View Full Version : Ludden: Duncan ejected in loss to Mavs

Kori Ellis
04-15-2007, 10:56 PM
Duncan ejected in loss to Mavs: Spurs forward says ref challenged him to fight, has 'personal vendetta'


Web Posted: 04/15/2007 10:39 PM CDT

Johnny Ludden

DALLAS — So much for Dallas reserve guard J.J. Barea ...

In a game in which the Mavericks and Spurs were expected to empty their benches by the start of the fourth quarter and save the must-see drama for the playoffs, Tim Duncan was the only star to leave the court early, and he didn't go by his choosing.

Duncan was ejected for just the second time in his career after referee Joey Crawford gave him two technical fouls while he sat on the bench late in the third quarter of Dallas' 91-86 victory Sunday afternoon.

The loss ended the Spurs' chances of catching the Phoenix Suns and sends them into a first-round matchup with the Denver Nuggets. If NBA commissioner David Stern has a twisted sense of humor, he'll assign Crawford to work next Sunday's series opener at the AT&T Center.

Sounding almost as amused as frustrated, Duncan accused Crawford of having a "personal vendetta" against him and said the veteran referee asked him whether he wanted to fight.

"Before he gave me the two technical fouls, he made a call and I was shaking my head, and he walks down and stares at me," Duncan said. "He says, 'Do you want to fight? Do you want to fight?' I didn't say anything to him there, either."

Shortly after Duncan went to the bench with 2:40 left in the third quarter, Manu Ginobili was called for a reach-in foul on Mavericks guard Jason Terry. Duncan, who could be fined for his comments, said he and Michael Finley both told referee Leroy Richardson the play should have been a clean steal.

"And Joey," Duncan said, "comes across the court and gives me a technical foul."

After Fabricio Oberto was called for a blocking foul a little more than a minute later, Duncan laughed and briefly put his head in a towel. Crawford gave him another technical, resulting in an automatic ejection.

Robert Horry, who was sitting next to Duncan, said he thought Crawford had initially given him the technical because he also was laughing. Duncan looked on in disbelief as Crawford pointed at him.

Duncan said the only time he talked to Crawford was on an earlier play when he thought Dirk Nowitzki fouled him on a shot attempt.

"Joey knew exactly what he was doing," said Duncan, who had 16 points, seven rebounds and six assists in 27 minutes. "He came into this game with a personal vendetta against me. It had to be. I didn't do anything this entire game.

"I said (six) words to him. The words that I said were: 'I got fouled on a shot.'"

After the ejection, Duncan appeared to mouth, "Piece of (bleep)" at Crawford as he walked off the court. Crawford spoke to a pool reporter before Duncan made his accusations.

"He was complaining the whole time," Crawford said. "And then he went over to the bench and he was over there doing the same stuff behind our back.

"I hit him with one (technical) and he kept going over there, laughing, and I look over there and he's still complaining. So I threw him out."

Asked about Duncan's assertion that he didn't say anything to warrant a technical, Crawford said, "He called me a piece of (bleep)? Is that nothing?"

The Spurs led 74-68 at the time of Duncan's ejection and were still up four with less than four minutes left, but didn't make a shot in the final 6:32.

"I thought we did a great job with Timmy being gone so long," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said.

Popovich wouldn't comment on Duncan's ejection except to say he plans to speak with the NBA.

Duncan's only other ejection came in a Feb. 4, 2002, game against Minnesota when referee Luis Grillo sent him and Kevin Garnett to the locker room after they exchanged words. The league rescinded Duncan's ejection the following day.

Duncan has a reputation as one of the league's biggest complainers, with a handful of opposing coaches and players even admonishing him during games for whining. This season, however, he has tried harder to play through his frustration. He had just seven technicals prior to Sunday.

Crawford is regarded as one of the NBA's top officials but also has a famed temper. In Game 2 of the 2003 Western Conference finals between the Spurs and Dallas, he ejected former Mavericks coach Don Nelson for standing at the scorer's table too long.

Crawford also gave Duncan a technical in the Spurs' March21 loss in Indiana.

"I imagine (Crawford's problems with him) stems from that or whatever," said Duncan, who said Crawford may have been looking for "camera time."

"I don't know what the deal is. I don't have a problem with him. He has a problem with me."

Crawford is routinely assigned to work high-profile playoff games, so Duncan figures he'll see him again.

