View Full Version : Who will win the Title?

03-15-2007, 10:33 PM
This poll is a little different. To get rid of all the Homer votes you can not choose your own team!

Homer votes aside I would like to see how most of you b-ball fans really feel.
I meant to make this a poll but I fucked up.

1. Miami
2. Dallas
3. Detroit
3a San Antonio
4. Phoenix
5. Utah
6. Houston
7. Cleveland
8. Los Angeles
9. Chicago
10. Washington
11. other

I have to go with the Heat.

I think Miami will win again. I just feel like even without Wade, Eddie Jones can do just enough to help the Heat win it again. Teams are different nowadays and have changed their lineups. They no longer try to match up with Shaq. That will be the problem for other teams. Shaq and Mourning will rule the paint and force teams to beat them with Jumpshots. That's not happening.

03-15-2007, 10:43 PM
The mavZ..........

Neither Suns, Miami or Detroit is going to beat them four games.......... Even if Dirk's legs get a little shaky....... Only team w/ a prayer is healthy SA..............

03-15-2007, 10:44 PM
1. Rockets...will not win because they are not the Mavs.
2. Bulls....see above
3. Spurs...see above
4. Lakers...see above
5. Suns...see above
6. Wizards...see above
7. Heat...see above
8. Pistons...see above
9. Cavs...see above

03-15-2007, 11:06 PM
This poll is a little different. To get rid of all the Homer votes you can not choose your own team!

Homer votes aside I would like to see how most of you b-ball fans really feel.
I meant to make this a poll but I fucked up.

1. Miami
2. Dallas
3. Detroit
4. Phoenix
5. Utah
6. Houston
7. Cleveland
8. Los Angeles
9. Chicago
10. Washington
11. other

I have to go with the Heat.

I think Miami will win again. I just feel like even without Wade, Eddie Jones can do just enough to help the Heat win it again. Teams are different nowadays and have changed their lineups. They no longer try to match up with Shaq. That will be the problem for other teams. Shaq and Mourning will rule the paint and force teams to beat them with Jumpshots. That's not happening.

I think ShaQ is a prob. but he is not as much as a problem for the MavZ w/ Damp............ IMO....

03-15-2007, 11:07 PM
I'd still have to say the Mavs are the favorites. Not saying the Mavs weren't fortunate at points throughout, but the Suns cannot count on that end stemming from similar means again. No way do the Mavs control the glass like that and lose another game.

Until the Suns realize their defense means nothing without attacking the defensive boards, they'll challenge, but not seriously contend. They can, but they still have work to do.

03-15-2007, 11:08 PM
if a team from the east wins it will only be because the team coming out of the west will have played three 7 game series and be worn out

03-15-2007, 11:25 PM
I'd still have to say the Mavs are the favorites.

I would agree.

03-15-2007, 11:34 PM
This poll is a little different. To get rid of all the Homer votes you can not choose your own team!

Homer votes aside I would like to see how most of you b-ball fans really feel.
I meant to make this a poll but I fucked up.

1. Miami
2. Dallas
3. Detroit
4. Phoenix
5. Utah
6. Houston
7. Cleveland
8. Los Angeles
9. Chicago
10. Washington
11. other

I have to go with the Heat.

I think Miami will win again. I just feel like even without Wade, Eddie Jones can do just enough to help the Heat win it again. Teams are different nowadays and have changed their lineups. They no longer try to match up with Shaq. That will be the problem for other teams. Shaq and Mourning will rule the paint and force teams to beat them with Jumpshots. That's not happening.
Why isn't San Antonio on your poll? Since I can't pick the Mavs, I'd say that San Antonio is definitely the favorite. No one comes close.

03-15-2007, 11:36 PM
If things hold to form, I'd think the winner of the Spurs/Suns series has as good of a shot of anyone. The team that comes out of the West will be salty as hell after that road.

