View Full Version : Article: Tim's timbre falls flat as monotone

Voice of Truth
04-20-2007, 04:07 AM
Tim's timbre falls flat as monotone
By Mark Kiszla
Denver Post Staff Columnist
Article Last Updated: 04/20/2007 01:54:53 AM MDT

Which is a tougher task: defeating the San Antonio Spurs in a first-round series or getting Tim Duncan to show some emotion - any emotion? (NBAE, Getty / Chris Birck)Does Mr. Robot Face ever crack?

There's no face like it in the NBA.

Tim Duncan wears a mask devoid of emotion. Is there any superstar athlete in America more technically brilliant, sterilely detached and downright boring?

The San Antonio Spurs have all the personality of their marquee player.

Which is to say: None.

"He plays with no face," Nuggets forward Nene said Thursday, wiping a hand in front of his mug and erasing all trace of human expression, doing his best imitation of the inscrutable, unflappable Duncan.

Underneath the basket, Duncan is as solid as a statue, cooler than marble, with a heart of stone.

"Yeah," Nene said. "There's no anger, no frustration, no anything. He plays like a robot. He has the robot face."

Duncan is Mr. Robot Face.

Can the Nuggets get him to crack?

Or will Duncan, whose uniform number should rightfully be R2-D2 rather than 21, systematically bland the Nuggets to death?

While dispassionately producing 21.8 points, 11.9 rebounds and 6.2 yawns per game for a decade, nobody has put the NBA in a sleeper hold the way Duncan can. He has elevated boring to an art form.

"We have a team that thinks we can beat them," said coach George Karl, whose Nuggets open a best-of-seven series in San Antonio on Sunday. His reasons for optimism are as undeniable as a Carmelo Anthony drive to the rim and as sublime as the crossover dribble of Allen Iverson.

Denver, however, has not yet earned the right to be taken seriously as a championship contender. Three straight trips to the playoffs have ended with a thud. Try as the Nuggets might to talk a good game, this series does not truly begin until they get a reaction out of Duncan.

Denver must coax a little frustration from Mr. Robot's face, make Duncan sweat. The Nuggets must prove that at age 30, Duncan is fallible, maybe even almost human.

He has been called the Big Fundamental for the most laudable of reasons. But there is very little about Duncan that is fun.

Although truly admirable for putting his art above the bombast that defines so many sports heroes of the 21st century, is there anybody else out there who agrees that Duncan's art most closely resembles ballet? Puts me to sleep before intermission every time.

"I'm a big fan of Tim Duncan outside the court. But on the court, I don't know who he is," said Nene, a 24-year-old power forward who gladly steals every move and attribute he can from basketball's dullest leading man, named the league's MVP in 2002 and 2003.

"You never know what is going on inside Tim Duncan's head. Whether he misses a shot or makes it, you don't know what he is thinking. He is very smart," Nene said.

Although the Spurs play basketball the right way, they are about as tasty as the right things to eat. Tell the truth, nobody wants to see them in the NBA Finals. Not you. Not me. Certainly not ABC-TV.

While the excellence of Duncan remains as reliable as his bank shot and Gregg Popovich might be the most underrated basketball coach on the planet, if you talk to the Nuggets privately, they look at Bruce Bowen, Michael Finley and Robert Horry, all old enough to have fought at the Alamo, and wonder if all those proud veterans in San Antonio's black uniforms might be showing the gray of vulnerability.

Let Duncan play catch and shoot on the low block, while intimidating the referees with his Marvin the Paranoid Android act, and the Nuggets might as well not show up.

Denver, however, is not scared.

"I've never been intimidated by nobody," Nene said.

So the Nuggets could start by irritating Mr. Robot Face. Ask Duncan to show them his Olympic bronze medal. Whisper the name of referee Joey Crawford in his ear. Anything.

Duncan tries to stare through you with impenetrable eyes for a reason.

Underneath that tough exterior, Mr. Robot Face is soft.

Staff writer Mark Kiszla can be reached at 303-954-1053 or [email protected].

04-20-2007, 04:11 AM
What a whack article.

