View Full Version : Back from the Dallas/Spurs game - my thoughts

04-16-2007, 12:26 PM
Well, I would say it was a successfull road trip as far as road trips go, none of us got hurt or got in trouble with the law. The car was pretty cramped through with 5 guys in it so the drive kinda sucked. :lol

We didnt have to pay gas, it was a company car, the guy works for the government doing background checks on people so thank you all for paying for gas via taxes :elephant

Also, one of the other guys knew someone from La Quinta so we got free rooms.

Anyway, I have to say I was pleasantly suprised and at the same time somewhat disapointed with the mavs fans. They where nicer than expected (for the most part). We started off by going to eat at Dicks Last Resort just down the street from the Arena thinking to stir some stuff up... There was already quite a few Spurs fans here. We had several Mav fans come sit with us and chat it up, when we left one of the waiters turned out to be a Spurs fan and yelled out "GO SPURS GO" which got all the other Spurs fans, including us, cheering pretty loud :spin .

The little girl who sang the National Anthem was a pretty damn good singer at 10 years old I believe. we had a moment of Silence in rememberance of Jackie Robinson before the antional anthem.

During the game we got to see some of the goofy video's they play on the jumbotron. The ones I remember were "The Avery Team" that had theme music from "The A-Team" and at the end had Dirk pop up on the screen saying "I pitty the fool". The other one was something about Spurs fans, cant remember exactly what it was saying.

Sometime during the second quarter the Spurs had possession and where coming down court, or section started chanting "Defense" and immediately right after me and my friends would shout "Go Spurs!". Right after TP missed the shot :bang we immediately switched to "Defense!" and the mav fans switched to "go mavs!" without missing a beat, it went on like this for another possession and then everyone just started laughing.

When TD got ejected everyone started cheering, but then right afterwords people around us where asking what he did. one of my friends called back home and at that point we only knew that TD was talking to Horry, guess it turns out he was laughing, and most of the people around us thought that was rediculous and it had to be something else. From our vantage point JC wasnt even looking at TD so we assumed he said something loud enough for JC to hear.

After the game we got heckled, which was expected, but you could tell it was all in good fun, there was alot of Spurs fans there. Only had 2 run-ins with idiot mav fans, one was a girl trying to fight a spurs fan that came on a charter bus (cat fight!) but got dragged away by her friends, the other was walking along with us talking so much crap and started getting really animated when we countered his arguements and he started the city smack, we just laughed and he started getting all pissed off... he had to be dragged away by friends too.

After that, we got to the car and hung out in the parking lot talking to some more mavs fans over a couple of beers before the long ride home.

04-16-2007, 12:40 PM
Sounds like a fun trip....

Of course its always frustrating when something controversial happens when youre at the game and you don't got a clue. :madrun

04-16-2007, 01:16 PM
I am glad you had fun. I really wanted to go to that game.