It's hard to choose between Spurs/Suns if I had to, but I guess the intangibles gives the advantage to the Spurs though it would come of no shock to see the Suns take it all.

03-15-2007, 11:36 PM
My choice is Phoenix.

03-16-2007, 12:06 AM
if a team from the east wins it will only be because the team coming out of the west will have played three 7 game series and be worn out

Hey! No excuses

03-16-2007, 02:11 AM
I'd still have to say the Mavs are the favorites. Not saying the Mavs weren't fortunate at points throughout, but the Suns cannot count on that end stemming from similar means again. No way do the Mavs control the glass like that and lose another game.

Until the Suns realize their defense means nothing without attacking the defensive boards, they'll challenge, but not seriously contend. They can, but they still have work to do.

Best post every by a phoenix fan, give you props for that post...

People are fooled at how good the solars are and fail to realize this SMALL detail... They can play the best defense in the league (which they are nowhere near doing) and hold opponents to 42% shooting every night, but if they don't come up with those rebounds like it happened last night and it's happened every game against the mavs this season, their defense is USELESS.

Dallas shot 10 % points less than PHX and still lost by a single bucket (and a couple of miraculous shots and foul calls). Had they not turned the ball over so much and shot 5% higher (which is very likely) they would have no doubt won the game...

PHX is great at what they do and are fun to watch, but you can't judge a 50-14 record against the mavericks when you play so many bottom-feeders throughout the season (same thing goes for the mavericks). Eventually you're going to have get that stop or that rebound to win the game (see marion's rebound for nash's 2 pointer, counted as a three lol and nash's defensive play on terry to give them the ball back)... defense and rebounding.

That's why records against top teams are the best indicator of who's the best team IMO. They show what your team can do/does against the elite teams, not the bottom-feeders and PHX doesn't have a very good record against top-teams because of these same reasons.

Dallas, SA, Utah and Houston are all better rebounding and defending teams than PHX, and PHX's record against this teams backs that up...

Just ask what was the problem with SA in last year's playoffs ?, their small ball lineup forced by dallas couldn't rebound. They scored plenty of points, but there was always dampier/diop/dirk around the basket getting rebounds and only Duncan doing so for their team...

with that being said, I like the Spurs if I can't pick the mavs. They rebound, they defend, they are hungry after last year and most importantly, they've been there and done that. The solars don't have that tough mentality, SA is more experienced than them...

Chris Childs
03-16-2007, 05:53 AM
if a team from the east wins it will only be because the team coming out of the west will have played three 7 game series and be worn out

That is PATHETIC! An already made up excuse if the east win. So I guess if the West win they'll be worn out in three 7 game series. I don't see nothing 50/50 about that. You have to be fair for both teams coming out of each conference. If the east team beat the west team it means they were the better team and vice versa. How can a team be tired after having control of the series and going up 2-0? All they need was 2 more victories but since they couldn't stop WADE alot of excuses were made about the refs and how DALLAS gave it away. Puh-LEase Wade just took over and owned Dirt, Coward, Whackhouse, and everybody associated with that pathetic org. all by himself.

And you're a Mavs fan. Why in the world would your ALMIGHT MAVS be involved in three 7 games series anyway.


03-16-2007, 06:41 AM

lmao, i knew someone would get pissed, that's why i posted it, i don't really think it matters much, thanks for biting though

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
03-16-2007, 06:48 AM
I pick the Suns, because they have the Steve Nash factor; he is on a mission! (Too bad it coincides with Tim, Manu, Tony core mission.)

And their squad shows a lot of heart. And I think Amare's play would have been another weapon for Nash to use against the Mavericks last year. So if the Suns do knock off the Spurs I think they have a shot at going all the way.

03-16-2007, 08:04 AM
Suns, seems like they have the ultimate package! :clap

03-16-2007, 08:16 AM
If I can't pick the Mavs, I've gotta go with San Antonio winning it all. Chicago or Cleveland winning the East.