04-20-2007, 04:19 AM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

Kiszla is on a roll. It's funny how he tries to hide his insecurities through trash-talking. And in his naive world, he probably thinks he can 'help' Denver 'irritate' Timmy with this first-grade article...Sadly, I don't even think Tim would read this.

04-20-2007, 04:22 AM

i thought the seattle journalism was bad during that one series but I am quickly reminded of how journalism from Denver is the LOWEST OF THE LOW.

too funny

04-20-2007, 04:26 AM
The beauty of that article almost made me shed a tear...the eloquence...the brilliance...ah that type of smack talk brings back fond memories of playing basketball in elementary school.

04-20-2007, 04:27 AM
i thought the article was good, until he called Duncan soft.

Fernando TD21
04-20-2007, 04:55 AM
Crappy article, Duncan is probably smarter (and even funnier) than the whole Kiszla family together. Tim actually has a great personality, it's funny how idiot people thinks that being quiet and not all emotive isn't actually a kind of personality. He is just a "reserved" person.
And I don't know how talking shit about the Spurs will help Denver. :rolleyes

04-20-2007, 05:24 AM
It's really a disgusting article. That's the only word I have for it, disgusting.

Although truly admirable for putting his art above the bombast that defines so many sports heroes of the 21st century, is there anybody else out there who agrees that Duncan's art most closely resembles ballet? Puts me to sleep before intermission every time.

One sentence the guy is complimenting Duncan for being substance rather than hype, but he trashes him for it in every other sentence. I hate what's become of the media, I really do. Basically he hates Duncan because he doesn't scream after every dunk, he doesn't do a dance after a blocked shot, he doesn't make stupid rap albums or movies. He doesn't get into trouble off the court or have all these children outside of marriage.

Everything people criticize athletes for, Duncan doesn't do.

And he gets shit on for being too boring. It's like an athlete can't win with the media. No matter what you do, YOU. CAN'T. WIN.

04-20-2007, 05:42 AM
So the Nuggets could start by irritating Mr. Robot Face. Ask Duncan to show them his Olympic bronze medal. Whisper the name of referee Joey Crawford in his ear. Anything.


Well, it is good to see other teams' writers giving kudos to Duncan while not branding him as a whiner and/or reminding him of a Crawford backlash.

Cheers! :toast

04-20-2007, 06:00 AM
So first he's a whiner, now he not emotional. surely whining is some kind of emotion....hello denver media. make up your mind

04-20-2007, 06:41 AM
I hope the Spurs face some better journalists in the second round.

04-20-2007, 06:49 AM
Mr. Robot Face?

Sounds like something a second grade student would write.

04-20-2007, 06:57 AM
is this the same guy who wrote the whiner article? i kind of laughed at that one but this is downright pathetic...he needs to stop now, let the nuggets speak for him if he's a nuggets fan, he's not even dissing duncan with this article, it's terrible

04-20-2007, 07:05 AM
What a great article! Wow...I forgot how much personality of a team determines a championship. I didn't realize that if you don't show a lot of emotion, you can't put the ball in the basket or rebound or play defense.

Man...are my eyes open now!

:lmao :lmao


04-20-2007, 07:38 AM
The fact that Duncan dunks on you then runs the other way without fist pumping or staring you down makes him more of a badass in my opinion...

Do you stare down a 3rd grader when you dunk over him on a 7 foot rim?

I kind of feel like thats how he makes opposing players feel when he does that to him...

04-20-2007, 07:47 AM
stupid is what stupid does

04-20-2007, 07:48 AM
I hope the Spurs face some better journalists in the second round.

:tu :lol

Man, I forgot how bad they were. Hopefully this series will be over pretty quick....my 10 & 11 year olds come up with better insults than that.


04-20-2007, 08:10 AM
:rolleyes Speaking of boring...Again with this topic? Can writers not come up with something else to write about? :sleep

Extra Stout
04-20-2007, 08:16 AM
Meh... same crap as 2005.

I'm learning that the days of having a sports columnist like Peter Gammons in the Boston Globe are over. Most of them now are monkeys flinging poo.

Cry Havoc
04-20-2007, 08:44 AM
Heh. Duncan's game is so faultless that you can't insult it, so journalists have to resort to criticizing his personality. It's the only thing they know how to do.

