View Full Version : So how to we get two Nuggets ejected?

04-26-2007, 07:43 AM
It would make the game so much easier if we could have two of their best players ejected from the game.

I was getting pretty buzzed during the Mavs/Warriors game, but I couldn't figure out what Barron Davis did to get tossed. Jackson too.

04-26-2007, 07:47 AM
F you.

Don't try to come up with ways to ruin a perfectly good, competitive series.

04-26-2007, 07:56 AM
Apparently a few hard fouls from a ringless hand will get the opponent angry enough to get ejected.

04-26-2007, 07:57 AM
but I couldn't figure out what Barron Davis did to get tossed. Jackson too.

His team was slipping away, he didn't want to play anymore, so he baited and showed the ref up until he got tossed. He had one tech already and got awfully lippy when he obviously hacked Jerry Stackhouse. If he had kept his mouth shut, it would've been a good foul to send Stack to the line to earn it. But Mr. Glass didn't want to play anymore so he decided to get tossed. If you can read lips, you'll see Nellie saying "Don't do that."

The Warriors got their first taste of playoff-intensity basketball and they totally lost their shit. They play undisciplined Rucker League basketball, and they'll get lucky a few times chucking up crap, but they can't handle their shit when the intensity gets dialed up a notch. They have the better backcourt, their athleticism causes us problems, but our experience and maturity is going to win out. Dallas in 6.

04-26-2007, 08:33 AM
I can't believe Spurs fans are defending those whiny pricks...Davis and Jackson got what they deserved last night...

04-26-2007, 08:44 AM
Davis didn't deserve the first tech - it should have gone to Barnes ... he was trying to stop a fight, and if he hadn't, I bet Harris's weak ass would be in stitches.

Fuck - even my girlfriend, who's a Mavs fan, agreed with me on that one.

04-26-2007, 08:53 AM
he was trying to stop a fight, and if he hadn't, I bet Harris's weak ass would be in stitches.

YEA! Baron would've showed him!! :ihit

04-26-2007, 08:57 AM
YEA! Baron would've showed him!! :ihit

and then it's suspension time!

and of course it would be that "little flopping faggot flopping bitch boy flopping asshole bitch crying flopping faggot bitch" Devin Harris' fault for baiting Baron into a fight.

04-26-2007, 08:58 AM
man we got screwed last nite.

I'll say Jackson is a fool and I don't really care about his ejection, but

Baron most definitely should not have been ejected. this techs were very very similar to Duncan's techs when he got ejected. :(

04-26-2007, 09:00 AM
F you.

Don't try to come up with ways to ruin a perfectly good, competitive series.
Um, yeah...I think he was being sarcastic.

04-26-2007, 09:01 AM
Um, yeah...I think he was being sarcastic.

04-26-2007, 09:02 AM


04-26-2007, 09:03 AM

Are you sure you're not Mav Fan in disguise, because you're bringing less to this discussion than even most of them.

04-26-2007, 09:12 AM

04-26-2007, 09:23 AM
man we got screwed last nite.

I'll say Jackson is a fool and I don't really care about his ejection, but

Baron most definitely should not have been ejected. this techs were very very similar to Duncan's techs when he got ejected. :(

I know what you mean. Wasn't he just standing there, clapping, when he got his 2nd T? Good thing he didn't laugh.

04-26-2007, 09:25 AM
man, these biased refs make my head spin

04-26-2007, 09:26 AM
I know what you mean. Wasn't he just standing there, clapping, when he got his 2nd T? Good thing he didn't laugh.

maybe what he was doing for 10 minutes before standing there clapping had something to do with the 2nd T....ever heard the expression "the straw that broke the camel's back"?

04-26-2007, 09:28 AM
He was standing there clapping....the ref came over and told him and told the coach that "he had better stop clapping"

what happens when you don't listen to authority? well...things happen....

he's just an vintage immature, baron davis....

why is it so hard to respect the refs? they aren't busboys

04-26-2007, 09:28 AM
and then it's suspension time!

and of course it would be that "little flopping faggot flopping bitch boy flopping asshole bitch crying flopping faggot bitch" Devin Harris' fault for baiting Baron into a fight.
Last I checked, Baron was holding back Barnes and another Warrior from slapping Harris ... Maybe you guys should watch your games more closely?

04-26-2007, 09:29 AM
Last I checked, Baron was holding back Barnes and another Warrior from slapping Harris ... Maybe you guys should watch your games more closely?

too bad words come from his mouth not from his hands....still doesn't excuse his mockery of the ref

04-26-2007, 09:33 AM
But it's ok when Mavs mock the Warriors, eh? Or whine, kick, throw bikes, and cuss at them?

04-26-2007, 09:33 AM
Last I checked, Baron was holding back Barnes and another Warrior from slapping Harris ... Maybe you guys should watch your games more closely?

that little pussy Barnes wasn't gonna do shit, he was gonna talk his bullshit and then go to the bench and pull out a mirror to check out how awesome his hairdo was. Baron was part of the problem, Jackson was the only one trying to play peacemaker, and he was the only one that got screwed by getting a T.

and for the record, Diop would have beaten the shit out of any of those pussies...