03-16-2007, 08:38 AM
Best post every by a phoenix fan, give you props for that post...

People are fooled at how good the solars are and fail to realize this SMALL detail... They can play the best defense in the league (which they are nowhere near doing) and hold opponents to 42% shooting every night, but if they don't come up with those rebounds like it happened last night and it's happened every game against the mavs this season, their defense is USELESS.

Dallas shot 10 % points less than PHX and still lost by a single bucket (and a couple of miraculous shots and foul calls). Had they not turned the ball over so much and shot 5% higher (which is very likely) they would have no doubt won the game...

PHX is great at what they do and are fun to watch, but you can't judge a 50-14 record against the mavericks when you play so many bottom-feeders throughout the season (same thing goes for the mavericks). Eventually you're going to have get that stop or that rebound to win the game (see marion's rebound for nash's 2 pointer, counted as a three lol and nash's defensive play on terry to give them the ball back)... defense and rebounding.

That's why records against top teams are the best indicator of who's the best team IMO. They show what your team can do/does against the elite teams, not the bottom-feeders and PHX doesn't have a very good record against top-teams because of these same reasons.

Dallas, SA, Utah and Houston are all better rebounding and defending teams than PHX, and PHX's record against this teams backs that up...

Just ask what was the problem with SA in last year's playoffs ?, their small ball lineup forced by dallas couldn't rebound. They scored plenty of points, but there was always dampier/diop/dirk around the basket getting rebounds and only Duncan doing so for their team...

with that being said, I like the Spurs if I can't pick the mavs. They rebound, they defend, they are hungry after last year and most importantly, they've been there and done that. The solars don't have that tough mentality, SA is more experienced than them...

I can agree with some of what you said, but me thinks you went off the deep end just a bit.

First, I believe the Suns ar 3-0 vs. Houston this year. They are 1-1 vs. San Antonio, 1-2 vs. Dallas and 0-3 vs. Utah. However, when one realizes that four of the six losses were literally a one-possession game, it's quite clear they can compete and could win vs. anyone, if'n they can do two things. The first of which is play hard, energetic defense and the second is crash the defensive boards.

Believe it or not, at times this season the Suns have been a very good defensive team. In fact, until KT and Diaw went down, they held opponants to a lower FG% than did the Mavs. The stats are skewed now thanks to the loss of their two best frontcourt defenders for roughly 10-to-15 games each, but, of late, they have at least attempted to defend at a high level.

The second has been an issue ffor much of the year. Their was a time where it looked like Amare was finally going to become that dominant rebounder (for the month of February he averaged 13 per and since December had averaged 11), but as of now, it's still their weakness.

You make some good points, but take them to the extreme.

The Suns can win the Title, but they'll have to focus one these two areas.

You played the woulda/coulda/shoulda game with reference to the most recent Suns/Mavs duel, saying, "Had they not turned the ball over so much and shot 5% higher (which is very likely) they would have no doubt won the game..."

As mentioned above, while still losses, four of the six losses the Suns have suffered vs. the NBA's best have been one-possession games.

Vs. Utah early on, Barbosa missed a baseline layup with just seconds left that would have likely sealed the win for Phoenix.

vs. San Antonio, Raja Bell missed the backend of his FTs, that point would have given the Suns a one-point lead with under a second to play (or time very close to that). Instead it went to overtime, where the Suns lost.

vs. Dallas (2nd game), Dirk misses that jumper or Suns make their last attempt at a game-winning three, they escape on the road with a win.

vs. Utah (in Feb), Okur misses the go-ahead three, Suns likely hold on.

The other two losses were my four points and seven points.

They lost. That's the main issue, but you look at the record and flatly state the Suns are no good against the top teams.

I state that said record is a bit deceiving and that, with better rebounding, the Suns could surprise.

Until I see them rebound the way most deem necessary, I'll say the Mavs, and maybe even the Spurs, should be favored ahead of them. But they aren't as bad as you make them out to be.