"He'll officiate games, and he'll do what he does, and he'll make the calls he wants to make," Duncan said. "I have to imagine when it comes down to it, I have to watch what I do.

"I guess I can't laugh anymore. I can't enjoy the game anymore. I'll have to sit there and put my head between my legs."

04-15-2007, 10:58 PM
I'd like to thank Johnny for pointing out that everybody lost out today when we didn't get any JJ time.

04-15-2007, 11:00 PM

04-15-2007, 11:01 PM
"I guess I can't laugh anymore. I can't enjoy the game anymore. I'll have to sit there and put my head between my legs."<<

There's a pretty mental image.

04-15-2007, 11:03 PM
Joey is making it up as he goes. Tim didn't call him a POS until he's heading off the court, well after the second technical.

Joey was looking for a chance to T up Timmy D and he sure did it.

04-15-2007, 11:03 PM
"I guess I can't laugh anymore. I can't enjoy the game anymore. I'll have to sit there and put my head between my legs."


Mr. Body
04-15-2007, 11:03 PM
Looks pretty bad for Crawford. The only thing he can come up with is Duncan called him a piece of shit, which obviously was after he called the second technical.

04-15-2007, 11:04 PM
Looks pretty bad for Crawford. The only thing he can come up with is Duncan called him a piece of shit, which obviously was after he called the second technical.

And obviously true.

04-15-2007, 11:05 PM
Asked about Duncan's assertion that he didn't say anything to warrant a technical, Crawford said, "He called me a piece of (bleep)? Is that nothing?"

:lol What an idiot..that was said after he was already ejected and the 2 techs given.

"I guess I can't laugh anymore. I can't enjoy the game anymore. I'll have to sit there and put my head between my legs."

Great, Stern and Cuban got exactly the kind of officiating and game they wanted.

04-15-2007, 11:05 PM
joey crawford,
...you piece of shit, Duncan called you a piece of shit after you ejected him for nothing. so this part of the article: Asked about Duncan's assertion that he didn't say anything to warrant a technical, Crawford said, "He called me a piece of (bleep)? Is that nothing?", is complete horse shit.

you're a piece of shit,

04-15-2007, 11:07 PM
Popovich wouldn't comment on Duncan's ejection except to say he plans to speak with the NBA.

Hopefully Pop rips a huge new hole in Cawford's ass with the league and the prick is put on a short leash. I remember aftr that Mavs - Dallas game Stern called him in and he was on his knees crying and begging to keep his job.

04-15-2007, 11:28 PM
A ref speaking to the media??

Sounds like he's a little worried

04-15-2007, 11:30 PM
I won't deny that I was laughing my ass off at the time, but it was still messed up. Ejected for laughing....wtf? And what's this about Crawford asking him if he wanted to fight? Lmfao.

Kori Ellis
04-15-2007, 11:31 PM
I won't deny that I was laughing my ass off at the time, but it was still messed up. Ejected for laughing....wtf? And what's this about Crawford asking him if he wanted to fight? Lmfao.

Yeah the asking if he wanted to fight is freakin' nuts. I can't wait to see someone from the league try to explain that.

04-15-2007, 11:32 PM
I was laughing right along with Duncan. And what the fuck was up with the call against Oberto? He got jumped on and kicked.

04-15-2007, 11:46 PM
I disagreed with Joey Crawford's decision to eject Duncan.
:lol :clap

04-15-2007, 11:53 PM

Do you mean laughing is unacceptable in the NBA Dick? Exactly Dan!! :drunk

04-16-2007, 12:00 AM
I recall feeling optimistic before game three last year in the semis because Joey was working the game. But I was shocked that the game was called so obviously against the Spurs. I think many of us on this board have watched every Spurs game for the past few years, and have positive vibes when Joey Crawford worked our games, pre-2006 playoffs, and probably shared my sentiments from last year.

In 2003, Danny and Joey were the only refs who gave us a fairshake. But mostly, it was Joey who steadied the ship in a sea of Laker purple and gold. If it wasn't for Joey Crawford, the Finals would be "the Lakers vs. Lakers" every year. Before game one of the 2003 Finals, TD was interviewed by Jim Grey on the Budweiser Hotseat and one of the questions he was asked by Grey was who he would invite to dinner? Grey gave him three choices. Jacque Sherack, Phil Jackson, or Joey Crawford. TD replied with no hesitation, Joey.

He added, "I love Joey. Joey is great."

