View Full Version : stern is sure taking his time

04-16-2007, 05:04 PM
:pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss :madrun :madrun :madrun :madrun :madrun

04-16-2007, 05:05 PM
the spurs game is in 2 hours
stern has to make a decesion before tip off
and are they not suppose to list their rosters 1 half and 1/2 before tip off!

04-16-2007, 05:05 PM
He knows whatever he does, someone is going to be upset. If Crawford wasn't so guilty here it'd be easy for him. He might as well flip a coin... the "image" of his NBA is getting hurt no matter what he does and he hates that.

04-16-2007, 05:09 PM
the spurs game is in 2 hours
stern has to make a decesion before tip off
and are they not suppose to list their rosters 1 half and 1/2 before tip off!

Unfortunately he does not. We all WANT him to do it b/c if he ends up waiting and THEN suspending TD it is going to hurt a lot more in the playoffs than it would in the last two meaningless regular season games.

04-16-2007, 05:13 PM
stern has to rule before spurs play they always have in the past

04-16-2007, 05:15 PM
would it be possible for Him to mandate the suspension to be for a regular season game thus causing the suspension to be served next year? Only if he does not do something soon?

04-16-2007, 05:15 PM
stern has to rule before spurs play they always have in the past

On a suspension only? Can a fine come later?

04-16-2007, 05:16 PM
stern has to rule before spurs play they always have in the past

All Stern has to say is that the situation was serious enough to warrant more investigation and thus the penalties were delayed until the investigation was complete.

04-16-2007, 05:17 PM
I actually think that the deliberation going into this might suggest that the Commish is seriously investigating the situation. If Crawford's behavior is punishable, that might be enough to limit Timmy's punishment to some degree. And I think that until the league has some idea about what, if anything, to do with Crawford, we won't know much about Tim.

04-16-2007, 05:20 PM
since stern called tp I wonder if he called cuban or wait he does not sit on the bench with the guys he sits in the stands to cause problems in the stands

04-16-2007, 05:21 PM
Duncan isn't getting suspended for any playoff games. No way Stern wants to stand in that shit storm.

04-16-2007, 05:22 PM
any updates? Im still amazed he was ejected for laughing. How many players complain about calls from bench? this sets a bad presedent for the future. I can agree with the first tech, but even that probably justly argued by TD. The foul was there, but it sure was a tacky call. The tech on the arguement was justified, but other players had been doing the same prior the call with no techs being called. The call on the bench for laughing just sends a horrible message to players and fans. The only justifiable 2nd tech would be if TD was calling out to Crawford about others calls, which he wasnt. This bieng said, I have no defence for Joey. the repramends will be little to none on joey and its sad to say that/


04-16-2007, 05:23 PM
Is it possible that since we know Duncan will not play tonight, they want to annouce a suspension before a game he might have played in?

04-16-2007, 05:24 PM
does stern even know if duncan is going to play

tp does but not stern!

04-16-2007, 05:25 PM
any updates? Im still amazed he was ejected for laughing. How many players complain about calls from bench? this sets a bad presedent for the future. I can agree with the first tech, but even that probably justly argued by TD. The foul was there, but it sure was a tacky call. The tech on the arguement was justified, but other players had been doing the same prior the call with no techs being called. The call on the bench for laughing just sends a horrible message to players and fans. The only justifiable 2nd tech would be if TD was calling out to Crawford about others calls, which he wasnt. This bieng said, I have no defence for Joey. the repramends will be little to none on joey and its sad to say that/


Yoda must be upset, he is speaking like an American instead of:

Updates, are there any? Amazed am that ejected he was for laughing ...

04-16-2007, 05:28 PM
Answer me you must


04-16-2007, 05:29 PM
I actually think that the deliberation going into this might suggest that the Commish is seriously investigating the situation. If Crawford's behavior is punishable, that might be enough to limit Timmy's punishment to some degree. And I think that until the league has some idea about what, if anything, to do with Crawford, we won't know much about Tim.

I agree, but I think the the difficulty is determining what all Duncan had said to get the 1st technical and what exactly he said after being ejected. Obviously, he only was laughing to get the ejection. Everyone seems to have heard what Crawford was saying.

I found it interesting that the league would call a teammate (TP) to ask what he saw/heard in regards to Duncan. I would hope that Parker wouldn't give Duncan up even if he had said/done something inappropriate.

04-16-2007, 05:29 PM
htf can a retard judge someone who is above GOD....

tim duncan > god >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anybody else.

Kori Ellis
04-16-2007, 05:35 PM
I think they would only have to decided something today if Tim were going to get suspended. Otherwise, they can probably take as long as they want.

04-16-2007, 06:03 PM
I think they would only have to decided something today if Tim were going to get suspended. Otherwise, they can probably take as long as they want.
I agree. Why do people think Tim would get suspended? I see nothing that would cause that. Players get ejected all the time and don't get suspended. He will get a fine for what he said.

04-16-2007, 06:05 PM
What's a game suspension cost Tim? $200K?

50 cent
04-16-2007, 06:07 PM
I think they would only have to decided something today if Tim were going to get suspended. Otherwise, they can probably take as long as they want.
Yeah, I don't think Tim is going to get suspended, just fined.

If Stern gives Timmy less than $25,000 fine, then the NBA will basically be admitting that Duncan was right.

This is a tough one for Stern. He doesn't want to allow a player to question the refs in the media, but this was so obvious that his hands are a little tied.

Because of that, he has to be pissed off at Crawford.

04-16-2007, 06:26 PM
Yeah, I don't think Tim is going to get suspended, just fined.

If Stern gives Timmy less than $25,000 fine, then the NBA will basically be admitting that Duncan was right.

This is a tough one for Stern. He doesn't want to allow a player to question the refs in the media, but this was so obvious that his hands are a little tied.

Because of that, he has to be pissed off at Crawford.

I agree. I mean if you are going to make a point don't pick a guy who has been trouble free his whole career. A guy who has never acted this way. I am sure stern and the rest of the officials are all saying, wow something must have happened for Tim to act this way. Hence the deep investigation.

04-16-2007, 06:28 PM
I agree. I mean if you are going to make a point don't pick a guy who has been trouble free his whole career. A guy who has never acted this way. I am sure stern and the rest of the officials are all saying, wow something must have happened for Tim to act this way. Hence the deep investigation.
True ; plus, Tim is too smart to get a 2nd T in such an important game

04-16-2007, 08:13 PM
It takes time for Crawford's bank account to be checked to see if a large amount has been recently been deposited.

04-16-2007, 08:16 PM
lol@ Yoda

Funny he is. :)

04-16-2007, 08:21 PM
I heard today that Crawford has been in and out of anger management counseling for years. So that makes it easier to believe Duncan's assertion that he challenged him to fight. I am thinking that the league is really trying to find out if Crawford said that to Timmy. If they find out he did, i am sure Crawford is going to be punished pretty harshly. Duncan did not get in any physical altercation there is no way Stern can justify suspending him for any playoff games. This is a guy who's record is damn near flawless around league.