Losses are losses, but your truth wasn't the whole truth.

03-16-2007, 09:15 AM
Suns, seems like they have the ultimate package! :clap

She's cute and smart... I kind of look like Kevin Martin... without the mid-90s haircut

(And I don't have herpes, no matter what you've read.)

03-16-2007, 09:25 AM
She's cute and smart... I kind of look like Kevin Martin... without the mid-90s haircut

(And I don't have herpes, no matter what you've read.)

yeah seriously, what's with Kevin Martin's hair? He looks like a low level lackey for the Gambinos. either that or a backup dancer for kid & play.

03-16-2007, 10:01 AM
if a team from the east wins it will only be because the team coming out of the west will have played three 7 game series and be worn out

I think ANY of the big 3 in the West have a chance of going into the Finals having played at least TWO tough 7 game series'. It sux.

03-16-2007, 10:11 AM

03-16-2007, 06:23 PM
If not Dallas, then San Antonio.

Purple & Gold
03-16-2007, 08:04 PM
I think Dallas will win it all.

Marklar MM
03-16-2007, 08:08 PM
Since we can't pick our own teams, I will say the Raptors.

03-16-2007, 11:09 PM
I have a feeling that this may finally be the Suns year...Also this is the only year that I actually would agree that perhaps Steve Nash does deserve MVP.

03-17-2007, 12:05 AM
Detroit Pistons.

03-17-2007, 04:49 PM
I have a feeling that this may finally be the Suns year...Also this is the only year that I actually would agree that perhaps Steve Nash does deserve MVP.

How about Co-Mvp's? ala Malone and Stocton. Nash and Amare?

03-17-2007, 06:00 PM
How about Co-Mvp's? ala Malone and Stocton. Nash and Amare?

Amare is good, but he wouldn't be so good if it weren't for Nash. What's good about Nash this year that I didn't see in the past 2 years when he won MVP is how he's really taking over games in the 4th quarter like he did against Dallas a few days ago.

Chris Childs
03-17-2007, 06:08 PM
Miami Heat will win the title now......


03-17-2007, 09:46 PM
Amare is good, but he wouldn't be so good if it weren't for Nash. What's good about Nash this year that I didn't see in the past 2 years when he won MVP is how he's really taking over games in the 4th quarter like he did against Dallas a few days ago.

It's a shame, this is the first year in my opinion that Nash may truly deserve MVP but because the league gave it to him twice already, they just can't justify giving it to him 3 in a row. That would put Nash on a pedestal, which is where he does not deserve to be.

03-18-2007, 09:21 AM
yeah seriously, what's with Kevin Martin's hair? He looks like a low level lackey for the Gambinos. either that or a backup dancer for kid & play.

Backup dancer for Kid 'N' Play... exactly what I was thinking.

03-18-2007, 09:24 AM
Pistons. Mavs and Suns peaked too early, Mavs will choke, but Spurs could do it also.

03-18-2007, 09:58 AM
dallas. they are the deepest and most balanced team in the league.

03-18-2007, 10:42 AM
nobody in the league can beat Dallas four times in seven games. the only team that can knock them out is either Golden State or maybe Detroit, i'll be watching that game today.

if Golden State knocks them out, i'd go with SA. Phoenix will never win shit

03-18-2007, 10:48 AM
yeah seriously, what's with Kevin Martin's hair? He looks like a low level lackey for the Gambinos. either that or a backup dancer for kid & play.

damn, don't have to be that mean.... the boy decided it was time to be a man and cut off the hair.. :(

03-18-2007, 10:50 AM
nobody in the league can beat Dallas four times in seven games. the only team that can knock them out is either Golden State or maybe Detroit, i'll be watching that game today.

if Golden State knocks them out, i'd go with SA. Phoenix will never win shit

Funny, because the only team I can see even coming close to beating the Mavs 4 times out of 7 is either the Suns.....or the Heat if they get healthy (Wade).

