View Full Version : NBA is at fault for latest brawl!

11-24-2004, 03:49 PM
The NBA and team owners are at fault for the latest brawl because they let every Tom, Dick, and Harry into the league. As long as they have tattos, dunk the ball and can not read, they are welcomed in the league. They let too much "thugs" in the NBA. As long as they average 50 pts a game in highschool, they are welcomed. THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! These "thugs" are not concerned about the game, winning, or other wise, the fans. All these "thugs" are concerned about how many mansions, cars, and cocaine they could buy! Just look at Artest, he wanted a month off to promote his groups cd's. Well, he got it! I bet he's happy about it! Maybe the NBA should have an all "thug" league, where all the "thugs" would be put in this league until they prove that they are worthy of playing in the NBA.