11-16-2004, 02:08 PM
I've been reading through this thread and I believe some history is in order on the Whitewater investigation.

First, President Clinton wasn't the sole target of the investigation, he was merely the highest profile suspect -- and, as President, required the appointment of a special prosecutor. Justice could have conducted the whole investigation alone but for the implication of his involvement.

The investigation, if I remember, resulted in 16 indictments and 13 convictions...some at the highest levels of the Clinton Administration. I think it is only because he was able to insulate himself that he wasn't convicted.

But, he was impeached and a weak Senate chickened out on convicting him and throwing his ass out of office.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-16-2004, 04:49 PM
what makes this woman so hard? so mean? so evil-looking? Look at her eyes! Look at the cement hard set of her face.

It's because like a lot of us, she's tired of all the righteous PC bullshit, and thank god she also recognizes the fact that we aren't going to beat Osama by giving him a hug and tell him we want peace.

Anyone who France dislikes (which they already hate Condi) is a winner in my book, and I'd say that about any liberals that they hated too (just haven't seen any they did).

11-16-2004, 05:04 PM
If Clinton was involved in WW - a money laundering scheme - he did not deserve to be President. Because of the nature of the allegations, they needed to be investigated.

These were personal problems, and if they did cause Clinton to not be able to adequately perform his job - as was suggested by extatic, then he should have been forced to resign to concern himself with those problems.

Clinton was never implicated in the White water wash. The independent investigation went well beyond its original stated mission. The Monica Lewingski affair was used by the right to keep Clinton off-balance the last 2.5 years of his Presidency. When Clinton bombed Sudan and Afghanistan for the bombing of the Cole the Right cryed wag-the-dog. It was the Republican controlled House and Senate that prevented Clinton from protecting this country, and they and this adminstration failed us again on 911.

11-16-2004, 05:05 PM
The investigation, if I remember, resulted in 16 indictments and 13 convictions...some at the highest levels of the Clinton Administration. I think it is only because he was able to insulate himself that he wasn't convicted.

Still not as significant as a Cabinet member being found guilty of a felony. Does the name Casper Weinberger ring a bell?

11-16-2004, 05:09 PM
It's because like a lot of us, she's tired of all the righteous PC bullshit, and thank god she also recognizes the fact that we aren't going to beat Osama by giving him a hug and tell him we want peace.

Anyone who France dislikes (which they already hate Condi) is a winner in my book, and I'd say that about any liberals that they hated too (just haven't seen any they did).

Tired of the self-righteous bullshit? Hell, you haven't seen the beginning of the self-righteous bullshit, but then again look who I'm talking too...you would probably support stoning harlets again.

I'm sure the 100,000 American WW1 Veterans buried in France are turning in their graves at what the right has done to the American-French relationship.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 05:10 PM
Doesn't matter.

11-16-2004, 05:12 PM
Tired of the self-righteous bullshit? Hell, you haven't seen the beginning of the self-righteous bullshit, but then again look who I'm talking too...you would probably support stoning harlets again.

I'm sure the 100,000 American WW1 Veterans buried in France are turning in their graves at what the right has done to the American-French relationship.

Any WW1 vet I know would want to kick France's ass for the way they have acted recently.

11-16-2004, 05:13 PM
Doesn't matter.

Of course it doesn't. Nothing matters to you wing-nuts.

11-16-2004, 05:14 PM
Any WW1 vet I know would want to kick France's ass for the way they have acted recently.

How have they acted recently? Tell me, what makes France such a purge?

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 05:16 PM
You read what I wrote motherfucker. Now shut the fuck up already.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-16-2004, 05:23 PM
Tired of the self-righteous bullshit? Hell, you haven't seen the beginning of the self-righteous bullshit, but then again look who I'm talking too...you would probably support stoning harlets again.

LOL, this coming from a man who thinks our military is targeting civilians, that we should negotiate with the insurgents, etc. etc.

I'm sure the 100,000 American WW1 Veterans buried in France are turning in their graves at what the right has done to the American-French relationship.

The 100,000 WWI vets would wonder WTF we even bothered liberating France, and didn't just leave it to go to hell.

How have they acted recently? Tell me, what makes France such a purge?

France hasn't done shit to support the UN or NATO in 50 years, in short it's not holding up its mutual protection clause for either one of those alliances.

It turned its back on its allies when they needed help or wanted permission to do things, if they didn't somehow pertain to helping France in some way.

It's appeased the Muslim invasion in Europe, and will by all accounts be the first European power to fall to the Muslims here in the next 12 years or so.

It's never fought when it mattered, just chickenshitted out and surrendered - some ally, more like a liability.

And to top it all off most recently it took at least 2 billion in bribes from Saddam to block any vote on the UN Security Council pertaining to Saddam's breaking of UN treaties, regulations, and agreements.

Yeah, what's not to like about France?

11-16-2004, 05:24 PM
You read what I wrote motherfucker. Now shut the fuck up already.

Marcus supporting the suppression of free speech? How quiant.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 05:25 PM
Don't go away mad bitch. Just go away.

11-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Don't go away mad bitch. Just go away.

Now Marcus, play nice. This is a political discussion forum and if political opinion get under your skin your more than welcome to go to the Spurs forum and talk whimsickle nonsense while the right purges our country of its remaining wealth and dignity.

Marcus Bryant
11-16-2004, 05:41 PM
Think I'm playing motherfucker? One email and you're gone.