View Full Version : Spurs on Ticket760.com

11-16-2004, 09:48 PM
Due to the rain(??? :rolleyes :rolleyes ), the local morons are going into armageddon mode(it's f**king water!!), and pre-empting all programming t.v. and apparently radio too. So it is being cast on sports radio...and not being blacked out for those out of town who wish to listen.

You'd think it was raining fire with the damn coverage those assholes on local tv give a rainstorm. For the past 2 hours they have nothing better to do than show those damn radar pics.

I wouldn't mind a tornado hitting the local tv stations to give them some actual news to cover. F**k them! :flipoff :cuss :flipoff

11-16-2004, 10:37 PM
Well the weather is a little more important. I don't think they saw this storm coming. But it's not going to hurt to have it on 760, least they'll get the listeners. :)

11-17-2004, 02:35 AM
How about one hour off the two hour show of The amazing race on CBS? You would think this town has not seen rain before. What happened to the split screen?

11-17-2004, 07:38 AM
Due to the rain(??? :rolleyes :rolleyes ), the local morons are going into armageddon mode(it's f**king water!!), and pre-empting all programming t.v. and apparently radio too. So it is being cast on sports radio...and not being blacked out for those out of town who wish to listen.

You'd think it was raining fire with the damn coverage those assholes on local tv give a rainstorm. For the past 2 hours they have nothing better to do than show those damn radar pics.

I wouldn't mind a tornado hitting the local tv stations to give them some actual news to cover. F**k them! :flipoff :cuss :flipoff

How about a tornado hit your f***ing house so we wouldn't have to read any more inanities like this?

Tornadoes actually kill people, you know. I realize you think the entire universe revolves around you and your fat @$$, but now it's time to grow up and find out that there are more important things in life than basketball on WOAI.

11-17-2004, 09:44 AM
How about a tornado hit your f***ing house so we wouldn't have to read any more inanities like this?

Tornadoes actually kill people, you know. I realize you think the entire universe revolves around you and your fat @$$, but now it's time to grow up and find out that there are more important things in life than basketball on WOAI.

:lol It was freakin rain. No tornados, nitwit. If a tornado were to pop up then yes ..it's called a break-in. This type of sensationalism is ok for Springer and Hard Copy but to make a lengthy rainstorm into the end of the world is ludicrous. Can you understand that ...H20..in it's liquid form. It was not frozen rain, it was not sleet, it was not snow, it was not hail, it was not on fire. It was wet rain and it was 70 degrees ..hell even the thunder part of the thunderstorm was weak. AFter the initial downpour it just became a steady rain. Does this merit for a 3 hour break in? Sensationalism.

11-17-2004, 09:46 AM
Confirmed tornado touchdown at Lackland, idiot.

Others were suspected around La Coste, Leon Springs, Comfort, Blanco.

Next time get the facts before you call other people names that should be reserved for yourself.


11-17-2004, 09:51 AM
For crying out loud, all you had to do was move your f***ing dial from 1200 to 760. Such hard work. Such a momentous disaster to complain about.


11-17-2004, 10:09 AM
For crying out loud, all you had to do was move your f***ing dial from 1200 to 760. Such hard work. Such a momentous disaster to complain about.


speaking of reading...how about you read the initial post. That is the entire point ... LOL...self-righteous ass-clown. As for the the touchdown in lackland...hmmm?? I imagine I am not the only one who got tired of watching some blowhards staring at a radar screen and changed the channel. Now if something as imminently destructive as a tornado popped up I would hope they would consider that "break-worthy" By making the entire rainstorm a whole armageddon...that one touchdown ...becomes a sidenote.

Is that something your pea-brain can understand? BTW hypocrite...don't go into a thread name-calling left and right and then try to make an issue of name-calling.

p.s. I suspect your an idiot but that doesn't mean crap.

11-17-2004, 10:21 AM
The only name calling I was actually referring to was:

No tornados, nitwit.

So why do you find the need to complain about moving your stupid radio dial from 1200 to 760? Are you that infernally lazy?

