View Full Version : Holy Irony: Putin Decries U.S. Fascism

05-10-2007, 03:59 PM
Who said Irony was dead?

MOSCOW - Who was President Vladimir Putin talking about when he said the world faces threats to peace like those that led to World War II?

Putin’s statement at a Victory Day parade on Red Square on Wednesday was artfully phrased to be both blunt and vague — but political observers have little doubt he was criticizing the United States for “disrespect for human life, claims to global exclusiveness and dictate, just as it was in the time of the Third Reich.”

While Putin didn’t name any particular country in the speech marking the 1945 defeat of Nazi Germany, the remarks echoed his increasingly strong criticism of the perceived U.S. domination in global affairs.

Political analysts close to the Kremlin say that Putin referred to the United States in his remarks, expressing Russia’s dismay at what it views as U.S. unilateralism in world affairs and disrespect for other countries’ interests.

MSNBC (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11497296)

The Russians have years of experience dealing with Nazi fascism. Perhaps this is why the russians have been hinting lately about the beginning of a new cold war. With western oil money burning in their pockets, the Russians now seem to be lining up sympathizing with America's enemies.

Russia, China, and the greater M.E., including Iraq and Iran, versus the Israel, U.S., Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE...We may yet have our armegetton after all.

Time to use the nukes!


05-11-2007, 12:58 AM
They'll surrender prematurely, of course.

05-14-2007, 12:27 PM
booking my flight to zurich as we speak.

I fucking hate politics and politicians.

05-14-2007, 02:28 PM
booking my flight to zurich as we speak.

I fucking hate politics and politicians.

Then why are you read/posting here?

05-15-2007, 03:21 AM
I'm getting tired of our supposed post-cold war "allies" running their mouths. It's no wonder all these books and movies and video games about World War III feature the U.S. & Europe against China/Russia/M.E. 99% of the time. It's their own fault their economy is in shambles.

06-01-2007, 02:50 PM
Blast from the past...

MOSCOW (AFP) - President Vladimir Putin issued an acerbic warning Friday to the United States, saying the recent test of a new Russian missile was a direct response to US actions and condemning "imperialism" in world affairs.

"Our American partners have quit the ABM Treaty," Putin told reporters after meeting his Greek counterpart, referring to the landmark 1972 US-Soviet treaty limiting the missile defenses of the Cold War superpower foes.

"We warned them then that we would come out with a response to maintain the strategic balance in the world. Yesterday we conducted a test of a new strategic ballistic missile with multiple warheads, and of a new cruise missile, and will continue to improve our resources."

The United States informed Russia in 2001 that it was exercising its option to withdraw unilaterally from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) pact. It has since stepped up controversial plans, fiercely opposed by Russia, to deploy a missile defence shield in eastern Europe.

Putin warned Wednesday that the US missile defense plan would turn Europe into a "powder keg" and he repeated on Thursday previous assertions that the planned deployments would ignite a new Cold War-style arms buildup.

Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070531/pl_afp/russiauspolitics_070531135109)

Excellent news! Defense contractors, start your calculators.

Bob Lanier
06-01-2007, 02:54 PM
Putin is so much like Reagan and Thatcher it's not even funny.

06-01-2007, 03:05 PM
Putin is so much like Reagan and Thatcher it's not even funny.

You're right, Reagan also was involved in a murderous covert spy agency called the Screen Actors Guild.

06-04-2007, 12:42 PM
Russia's one-man democracy:

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has described himself as the world's only "pure" democrat and attacked the United States and Europe, which have criticized him, for falling short of their own ideals.

Asked whether he agreed with former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's description of him as an "impeccable democrat", Putin replied laughing:

"Of course I am an absolute, pure democrat. But you know the problem? It's not even a problem, it's a real tragedy. The thing is that I am the only one, there just aren't any others in the world."

"After the death of Mahatma Gandhi there's nobody to talk to," he concluded, referring to the Indian leader who championed civil rights and non-violent resistance to tyranny.

There you have it. Vladimir Putin = Mahatma Gandhi.


06-04-2007, 02:13 PM
You're right, Reagan also was involved in a murderous covert spy agency called the Screen Actors Guild.


Fucking awesome.

06-04-2007, 02:17 PM
You're right, Reagan also was involved in a murderous covert spy agency called the Screen Actors Guild.
I think you meant to refer to the Film Actors Guild. The Screen Actors Guild is just a front.

06-05-2007, 07:32 AM
Putin is making a stink because he doesn't want to deal with the problems of his own country.

Let us make something clear: Russia was never our ally... not in WW2, not during the 'peace' of the cold war, and not now. The Russian people, and especially the governing body has a lot of pride and long memories, and let us not forget, the people in office are generally still the people who were in office back when Russia was still the USSR... They lost the 'cold war' and are pissed. I can't tell you the number of Russians, even oppressed refugees, that can't stand the idea that they lost the cold war.

This is independent of whether or not I agree with the sentiment.