03-18-2007, 10:52 AM
She's cute and smart... I kind of look like Kevin Martin... without the mid-90s haircut

(And I don't have herpes, no matter what you've read.)

you guys are being too harsh about his looks now... :oops

Well they do, despite the last two games... don't know if the Dallas game affected them in any way... but i'm still pulling for them, they totally deserve it and they have great team chemistry.

03-18-2007, 12:48 PM
Suns or Heat.
And I know Mavs are playing great but I have the feeling they won't even reach the final this year.

Im Back (P-O-Z)
03-18-2007, 04:40 PM
Suns or Heat.
And I know Mavs are playing great but I have the feeling they won't even reach the final this year.
What He said

03-18-2007, 04:42 PM
Why do the Heat always get brought up? The Pistons or Raptors will come out of the East. I got Mavs beating the Raptors in 6.

Im Back (P-O-Z)
03-18-2007, 04:44 PM
Why do the Heat always get brought up? The Pistons or Raptors will come out of the East. I got Mavs beating the Raptors in 6.
the raps lack experience the only team that can make it out are the cavs bulls pistons or heat

03-18-2007, 04:46 PM
the raps lack experience the only team that can make it out are the cavs bulls pistons or heat

Well, the west will win. I can tell you that much. :lol

Im Back (P-O-Z)
03-18-2007, 04:48 PM
Well, the west will win. I can tell you that much. :lol
maybe so but you never know isnt that what people were sayng when the mavs played the heat or when the pistons played the lakers

03-18-2007, 04:49 PM
maybe so but you never know isnt that what people were sayng when the mavs played the heat or when the pistons played the lakers

No. Most of the ESPN and ABC guys picked the Heat.

Im Back (P-O-Z)
03-18-2007, 04:50 PM
No. Most of the ESPN and ABC guys picked the Heat.
a bunch of people picked u guys to win to

03-18-2007, 04:52 PM
So? the 2 sides we not as lopsided as they are this year. The only way an east team wins is if they get really hot come finals hot. But Dallas, PHX, San Antonio, and Hosuton are just to talented.

03-18-2007, 04:54 PM
Can I change my answer to the Mavericks?? :oops :lol

03-18-2007, 04:57 PM
damn, don't have to be that mean.... the boy decided it was time to be a man and cut off the hair.. :(

your hot.

03-18-2007, 07:32 PM
Why do the Heat always get brought up? The Pistons or Raptors will come out of the East. I got Mavs beating the Raptors in 6.

:wtf Did you just say Raptors? as in the Toronto Raptors???

Pistons < Spurs
03-18-2007, 07:41 PM
So? the 2 sides we not as lopsided as they are this year. The only way an east team wins is if they get really hot come finals hot. But Dallas, PHX, San Antonio, and Hosuton are just to talented.

You're crazy if you think the Pistons don't match up well with all 3 of those teams. Detroit can beat all 3 of them, and in my honest opinion, Dallas would be the easiest of the 3.

03-18-2007, 07:45 PM
You're crazy if you think the Pistons don't match up well with all 3 of those teams. Detroit can beat all 3 of them, and in my honest opinion, Dallas would be the easiest of the 3.

I would have to agree. What the Suns and Spurs don't have that the Pistons do have are 2 good post players. Dirk has to play D, and Sheed and Webber are great passers.

03-18-2007, 07:54 PM
I would have to agree. What the Suns and Spurs don't have that the Pistons do have are 2 good post players. Dirk has to play D, and Sheed and Webber are great passers.

Piston fan agrees...imagine that :elephant

03-18-2007, 07:57 PM
Piston fan agrees...imagine that :elephant

What? The Pistons have 2 good post players to go against Dirk. Tim Duncan is a better defender than Dirk so Sheed and C Webb are not as threatening to the Spurs as they are to the Mavs. Suns don't care about defense anyways, but Amare is just as good as a defender as Dirk as well.