Just so you know, the local TV stations ALSO provide primary weather coverage for the outlying communities. Where does La Coste get its weather coverage? That's right, local SA stations. Blanco? SA. Seguin? Boerne? Leon Springs? Yep, SA.

The only self-righteous ass-clown I've seen in this thread is you complaining about something you have no business complaining about.

BTW...it wasn't a "little rain" either. Some areas in the coverage area were getting 3 inches per hour.

11-17-2004, 10:26 AM
I hate tornados.



11-17-2004, 10:27 AM
You have to be careful with tornados. You are going a long minding your own business and the next thing you know, it drops a house on you.


The Wicked Witch of the West

11-17-2004, 10:46 AM
The only name calling I was actually referring to was:

So why do you find the need to complain about moving your stupid radio dial from 1200 to 760? Are you that infernally lazy?

Just so you know, the local TV stations ALSO provide primary weather coverage for the outlying communities. Where does La Coste get its weather coverage? That's right, local SA stations. Blanco? SA. Seguin? Boerne? Leon Springs? Yep, SA.

The only self-righteous ass-clown I've seen in this thread is you complaining about something you have no business complaining about.

BTW...it wasn't a "little rain" either. Some areas in the coverage area were getting 3 inches per hour.

Utterly clueless. ...and pretty much lacking in reading comprehension. Not once did I complain about the Spurs broadcast being on a different station. :rolleyes
And again..regardless of where the tv signal reaches, the fact that they make it a whole 3 hour "end-of-the-world-fest" dilutes the imminent danger that may arise out of a tornado touching down. There is no imminent danger out of heavy rain...lest you think of your kin driving through low water crossings. But that's nature's way of getting rid of the morons...btw when are you going out on a drive?

11-17-2004, 10:55 AM
You have no business complaining about the coverage. Period. Just because it didn't affect you personally doesn't mean it didn't affect others.

The fact that you fail to understand the need to broadcast warnings and current conditions to people makes you more in need of a drive through a low-water crossing.

And BTW...the lower level of I-35 downtown is not designated a "low-water crossing"...yet it floods like hell when it rains like it did last night. So does the I-35/410 interchange.

And who the hell are you to say there is no "imminent danger" in heavy rain? Do you know the definition of the phrase "flash flood"??? It's not an exaggeration, you know...water really does rise that fast.

11-17-2004, 11:05 AM
BTW...I apologize for saying you were complaining about changing your radio dial and other comments related to that impression. My bad on that one.

BUT...I still think you are WAY out of line with your other comments concerning coverage.

11-17-2004, 01:49 PM
All I can say is that was the worst drive back to Austin after watching the game at the SBC. I think the radar was red the whole trip up 35.

11-17-2004, 10:27 PM
Hee Hee, nothing like a good argument to keep the board entertaining!

11-17-2004, 10:30 PM
BTW A little storm never hurt anyone.

"The Day After Tomorrow " Cast

11-17-2004, 11:37 PM
Confirmed tornado touchdown at Lackland, idiot.

Others were suspected around La Coste, Leon Springs, Comfort, Blanco.

Next time get the facts before you call other people names that should be reserved for yourself.


Bro The Ticket radio has only 50 listeners maybe you are over reacting a bit :lmao

Bro are you saying that people turn to the ticket for weather? What about us who have lived on the planet long enough to know how to use the remote and turn to the WeatherChannel? or open the curtains and look outside? How about if we already know there is a bad storm and we don't give a fuck and want to know If randy moss will start Sunday?

How about child molestation do you feel it is a bad thing also? If so, then why not use the ticket 760 AM for a 24/7 up to the minute Child Molestation reports? maybe we can have a webcam or radar of thier activity also. or TV Footage of the persons house, Lets turn all the radio and TV stations to weather and Emergency radio. In fact let's call Howard stern and have him change his show also because some folks in Lackland where to lazy to look out the window, Did your cat drown? Is that what this is all about? Your Tomato plants? You can come clean on why your so upset HBO did not send an Amber alert durring six feet under.
Do I need to read the topic again ? are you upset cuz your one of those folks that have to put up Barricades? You can tell me brah,, if not.......then it's cool...

