View Full Version : Oberto back in europe next year if he is traded to a losing team ?

05-08-2007, 08:34 AM
It's a spanish article, some people here will be able to do a better job than me at translating it.

What I've understood :
- Oberto want to stay with SA next year.
- If he is traded to a bad team, he will decide to come back in europe.
- 2 spanish teams (Pamesa Valencia and Unicaja) are interested in him.
- Unicaja has offered him a €1.5M contract (around $2M).


El Pamesa ofrece a Fabricio Oberto la posibilidad de regresar a la Fonteta
El argentino duda entre los Spurs, el Unicaja o el conjunto valencianoo


El Pamesa trabaja ya para formar la plantilla de la próxima temporada. Manuel Llorente se ha propuesto devolver al equipo a la Euroliga y por eso busca refuerzos de calidad. Quiere a gente capaz de involucrarse, de identificarse con los colores. Por eso tanteó en Atenas al griego Dimos Dikoudis, ofreciéndole la posibilidad de afrontrar una tercera etapa como jugador taronja. Y también por eso ahora ha movido ficha para tratar de repescar a otro de los iconos del pasado reciente del club, el argentino Fabricio Oberto.

El Pamesa ya se ha puesto en contacto con el jugador de los Spurs. La prensa norteamericana especializada especula con la posibilidad de que San Antonio haga un par de movimientos este verano. Johnny Rogers lo sabe, y también es consciente de que en tal caso Oberto tiene muchos números para abandonar la franquicia.

El agente del argentino, como avanzó ayer LAS PROVINCIAS Punto Radio (92.0 FM), ha comunicado al Pamesa que Oberto desea seguir en la NBA. Sin embargo, de verse involucrado en alguna operación que le llevara a un equipo sin aspiraciones optaría por regresar a Europa.

Aun así, Pamesa no sería la única opción. Oberto no olvida que el Unicaja apostó fuerte por él cuando decidió enrolarse en el baloncesto profesional norteamericano. Los malagueños le ofrecían entonces un contrato de 1,5 millones de euros y ya le han notificado que le mantienen la propuesta. Serían otro duro rival para el Pamesa, que de momento espera noticias del otro lado del charco.

Mientras se esboza la plantilla del futuro, el presente no trae buenas vibraciones. Dejan Milojevic se ha confirmado como el jugador más frágil del Pamesa. O, al menos, como el que tiene la peor suerte. Una de dos. El médico, José Antonio Ferrero, pone en juego su prestigio asegurando que en su caso es la segunda posibilidad, mala suerte. Los números, fríos, carentes de argumento, son más crueles que el doctor: el serbio se ha perdido un tercio de la liga regular y tampoco estará en las eliminatorias por el título.

Porque Milojevic no volverá a jugar esta temporada con el Pamesa, aunque alcanzara la final, ya que ha recaído de la fascitis plantar que padece en el pie izquierdo y de la que estaba afectado desde principios de abril. Se someterá a tratamiento durante ocho semanas

05-08-2007, 08:40 AM
This post-season is make or break for Oberto....

05-08-2007, 08:41 AM
Package him, Scola and Beno for Garnett. :smokin

05-08-2007, 09:10 AM
Oberto is making a good case for keeping him this playoffs. I think he may be a Robert Horry type (or Tim Duncan type) -- coasts through the regular season and turns it up in the playoffs.

05-08-2007, 09:14 AM
If Scola is signed, I see no way that the Spurs keep Oberto...league rule against Argentinian quotas. He'll be cut or traded, which will let him go back to Europe.

If Scola doesn't sign, Oberto's back with the team next season...

05-08-2007, 09:53 AM
If the Spurs tell him they plan to trade him, he could just not pick up his option and sign in Europe-- which is what the Spurs probably want him to do anyway.

05-08-2007, 10:11 AM
If Spurs say him that they don't count on him for the 07-08 season and that they will maybe trade him, Oberto will have the choice between :

- Not picking his player option and signing in europe or with another good nba team.

- He can too pick his player option and work on a buyout with Spurs. European teams will give him deadlines to accept their offer. Oberto can give Spurs until these deadlines to try to trade him and if he is still with Spurs or traded to a bad team, Oberto can bought out his contract at the deadline. If european teams offer him $2M/year, a $500K buyout seems logical because it's the difference between his nba salary and his european salary.

- He can pick his player option and refusing a buyout. By doing that he takes the risk to be traded to a bad team and to be stucked with them.

05-08-2007, 11:01 AM
let say Scola isn´t coming to the spurs next season(which i don´t think so)
would you let Oberto go to bring Mahinmi???????????????
Cause I don´t think the spurs will have Duncan,Elson,Butler and Him for the same spot.If they do It would be stupid.
Spurs need a decent PF tham onother mediocre Center.