03-18-2007, 07:58 PM
this thread is pointless. i might as well vote for the New Orleans Hornets as the 2007 NBA Champs.

03-18-2007, 11:47 PM
this thread is pointless. i might as well vote for the New Orleans Hornets as the 2007 NBA Champs.

Not true, if you chose the Hornets, the point could be made that you're an idiot!

03-19-2007, 12:26 AM
If it's not the Spurs, then next year our bragging rights will be seriously dented: Spurs 3 rings >>>> Mav's 1 ring.

03-19-2007, 03:42 AM
the Mavs

03-19-2007, 09:10 AM
Thank god for March Madness because I can take my winning bracket right now as consolation for these two recent Suns blowouts

03-19-2007, 09:16 AM
Thank god for March Madness because I can take my winning bracket right now as consolation for these two recent Suns blowouts

my bracket's fucked. I had Wisconsin and Texas both in the Final Four.

03-19-2007, 11:49 AM
I actually had Wisconsin losing to UNLV... but I did have Texas beating North Carolina...

03-19-2007, 01:09 PM
What? The Pistons have 2 good post players to go against Dirk. Tim Duncan is a better defender than Dirk so Sheed and C Webb are not as threatening to the Spurs as they are to the Mavs. Suns don't care about defense anyways, but Amare is just as good as a defender as Dirk as well.

yeah, i don't think dirk would be defending the pistons' big guys in the paint, we have two bigs who can get some blocks and rebounds in the paint as well

03-19-2007, 01:09 PM
If it's not the Spurs, then next year our bragging rights will be seriously dented: Spurs 3 rings >>>> Mav's 1 ring.


03-19-2007, 01:11 PM
New Jersey, word

03-19-2007, 01:27 PM
yeah, i don't think dirk would be defending the pistons' big guys in the paint, we have two bigs who can get some blocks and rebounds in the paint as well

Then who will Dirk guard if it isnt Sheed or Webber? Unless you Play Damp at PF and Diop at Center and slide Dirk to the 3 and Howard to the 2.

03-19-2007, 02:25 PM
Then who will Dirk guard if it isnt Sheed or Webber? Unless you Play Damp at PF and Diop at Center and slide Dirk to the 3 and Howard to the 2.

Dirk will guard both those guys. Webber is an easy guard for Dirk. Dirk can hold his own against Sheed as well. He shut Sheed down in the 2nd half yesterday. Avery challenged him at halftime and he came thru which is not always the case with Dirk on defense.

03-19-2007, 02:31 PM
Dirk can hold his own against Sheed as well.

Anybody can hold their own against Sheed. Just back off and let him constantly throw up that ridiculous three pointer that never seems to go in.

He was so much better back when he knew he was a post player and wasn't delusional enough to think that shooting jumpers all game was his strong suit.

Chris Childs
03-19-2007, 02:51 PM
1. Miami- unless Wade can contribute like he can, no chance.
2. Dallas- should be the favorite, but will somehow choke it away.
3. Detroit- should reach the finals despite Flip Saunders.
3a San Antonio- have lost a step, but are the best bet to defeat Dallas in the West.
4. Phoenix- until Steve Nash can lockdown Bernie from "Weekend at Bernies", pass.
5. Utah- too inexperienced
6. Houston- if they can avoid Dallas until the WCF, maybe.
7. Cleveland- I can see them losing in the East 1st round.
8. Los Angeles- can win a round, maybe two, but that's it.
9. Chicago- depending if Deng was involved, they dropped the ball on Gasol.
10. Washington- hah.
11. other- The New York Knicks

NBA Champion: The New York Knicks

Why the fuck not?

And who the hell are you?..........



03-19-2007, 02:52 PM
And who the hell are you?..........



He's Jay Fuckin' Mariotti....ever watch ESPN?