04-20-2007, 08:59 AM
feels like 2005 again. lol

04-20-2007, 09:06 AM
haha. klisza picks on tim's personality and simmons criticizes manu's bald spot (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/070418&sportCat=nba)

what's next? :lol

04-20-2007, 09:10 AM
Ask Duncan to show them his Olympic bronze medal.
I thought this was funny.

04-20-2007, 09:14 AM

04-20-2007, 09:31 AM
And here I thought that the Denver columnists would improve after Woody Paige bolted for ESPN...

04-20-2007, 09:36 AM
Wow, another Pulitzer prize winning article from Denver. :sleep

Tim also has no criminal record, hasn't been involved in any night-club shootings, etc. How boring.


04-20-2007, 09:41 AM
They're trying to do to Duncan, what they tried to do to Manu in 2005. Trying to use crap phychology and mind games to get an upper hand. I believe this author also wrote another column yesterday calling Duncan a cry-baby?

Someone should tell Denver...and Coach Karl as I am sure he is behind this, that maybe if they concentrated this much on their game instead of mindless tactics, they wouldn't be perennial 1st round exits year after year. Rely on your talent to get you through, not physchology. This is basketball. :rolleyes

04-20-2007, 09:44 AM
They're trying to do to Duncan, what they tried to do to Manu in 2005. Trying to use crap phychology and mind games to get an upper hand. I believe this author also wrote another column yesterday calling Duncan a cry-baby?

Someone should tell Denver...and Coach Karl as I am sure he is behind this, that maybe if they concentrated this much on their game instead of mindless tactics, they wouldn't be perennial 1st round exits year after year. Rely on your talent to get you through, not physchology. This is basketball. :rolleyes

Let Timmy bore them to death with double-doubles and triple-doubles. :fro

04-20-2007, 09:44 AM
Someone should tell Denver...and Coach Karl as I am sure he is behind this, that maybe if they concentrated this much on their game instead of mindless tactics, they wouldn't be perennial 1st round exits year after year.

Is this the first Playoff sports column you've ever read?

04-20-2007, 09:59 AM
I think it's funny that George Karl actually talks about mind games. Any psychological advantage that may be gained by them is erased when you show the other team your hand and actually talk about present or past mind games (like he did in regards to Manu). I'm sure Karl is behind this stuff and it makes him look amateurish imo.

04-20-2007, 10:05 AM
George Karl is now playing to Manu's soft side... (well to see if he has one)

Before he called Manu a bitch...

Now its like he is politely asking Manu not to kill them...

04-20-2007, 10:15 AM
He makes a lot of good points.

04-20-2007, 10:26 AM
They're trying to do to Duncan, what they tried to do to Manu in 2005. Trying to use crap phychology and mind games to get an upper hand. I believe this author also wrote another column yesterday calling Duncan a cry-baby?

Someone should tell Denver...and Coach Karl as I am sure he is behind this, that maybe if they concentrated this much on their game instead of mindless tactics, they wouldn't be perennial 1st round exits year after year. Rely on your talent to get you through, not physchology. This is basketball. :rolleyes

He knows Duncan graduated with a degree in psychology, right? Good luck with that. :lol

04-20-2007, 10:38 AM
I think it's funny that George Karl actually talks about mind games. Any psychological advantage that may be gained by them is erased when you show the other team your hand and actually talk about present or past mind games (like he did in regards to Manu). I'm sure Karl is behind this stuff and it makes him look amateurish imo.

LOL! Karl is not behind anything Kiszla writes. Karl was just trying to get a better whistile in '05 against the Spurs. God knows we needed all the help we could get.

Again Kiszla is a POS. He's just trying to stir up shit. After the series is over he'll go back to writting similar articles talking shit about the Nuggets and every other Denver franchise. He'll write anything to get a rise out of people.

04-20-2007, 10:41 AM
It'll just make it more fun to end their season and see what they write after that.

04-20-2007, 10:43 AM
Maybe he should remind readers of how exciting Carmelo was when he bitch slapped one of the Knicks, and backpeddled down the court to get away.

