View Full Version : Year Zero

04-11-2007, 08:05 PM

Trent's letting us listen to the entire fuckin album before it even comes out. Anyone heard it yet? Thoughts?

Im looking for a big dissapointment, With Teeth had some good tracks but I did not find myself listening to it nearly as long as previous releases. The new single Survivalism sounds like a run of the mill NIN song, ie its good but not as good as the last lol.

You can also download the new single and cut and remix it any way you like, that's pretty tight.
They're on world tour until late 2007 which sucks, but even if this new album blows dogs for quarters I will never miss another NIN show. They give you your money's worth. :smokin

04-11-2007, 09:52 PM
Ya...we have it already. But since my husband is a huge NIN fan, he will also buy the album. There's a few good songs on it.

I like 'The Good Soldier' and 'In This Twilight' the best.

04-11-2007, 10:19 PM
they can never eclipse the song inspired by DJ Augustine

04-11-2007, 10:20 PM
Yes! thanks for the link CBF. :)

04-11-2007, 10:40 PM
What's the best album by NIN? I fairly recently have been getting more into them and I'm looking to add to my collection.

04-11-2007, 10:45 PM
What's the best album by NIN? I fairly recently have been getting really into them and I'm looking to add to my collection.

NIN Rocks!!! I keep meaning to make a mix CD of them but i forget. anyway I had a bunch of people tell me their favorites songs and I got a list of them. here's what they gave me

Something I can Never Have
The Hand That Feeds
The Day The World Went Away
Head Like A Hole
Terrible Lie
Right Where It Belongs
Kinda I Want To
I'm Looking Forward to Joining You, Finally
Somewhat Damaged
Perfect Drug
Into the Void
The Fragile
That's What I Get
Down In It
the way out is through
la mer
the big come down
the wretched
even deeper
just like you imagined
Down In It
The Great Below
All The Love In The World
Mr. Self destruct
Happiness in slavery
the frail
The becoming
and all that it could of been
I'm Looking Forward to Joining You, Finally
right where it belongs
leaving hope
get down make love

04-11-2007, 10:47 PM
Awesome... do you have most of these songs already? any cds?

04-11-2007, 10:51 PM
Awesome... do you have most of these songs already? any cds?

lol there are some duplicates in that list, sorry, i tried to erase most of them.. oh well. no i dont have ANY of those songs yet :(
I'm gonna have to download a program or something so I can start getting some songs...

04-11-2007, 10:55 PM
I know this is a NIN related thread, but has anyone else heard the new Static-X CD? I think it freaking rocks... "Destroyer" is unsafe to listen to when driving, you feel like smashing into shit :lol

04-11-2007, 10:59 PM
I know this is a NIN related thread, but has anyone else heard the new Static-X CD? I think it freaking rocks... "Destroyer" is unsafe to listen to when driving, you feel like smashing into shit :lol

I got Cannibal the other day. No Submission and Destroyer kick soooo much ass. StaticX is coming to town on saturday and I will be there.

04-11-2007, 11:01 PM
I know this is a NIN related thread, but has anyone else heard the new Static-X CD? I think it freaking rocks... "Destroyer" is unsafe to listen to when driving, you feel like smashing into shit :lol

lol they play Destroyer and Push It all the time on KISS and in fact as I was driving home from work they played both those songs on the 5 o'clock rock block. yes it makes me want to drive CRAZY! lol but no

04-12-2007, 05:35 PM
What's the best album by NIN? I fairly recently have been getting more into them and I'm looking to add to my collection.

Without a doubt, the Downward Spiral. It's a CD you can't pick songs from, you just have to experience the entire thing start to finish. He reaches his artistic peak with The Fragile, so I'd say Downward Spiral and The Fragile are must haves. Then he tried something new with real drumming on With Teeth, but WT was still pretty weak.

I only listened to Year Zero once last night, pretty decent, better than other shit out there but still overrated (like WT)

Each album is different thoguh. Year Zero is the most ostensibly political NIN album yet. From what I can tell its basically a chronicle of past and future events of the Iraq war.