04-26-2007, 09:39 AM
It doesn't matter who would have beat whom up. The point is that Davis should not have received the first technical, and therefore the remainder of his (admittedly rattled and juvenile) behavior would not have mattered because he was not facing ejection.

Did he mock the refs? Yeah, a little. Would I have thrown him out? Probably not. Can I see why he was thrown out? Yeah, in a vacuum. But in the context of the game, with multiple Mavs whining/crying/making sarcastic gestures/yelling at the officials with no warnings or techs, it is dumb to toss Davis.

04-26-2007, 09:41 AM
I've heard that S.Jackson may even be suspended for a game because he didn't leave the court in a timely manner.

04-26-2007, 09:42 AM
It doesn't matter who would have beat whom up. The point is that Davis should not have received the first technical, and therefore the remainder of his (admittedly rattled and juvenile) behavior would not have mattered because he was not facing ejection.

Did he mock the refs? Yeah, a little. Would I have thrown him out? Probably not. Can I see why he was thrown out? Yeah, in a vacuum. But in the context of the game, with multiple Mavs whining/crying/making sarcastic gestures/yelling at the officials with no warnings or techs, it is dumb to toss Davis.

I thought Davis' first tech was questionable but not completely unwarranted.

Jackson's 1st tech was completely unwarranted and total BS tho, it should have gone to Barnes.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-26-2007, 09:46 AM
It would make the game so much easier if we could have two of their best players ejected from the game.

I was getting pretty buzzed during the Mavs/Warriors game, but I couldn't figure out what Barron Davis did to get tossed. Jackson too.

Make it a must-win game for SA. Bennett Salvatore will show up.

04-26-2007, 09:49 AM
I've heard that S.Jackson may even be suspended for a game because he didn't leave the court in a timely manner.

I doubt they'll go that far. I hope they won't go that far. The last thing I want is to hear more excuses about how the Mavs were handed a win.

04-26-2007, 09:50 AM
I've heard that S.Jackson may even be suspended for a game because he didn't leave the court in a timely manner.

He didn't. And his behavior was pretty bad. He's been around long enough to know he simply should have shut his mouth and walked off the court, but instead he stood there for a really long time (beyond the time it was taking to clear out Mavs fans from his path) and if my lip reading skills aren't too rusty, said some stuff a lot worse than calling a ref a piece of shit. I would be quite surprised if he was not suspended. He certainly will be fined.

Both Davis and SJax, as professionals, should have shut their mouths and used the unfair Ts as motivation to push on and take back the lead (though I don't think it would have mattered, given the piss poor and biased officiating that existed in that second half) instead of getting pissy and throwing temper tantrums that justified second techs that will stand under review. They are to blame for their behavior, regardless of how unfair their first tech was.

However, that is speaking individually about them. Again, I feel strongly that when you put this back into the overall context of the game and the way the calls were going, I'm not surprised they reacted the way they did. I felt that way at home as someone with no stake in this series (wouldn't mind the Mavs losing, also wouldn't mind beating them in a rematch).

04-26-2007, 09:57 AM
Yeah, I called everyone to find out what exactly Jackson did to get the first tech, I didn't even see clearly what happened for the second one actually.

I did think that Baron clearly swiped Terry after the foul was called, as did Barnes, and I thot Barnes was the one who got into it with Terry... And then Harris got into it with Davis? Was that what they were sayin? I was all confused. Tho Davis did scream "BS" plenty of times too... so that may be what lead to the T. I really cant even tell ya. I thot Terry rushed at Davis after the swipe, I didn't see either of them backdown until teammates came to split them up... Didn't see what happened with Harris at all.

However, unwarranted the FIRST techs were, as the leader of the team you should know how to keep your composure. Then after you were warned, along with your coach - you chose to continue? So... I could see why a ref would get peev'd. I don't know if I woulda went as far as to eject Davis, but Jackson clearly didn't stop running his mouth. I don't know who he was talkin to tho.

With that said - I still dont know what he did to get the 2nd T. I thot he was jabbin' with his teammates or even someone in the audience... but after he got the T, the time it took him to exit the court alone will prolly get him a fine, the fact that he was lookin right at the ref screamin "YOU A BITCH" repeatedly.... might make it larger... TNT with the HD graphics... couldn't stay away from him!!

04-26-2007, 10:47 AM
Clapping and laughing at the ref! Reminds me of Timmy laughing on the bench. You can bet this ref won't be suspended.

04-26-2007, 10:49 AM
Clapping and laughing at the ref! Reminds me of Timmy laughing on the bench. You can bet this ref won't be suspended.

No way, it does? That comparison hasn't been used by anyone ever, until right now.

04-26-2007, 11:31 AM
Only the Mavs have the authority to get players on opposing teams ejected for laughing and clapping. Spurs don't have that same authority.

04-26-2007, 11:36 AM
Davis fouled Terry well after the whistle. Barnes also took a swipe at the ball in imitation, but Davis actually stepped into his way and smacked Terry across the chest while taking his swipe. It was pretty much the exact same foul Jackson had just been called for--except that when Jackson did it, he was legitimately breaking up a fast break. The fact that Baron's came so clearly after the whistle made it an automatic technical.