04-20-2007, 10:58 AM
My response to him:

What would you like to see out of “Mr. Robot Face”? (which is one of the most original names I’ve ever heard) What if he slapped someone like a girl and ran the other way, is that the emotion you’re looking for? Why is your media market awful during the playoffs? I have never read so much smack talk from pathetic group newspaper writers as you guys in Denver. I thought you were going to get better after Paige left. Sounds like the same song and dance from ’05. I’m looking forward to your article about flopping or Manu’s hair after we pop you in the mouth on Sunday.



04-20-2007, 10:59 AM

i thought the seattle journalism was bad during that one series but I am quickly reminded of how journalism from Denver is the LOWEST OF THE LOW.

too funny

No dallas aka south oklahoma is the worst. It is one thing for the media of a lower tier team to write that. But for one of the elite teams of the leagues media to write crap like that is just ridiculous.

04-20-2007, 11:04 AM
I can already tell you exactly how this series will go.

Denver will come out hot in Game 1, jump out to an early lead and then get run down in the 4th quarter and lose a close one. Look for a big FT attempt advantage for the *purs courtesy a guy like Bernie Fryer or Bob Delaney.

Game 2 *purs will blow them out.

Game 3 the Nugs get at home in a close one.

Game 4 becomes the key game, it is a battle but the *purs get the stops they need in the 4th qtr and 1 of the 3 of AI, Marshmellow or Forehead get tossed for arguing calls. *purs win.

Game 5, Nugs roll over and die. *purs in a blowout.

*purs 4-1.

04-20-2007, 11:08 AM
lets hope they back it up, cose they be on the recieving end

04-20-2007, 11:18 AM






04-20-2007, 11:22 AM
I lived in Denver for a number of years. Here's the thing about Kizsla (and others in the Denver sports media): they've been beaten down by playoff failure for so long, their only hope is to beat down champions. They did it to the Marlins (when they won the World Series before the Rockies), then to all the NFL teams that won Super Bowls before the Broncos.

Don't sweat 'em, their bravado is cover for their fear of failure.

04-20-2007, 11:23 AM
What a lazy piece of crap this article is. He just recycled every Duncan cliché from 1999-2003. The Denver Post actually pays him for this unimaginative, uninspired, simplistic, and untruthful nonsense?

04-20-2007, 11:25 AM

I just wish Spurs crash Nuggets in 4 ...
Timmy is the most emotional guy out there on the court...............

this article makes me mad


Cry Havoc
04-20-2007, 11:26 AM
Denver will come out hot in Game 1, jump out to an early lead and then get run down in the 4th quarter and lose a close one. Look for a big FT attempt advantage for the *purs courtesy a guy like Bernie Fryer or Bob Delaney.

Game 2 *purs will blow them out.

Game 3 the Nugs get at home in a close one.

Game 4 becomes the key game, it is a battle but the *purs get the stops they need in the 4th qtr and 1 of the 3 of AI, Marshmellow or Forehead get tossed for arguing calls. *purs win.

Game 5, Nugs roll over and die. *purs in a blowout.

*purs 4-1.

Actually I think the Spurs will dominate the first two quarters of game 1, going up by 14, after which the Nuggets will have a terrific 3rd quarter where shot after shot falls.

With about 7 minutes to play in the 4th, the Spurs lead is down to 4, but they put the clamps on and win by 12.

Cry Havoc
04-20-2007, 11:28 AM
What a lazy piece of crap this article is. He just recycled every Duncan cliché from 1999-2003. The Denver Post actually pays him for this unimaginative, uninspired, simplistic, and untruthful nonsense?

I'd like to see you do a few sports columns, shoog.

How'd you get the surtitle "Hedo Layup Drill" from Kori? :lol

04-20-2007, 11:29 AM
The writer is just trying to talk shit to get his name out there and to get under everyone skin (which is working by the way) :dramaquee

04-20-2007, 11:40 AM
He's currently working on the article

"Bruce Bowen is too old and can't play defense"

04-20-2007, 11:43 AM
What a lazy piece of crap this article is. He just recycled every Duncan cliché from 1999-2003.

