View Full Version : Jack is lucky he isn't gone for the year.

Marcus Bryant
11-22-2004, 04:20 PM
First off I think Artest's suspension was quite appropriate.

On second thought, Jack lucked out. Big time. I think the two things going for him were that he'd pretty much had an incident free career up until that point and that Artest was the one who took things into the stands to begin with.

Yet, he went into the stands with his fists flying and he absolutely nailed a fan. At least JO'Neal can trot out the lame excuse that the fans were on the court.

You can say that Artest's actions, while inexcusable and worthy of his punishment given his history of lack of self control, are at least understandable as being a heat of the moment kind of thing, an instantaneous reaction to being hit with something (a full cup of beer might feel a little strong when dropped on you from 30 feet). But what is Jack's excuse? He clearly did not go into the seats showing signs of peace. If you watch the entire episode from Artest's original hard foul through to Artest's scramble into the seats it is clear that Jack was looking for a fight.

Upon reconsideration and reflection, I'd say Jack got off easy from the league. Obviously he's going to be a party to a fair amount of litigation over the next year(s), but the league had every reason to send him packing for the rest of the season. Perhaps he got off easy because the league didn't want the Pacers to suck that bad. I don't know.

11-22-2004, 04:21 PM
I think that Artest's pattern of previous bad behavior also contributed to the length of his suspension.

11-22-2004, 04:44 PM
Artest's record undoubtedly had something to do with the length of the suspension. In fact I wholeheartedly agree with Stern for booting him for the year in part because of that record. There has never been a problem child like Artest and such he deserved a never before seen punishment.

And I completely agree that Jack got off light. Not only did he charge in swinging with no provocation, but what I think is just as bad were his actions when this was only an on the court fiasco. When Wallace went after Artest, Ron kept his cool (probably because Wallace could have snapped him in half). It was Jackson who running around like a mad ape trying to pick a fight with anyone in a Pistons jersey. If Jackson hadn't been running his mouth the Pistons might have been able to put their full focus on getting Ben out of there before he threw the towel heard round the world. Jackson is as responsible as Artest in my opinion for how things went down.

11-22-2004, 05:05 PM
Come on now -- he was just adhering to the balla code, wasn't he??

11-22-2004, 05:07 PM
I don't care if he was adhering to the Konami code. I just hope he gets jail time and his butthole winds up adhering to some guy in the shower.

11-22-2004, 06:45 PM
Good posts = I could have easily seen the longest suspension to Jackson and he might be the most likely to be locked up or face a serious civil case (that would be what I would do is sue him for a lot).

I am so glad the Spurs got rid of this head case and/or did not try to bring him back this year - he is a friggin time bomb ala Artest and will become a similar problem long-term.
