View Full Version : Ludden: Spurs Mailbag 2007-03-27

03-27-2007, 08:52 AM
Spurs Mailbag

Web Posted: 03/27/2007 12:29 AM CDT

Johnny Ludden
Express-News Staff Writer

Let's get right to this week's questions.

Why don't the Spurs sign a contract with Kevin Durant, UT Longhorn? –Mauluddin, San Antonio

Because they’re saving their money to make another run at Jason Kidd. (Sorry. I had gone an entire week without making a Josh Howard crack.)

Look, I can tolerate the occasional wacky trade request. I’ll even answer the why-does-Tony-suck questions 347 times.

But I absolutely refuse to explain how the draft works.

We've got to get ready for Josh Howard. Who will defend him? Will the new guy from Memphis do it? He needs to be in the rotation to be ready. –Joe, La Joya

New guy from Memphis? I assume you’re talking about Melvin Ely. (Memphis, Charlotte … at least they’re both Southern towns.)

In any event, Melvin will not defend Josh Howard unless something has gone very, very, very wrong for the Spurs. Bruce Bowen and Manu Ginobili probably will take Howard depending on what Pop decides to do with Dirk Nowitzki.

In last week’s Mailbag, one reader advocated using Jackie Butler to guard Dirk.

I can’t tell you how much I would give for the Spurs to put on a Coach-For-A-Day contest for their fans. I guarantee this would be the team’s starting lineup: James White, Jackie Butler, Melvin Ely, Luis Scola and Anyone But Tony Parker.

There’s also an 80 percent chance someone would try to trade Beno Udrih for Corey Maggette.

Is Melvin Ely progressing and is he going to make the playoff roster? –Ronnie Scott, San Antonio

It’s hard to tell if someone is “progressing” when they’re not playing much. Ely has a good chance of being on the roster because teams are now allowed to carry 13 players in the playoffs. But if the Spurs decide they might need an extra guard, James White could make the cut.

What is the Spurs’ longest winning streak and longest losing streak? –Tina J., Ennis

The Spurs’ longest winning is 17 games set from Feb. 29-March 31, 1996. The longest losing streak is 13 games from Feb. 4-March 2, 1989.

The Spurs had another 17-game winning streak from March 25-May 5, 2004, but it’s not official because it extended into the playoffs. After closing the regular season with 11 consecutive victories, the Spurs won their first six playoff games.

Of course, they also were then promptly bounced out of the playoffs with the Lakers beat them the next four games.

Is there a chance for another title in the playoffs? –Mauricio Ibarra, Del Rio

Possibly. But I can assure you there’s absolutely NO chance of a championship before the playoffs.

Do Manu and Oberto speak to each other in Spanish when they are on the court or on the bench together? –Elias Elizondo, Charlotte

Yes, sometimes they do. I find it far more entertaining, however, to watch Manu talk to himself in Spanish.

If Manu’s upset about a missed shot or a call that went against him, you’ll see him muttering in Spanish or Italian or some hybrid of both. All I know is it isn’t English. If a ref can’t understand him, the thinking goes, he’ll be less inclined to give him a technical.

P.J. Carlesimo, by the way, is fluent in 17 different dialects of profanity.

Why don’t the Spurs do more fastbreak? If they played defense, then pushed the ball up the court they would be a really good team! –Ray, San Antonio

The Spurs do like to run. Not at the pace of Phoenix or Golden State, but they’re almost always looking to push the ball after their defense gets a stop.

Of course, the Spurs also have a fairly productive big man on their roster, and it pays to get him the ball every once in a while.

Why don’t you guys inquire about Pippen?

I seen him the other day and he looks great. He’s buffer, more leaner, and seems to be in good spirits.

You guys should get him because the guys you have on the team now can in fact learn a thing or two from a veteran? –Cederic, Chicago

Take a look at the Spurs’ roster. Do they have anything but veterans?

What’s Pippen going to tell Robert Horry? How to win six championships? Horry’s been there, done that.

The Spurs did inquire about Pippen, but that’s where their interest ended. For one thing, they’d have to cut someone to sign him. They also don’t seem to have many, if any, minutes available right now and I would assume Pippen would want some type of consistent role that allowed him to contribute.

As for Pippen being in “good spirits,” any chance that’s because he’s retired?

Just wanted to know how you feel about refs being able to call technicals on players for flopping?

If that goes through I think it would be kinda weird. I would rather have a player flop than take the full force of a hit.

Does it help when they flop to prevent injury? If it does than why stop the flopping?

I like the way Elson and Matt have been playing. What are the chances they'll be back next year? –Ramiro Gamez, San Antonio

Great question. (Did I actually just write that?) I’m with you. I find the NBA’s plans to crack down on flopping a bit perplexing.