05-08-2007, 11:32 AM
let say Scola isn´t coming to the spurs next season(which i don´t think so)
would you let Oberto go to bring Mahinmi???????????????
Cause I don´t think the spurs will have Duncan,Elson,Butler and Him for the same spot.If they do It would be stupid.
Spurs need a decent PF tham onother mediocre Center.

First, Mahinmi future in nba is likely at PF.
Second, Mahinmi has nothing to do with Oberto.

A NBA roster has usualy 6 PF/C. 4 of them are rotational players, the 5th is end of the bench/garbage time player and the 6th stay on the inactive list.

If Spurs sign Mahinmi, it will be as 6th PF/C.
If Spurs keep Oberto, it will be as a rotational player or as 5th PF/C.
It's not Mahinmi or Oberto, unless you want to keep Oberto and don't play him a single minute next year.

05-08-2007, 11:56 AM
I hope Scola is worth all this hype.

05-08-2007, 11:56 AM
If he can't get in here next year...get rid of him.

05-27-2007, 09:22 AM

Madrid is too interested in Oberto. They have a lot of money and want a good team for next year because 2008 euroleague final four will happen in Madrid.

With the way Oberto has plaeyd in thes playoffs, it seems less and less likely to see him in europe next year.

05-28-2007, 09:10 AM
another story about Real luring Oberto, but also Jasikevicius (who also has PO, didn't know about that):


A Spanish news outlet had Real Madrid trying to lure both Jasikevicius and Fabrico Oberto from the NBA, perhaps in anticipation of hosting next year's European Final Four. Hey, it worked this year for Panathinaikos, which loaded up for the Final Four in Athens and won the whole shebang.

the whole scenario makes much sense.
Real is a good team, (they won the ULEB cup this year and have qualified for the the Spanish league semi finals) but lack some star power to contend on Euroleague level.
they will need an upgrade at PG and Center, so adding a proven winner (talking Euroleague) like Jasikevicius and a quality center will be what it takes.
Real still is the most successfull Euroleague team (8 titles, 14 finals, historically it was called the European Champions Cup), but their last title is from 1995. like in soccer, for a team like Real this is like a century.
so they will invest a lot to get the win in their hometown and the money will be there.

I tell this to display, why it might be very attrative for Oberto to opt-out this summer and go to Madrid, especially if the Spurs win the NBA title this year.
Oberto played for good teams in Europe (including Tau), but never won the Euroleague. If he wins with the Spurs this year he would have the chance to be the only 2nd player (after Manu), who won Euroleague, NBA and the olympic gold.
but more important: Real will likely offer him a contract that pays him the same per year (or even more) he gets from the Spurs, but likely it will be for 2 or 3 years.
and the other 2 things to think about:
Madrid is a fantastic city. nothing against san antonio (or any city in the states), but to live and play in such a city (for millions of dollars) should be quite attractive for any player.

the other thing might be difficult to understand for non Europeans, so I try to explain:
it REAL Madrid. this is not just a famous team, this is a myth. even if the myth is based on the history of the soccer team, of course also the basketball players are a part of Real. someone who grew up in a soccer crazy country like Argentina (and played most of his career in Spain) does know about the meaning of playing for Real.

so, that's why I wouldn't be surprised, if Oberto opts out this summer and decides to finish his career in Madrid.

05-28-2007, 09:59 AM
Oberto's been our 2nd best big man for much of the playoffs...Be careful what you wish for if you're among those who think he's expendable. He does so many little things that help this team win...things that don't end up on the stat sheet. Think about how many balls he keeps alive off of the glass. Also, I think he's probably the best screen setter on the team. He really helps to get his teammates open looks.

05-28-2007, 10:12 AM
does he wanna get traded to a contender? wtf does he think he is demanding a trade to a contender......trade him to portland for greg odens rights....:D

05-28-2007, 10:21 AM
I like Oberto's focus on boxing out. Talking about intangible i mean...

05-28-2007, 10:23 AM
The boston globe article is just a summary of the spanish article previously posted in this thread.

05-28-2007, 11:49 AM
I don't think there is much time in the next trading period before he has to make his decision. Most opt-outs are by 30 June, and the trade period doesn't start again until season is over for your team and the team that you want to trade with. There were some trades that went down in that period last year, but, other than on draft night, I can't for the life of me remember the last time the Spurs made an actual player trade between the end of the season and 30 June.

05-28-2007, 12:36 PM
You want to send oberto away? OK....but who is going to play next to duncan? ELSON????? WHo can't defend or make a decent high low post play???

05-28-2007, 12:48 PM
I don't want to send Oberto away. I'm just saying he probably won't have a lot of time to make HIS decision.