You want me to break out the Smack Chan screen name on your ass? I have no Problem and I have a 1/2 six pack of Ice house beer so I am ready to deal with your over sensitive tree hugging no sex getting ass just say the word,

And let me know if there is another tornado I have a trailer at Lackland and the radio is on K-Rock My step sister could be in Danger...as we speak.

11-18-2004, 07:33 AM
Fuck you Mouse. :flipoff

Tell me where I said anything about people listening to the Ticket for weather? Go ahead, post it.

Next time try reading. I realize in your usual drug-induced haze it's a bit much for you, but give it a try.

Also, as I already said, the local stations serve more than just the city of San Antonio. And many of those people being served don't have Weather Channel. How about that, smartass? Got another snappy comeback for that one?

Try living in the real world just once.

11-18-2004, 10:19 AM
Just a minor clarification... under these circumstances when severe weather alerts are commencing and tornados have been sighted, FCC regulations require the local stations to keep its viewers appraised of the situation. The system that moved through that night was not a fast moving front that comes through and over in a short time. It was a recurring system with training storms that continued to be a real danger for a prolonged period of time - that's why the stations had to go to continuous coverage.

11-18-2004, 10:26 AM
Just a minor clarification... under these circumstances when severe weather alerts are commencing and tornados have been sighted, FCC regulations require the local stations to keep its viewers appraised of the situation. The system that moved through that night was not a fast moving front that comes through and over in a short time. It was a recurring system with training storms that continued to be a real danger for a prolonged period of time - that's why the stations had to go to continuous coverage.

Then someone should tell Fox.

11-18-2004, 10:28 AM
I think Fox 29 did go continuous. FSN isn't considered "local".

11-18-2004, 03:00 PM
no fox did not go continuous...at least not all three hours.

Edit...i take it back...not even 2 hours. I switched passed at 8 and they were showing regular programming.

11-18-2004, 03:11 PM
Possible. I know I blew through there prior to 8 and Alex Garcia was standing in front of a radar graphic. But I didn't stay there.

11-19-2004, 04:25 PM
Fuck you Mouse. :flipoff

Now you see where this person made a grave mistake? I don't think I have ever told anyone to F off! I might have to go to a GTG tonight so you still have time to Edit or make an apology, lets say around midnight tonight? Is that enough time?

The only reason I don't pull down your diaper and smack your young no sex getting ass is because CrazyOne is a friend of yours and I am a Friend of his, And he told me to let you slide your having a bad day, So if I get back in this topic and I see you have realized your mistake? I will act as though this never happened. if not? Then your on your own, And you can't say you did not receive fare warning,

I realize in your usual drug-induced haze it's a bit much for you, but give it a try.

Drugs are the reason I am being nice and feeling Zen right now and I have yet to melt down like you are doing as you show everyone here what lack of sleep and sex can do to a nerd who has a term paper they need to copy off the www or get another D-. Looks to me like you could use a hit or two.

How about that, smartass? Got another snappy comeback for that one?

The only snap your going to hear will be the sound of your neck from doing a double take on what I am about to post as you realize who your trying to talk your 1990s refried smack to.

Try living in the real world just once.

If that world is full of sexually frustrated constipated rednecks like yourself? I rather stay where I am at, thanks but no thanks.

It's 3:25 you still have 9 1/2 hours till midnight, make good use of your time. instead of asking your roommate what to post next.

11-19-2004, 04:39 PM
Wow this is getting funny! Personally I like tornados. I like knowing where they are so I can go drive out and take close up pictures of them.

Kori Ellis
11-19-2004, 04:42 PM
Oh the drama!

Lee Harvey Oswald
11-19-2004, 04:46 PM
I guess I am not needed, Looks like Travis blew his top already

11-19-2004, 05:08 PM
I think Travis2 has tipped his hand that he, or his/her main sqeeze, lives in a trailer park.

Lee Harvey Oswald
11-19-2004, 05:11 PM
What kind of name is boutons? sorry was that a cheap shot? :lmao

11-19-2004, 06:01 PM
Oh, the humanity...