I don’t think the injury concern is much of an issue. I just think it’s going to be too hard to regulate.

I assume one of the reasons the league wants to reduce flopping is because flopping makes it difficult for officials to tell whether a player has taken a legitimate charge. But a ref is still going to have to make the same judgment call if he wants to T up a flopper.

Then there’s this: Shouldn’t the NBA have more pressing concerns? How about calling a travel every once in a while?

Of course, I’m also biased on this issue. In my book, any rule that causes Manu to not fling his body around is a bad one.

As for your second question, Elson is under contract next season. Matt will be a free agent, but I know the Spurs hope to re-sign him.

Why is everyone hating Tony Parker? The guy might make too many shots but when you look at the big picture, he makes over 50 percent of them.

He is not like Allen Iverson who jacks up more than 20 attempts per night at 42 percent career shooting and he also provides the quickness that no other Spurs have. His jump shot is developing into quite a weapon and let's not forget he is only 24 years of age.

He still has plenty of years left to develop into an all-around point guard ... oh and the bottom line, he has helped San Antonio win two rings! –Francis, Sydney, Australia

One could make the argument that, at least by Finals performance alone, Speedy Claxton contributed more to the first of those two titles. BUT, I also have never understood the dump-Tony chorus.

Everyone knows he sometimes shoots too much. And, yes, that can be particularly frustrating when it’s taking away touches Manu should be getting. And, yes, Tony is fortunate he plays alongside two unselfish stars in Manu and Tim.

But Tony’s also an effective scorer in his own right. He’s never going to be a Stockton-type point guard, and that’s OK – provided his decision-making continues to improve.

Whenever someone tells me they don’t like Tony’s game, I always ask what player they would rather have. Steve Nash? Of course. Deron Williams? Given Williams’ size, feel for the game and clutch shooting, probably. Chris Paul? Maybe, but Tony’s shot is better than Paul’s.

Jason Kidd is still playing at a high level, but likely doesn’t have too many seasons left. Gilbert Arenas? If you think Tony’s shot count is high, take a look at that of Arenas. Baron Davis? Ditto.

In other words, is it all that bad to have a top-five point guard helping direct your team?

With all the personnel that San Antonio has lost to other organizations over the last few years, how detrimental would it be to Pop to lose P.J. Carlesimo? And why has he not been hired elsewhere given the Spurs reputation for success? –Hugh E. Fadal, New Braunfels

I’m not sure anyone would even notice if he’s gone.

OK, I’m joking. It’s always a pain for any coach to have to replace a key member of his staff, but it’s part of the business. Pop has previously lost assistants (Mike Brown and Hank Egan among others) and the Spurs have continued to run smoothly.

Because of the Sprewell incident, P.J. has had to wait for the coaching carousel to take a few spins without him. I think even he would admit that’s done him some good.

Since I started covering the team, I haven’t met many people I’ve liked more than P.J. Of course, I’m also still trying to figure out why.

I would expect P.J. to get a call or two this summer – just like he has each of the previous two years. He was one of the finalists in Minnesota when the Timberwolves instead hired Dwane Casey, who has since been fired.

Sacramento didn’t pursue P.J., and I think that was a mistake. Eric Musselman hasn’t exactly been a hit, so the Kings could go coach hunting again.

I imagine the Maloof brothers would have some reservations about pairing P.J. with Artest. I, however, am holding out hope for a P.J.-Sprewell reunion on “The Surreal Life.”

My question is probably more suitable for fantasy league, but here it goes anyways. Since this is probably the last year for KG in Minnesota, what are the chances that the Spurs could bump Timmy to center and try to acquire KG as their new power forward? Give or take that they trade some players, too, as some sort of package deal (Ely, Butler)? –Tomas Zapata, Waco

Well, you were right about the fantasy part. I don’t think an Ely-Butler package is going to be enough to convince the Timberwolves to part with KG.

With the possible exception of Tony, the Spurs don’t have enough quality young players and/or high draft picks to make a legitimate offer for Garnett. And we haven’t even begun to talk about matching salaries to make the deal work under league rules.

But here’s something to file away for all you KG dreamers: He can opt out of his contract after next season. As of now, the Spurs are scheduled to have only three players (Tim, Manu and Tony) under contract that summer plus whatever draft picks they sign.

In other words, the Spurs should have some cap room to play with.

All of which probably doesn’t mean anything. I expect Minnesota will trade Garnett if they think he’s going to walk. And any team that deals for him would likely want some type of assurance they’re not just renting him for a season.

Even if Garnett does hit the free-agent market in the summer of 2008, he’d still have to take a pay cut of more than half what he presently makes to sign with the Spurs.