Static X was scheduled to play here in Dallas yesterday, and I was going to go but it got cancelled. Hope this doesn't shit on ya'lls day. I haven't heard a single song of theirs since "Push It" but I know seeing them live and getting punched a few times in a mosh pit would be well worth 25 bones.

04-12-2007, 07:30 PM
I've had the same Spiral CD's since I was in high school. I'm torn a little between Spiral and Pretty Hate Machine but they are completely different bodies of work. Hell, every album Reznor puts out is different than its predecessors. If you're new to NIN it would almost be worth listening to them all in chronological order.

Year Zero is pretty good but I don't think many folks besides old school NIN fans are going to get into it. The industrial sound that's been fading away over the last two albums certainly is back. I like that but I can't speak for the record-buying public. My illegal download is in my truck's CD player and I doubt if it's going anywhere any time soon.

Sort of OT but may be relevant to those seeking to ridicule my post: My fave NIN song was the cover of Joy Division's 'Dead Souls' on the original Crow soundtrack.

04-12-2007, 10:24 PM
pretty hate machine is dominant
that one album may rival depeche mode for the greatest electronica/futurist shit ever.

without piggy and hurt the spirals wouldnt even be comparable

04-12-2007, 10:30 PM
I've had the same Spiral CD's since I was in high school. I'm torn a little between Spiral and Pretty Hate Machine but they are completely different bodies of work. Hell, every album Reznor puts out is different than its predecessors. If you're new to NIN it would almost be worth listening to them all in chronological order.

Year Zero is pretty good but I don't think many folks besides old school NIN fans are going to get into it. The industrial sound that's been fading away over the last two albums certainly is back. I like that but I can't speak for the record-buying public. My illegal download is in my truck's CD player and I doubt if it's going anywhere any time soon.

Sort of OT but may be relevant to those seeking to ridicule my post: My fave NIN song was the cover of Joy Division's 'Dead Souls' on the original Crow soundtrack.

the dead souls cover is one of the few NiN songs i can stand.

04-12-2007, 11:33 PM
the concept behind Downward Spiral makes Pretty Hate Machine look like Creed's album Human Clay

04-13-2007, 06:19 PM
human clay i saiddddddddddddddddddd

04-13-2007, 06:45 PM
Sort of OT but may be relevant to those seeking to ridicule my post: My fave NIN song was the cover of Joy Division's 'Dead Souls' on the original Crow soundtrack.I love that track. Tied with "Closer" as my favorite NIN song, actually.

Still like NIN, and the list would be pretty long if I tried to put together all the songs that I still love, but "With Teeth" is about the only CD I can listen to anymore all the way through without breaks. Now that I'm not quite so angsty as I was in my teens/early 20's, I find that I no longer have the patience to make it through "The Downward Spiral" or "Pretty Hate Machine" in a single sitting.

04-13-2007, 06:59 PM
How can you possibly listen through the title track of With Teeth? It's probably the only NIN song I have in my collection that I cannot even listen all the way through to. Witthaaa Teeethhaaa
what a horrible song, it's like the human clay of NIN songs

John Patrick
04-13-2007, 09:37 PM
From what i heard on Survivalism, its alright, but Closer,..well, one girl i sorta know likes to fuck to it..


04-14-2007, 02:13 AM
How can you possibly listen through the title track of With Teeth? It's probably the only NIN song I have in my collection that I cannot even listen all the way through to. Witthaaa Teeethhaaa
what a horrible song, it's like the human clay of NIN songsIt isn't a song that I'd listen to all by itself on purpose, but it doesn't bother me in the context of the CD.

04-14-2007, 02:52 AM
changed my life

04-14-2007, 03:43 PM
one of my good friends sang arms wide open at the fucking warehouse in south austin on karaoke night next to that strip. it was the one of the funniest things i have ever seen.

04-14-2007, 04:18 PM
at the warehouse next to the strip? huh?

the strip with rotating names - show palace, palazio, etc.

04-20-2007, 04:50 PM
Just finished listening to the entire album online...I LOVE IT...I love it so much...I'm going to actually BUY the CD...yes that's right...I'm actually going to give money to the Artist...