That's what I was thinking. Very weird article. Besides, doesn't he know the proper word is "T-bot"? :)

04-20-2007, 11:56 AM
Wow. Another "Duncan is boring" article. The playoffs must be here.

Ed Helicopter Jones
04-20-2007, 11:56 AM
This guy should be a Mavs troll on this forum. He'd fit right in with his spewing of worthless crap.

Denver used to be a championship town.

04-20-2007, 01:16 PM

That's the best he could do? I remained puzzled for most of the article about precisely what the point was. . .

So Duncan is an amazing player who bores you by having a game face (though in interviews and other forums, he's proven himself to have quite a wry sense of humor and personality). You can't say anything else? Nothing else to criticize, so you go for boredom.

Gotta admit, I'd rather have a boring player who doesn't grab headlines for his poor sportsmanship (under normal circumstances, lol), his latest arrest/conviction, his drug or alcohol abuse, his disasterous family life or his multiple baby mommas. The fact that the player comes with superstardom and an elite NBA career complete with 3 Finals MVPs is simply icing on the cake.

Too bad Denver is stuck with AI and Melo. I see where the resentment behind every line of the article comes from.

04-20-2007, 01:32 PM
How'd you get the surtitle "Hedo Layup Drill" from Kori? :lolI think it's because nobody was happier than me when Hidayet used to make one of his unstoppable forays to the basket.

04-20-2007, 01:45 PM
Ugh...bad thing about playing the Nuggets again is reading their crap articles from their crappy writers yet again.

04-20-2007, 02:08 PM
Tim's timbre falls flat as monotone
By Mark Kiszla
Denver Post Staff Columnist
Article Last Updated: 04/20/2007 01:54:53 AM MDT

Which is a tougher task: defeating the San Antonio Spurs in a first-round series or getting Tim Duncan to show some emotion - any emotion? (NBAE, Getty / Chris Birck)Does Mr. Robot Face ever crack?

There's no face like it in the NBA.

Tim Duncan wears a mask devoid of emotion. Is there any superstar athlete in America more technically brilliant, sterilely detached and downright boring?

The San Antonio Spurs have all the personality of their marquee player.

Which is to say: None.

"He plays with no face," Nuggets forward Nene said Thursday, wiping a hand in front of his mug and erasing all trace of human expression, doing his best imitation of the inscrutable, unflappable Duncan.

Underneath the basket, Duncan is as solid as a statue, cooler than marble, with a heart of stone.

"Yeah," Nene said. "There's no anger, no frustration, no anything. He plays like a robot. He has the robot face."

Duncan is Mr. Robot Face.

Can the Nuggets get him to crack?

Or will Duncan, whose uniform number should rightfully be R2-D2 rather than 21, systematically bland the Nuggets to death?

While dispassionately producing 21.8 points, 11.9 rebounds and 6.2 yawns per game for a decade, nobody has put the NBA in a sleeper hold the way Duncan can. He has elevated boring to an art form.

"We have a team that thinks we can beat them," said coach George Karl, whose Nuggets open a best-of-seven series in San Antonio on Sunday. His reasons for optimism are as undeniable as a Carmelo Anthony drive to the rim and as sublime as the crossover dribble of Allen Iverson.

Denver, however, has not yet earned the right to be taken seriously as a championship contender. Three straight trips to the playoffs have ended with a thud. Try as the Nuggets might to talk a good game, this series does not truly begin until they get a reaction out of Duncan.

Denver must coax a little frustration from Mr. Robot's face, make Duncan sweat. The Nuggets must prove that at age 30, Duncan is fallible, maybe even almost human.

He has been called the Big Fundamental for the most laudable of reasons. But there is very little about Duncan that is fun.

Although truly admirable for putting his art above the bombast that defines so many sports heroes of the 21st century, is there anybody else out there who agrees that Duncan's art most closely resembles ballet? Puts me to sleep before intermission every time.

"I'm a big fan of Tim Duncan outside the court. But on the court, I don't know who he is," said Nene, a 24-year-old power forward who gladly steals every move and attribute he can from basketball's dullest leading man, named the league's MVP in 2002 and 2003.