Among the three choices Grey gave TD, the obvious choice would be Crawford. And I seriously doubt TD and Joey have ever had any contact or relationship off the court. But I wonder where the on the court relationship went sour. And what compelled Grey to ask the question?

Maybe Joey received some criticism because TD and some of us Spurs Fans thought our chances were better when he worked our games. And now he wants to somehow discount any reputation as a "homer" Spurs ref. It concerns me that we have lost Joey on our side because that leaves us with Danny Crawford. And I don't have the same vibes for Danny because he worked the 0.4 game.

Todays events are troublesome. Because Joey was the one guy I knew if the Spurs played well, they would win. But now, it's all screwed up. I do hope he works one of our first round games so we can get an idea of how Joey views the situation. If he drops the grudge or whatever, we have a great shot at the championship. If he doesn't, that is another hurdle the Spurs have to deal with because Joey always works the big games.

On the flipside, the one ref I cannot stand is Eddie F. Rush. Imo, that guy hates us. If he's leading a crew, we are at a disadvantage before the ball is even tipped.

04-16-2007, 12:17 AM
This is the same guy that whistled Duncan for a foul when Dirk stepped on his foot and called him for a blocking foul when he had established position outside the restricted area. Is this really that much of a surprise to any of you? He has a grudge against Duncan.

04-16-2007, 12:42 AM
So Duncan was ejected because he laughed. On the bench. Maybe next time he'll do something more tame like beat up a fan in the stands.

04-16-2007, 12:50 AM
Crawford spoke to a pool reporter before Duncan spoke to the media. Asked about Duncan not thinking he deserved to be tossed, Crawford said: "That's his opinion. He said nothing when he was walking off the court and he called me a piece of (expletive). Is that nothing?"

Courtesy of espn.com

That was his actually explanantion? "He said nothing and he called me a piece of shit?" What the fuzz does that mean? Is he wee-todd-ed or is he just the sofa king? (aqua teen reference)

04-16-2007, 12:55 AM
I don't think Tim Duncan would say that Joey Crawford has a vendetta against him if he didn't think it was true. I can understand that when people say "you want to fight" he might come to that conclusion. Hope the league looks at the incident instead of blowing it off and saying the refs are always right.

04-16-2007, 01:04 AM
This is the same guy that whistled Duncan for a foul when Dirk stepped on his foot and called him for a blocking foul when he had established position outside the restricted area. Is this really that much of a surprise to any of you? He has a grudge against Duncan.

That was Dick Bavetta. Nice try though.

04-16-2007, 01:07 AM
That was Dick Bavetta. Nice try though.

Dick Bavetta comes from the same school as Crawford. Make sure everyone in the building is paying attention to them. Could Bavetta be more dramatic?

04-16-2007, 01:08 AM
I wanna reff an NBA game

04-16-2007, 01:52 AM
Joey should be suspended and the NBA should drop the ejection from Tim's record. In reality I am sure Timmy will be fined and suspended for the Playoffs and Crawford will be Promoted to Head NBA official, and given his own reality show. :donkey

04-16-2007, 01:56 AM
Joey should be suspended and the NBA should drop the ejection from Tim's record. In reality I am sure Timmy will be fined and suspended for the Playoffs and Crawford will be Promoted to Head NBA official, and given his own reality show. :donkey

if they didn't suspend joey for ejecting don nelson just for staring at joey crawford and not leaving the scorer's table at joey's command, they aren't going to eject him for this. actually, i haven't really seen anyone else talking much about it, like on espn, si, nba.com and news articles.

04-16-2007, 06:48 AM
if they didn't suspend joey for ejecting don nelson just for staring at joey crawford and not leaving the scorer's table at joey's command, they aren't going to eject him for this. actually, i haven't really seen anyone else talking much about it, like on espn, si, nba.com and news articles.
After the Nelson incident the word was Crawford was called into Stu Jackson's office and was literally begging for his job,

What the league should do to this loose canon with a God complex, who can screw up a playoff at the drop of a sideways glance is suspend him from the playoffs but the league won't publicly call him into question like that with something so obvious. So what they should do is make it real, real clear to Crawford, "Nancy you get your panties in a twist one more time becuase you get your little feelings hurt and you'll be greeting people at Walmart the next day. Absolute last time you fuck up chump".

04-16-2007, 10:58 AM
... I remember aftr that Mavs - Dallas game ...
Joey Crawford was reffing a scrimmage?