So the only way KG is coming to the Spurs is if he does everything in his power to make it happen. And, for now, he’s still sticking to his stayin’-in-’Sota claim.

Isn't David Robinson getting close to his Hall of Fame eligibility year? –Brad

According to the Basketball Hall of Fame Web site, a player isn’t eligible for enshrinement until he or she has been retired for five full years. That means David can be nominated beginning in October 2008.

Pop, you know that defense is first, but I say that spirit of the game and who you are and represent are first.

The spirit of the Spurs stinks. These players get millions of dollars to play this sport which should be a business to them. This is why I love Kobe, because basketball is a business to win. If your mind, body and spirit are not in the game, then you’re not going anywhere.

Tim Duncan is a great player, but when the chips are down he holds his head down. There is no spirit like Ben Wallace. He is totally hustling and trying to bring himself and the players up.

Parker needs to focus when he is off, and try to regain his focus on the court, leaving his personal feelings off the court and focus on the team that’s paying him millions to do a job well done, and not for doing a job not well done.

I am a 20-year vet with the USAF. We have always been taught in the military, you got to give me 500% NOT 100%.

So Spurs go out there every game like it’s your last game of your life, lose but lose with dignity and respect.

Go Spurs. Let’s win this year for the fourth time, you can do it. Don't fail yourselves or your fans.

Love You Guys, –Joe, California

This letter, not surprisingly, arrived shortly after the Spurs lost to Boston. It’s also fairly typical of most of the correspondence I get here at the Mailbag.

It starts off by saying the Spurs’ spirit “stinks,” yet ends with “Love You Guys.” (I assume he’s not referring to me. Or Mike Monroe) And somewhere in between he curiously encourages the Spurs to “lose, but lose with dignity and respect.”

I, by the way, have always been taught to give 510 percent.

What was Tony Parker's highest-scoring game? –Caleb Moyer, Cambridge

For his career: 38 points, at Miami on Jan. 20, 2006.

This season: 33 points, against New York on Nov. 11.

Why don't the Spurs put Tim Duncan at PF and pick up a good center? –Darrell, Woodbridge, Va.

For the same reason I don’t pick insightful Mailbag questions. There just aren’t that many out there.

03-27-2007, 08:53 AM
I can’t tell you how much I would give for the Spurs to put on a Coach-For-A-Day contest for their fans. I guarantee this would be the team’s starting lineup: James White, Jackie Butler, Melvin Ely, Luis Scola and Anyone But Tony Parker.

There’s also an 80 percent chance someone would try to trade Beno Udrih for Corey Maggette.

We should have a vBookie: which ST.com poster is really Ludden?

03-27-2007, 09:10 AM
Who the hell comes up with these questions, or does he intentionally pick ones that are written by ignorant people? WTF...

03-27-2007, 09:22 AM

majority of americans are stupid

Cf:2000, 2004

03-27-2007, 09:25 AM
Who the hell comes up with these questions, or does he intentionally pick ones that are written by ignorant people? WTF...

I was just thinking the same thing. It's like they allowed kids from a local elementary school to ask questions and answered all of them.

03-27-2007, 10:06 AM
P.J. Carlesimo, by the way, is fluent in 17 different dialects of profanity.

:lol :toast

03-27-2007, 10:16 AM
Man, there are some real dumbass questions in his mailbag, but his responses are pretty damn funny.

03-27-2007, 11:32 AM
spurstalk needs posters to ask questions

03-27-2007, 11:33 AM
Man, there are some real dumbass questions in his mailbag, but his responses are pretty damn funny.

Who is that in your sig?

03-27-2007, 12:47 PM
Who is that in your sig?

Bouncy Betty. j/k, I have no idea.

03-27-2007, 12:51 PM
^^^Christina Model is her name, titties are her game
Who the fuck is dumb enough to ask why the Spurms dont sign Durant, retardeds galore

03-27-2007, 12:54 PM
^^^Christina Model is her name, titties are her game
Who the fuck is dumb enough why the Spurms dont sign Durant, retardeds galore

Money Mardy...thanks. And while it's rediculous that someone asked the question, it's even more rediculous that Ludden wasted column space semi-answering the question.

03-27-2007, 12:56 PM
Money Mardy...thanks. And while it's rediculous that someone asked the question, it's even more rediculous that Ludden wasted column space semi-answering the question.
She has a sweet vid on her website, filling cups like double d's

03-27-2007, 01:01 PM
She has a sweet vid on her website, filling cups like double d's

:pctoss Damn computer nazis!

03-27-2007, 01:27 PM
Who is that in your sig?
Somebody with big cantalupos