"You never know what is going on inside Tim Duncan's head. Whether he misses a shot or makes it, you don't know what he is thinking. He is very smart," Nene said.

Although the Spurs play basketball the right way, they are about as tasty as the right things to eat. Tell the truth, nobody wants to see them in the NBA Finals. Not you. Not me. Certainly not ABC-TV.

While the excellence of Duncan remains as reliable as his bank shot and Gregg Popovich might be the most underrated basketball coach on the planet, if you talk to the Nuggets privately, they look at Bruce Bowen, Michael Finley and Robert Horry, all old enough to have fought at the Alamo, and wonder if all those proud veterans in San Antonio's black uniforms might be showing the gray of vulnerability.

Let Duncan play catch and shoot on the low block, while intimidating the referees with his Marvin the Paranoid Android act, and the Nuggets might as well not show up.

Denver, however, is not scared.

"I've never been intimidated by nobody," Nene said.

So the Nuggets could start by irritating Mr. Robot Face. Ask Duncan to show them his Olympic bronze medal. Whisper the name of referee Joey Crawford in his ear. Anything.

Duncan tries to stare through you with impenetrable eyes for a reason.

Underneath that tough exterior, Mr. Robot Face is soft.

Staff writer Mark Kiszla can be reached at 303-954-1053 or [email protected].

The worst part of this article is that the Spurs haven't played boring ball in years. The emergence of Manu and Parker have made us a multi-dimensional team that will half-court and run 'n gun with anyone.

We're not the slow, plodding half-court team anymore...aside from what our defense does to the other team. :)

Cry Havoc
04-20-2007, 02:49 PM
I think it's because nobody was happier than me when Hidayet used to make one of his unstoppable forays to the basket.

Bwah hah hah. Hilarious. =P I think we have Hedo reincarnated in the form of Barry. Just when you think he'll just shoot 3s, he makes a crazy deft move and leaves your mouth hanging open.

04-20-2007, 05:20 PM
Why do people call it an article?

04-20-2007, 05:47 PM
It's really a disgusting article. That's the only word I have for it, disgusting.

Although truly admirable for putting his art above the bombast that defines so many sports heroes of the 21st century, is there anybody else out there who agrees that Duncan's art most closely resembles ballet? Puts me to sleep before intermission every time.

One sentence the guy is complimenting Duncan for being substance rather than hype, but he trashes him for it in every other sentence. I hate what's become of the media, I really do. Basically he hates Duncan because he doesn't scream after every dunk, he doesn't do a dance after a blocked shot, he doesn't make stupid rap albums or movies. He doesn't get into trouble off the court or have all these children outside of marriage.

Everything people criticize athletes for, Duncan doesn't do.

And he gets shit on for being too boring. It's like an athlete can't win with the media. No matter what you do, YOU. CAN'T. WIN.

I totally agree and it is a real problem in sports today. You want to tell kids to act like Tim Duncan because he does everything the right way. Yet it is hard to convince them of that when guys who are always doing the wrong things are getting the most coverage by the media.

Ed Helicopter Jones
04-20-2007, 05:52 PM
What's timbre?

04-20-2007, 06:01 PM
I totally agree and it is a real problem in sports today. You want to tell kids to act like Tim Duncan because he does everything the right way. Yet it is hard to convince them of that when guys who are always doing the wrong things are getting the most coverage by the media.

I'd spank the crap out of my kids if they acted like Tim Duncan. Timmy is always begging for a spanking.

Cara De Dedão
04-20-2007, 06:02 PM
What's timbre?


04-20-2007, 06:38 PM
I'd spank the crap out of my kids if they acted like Tim Duncan. Timmy is always begging for a spanking.

He'll be dishing out the spankings come Sunday!!

04-20-2007, 07:44 PM
I'd spank the crap out of my kids if they acted like Tim Duncan. Timmy is always begging for a spanking.Fantasy of yours?

04-20-2007, 07:56 PM
Fantasy of yours?

Thanks. I was trying really, really hard to leave that one alone. :cooldevil

04-20-2007, 08:24 PM
what a boring article.

if Kleiza has no interesting to say except to target the 3-time finals MVP with this nonsense article he shld think of switching to cover wrestling where you can see the players' emotions on & off the arena. He's not cut for the NBA.