After that, the refs showed restraint in calling double technicals on one other member of each team. They could have legitimately put double technicals on half of each team for pushing in but they just gave one to the most egregious 'intruder' on each side.

Davis' second technical came after the referee told his coach that he needed to cool it, and his coach relayed that to him and he kept doing it. He left the ref no other option.

So, if you can just get AI and Anthony to behave dumber than a couple of bricks--you can get your ejections.

04-26-2007, 11:39 AM
Only the Mavs have the authority to get players on opposing teams ejected for laughing and clapping. Spurs don't have that same authority.

Yeah, Spurs can just get refs fired.

04-26-2007, 11:39 AM
Baron could beat anyone on the Mavs ass, no one wants to fuck with a Compton kid

04-26-2007, 11:45 AM
Baron could beat anyone on the Mavs ass, no one wants to fuck with a Compton kid

Except a giant African. Don't sleep on him just cuz of his docile natire, Diop can get gangsta and fuck a dude up, that dude is strong as hell. Same with Mbenga. And what's Baron gonna do when Terry bashes him in the nuts? :lol

04-26-2007, 11:50 AM
Except a giant African. Don't sleep on him just cuz of his docile natire, Diop can get gangsta and fuck a dude up, that dude is strong as hell. Same with Mbenga. And what's Baron gonna do when Terry bashes him in the nuts? :lol
Call the Game to do a drive by, kid is gangsta with gangsta connects

04-26-2007, 11:56 AM
Call the Game to do a drive by, kid is gangsta with gangsta connects

yeah well the mavs have connections to Puff Daddy so we can....um....i dunno make a buch of shitty rap songs.....dammit :depressed

04-26-2007, 11:58 AM
yeah well the mavs have connections to Puff Daddy so we can....um....i dunno make a buch of shitty rap songs.....dammit :depressed
:lol At least he could give Cubes dance lessons.
I cant believe all of the bitching today. Both of our teams won, that should be enough I would think to keep the bitching at a minimum

04-26-2007, 11:59 AM
Hmm...Diop got a technical also.......funny how he wasn't taken out of the game....oh wait, BECAUSE HE KEEPS HIS MOUTH SHUT AND DOESN'T MOCK A REF

04-26-2007, 12:20 PM
Hmm...Diop got a technical also.......funny how he wasn't taken out of the game....oh wait, BECAUSE HE KEEPS HIS MOUTH SHUT AND DOESN'T MOCK A REF

thats because he doesnt speak englit

04-26-2007, 12:37 PM
Hey, when Dallas runs the "Please eject the other team's best players" play, the Mavs are at their best. The Spurs fell without Duncan, the Warriors succumbed without Jax and Davis.

Avery really should have developed this play a year ago - they'd be shooting for a repeat now.

04-26-2007, 12:42 PM
No one on the Nuggets is that stupid.

04-26-2007, 02:46 PM
Give them the clap!?

04-26-2007, 02:53 PM
thats because he doesnt speak englit

evidently neither do you.

04-26-2007, 02:54 PM
and diop has been in america for quite some time now, he played high school ball in Virginia.

Lady Marmalade
04-26-2007, 02:54 PM
Simple have the players laugh on the bench while looking at the ref

04-26-2007, 03:17 PM
What I don't understand is Mavs players and Avery were acting just as "badly" in the first half when they were struggling...complaing to the refs and exactly the kind of stuff I thought Stern wanted to stop...yet no one of the Mavs got a tech during that period when they reacted to ref calls.

Then all of a sudden in the 2nd half when they miraculously get to the FT line 43 times...43 times! it's all fine?

Cuban has the refs right where he wants them. I really hope the Warriors take it at them in Game 3.

David Bowie
04-26-2007, 03:46 PM
It would make the game so much easier if we could have two of their best players ejected from the game.

I was getting pretty buzzed during the Mavs/Warriors game, but I couldn't figure out what Barron Davis did to get tossed. Jackson too.

eat them with hot sauce :p:

04-26-2007, 03:53 PM
What I don't understand is Mavs players and Avery were acting just as "badly" in the first half when they were struggling...complaing to the refs and exactly the kind of stuff I thought Stern wanted to stop...yet no one of the Mavs got a tech during that period when they reacted to ref calls.

Then all of a sudden in the 2nd half when they miraculously get to the FT line 43 times...43 times! it's all fine?

Cuban has the refs right where he wants them. I really hope the Warriors take it at them in Game 3.

It amazes me how many threads there are on this gay shit. Get over it. Why do the Spurs care so much about the Warriors. Mavs weren't standing there making f'ing faces and clapping like a dumbass. Davis wanted to get tossed... period. He saw the game going down the toilet and wanted the fuck out. I'm tired of this bullshit conspiracy talk. Please give me a valid reason why the refs want the Mavs to win so bad. Mark Cuban, afterall, isn't the most popular guy in the NBA. So tell me. I have never heard so many whinny pussies in my life. Spurs say the mavs whine so much, but you could write a book with some of the shit they come up with.