03-19-2007, 03:02 PM
Anybody can hold their own against Sheed. Just back off and let him constantly throw up that ridiculous three pointer that never seems to go in.

He was so much better back when he knew he was a post player and wasn't delusional enough to think that shooting jumpers all game was his strong suit.

I agree. Also, in most tough, close games Sheed has a call that goes against him that pisses him off and really takes him out of his game. He was not much of a factor yesterday during the 4th quarter as he was so pissed off. I read that he was also pissed at his coach for matching the Mavs and going small. He really should keep that to himself. He's such a great talent but is such an ignorant punk that It's almost surprising the Pistons won a title with him. I think he was at his best during the finals against the Spurs but the Pistons didn't pull that series out.

03-19-2007, 03:44 PM
Pacers all the way, Dunleavy Jr playoff and finals MVP

03-19-2007, 04:42 PM
Anybody can hold their own against Sheed. Just back off and let him constantly throw up that ridiculous three pointer that never seems to go in.

He was so much better back when he knew he was a post player and wasn't delusional enough to think that shooting jumpers all game was his strong suit.

Rasheed is shooting .346 from 3PT range this season. Last season, he shot .357 from 3PT range.

Some of the players Rasheed shoots better than from 3PT range this season: LeBron James, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Mike Bibby, Allen Iverson, Deron Williams, Jamal Crawford, Baron Davis, Caron Butler, Carmelo Anthony, Devin Harris, Michael Finley, Robert Horry.

03-19-2007, 04:43 PM
I agree. Also, in most tough, close games Sheed has a call that goes against him that pisses him off and really takes him out of his game. He was not much of a factor yesterday during the 4th quarter as he was so pissed off. I read that he was also pissed at his coach for matching the Mavs and going small. He really should keep that to himself. He's such a great talent but is such an ignorant punk that It's almost surprising the Pistons won a title with him. I think he was at his best during the finals against the Spurs but the Pistons didn't pull that series out.

Actually, when Rasheed gets pissed off, more times than not it makes him player better.

03-19-2007, 09:33 PM
Rasheed is shooting .346 from 3PT range this season. Last season, he shot .357 from 3PT range.

Some of the players Rasheed shoots better than from 3PT range this season: LeBron James, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Mike Bibby, Allen Iverson, Deron Williams, Jamal Crawford, Baron Davis, Caron Butler, Carmelo Anthony, Devin Harris, Michael Finley, Robert Horry.

Take a look at his numbers in Portland and then tell me he needs to be shooting jumpers.

If I'm the Mavs, I let Rasheed take jumpers all night long.

03-19-2007, 09:41 PM
Rasheed should not be shooting jumpers.

Debate over.

03-20-2007, 10:17 AM
Rasheed is shooting .346 from 3PT range this season. Last season, he shot .357 from 3PT range.

Some of the players Rasheed shoots better than from 3PT range this season: LeBron James, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Mike Bibby, Allen Iverson, Deron Williams, Jamal Crawford, Baron Davis, Caron Butler, Carmelo Anthony, Devin Harris, Michael Finley, Robert Horry.

Regardless, he still should be in the post getting his points. If you can do both why not shoot the higher % shots?

03-20-2007, 10:26 AM
Regardless, he still should be in the post getting his points. If you can do both why not shoot the higher % shots?

Rasheed's got one of the best post games in the league (or at least he had one, who knows now)....the dude nearly single handedly slayed the Lakers with it in the WCF....he could easily be a career 20 PPG scorer if he wasn't so in love with his ugly jumpers. That jumper is the reason he's not a superstar in this league.

NBA Junkie
03-20-2007, 10:40 AM
That jumper is the reason he's not a superstar in this league.

The loose cannon persona doesn't help either.

03-20-2007, 11:29 AM
The loose cannon persona doesn't help either.

Yeah true. But in my opinion, the guy's got Hall of Fame level talent in the post and wastes it by trying to be a mediocre outside shooter.