04-20-2007, 08:35 PM
What's timbre?

It's what lumberjack's yell out when a tree is falling.

04-20-2007, 08:52 PM
Except it's pronounced "Tam-BERRRRRR". The musical metaphors are as flawed as the logic.

How long before someone from Denver refers to a Spur as "Poopy Head"?

Spurs Dynasty 21
04-20-2007, 08:53 PM
These articles are great, I can't to see what he writes when the Spurs are rolling over the Nuggets

04-20-2007, 08:55 PM
These articles are great, I can't to see what he writes when the Spurs are rolling over the Nuggets
I'll tell you exactly: There will be a call for someone on the Nuggets to man up and knock someone to the floor. "Not with the intent to injure" will be in the article in at least one place. Book it. Denver's proven twice in past playoff series against the Spurs that they have zero class.

04-20-2007, 09:03 PM
There will be plenty of emotion on Tim's face after the Spurs beat the crap out of the sideshow known as the Nuggets and move on. The writer is just another hack trying to gin up some fire into a team full of misfit toys.

04-20-2007, 09:31 PM
No, no, give credit where credit is due, if writing for amoebas, one must....write as an amoeba.
On the evolutionary ladder of basketball, Kiszla and his little colony must grow beyond their DNA handicaps, now. :lol
They get to play against the Spurs, and learn as much as they can so that by 4 or 5 years from now they get to be 3rd, or even 2nd seed :p:

Extra Stout
04-20-2007, 09:56 PM
I'll tell you exactly: There will be a call for someone on the Nuggets to man up and knock someone to the floor. "Not with the intent to injure" will be in the article in at least one place. Book it. Denver's proven twice in past playoff series against the Spurs that they have zero class.
Yeah, I remember the Denver media's act. Call for the Nugs to knock Tony and Manu down. Whine about flopping/officiating/the Spurs' "whining." Bring up Joey Crawford several times. Lament how the "boring" Spurs hurt the NBA with their perennial deep playoff runs. Cross the line into xenophobia about the Spurs' international players. Make a snide remark about Pop's complexion.

At the end, go postal on George Karl for his barely-.500 team's failing to knock off one of the league's enduring powers. Question AI's and Melo's collective manhood.

That's the Denver media.

04-20-2007, 10:42 PM
The fact that most people think Duncan is "boring" shows how little attention they have bothered to pay to him, and how vastly more intelligent he is than them. Duncan can be funny as hell, and when he's not being funny he rarely says anything without some meaning to it. He is smart, sardonic and ironic, qualities that obviously fly over the heads of his idiot detractors.

The journalist also calls Duncan's game, and the Spurs in general, boring. He obviously doesn't appreciate good basketball fundamentals like the drop-step or making the extra pass.

Kiszla, you are a spineless, gormless sell-out and a tribute to all that is bottom-feeding. :jack :ihit

04-20-2007, 11:44 PM
I wish I got paid for writing like that.

04-21-2007, 03:36 AM

"Karl looked at his personnel this season and saw the basis of a solid defensive unit. Camby was the league leader in blocked shots this season, giving the team a presence in the middle despite his rail-thin frame. Power forward Nenê is Karl's muscle man in the paint. Greg Buckner and Yakhouba Diawara are defensive role players"

OMG!!! The dire state of journalism

Actually, Monroe was decent in when he was with the Post, now he's dull.

BTW. I didn't realize San Antonio had such a small town mentality.

04-21-2007, 04:15 AM
Are small towns more likely to notice the lack of class in the Denver basketball fans?

04-21-2007, 05:02 AM
:lmao at one of Bernie Lincicome's trolls talking about small town mentality.

04-21-2007, 05:17 AM
I am eagerly awaiting this "writer's" analysis on the Nuggets upcoming fishing trip.

04-21-2007, 09:15 AM
These articles are great, I can't to see what he writes when the Spurs are rolling over the Nuggets

We'll get to see articles like "But..but...but....DUNCAN'S BORING! :cry :cry :cry :cry "

At least it's good for a laugh. :lol